Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 133: Beer Bar

Chapter 133: Beer Bar

With Adam's current wealth of experience, he was able to roughly gauge the power of an emotional anomaly based on the environment of the psychic world that they resided in.

"If there's an anomaly in here, it would have to at least be at the same level as the scarecrow that we encountered the first time we worked together. An anomaly of that caliber is way too dangerous for us to deal with."

"Don't you want to at least give it a try?" Nie Yiyi's competitive nature was coming to the fore once again. "To be honest, I agree with your assessment. I'm always very keen to test myself against powerful opponents, but under normal circumstances, I definitely wouldn't take such a massive risk.

“Anomalies of this caliber are way too powerful, and we have no information on this one. If it's an anomaly that excels in sneak attacks, we could be killed in one hit before we even realize what's happening."

"Indeed. I recall that the nun anomaly was extremely adept in making use of sneak attacks. One of the adapters in the team that tried to treat Li Qi before us was killed. However, I know what you're going to say next." Adam crouched down before placing his hand against the sticky ground to find that the liquid on its surface had a disgusting texture that resembled thick phlegm. "The situation that we're in is about as bad as it gets, and we don't have much time left, so we can't afford to pass up any opportunity."

The battle royale was fast approaching, and perhaps they could've previously been able to secure victory as long as they had some luck on their side, but with the arrival of the Oni Organization, no amount of luck was going to save them.

They were going to have to face Oni no Miko, Oni no Hanzou, and the helpers that this formidable duo had brought with them, and their chances of securing victory were next to zero.

"You are the one who has developed the fast among all of us. I've witnessed your growth firsthand, and if we have hope at all of securing victory, that hope can only lie with you. Sometimes, it's necessary to take risks."

"I understand." Adam had also made up his mind. "This first trip will primarily be for scouting purposes. If we encounter any danger, then we have to get out of here right away. The biggest difference between normal people and adapters is that normal people can't set up psychic barricades, so if we want to leave, we can do so at any time."

Nie Yiyi nodded in response.

After arriving at a decision, the two of them began to conduct a search.

This time, they didn't have Hook as a guide, nor was there anyone on the outside that could sever the connection for them at any moment, so they were very careful and cautious in their approach.

Adam invoked and fused with Mummy, while also releasing Hellhound to observe their surroundings. After searching through the area, they discovered that this didn't seem to be anywhere in Sandrise City. In fact, it didn't even appear to be in the same country.

The nearby buildings appeared quite old and dilapidated, as if they were from several decades ago, and there was also a glaring lack of all types of automatons. The lights of the advertisement signs flashing in the distance made them feel as if they had returned to 2020.

"What is this place?" Adam picked up a flyer that was stuck to the ground. The flyer carried text of two different languages. Aside from the generic language, there was also a type of very unfamiliar text. "Looks like this is a very remote place."

"That's not important."

Nie Yiyi emerged from the sticky wilderness onto a road.

On the side of the road was a beer bar that was lit inside, and shadows of humanoid figures were being cast against the light.

In addition to the beer bar, there also seemed to be a village in the distance.

"There are people in there."

"Yes, but they're moving around in a very strange and chaotic way. I have the better defenses, so I'll go in and take a look first. You stay out here and prepare to back me up if required."


In this type of psychic environment, neither of them dared to let their guard down. Nie Yiyi drew her blades, while Adam instructed Hellhound to stay outside with her. He then also drew his own weapon, and only then did he dare to approach the beer bar.

The closer he drew to the bear bar, the more he was able to hear the strange sounds ringing out from inside.

Adam slowly pushed the wooden door of the beer bar open with a loud creaking sound, and he was greeted by a peculiar sight.

Inside the beer bar was a bunch of strange-looking emotional aberrations with human faces, large beer bellies, and genitals that were over a meter in length. These aberrations were drinking while urinating and yelling at the top of their lungs in the beer bar.

"What the fuck are you doing? Don't just open the door and not come in! You're letting all the cold air in!"

The aberrations didn't fear Adam at all. Instead, they began to hurl abuse at him for stalling at the entrance of the beer bar.

Adam offered no response, and after a moment of contemplation, he entered the beer bar.

The aberrations paid no heed to him as they continued to drink and urinate, filling the entire beer bar with a foul stench.

Adam didn't say anything as he made his way over to an aberration before carefully observing it. The aberration was rather disgruntled by Adam's intrusive gaze, and it swung a beer mug straight into Adam's head. This was a very heavy blow, packing more power than the average emotional aberration was capable of mustering up.

However, Mummy was a level three anomaly that excelled in defense, so the strike from the beer mug didn't hurt him at all. He retaliated with a punch that struck the aberration in the face, knocking it to the ground while all of the other aberrations cheered in excitement.

The aberration that was knocked to the ground was feeling thoroughly humiliated by the cheers, and it flew into a blind rage as it clambered up from the ground with a furious roar, then picked up a chair before swinging it violently at Adam. Its movements appeared to be very well-rehearsed, as if it were a professional pub fighter.

Does this scene come from the host's memories? It seems that he previously lived in this pub for a long time, and during his stay, he developed a strong sense of resentment toward the rowdy drunkards that frequented the pub.

After assessing the situation, Adam allowed the wooden chair to be swung into his face, then retaliated with his carving knife, slicing the aberration into two.

A loud scream rang out alongside the sound of the wooden chair shattering into pieces, and the brief scuffle drew to a conclusion.

The other aberrations clinked their mugs together and continued to cheer for a while after the aberration's death, then went back to chatting and drinking.

This is a very clear scene in the host's memory, so perhaps I may be able to find him here.

Adam continued searching, and he found that aside from the patrons of the establishment, there was also a bartender at the front of the pub.

The bartender's appearance was different from everyone else's. Aside from a set of enormous genitalia, it also had a massive frog-like mouth, which seemed to reflect the notion of greed.

Adam directed his attention toward the bartender just in time to see a patron of the pub finish their drink, then slip the bartender some money. The bartender flashed him a smile, then took him to the back of the beer bar.

Adam followed them and discovered that there was a recreation room at the back of the beer bar, with chess sets and card tables at the front, and a bed in the back.

After leading the customer into the recreation room, the bartender whistled with his huge frog-like mouth, and a woman emerged from a room even further down the back.

In the instant that Adam caught sight of the woman, he immediately became more alert and cautious. This woman was an anomaly!

In contrast with emotional aberrations outside, the woman had a cloud of black mist that was unique to aberrations drifting around her. Furthermore, her body was more lithe and powerful than the other anomalies, but its appearance was downright nauseating.

The anomaly had the appearance of a middle-aged woman, but her chest and genitalia were frighteningly massive. After the aberration was brought into the room, he was promptly devoured by the anomaly, following which her abdomen began to squirm in a peristaltic motion, and in the end, she spat out some gold.

After devouring the aberration, the anomaly turned to Adam before asking, "Do you wanna have a go as well, handsome? It'll be 100 a pop."

"I'm good."

In his current mummified form, Adam was far from handsome, and even though he was turning down the anomaly's offer, she was already making her way toward him.

It seemed that a battle was unavoidable.


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