Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 235: Welcome

Chapter 235: Welcome

If they were going to make a return, then they were going to make a big show out of it and ensure that it was a triumphant return.

Not only was Adam aware of the importance of his return, the politicians of the northern congress were naturally aware of this as well, and after receiving word of Adam's intentions, an emergency meeting was held that very same night, organized by the resistance army's second-in-command.

A group of important figures were gathered at the meeting, including adapters, congressmen, and financial supporters of the northern congress.

Part of the footage of the battle royale was being played on the big screen.

With such a massive viewership, it was inevitable that footage of the battle royale had spread to the outside world.

"When did he get this powerful?"

Everyone watching the footage was astonished by the power that Adam had put on display, particularly Shi Feng, who had fought alongside Adam in the past.

"Shi Feng, you've only just been released on bail, this is a perfect opportunity for you to clear your name," the second-in-command said with his perpetually wooden expression. "This footage is extremely important. Prior to this, the southern congress has been able to constantly dominate us with the weight of controversy.

“At this point, the proposal for the Psychic Police has already been passed, yet our proposal for a supervision department still hasn't been addressed. We've been on the back foot this entire time, but now..."

"Can we take advantage of this opportunity to try and get the Psychic Police proposal revoked?"

"No, that wouldn't be beneficial to our cause. Now that the proposal has already been passed, what we need to do is occupy as many spots on the Psychic Police as possible. Ideally, we'll completely keep out all of those bastards from the southern cross. How many media organizations are there that are still on good terms with us?"

"Not many."

"Inform them of this development and get them to publicize the matter as much as possible. We're going to do everything in our power to make this a big deal and triumphantly welcome the return of our framed heroes!"

"Where should we welcome them? Outside Shadow City?"

"No. In the eyes of the citizens of Sandrise City, Shadow City is a putrid, lawless place, so welcoming them outside Shadow City would be detrimental to our image. Instead, we'll just stage our welcome on the outskirts of Sandrise City. Make sure to call up all of the journalists that we can for the occasion."

The second-in-command's lips were moving as he spoke, but the rest of his face remained completely still, and he was truly living up to his nickname of Wax Figure.

"But due to the Mirror Lake Primary School incident, we've fallen behind in the battle for the media. Aside from several media groups that have always been on our side, all of the other neutral media groups have defected over to the southern congress."

"That's not a problem. The majority of the people in the world are still ordinary people, and they form the strongest collective force. Everyone has a sense of justice and moral compass in their hearts, and that sense of justice will drive everyone to search for the truth. All we need to do is provide the truth to them, and there will naturally be many people willing to spread the truth.

“In addition to the media, the internet will also be a major platform through which ordinary people can share and receive information. We just need to give them the dagger, they'll know who to kill." At this point, the footage just so happened to be displaying the scene where Adam was killing Ikkaku, and Wax Figure remarked, "I really like this kid."


While the northern congress was planning its next move, the pawn shop had also received the news.

Red Spider was sitting on May's desk with her legs crossed as she asked, "Have you seen the message that Baldie Lin sent us?"

"I have."

May was the one who had awakened Adam and the first person to have ever seen Adam, so she had witnessed his entire life up to this point.

She knew just how weak Adam had once been. This was something that even the likes of Shi Feng and Shae weren't completely aware of.

In Shi Feng's eyes, Adam had already been quite strong to begin with, and while he knew that Adam had taken a significant stride, only May knew just how unfathomable his progress had been.

"How did he become so powerful?" May asked.

"I'm wondering that myself." Red Spider wasn't an adapter, but she had also witnessed the entire process of Adam's development. "Our pawn shop has had quite a few adapters who have displayed rapid growth, but this is completely unprecedented. Not even the adapters with certain strange psychic inheritances have been able to improve this quickly."

"His rate of development reminds me of someone."


"The lord of Shadow City. I met him several times many years ago, and each time I met him, he was completely different. On top of that, I recall that he's also capable of controlling anomalic power. How strange... That man is completely and utterly deranged. Some people want power, or wealth, or even world domination, but he's the type of person that wants nothing but to watch the world burn. Apparently, there have been some strange incidents taking place all over Sandrise City of late."

"What type of strange incidents?"

"There are deranged people committing homicides."

"Hasn't that always been happening? There are still some psychic mutants from Carlin Asylum that are on the run, aren't there?"

"It's not them. It's a different group of people that isn't under the control of the southern congress. They have no political objectives, and no one knows where they came from. I suspect all of this has something to do with Shadow City, so make sure to be on your guard. Also, Adam doesn't seem to be in a very sound frame of mind at the moment, either, so don't let down your guard around him."

"I know what you mean. That kid really has undergone some type of evolution during his time in Shadow City. It's like he's turned from a moth into a hornet. Having said that, we helped him in his time of need, so no matter what he's become now, I'm sure he wouldn't turn on us."

"I certainly hope so," May replied as she closed her eyes to rest.


After packing up their belongings, Adam and the others left Shadow City using the city's strange railway system.

Adam turned back to take one final look at the chaotic city as he sat in the open-air carriage, and a series of mixed emotions appeared in his eyes.

I hope I can come back here someday. qhetoiqheoiewhtoqewhtewohtewt

At this point, the fake tattoos on his face had already been washed off, restoring him to his original appearance. He was holding the all-important videotape as he turned to Mole before asking, "Do you sense any danger?"

"No, we're all clear at the moment."

"Good. I've been told that we might be swarmed by a lot of people once we reach Sandrise City. Are you guys fans of cameras?"

The three psychic mutants immediately shook their heads in response.

"We hate cameras, and we hate people. Honestly, just sitting in this carriage with all these people makes us feel really uncomfortable. How about we kill everyone so we can be the only ones in this train?"

"Let's not do that," Adam replied with a smile. "These people aren't worth killing. By the way, are your identities legal?"

"They are. We've killed quite a lot of people, but all of that was in the psychic world, so it's outside of Mechguard's jurisdiction. Also, we're not from Sandrise City, and many of the people that we killed were outside Sandrise City," Mole replied. "The three of us are all incredibly smart, so we've made sure to tie up all loose ends. If we don't have legal identities, there are many things that we can't do. They wouldn't even let us into the pet markets!"

"Good. How about you, Diana?"

"It's legal," Diana replied in a concise manner, and Adam didn't doubt her.

From their previous interactions, Adam could tell that King Arthur was a very measured and reliable character, so he wouldn't have done anything excessively illegal.

"Alright, in that case, let's return to the civilized world!"


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