Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 194: Impenetrable Defense

Chapter 194: Impenetrable Defense

Oni no Miko pulled out her bow and began to fire arrows at Clown's clones.

A demonic face would appear on the tip of each arrow that she fired, and she was extremely accurate in her archery. Additionally, the arrows possessed immense destructive power, and with the Hyakki Yagyou restricting the movement of Clown's clones, she was able to take out a clone with virtually every single arrow that she fired.

Prior to this, Clown had been able to fight on roughly even footing against the Hyakki Yagyou thanks to its clones. Even though it was at a slight disadvantage, that was only because it had to use some of its clones to hold off Diamond.

However, with Diamond constantly killing clones and Oni no Miko's arrows picking off more clones, the Hyakki Yagyou was beginning to build up some significant momentum.

At the moment, all Adam could do was constantly replenish his army of clones at the expense of his psychic power, but he knew that once his psychic power was exhausted, his resistance would instantly be toppled like a house of cards.

"Why're you suddenly so quiet? You were running your mouth quite a bit earlier!"

Diamond was loudly taunting Clown while killing off its clones as an act of vengeance for his brother.

Not only had Adam defeated Iron Man, he had completely crushed Iron Man's confidence by beating him at his own game. As a result of the psychological trauma incurred from such a devastating defeat, Iron Man was but a mere shadow of his former self.

Diamond couldn't crush Adam in the same fashion that Adam had defeated Iron Man, but it was very much necessary for him to taunt Adam as the battle wore on.

Not only was he going to defeat Adam, he was going to instill some confidence into his brother, who was watching from outside.

"You're not that strong! You're just a paper tiger!" Diamond sprang up into the air before crushing another clone with his enormous body weight. "I heard that you really like to hide your true power. Do you do that so you can smurf in the lower tier matches? What else have you got up your sleeve? If you don't show me now, you won't get a chance anymore!"

As Diamond was speaking, he rushed toward another one of Clown's clones, but right as he was about to attack, a sense of peril suddenly welled up in his heart, and he raised his head just in time to see an energy cannon blast hurtling directly toward his face.

He reflexively raised his arms to defend himself, but the energy blast packed a massive punch, sending him flying back several meters despite his enormous weight before exploding.

"What the hell was that?"

The explosion from the energy blast wasn't able to injure Diamond, but the attack had caught him completely off guard.

He was already aware of all of the offensive tools that Clown had at its disposal. Even though it was virtually a walking arsenal, the majority of its weapons were antiques from a century ago. They did pack some decent firepower, but they definitely couldn't compare with modern weapons such as energy cannons.

Hence, that last attack definitely hadn't been unleashed by Clown.

While Diamond was still befuddled by the situation, the sound of mechanical assembling rang out in the distance, and an enormous mecha suddenly appeared.

"The four mecha brothers? Aren't you guys only A tier combatants? Trash like you should know your place and stay out of battles that'll get you killed!"

"We'll see about that!"

The four mecha brothers weren't backing down even a single inch. Even though the mecha had sustained a lot of damage, due to its massive stature, most of the damage that it had sustained during the battle against the anomalies had been inflicted upon its lower body.

As a result, their mobility was severely hampered, but their capacity for firepower output was still largely unaffected.

They had been backed into a corner with no other choice but to work with Adam and his team, so they were going all-out and making one final stand.

Despite Diamond's hot-headed nature, he didn't immediately rush into battle against the four mecha brothers. He had a vendetta against Adam, but no bad blood existed between him and the four mecha brothers. Most importantly, it was best to make as few enemies as possible in the battle royale.

Hence, after a brief moment of contemplation, he asked, "Are you here just to try and get your hands some resources, or are you here to help Lean Mean Killing Machine? If you're here to help him, then I suggest you take a look at the situation that he's in. Right now, his fate is already sealed! Even though he's still struggling, it's only a matter of time before he falls here. After he dies, all of his teammates and allies will also be killed! You still have a chance to turn back now. Otherwise, you'll be sending yourselves to an early grave!"

"Shut the hell up! What we choose to do is none of your business!" The modules on one of the giant mecha's arms quickly reformed themselves into a laser cannon. "I heard that normal attacks are unable to break through your defenses, but what about this ultra-high heat laser? "

As soon as the mecha's voice trailed off, a laser beam instantly shot out of the front of its arm before striking Diamond on the chest.

The laser began to burn Diamond's skin, and for the first time, it seemed that his defenses weren't completely impenetrable, after all.

In the real world, the melting point of diamond was close to 4,000°C, while a laser could easily exceed 10,000°C.

However, in the psychic world, Diamond's body was enhanced by his psychic power, so his physical resistance and heat resistance were both far superior to actual diamond.

As for the power of the mecha's laser, that had a direct correlation with the power of the four mecha brothers.

Due to the enormous disparity in power between the two sides, even though the four mecha brothers had chosen the right weapon to use, they were still unable to make a significant impact.

"Very impressive! I'm finally starting to feel a little pain now!" Diamond grinned as he gritted his teeth through the pain and looked down at the blinding light radiating from his chest. "Seeing as the four of you have a death wish, I'd be happy to grant your wish and send you on your way!"

With that, Diamond charged directly through the laser beam, launching himself at the giant mecha like a wrecking ball.

"Crouch down!"

The four mecha brothers were well aware of just how powerful Diamond was, and the giant mecha hurriedly crossed its arms to defend itself against the attack.

A resounding collision rang out, and despite the significant size disparity between the two sides, it was the giant mecha that was sent flying back.

The entire mecha tumbled back several meters, gouging a deep trench into the ground before finally managing to stabilize itself.

As soon as the mecha regained its footing, it immediately continued to burn Diamond with the laser cannon on its right arm, while forming an electric saw on its left arm to slice against Diamond's neck.

The blade of the electric saw produced a deafening, high-pitched noise as it screeched against Diamond's neck, and sparks were flying in all directions, but Diamond remained completely unmoved.

"I hope you didn't actually think that these pathetic little toys would be enough to kill me!"

Diamond threw a punch into the giant mecha's left arm as he spoke, punching straight through the mecha's wrist to send the electric saw flying away.

The blinding sparks produced by the electric saw faded, yet Diamond had only just recovered his vision when he was greeted by the sight of a terrifying face.

"If those little toys aren't going to work on you, then how about this?"

A sharp screen rang out as waves of petrifying energy erupted through the air.

Only in this instant did Diamond realize who he was being attacked by.

"Medusa, you..."

Before he had a chance to say anything, the skin on the entirety of his face began to turn to stone, making it impossible for him to speak.

Even Diamond couldn't remain completely impervious to a petrifying attack from Medusa at such close range.

1. 7,232°F

2. 18,032°F


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