Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 123: The Never-ending Cliched Story

Chapter 123: The Never-ending Cliched Story

"Who are you? Where did you come from?"

In contrast with his persona in the real world, which was as timid and cowardly as a turtle, the man's psychic body had a fa?ade of confidence and authority, the type that was only granted to someone by power and influence.

"Who am I? If we had enough time on our hands and you were a patient of mine, perhaps I would answer your questions, but now..."

Adam raised a hand to invoke Nun as he spoke. The more he used this anomaly, the more he came to realize just how useful it was.

The sight of Nun gave the man such a fright that he immediately sprang up out of his chair, as if some type of terrifying memories had been brought to the surface, and he immediately tried to call out for security, but it was already too late.

The scream had only just left his lips when he was already possessed by Nun, and at the same time, Adam had also invoked and fused with Mummy.

Oh, it feels good to be powerful again.

It had been a very long time since he had fought in this form, and he had sorely missed this feeling of wielding a level three anomaly's power at his fingertips.

After fusing with Mummy, Adam didn't immediately leave the room. Instead, he took some time to inspect the document that the man was about to sign.

As it turned, it was a document for an assessment of food safety and quality. After rummaging through the folder for a while, Adam found some more documents that allowed him to learn the man's name and occupation.

The man's name was Samit, and he was an official working at the National Medical Products Administration, primarily overseeing food safety assessments.

Of course, food safety assessment applications had to be signed off by multiple departments, and even in his department alone, three people had to provide their signatures for the document to be effective, so he didn't actually possess a great deal of jurisdictive power.

Adam had only just begun to develop an understanding of the man's official role when a pair of cyborg security guards barreled through the door, then immediately attacked Adam without any hesitation.

One of the security guards had an arm that was charged with electricity, allowing him to use it as a taser, while the other security guard released a net projectile out of his shoulder to try and ensnare Adam.

Unfortunately for them, attacks of this caliber were downright pitiful against a level three anomaly, and Adam tore the net apart with ease before throwing the pair of security guards out of the room.

"Is there something wrong with him?" Adam knew that Nun was able to read some of the dark memories in the hearts of the subjects that she possessed, and this was the exact same ability that she had once used to try and coerce Li Qi into suicide.

"There is..." At this moment, Samit's features were extremely twisted, and his face had taken on a pitch-black hue. "His heart is full of fear..."

"Good!" Adam had spent a great deal of time and effort trying to track down a suitable target, and he would've been very disappointed if the target that he had selected had been unsuitable, after all. "Looks like my hard work is paying off. Trace his fear and find its source!"

Nun closed its eyes and did as it was told, and it instinctively began to slowly make its way forward. First, it strode out of the office in Samit's body, arriving in the office area outside.

Just like most people who constantly worked long hours, many of their colleagues in the psychic world had turned into emotional aberrations.

It was inevitable that some form of conflict would eventually arise between people who spent so much time working together. Adam disposed of these aberrations with ease, then followed Samit to the entrance of a large, independent office before opening the door.

As soon as the door of the office was opened, Adam's nostrils were immediately assaulted by a foul stench, following which a massive aberration that was larger than a bear and as portly as a toad squeezed its way out from inside.

The verb being used here was "squeeze" as it was unable to even fit through the doorframe, only managing to exit the office after bulldozing its way straight through the door and a large section of the wall.

As soon as it emerged, it immediately picked up the possessed Samit before attempting to devour it, but before it had even managed to place Samit into its mouth, Mummy had already appeared directly above it.

With a downward swing of Mummy's carving knife, the aberration's entire body was sliced into two. However, it didn't perish. Instead, it tossed Samit aside before frantically using half of its mouth to devour its own flesh.

As it did so, the two halves of its body began to slowly fuse back together.

This thing is definitely way more powerful than the average emotional aberration. The fact that it was able to survive an all-out attack from me indicates that it most likely already has anomalic power in its body.

Adam didn't want to waste too much time here. This aberration was indeed quite powerful, but it was only around the same level as those sludge aberrations from Peter's psychic world. Thus, with a few more wings of his carving knife, he was able to hack the aberration into pieces, following a cloud of black anomalic power emerged.

"Devour this!"

Anomalic power of this caliber wasn't going to have much of an effect on Mummy anymore, but for the infantile Nun, it was a full-blown feast.

Still controlling Samit's body, Nun began to devour the anomalic power in the air at Adam's behest.

As Samit took a deep breath, the anomalic power entered his body through his nostrils in black streams, following which his muscles began to bulge, and his face became even darker and more terrifying to behold. It was clear that Nun had become more powerful and was on the verge of evolution.

"Is that all of it? Are there no other targets?" Adam wasn't satisfied at all by these meager returns.

Having failed to evolve, Nun was still incredibly weak.

"The source of fear... hasn't been erased... Shivani... Shivani is the root of fear..."

"Take me to her!" Adam was just about to depart from this place when he caught sight of a document on the table in the office, and Shivani's name was displayed on the document.

Adam hurriedly strode over to the table to inspect the document, upon which he discovered that Shivani was a female reporter of Indian descent.

According to the document, she had constantly been investigating Samit under the suspicion that they were accepting bribes in exchange for granting eligibility to foods that didn't satisfy health and safety standards.

Not only was Samit being investigated, a series of other auditors were also being scrutinized, including his superiors.

It was exactly because he feared this woman so much that the document was in such a conspicuous place in his psychic world.

After reading through the document, Adam found that Shivani had already managed to gather some evidence to support her case.

"Looks like she's a very righteous supporter. No wonder he's so afraid of her that's developed mental health problems and fled to Shadow City."

Adam shook his head with a dismayed expression as he set down the document.

Samit had done something extremely deplorable.

There was a food company by the name of Sweet Energy Foodstuff that sold a massive quantity of products every year. The company worked together with smart apartments, allowing the residents of those apartment complexes to instantly receive orders of energy-replenishing food through the Internet of Things.

The products sold by the company were nutritionally abundant, cost-effective, and came in a large variety of different flavors.

They were a very popular option among students and office workers, but there was an additive used that went against regulation as it had been proven to be carcinogenic.

The company had enough money to bribe Samit and the other auditors. This was a cliched story that seemed to always arise in human society, and there seemed to be no end to these stories in sight.

After memorizing Samit's address, Adam wasted no time as he set off with Nun to search for the root of his fear.


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