Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 111: A Mouthful of Sewage

Chapter 111: A Mouthful of Sewage

It's so weak!

During the climbing process, Adam was able to experience just how weak this form was.

He was so weak that he had to climb up this wall, which was only around four meters tall. If he had fused as one with Mummy, then he would've been able to jump straight over a wall of this height with ease.

At the moment, Nun was only an infantile anomaly, while Mummy had already undergone three evolutions, so they were on completely different levels.

It had been a very long time since Adam had last fused with such a weak anomaly, and it was quite a jarring experience, one that he found to be far from enjoyable.

After climbing to the top of the wall, Adam inspected his surroundings to find that this "city" was very small. In fact, it was more appropriate to call it a town, and he quickly spotted his opponent, which wasn't a difficult task, considering how eye-catching the giant hairy bear of a man was amid these ruins.

Adam's original plan was to call his opponent over for a direct battle, but after noticing that his opponent hadn't spotted him yet, he climbed back down from the wall.

He was unsure of how powerful his opponent was, and he was in a very weak form, so it was best to be more cautious.

With that in mind, he slowly approached his opponent while ensuring that he was well concealed the entire time, and finally, he heard the sound of footsteps. He immediately crouched low to the ground, waiting to ambush his opponent when he got close, but things didn't quite go as planned.

"I can smell you!" Black Bear roared from the other side of the wall that Adam was hiding behind, then smashed straight through the wall with a powerful punch. Adam hurriedly dove to the side to take evasive measures, getting out of the way right before the wall came crashing down onto him.

"You don't look very strong at all," Black Bear said with a cocky expression after toppling the wall with his fist. "I've heard that even adapters vary greatly in power. You must be among the weakest adapters out there! Your aptitude as an adapter is wasted on someone like you!"

Aside from the animosity that one combatant would normally feel toward another in a situation like this, Black Bear also seemed to have a personal vendetta against Adam born out of his envy at the fact that Adam was an adapter.

Spurred on his fury, Black Bear let loose a thunderous roar as he leaped up into the air, swinging his fists down toward Adam like a pair of hammers.

If Adam had fused with Mummy, he wouldn't even have had to bother with dodging an attack of this caliber. With Mummy's body of steel, Black Bear would shatter his own arms upon impact.

However, he couldn't afford to do that in his current form. He hurriedly clambered to his feet before rolling to the side to just barely dodge the attack, then struck Black Bear with a punch to the ribs, causing him to stumble back, but the attack wasn't very effective at all.

"This adapter is trash!"

"Is that all he's got?"

The spectators were becoming rather agitated upon seeing this, and in particular, those who had made large bets on Adam were already beginning to loudly denounce Adam for his lackluster display.

"Where did this piece of trash even come from? I've seen footage of adapters in battle on the dark web, and this guy isn't even as strong as the average student adapter!"

"I got all excited for nothing!"

"No wonder he had to come to an arena like this one!"

How is he this weak?

Out of all of the spectators, no one was more depressed than Hailey.

She had thought that Adam was a powerful adapter from the civilized world, one that alter the course of her destiny and make her dreams come true, but this was a far inferior display to what she had expected to see.

"That tickled a bit."

In the psychic world, Black Bear laid a hand over his ribs, where a fist-shaped indentation had appeared. Adam's punch had broken one or two of his ribs, but it wasn't a significant injury at all.

"A punch from you barely does anything to me, but looking at your scrawny frame, a single punch from me would shatter all of your bones!" Black Bear chortled as he rushed directly toward Adam like a rampaging bulldozer, relying purely on brute force without any finesse or technique to speak of.

Having battled so many formidable foes in the past, Black Bear's primitive style of attack was almost laughably clumsy in Adam's eyes.

In the face of this significantly larger and more cumbersome opponent, Adam picked up a lump of earth from the ground in an unhurried manner, then hurled it directly at his opponent's face.

Black Bear reflexively raised a hand to shield his own face, but the lump of earth was severely eroded and had no structural integrity. Thus, it instantly exploded into powder as soon as it crashed into Black Bear's arm, forming a smokescreen that obscured Black Bear's vision, thereby granting Adam an opportunity to attack.

The knees were a very vulnerable part of the human body, and seeing as one's psychic body arose from one's consciousness, the vulnerable parts of one's physical body were generally reflected in their psychic bodies as well.

First, he aimed a vicious kick at Black Bear's kneecap, and while Black Bear was thrown off balance, he grabbed onto his crotch, following which his fingernails suddenly elongated before tearing off a chunk of flesh from his opponent's body.

The excruciating pain instantly drove Black Bear into an enraged frenzy, and he wrapped his arms around Adam's body, trying to snap his spine and constrict him to death.

"How dare you use these dirty tricks on me! I'm going to crush your chest and make you throw up your heart out of your mouth!"

At this moment, Adam was indeed in a great deal of discomfort. Thankfully, his physical constitution wasn't as frail as the spectators thought it was. He had avoided a direct confrontation up to this point as he hadn't yet gauged his opponent's powers, nor was he aware of what he was capable of in this form, so he had chosen to err on the side of caution.

In the past, almost all of the battles that he had endured were large-scale battles of life and death, so he was quite inexperienced when it came to fights like this.

Those past battles had led to the development of a very cautious fighting style, but now that he knew what he was dealing, he was naturally able to switch to a more aggressive approach.

"Is that all you've got? Surely you have some more left in the tank," Adam goaded. He wanted to test the limits of his physical resistance in this form.

Having defeated many anomalies in the past, he had absorbed a great deal of anomalic power. Even though the vast majority of the anomalic power had been absorbed by his invoked entities, his psychic body had been steadily growing stronger as well, and his physical constitution was no longer as frail as it once was.

"In terms of pure strength, you're already close to a mature adapter, but your abilities are too weak."

With Black Bear constricting him with all his might, Adam's face quickly became bright red from asphyxiation, and his spine and ribs were all creaking under the immense pressure.

"My abilities are too weak? What the hell are you talking about?" Black Bear scoffed in a furious voice. "You call yourself an adapter, yet this is all you've got? Where are your abilities? What else can you do aside from throwing rocks and using dirty sneak attacks? Show me your abilities!"

"Alright, if you say so..." After testing out his own physical resistance, Adam knew that it was time to put an end to this game.

Thus, he opened his mouth up wide, and due to the fact that he was fused as one with Nun, his oral cavity was filled with nothing but inky darkness.

His mouth continued to gape open wider and wider, quickly going beyond the physical limits of the human body, expanding all the way to the size of a basin.

In the instant that his mouth opened up to its widest point, a stream of putrid sewage came gushing out, pouring itself all over Black Bear's head.

This Fountain of Contamination was one of the nun anomaly's original abilities.

At the height of its powers, a mouthful of sewage from the nun anomaly was able to contaminate the barrage of wind blades unleashed by Nie Yiyi to instantly nullify the attack.

The sewage attack unleashed by Adam here naturally wasn't that powerful, but similarly, Black Bear couldn't even begin to compare with Nie Yiyi, and as soon as the sewage splattered onto his body, his skin immediately began to peel away from its corrosive properties. At the same time, his strength was also completely sapped as if it had been sucked away by some type of contamination, and he collapsed to the ground in a limp heap.


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