Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 531 119.1 - Guild

Chapter 531 119.1 - Guild

Astron sat on the edge of the bed, letting the softness of the mattress sink under his weight as he leaned back against the pillows. The hotel room was quiet, save for the faint hum of the air conditioning.

After the last few days, the silence was welcome, almost soothing. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind wandering over the events in Shange Town. The mission was done, the report was sent, and now he was back in Riko City with a rare day to himself.

The hotel room was quite fancy. After all, the hotel that he was in was an expensive one. It seemed that when he finished the mission with a good result, he would be rewarded like this. A small desk sat in the corner, a lamp casting a warm, yellow glow over it. His gear was already unpacked and neatly stored away, leaving nothing but time to relax.

As he stared blankly at the ceiling, lost in thought, his smartwatch buzzed on the nightstand beside me. The sudden vibration snapped him out of his reverie, and he reached over to pick it up. The screen lit up with an incoming call.

Astron sat up a little straighter as he answered the call, Reina's familiar voice coming through the speaker. The warmth in her tone was evident, a stark contrast to the often cold and detached demeanor she maintained during missions.

"Astron," Reina greeted, her voice carrying a hint of approval. "I see you've settled in nicely. Enjoying the luxury?"

Astron glanced around the hotel room, taking in the understated elegance of the space. It was a far cry from the bleak and oppressive atmosphere of Shange Town. The soft glow of the lamp, the plushness of the bed, and the quiet hum of the air conditioning were all reminders that he was no longer in the midst of danger.

"Not bad." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Reina's soft chuckle came through the line. "You've earned it, Astron. The organization recognizes talent when it sees it, and you've proven a lot over the last few missions. This is just a small token of appreciation."

"The situation in Shange Town was particularly... delicate," Reina continued, her tone becoming more serious. "But you handled it with the precision and care we've come to expect from you. The higher-ups were impressed. Not many would have managed to bring that case to a close with as little collateral damage as you did."

"Thank you," he said simply, his voice betraying none of the weight he still carried from the mission.

Reina's voice took on a more formal tone, the warmth from earlier replaced by the steely professionalism that Astron had come to expect from her. "Now that you've completed your second mission, we're almost at the end of our agreement. There's only one more mission left, just as we discussed."

Astron's gaze flicked back to the ceiling, his mind already turning over the possibilities of what the final mission could entail.

He had made a deal with Reina not out of a desire for recognition but because he needed time to sort out his own plans and pursue goals that didn't align perfectly with the organization's interests.

"I remember," Astron replied, his voice steady. "This was the arrangement I requested. Three missions in one week, and then the remaining time is mine."

"Indeed," Reina confirmed. "You asked for the freedom to focus on your own objectives, and I agreed on the condition that you complete the three missions we assign to you. But you knew the stakes—each mission would be hard, especially for someone newly promoted to Adept. The higher-ups want to see if you can handle the pressure."

Astron nodded to himself, recalling the conversation they'd had. He knew he was taking on a significant risk with this deal, but he had been confident in his abilities and capacity to see the missions through. The challenges didn't deter him—they were necessary steps toward a greater goal.

"I never make deals that I'm not confident I can fulfill," he said calmly.

"That seems to be the case," Reina acknowledged, her tone indicating that she, too, was confident in his abilities. "Normally, the final mission we had planned for you was going to be significantly harder, something that would truly push you to your limits. But circumstances have changed. The field you were supposed to be sent to encountered an unexpected situation, and the mission was pushed further down the line."

Astron's brow furrowed slightly as he processed her words. This wasn't what he had expected, but he knew better than to question the organization's decisions without cause.

Reina went on, "However, after reviewing your performance in Shange Town, it's clear that the mission you completed there was far more complex and challenging than we initially evaluated. The case's intricacies and the way you handled it—bringing it to a close with such precision—have given me more than enough material to present to the higher-ups. Your work there exceeded expectations."

Astron's expression remained stoic, though a hint of curiosity flickered in his eyes. "So what does that mean for my final mission?"

"It means that your last mission won't be as complex as originally intended," Reina explained. "In fact, it's going to be something you're already quite proficient at."

"And what exactly does that entail?" Astron asked, his voice steady but with a trace of intrigue.

"For your final mission," Reina replied, "you'll be sent to a guild that operates under our organization's purview. Specifically, you'll be taking part in raids on gates as a Hunter Intern. The guild needs additional support for its operations, and your skills are well-suited for this task. It's straightforward, but it will allow you to demonstrate your capabilities in a different setting."

Astron considered her words for a moment.

'I had been expecting something more grueling, but it seems that will not be the case.' A raid on gates as a Hunter Intern? That was within his wheelhouse, something he could handle with relative ease compared to the intricate investigations and supernatural dealings he'd been involved in recently.

'Not bad. I also need to warm up against monsters.' It worked for him on both ends, making it

"Understood," he finally said, his voice calm.

Reina's tone softened further, and there was a hint of approval in her voice. "Good. The guild will be expecting you tomorrow. I'll send the details to your device. Complete this mission, and you'll have fulfilled our agreement. After that, you'll have the time you need to pursue your own objectives."


With that, the line went silent as Reina ended the call, leaving Astron alone in the quiet of his hotel room. He placed the smartwatch back on the nightstand, his mind already shifting to the upcoming mission.

'I guess I should be grateful.'

Whether or not he needed to get ready.

'Though I should train a little bit; my hands are itching.' *******

RUFF! The train hummed steadily beneath me, a low vibration that resonated through the luxurious cabin. I sat at a small, elegantly set table, finishing off the last of the meal that had been served—something far more refined than the usual fare.

Here, everything was designed for comfort: plush seating, soft lighting, and even a bed tucked into the corner.

The train ride to Nexoria City would take seven hours, plenty of time to rest, reflect, and prepare for the next mission. The journey was long, but the luxury of this train made it more of a retreat than a commute.

As I sipped the last of the tea, my mind wandered to the upcoming task. Nexoria City, the second-largest city in the Valerian Federation, was a bustling metropolis. It was also a place I had visited once before with the club.

The memories of that visit were rather filled with action, but I could still recall the towering skyscrapers and the constant buzz of activity that filled the air.

This mission felt different, not because of its difficulty, but because it was a return to a familiar place under very different circumstances.

This time, I wasn't a student on a school trip but a Hunter Intern tasked with supporting guild operations during gate raids.

I set the empty teacup down on the small table beside me, the soft clink of porcelain breaking the otherwise quiet ambiance of the luxurious train cabin. The setting sun cast a warm, golden glow over the interior, creating an almost surreal atmosphere of comfort and calm.

But my thoughts were far from restful.

'Nexoria City... the wilderness, the fields... it makes sense that the guild operates there,' I mused, reaching for my smartwatch. The screen lit up as I navigated to the mission details that had been provided.

As expected, the information was sparse—just enough to give me a framework without delving into unnecessary specifics. The name of the guild was prominently displayed: Vanguard Haven.

It is a mid-ranked guild but well-regarded for its efficiency and the skill of its members. They weren't the biggest or the most prestigious, but they had a solid reputation and were known for handling high-stakes missions with a precision that rivaled top-tier guilds.

However, the real reason for my involvement became clear as I read further.

Mission Brief:

Objective: Support Vanguard Haven in maintaining control over their assigned gates.

Guild Status: Under significant pressure from rival guilds.

Purpose: The guild has been struggling to maintain its position due to increasing competition in the area. Your presence as a Hunter Intern from Arcadia Hunter Academy will not only bolster their operational capacity but also enhance their prestige, providing a strategic advantage in the ongoing territorial disputes.

It wasn't just about lending a hand; my participation was as much a strategic move as it was a test of my capabilities.

In a city like Nexoria, where competition among guilds was fierce, maintaining control over gate rights was a matter of survival. The wilderness surrounding the city was filled with 'Fields'—areas teeming with monsters that hunters could clear without the bureaucratic oversight involved in gate disputes.

But these fields were dangerous. Without the structured environment of a gate, the unpredictability of the monsters, the terrain, and even the rival guilds posed significant risks.

It was a different kind of battlefield, one where politics might take a back seat, but the stakes were just as high, if not higher.

'Fields...' I thought, my fingers tapping idly on the screen. 'No legal rights, no restrictions, just survival and the hunt.'

The brief mentioned that Vanguard Haven was under significant pressure, likely from other guilds aiming to seize control of the lucrative gates and fields around Nexoria.

That was why I was being sent there—not just as a temporary support but as a symbol. Being from Arcadia Hunter Academy gave me a certain status, and my presence was intended to send a message to the guild's rivals.

'Makes sense.' Well, in the end, I just needed to kill a bunch of monsters, and that was it. There was no need to complicate it.

Just like that, the train moved on.


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