Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 135: One After Another

Chapter 135: One After Another

Is this a trap being set by an anomaly or something else?

Adam quickly inspected his surroundings to find that he was in a place similar to a wine cellar or the underground warehouse of a factory.

There were a series of identical rooms in this place, and Adam's trio had just emerged from one of those rooms.

They had arrived in the corridor, where they were greeted by the sight of around a dozen identical doors.

The cries for help were coming from one of the rooms, and after a moment of contemplation, Adam made his way over to that room. The door of this room was locked, and the person inside seemed to have heard the footsteps ringing out outside as her cries for help immediately became louder and more desperate.

"Is there someone there? Can you hear me?"

"Who are you?" Adam asked.

"Me? I'm just a normal person. I just got off work and was on my way back home, and after that... I don't remember anything. I don't remember how I ended up here."

After hearing the woman's response, Adam twisted open the lock on the door before entering the room.

Inside was a woman in a set of professional attire. She was quite tall and slender with decently good looks, and she appeared to be around 26 to 27 years of age.

The Green Gang had told Adam that there was a very good chance that the subject was a demented serial killer who had fled to Shadow City to avoid retribution for his crimes, and seeing this woman now, it seemed that this information was accurate.

With that in mind, Adam slowly approached the woman, but she immediately erupted into terrified screams.

"Were you the one who abducted me? Why are you dressed up like a mummy? Are you a psycho?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy." The woman was only a manifestation of this psychic world, so Adam didn't make much of an effort to try and comfort her. "Stop screaming! Something's happening!"

As the woman continued to scream, the entire underground area began to tremble, and all of a sudden, something crashed through the ceiling before putting an end to the woman's life with a tentacle.

"What an annoying woman with her annoying screams..."

The monstrous creature that had just crashed through the ceiling seemed to have an intense distaste for women, and after killing the woman in the room, it turned to Adam, who was also looking right back at it.

This was a mutated hunter that resembled an alien, and judging from the black smoke emanating from its body, it was also an anomaly.

Adam immediately seized the initiative, lashing out with his carving knife, and the anomaly raised an arm to protect itself before sending Adam flying with a sweep of its tail.

Adam crashed through the wall with a loud thump, having come off decidedly second-best in the wake of that initial clash.

How can there possibly be so many anomalies in a single person's body?

Two anomalies in a single host was already a completely unprecedented situation for Adam, but now, a third one had appeared, and it was even more powerful than the previous two.

All of a sudden, a rumbling voice rang out from above.

"Who has interrupted our meal?"


Accompanying the voice was a greasy substance that slowly squeezed its way out of the hole in the ceiling, then came crashing down with a loud thump, revealing itself to be yet another extremely portly anomaly.

This was an anomaly dressed in strange attire with a chef's hat on its head. It seemed to be on very friendly terms with the alien-like anomaly, going so far as to throw an arm around its shoulder as if they were a pair of close friends.

"Who are these people?"

"They're intruders! All intruders, witnesses, and whistle-blowers must die!"

The alien-like anomaly rushed at Adam yet again, and the two of them quickly became entangled in a fierce brawl.

On the other side, the chef-like anomaly also entered the fray, opening its massive mouth to tear at Adam's body.

Both of these anomalies were extremely powerful, having already reached the level three standard, and even with Adam's outstanding defenses, he could feel his body beginning to tear. Hence, he immediately warned his companions to keep their distance.

"Stay away! These two are really strong!"

However, his warning came a little too late. At this point, Nie Yiyi had already entered the fray, and she immediately unleashed a barrage of wind blades. However, despite the incredible cutting power imbued within the blades of wind, the effect that they had after striking the pair of anomalies was very minimal.

The chef anomaly used its flabby rolls to envelop the blades of wind, completely nullifying them with ease.

As for the alien anomaly, it simply allowed the blades of wind to strike its body, but they were barely even able to leave a mark on its armor-plated skin.

Nie Yiyi's attacks were largely ineffective against them, but their retaliation posed a lethal threat to her. The chef anomaly casually swung a hand through the air, and a series of women's faces appeared on its burly arm as it sent Nie Yiyi flying with a single strike. At the same time, a burst of intense resentful energy was injected deep into her body, causing her complexion to pale significantly.

The chef anomaly then set off after Nie Yiyi in hot pursuit, but thankfully, Shae was able to catch her in a timely fashion, then forced back the chef anomaly by blasting a wave of fire out of her mouths, effectively saving Nie Yiyi's life.

All of a sudden, yet another voice rang out from up above.

"Oh no, we've been found out! No, no, no, this is terrible!"

A third anomaly emerged as this panicked voice echoed throughout the room. This anomaly had a human face that was identical to its host's but its face was twisted to the extreme with horror and alarm, seemingly extremely fearful that someone had discovered the crimes that he had committed.

The anomaly was panicking while frantically trying to wipe everything away.

Two of these three anomalies were already confirmed to be level three anomalies, and they were far too formidable for Adam's trio to oppose. Thankfully, the only one that Adam had to deal with was the alien anomaly as the chef anomaly had already been drawn away. At this point, the panicked anomaly still hadn't entered the fray yet, and Adam lashed out with all his might to kick the alien anomaly away, then immediately left the psychic world.

At the same time, Shae also departed from the psychic world with Nie Yiyi in her arms.

Even after the three of them awakened in the real world, they were still panting heavily. The situation that had just unfolded had been quite perilous, but what shocked them the most was the revelation that had just dawned upon them.

Prior to this, they would've never believed that a single person could be harboring so many anomalies.

"What on earth is going on?"

"I'll go ask Uncle Fu about this."

Nie Yiyi rose to her feet, then opened the door of the room as she massaged her throbbing temples.

"How did it go, Big Sister Nie? Is that the person you're looking for?"

"Don't call me big sister, you're older than me." Nie Yiyi made her way over to the tea table as she spoke.

Clan connections formed the basis of the Green Gang, so even though there was a hierarchy established for its members, there was very little sense of distance from person to person. For example, Nie Yiyi was speaking to Uncle Fu as if they were equals, and it didn't seem like a conversation taking place between a subordinate and a superior at all.

"Uncle Fu, is that all of the information that you can provide on the subject? Is there nothing else that you can tell us?"

"What's wrong?"

"The subject is very strange."

"How strange are we talking?"

"Let me put it this way: he's a very strange case even among the mentally ill."

"I'm afraid we don't have any additional information. If you want to know more, get Jiang Senior to interrogate him. He once worked at Shadow Castle, and he was able to dig up all types of information on all types of people during his time there." Uncle Fu turned to Jiang Junior as he instructed, "Hey, get your dad to come see us."

"Yes, Uncle Fu," Jiang Junior replied, and a short while later, he brought someone in from outside.

The man was very ordinary in appearance, and he was wearing a hat while carrying a basic toolbox on his back. After receiving a rough rundown of the situation, he entered the spare room with the toolbox still on his back.

"What do you want to know?" Jiang Senior asked before closing the door.


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