Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 219: Giant Dragon

Chapter 219: Giant Dragon

"That really hurt! It's like being run over by a train!"

Seeing as its vision had been affected, Clown attempted to turn to its other senses to try and get a grasp on its surroundings, only to find that it was unable to hear anything, either, as if cotton had been stuffed into its ears.

Thankfully, the illusions conjured up by technomancer weren't perfect, and Adam was able to retain his sense of touch, allowing him to detect the tremors that were running through the ground beneath his feet. It was as if an enormous tank were rumbling directly toward him.

"You won't get me that easily, Diamond!"

Clown stomped a foot down onto the ground, instantly manifesting a series of clones.

All of the clones briefly rummaged around in their pockets, then pulled out all types of weapons that were used a century ago.

There were flash grenades, smoke bombs, electromagnetic disruption bombs... All types of explosives were hurled at the surrounding area, quickly triggering a string of violent explosions.

"If I can't see anything, then no one should be able to see anything!"

Concealed within the dense smoke that had risen up from the explosions, the dozens of Clown clones each pulled out a gatling gun before firing in all directions without any discretion.

In this form, Adam was in a completely deranged state, and he didn't care whether his teammates were going to be caught in his barrages of wild and reckless attacks. His mind had been entirely taken over by his desire for slaughter and destruction.

The sound of the firing gatling guns was ringing out incessantly, and it was coupled with the howling of the ferocious gusts of wind conjured up by Ikkaku to produce a cacophony of chaotic sounds.

The chaos continued for a minute or two before Adam suddenly regained his vision. The boundless expanse of white nothingness around him had faded, and he found himself back in the basin that was the final zone of the battle royale. Through the dense smoke in the air, he caught sight of the technomancer, whose body had been torn in half by Diana's sharp fangs.

"Good job, Diana!"

The demise of the illusion caster was the reason why Adam had regained his vision.

The technomancer was another example of an adapter with far superior offensive abilities to defensive capabilities. He had already fallen prey to a sneak attack from Adam at the beginning of the battle, and there was a clear plan to target him, so it was no surprise that he had met his demise so quickly.

Adam wasn't the only one who had decided to target him. Having already faced him once in battle, King Arthur also had his eyes on the technomancer from the very beginning. Taking advantage of the chaotic smokescreen created by Clown's explosives, King Arthur and Diana had bombarded the technomancer with their most powerful attacks, and they were finally able to remove him from the picture.

However, this was no cause for celebration for King Arthur and Diana. Right after they vanquished the technomancer, a sense of foreboding suddenly welled up in their hearts.

As a pair of bona fide S tier combatants, both of them possessed powerful telegnosis, and they could sense that they were in grave danger.

It looks like we're being targeted by the enemy as well!

King Arthur immediately adopted a defensive stance in preparation to withstand the enemy assault, but he was caught completely off guard by just how ferocious the retaliation was.

The first wave of enemies to rush out of the smoke was a group of demons from Oni no Miko's Hyakki Yagyou. King Arthur was able to ward off these opponents without too much difficulty, but immediately after them came Diamond, who charged out of the smoke like a glistening wrecking ball. Even though King Arthur was able to dodge Diamond's full-frontal charge, he could only raise his sword to block the punch that Diamond threw his way.

Even though he was able to successfully block the attack, the significant strength gap between the two resulted in an instant shoulder dislocation for King Arthur, and he had to stumble back a few steps before managing to steady himself.

However, that still wasn't the end. Oni no Miko's shikigami struck him on the waist from behind with its massive blade, and at the exact same moment, an arrow shot out of the smoke before striking him squarely on the chest.

These arrows were Oni no Miko's most destructive offensive weapon, and they were able to punch through even Mummy's body with ease.

In terms of pure defensive prowess, King Arthur was inferior to Mummy, and the arrow instantly blew through his chest, destroying his heart in the process.

Diana let loose a thunderous roar of fury upon seeing this, and she immediately swooped down from above to try and save King Arthur, but it was already too late.

Oni no Miko was capable of firing off multiple arrows in quick succession, and even though her shot frequency wasn't as fast as that of an automatic firearm, it certainly wasn't slow, either.

Before Diana had a chance to reach King Arthur, two more arrows had already arrived, piercing through his neck and his head.

King Arthur didn't possess any powerful regenerative abilities, so the wounds inflicted by these three arrows were more than enough to kill him.

Perhaps he could still have been saved by an advanced healing card, but Diamond quickly charged in to dash even that tiny spark of hope.

He wasn't far away from King Arthur, and right as the third arrow pierced through his body, Diamond clapped his hands together violently, completely smashing King Arthur's head like a watermelon.

Blood and intracranial fluids splattered through the air as King Arthur's headless body toppled to the ground.

However, much to the surprise of Oni no Miko and Diamond, Diana didn't vanish in the wake of King Arthur's demise. Instead, she let loose a grief-stricken roar that rumbled throughout the entire basin.

Everyone had always thought that King Arthur possessed invocator abilities, and that Diana was an invoked entity of his, but Adam knew that Diana was actually the main persona.


However, as opposed to the example of Raven, who had hatched a plot to kill off all of Sithu's other personalities, King Arthur and Diana worked together as allies.

In fact, it was Diana's choice for King Arthur to control the body that they shared.

She had always thought of herself as mentally impaired, so she trusted King Arthur more than herself.

Diana wasn't a dragon, she was a psychic mutant, just like Rabbit, Mole, and Armadillo.

However, due to the comforting presence of King Arthur, Diana's mutation had been arrested.

The reason why King Arthur had entered the battle royale was to uncover the secret behind Carlin Asylum to try and completely cure Diana, but now, all of that had been destroyed.

With the demise of King Arthur, all of the hope, comfort, and companionship that had kept Diana sane this entire time had been dashed.

In the instant that King Arthur fell to the ground, Diana's body began to undergo a terrifying process of mutation. The emotions that had been suppressed in her heart during her time spent with King Arthur erupted forth all at once, and all of the joy and comfort that King Arthur had provided her instantly turned to grief and fury.

Her heart was completely devoured by her anomaly, and as a result, Diana was undergoing a rapid transformation.

Her scales became thicker and heavier, while her body became significantly larger and incredibly powerful, and her wingspan had tripled.

Diana inhaled sharply, and King Arthur's psychic body transformed into pure psychic power that was drawn into Diana, causing her body to expand even further.

She had transformed into a terrifying black dragon whose body was capable of obscuring the entire sky.

The giant dragon let loose an enraged yet heartbroken roar as it swooped down upon Diamond with vengeful fury.

What the hell is this? How could his invoked entity have become even more powerful after his death? Did this thing just undergo a mutation?

Diamond was feeling a little uneasy at the sight of the enormous dragon, but he had full confidence in himself and his own defenses.

Thus, in the face of the oncoming dragon, he made no attempt to take evasive measures, throwing a punch in retaliation instead.

So what if it's mutated? These two have always been languishing near the bottom of the S tier, how powerful could it be?


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