Hundreds Years After I Was Called Just Corpse, I’ve Become Strongest Undead When I Woke Up

Chapter 73: The Demon Sword Couldn't Even Pierce Him

Chapter 73: The Demon Sword Couldn't Even Pierce Him

===A Certain Sword Mania===

Hey, Belleaile! What shall we do now?! How did we end up in this kind of situation?! What kind of illusion did he show us this time?! And then that giant a*ss sword just appeared out of nowhere along with the demon sword eater is just too

Illusion can't you see it!

Hah? What are you talking about?!

This isn't an illusion! All we see until now is real! That No Life King never used illusion magic!

The silver-rank adventurers (temporarily) were quarreling amongst themself in front of the No Life King who was crawling out from beneath the titan sword.

Come, demon sword Canibalin!!

But I was ready with the next attack.

The difference between one's ability to switch over to the next move immediately and the one who still got flustered when facing this kind of situation was the line that separated life and death on many occasions.


Canibalin was a ravenous eater that ate anything.

There was a mouth around the tip of the sword's blade which resembled that of a crocodile's jaw. That mouth could grow and bite its prey with its razor sharp teeth.

Its biting force could easily crush a rock to small pieces. [TL: God Eater?]

I aimed Canibalintoward the No Life King's flank.


The fangs could barely pierce his skin at all.

Nevertheless, Canibalin kept biting into the No Life King's body. It was only a matter of time before the latter got eaten up.

Moreover, it has an insatiable appetite. It tore his meat one chunk after another.

And yet, an unbelievable scene unfolded right in front of me.

The place which was torn off just now recovered in the blink of an eye, restoring to normal as if nothing happened.

Such incredible regenerative power!

So this was how he recovered so quickly after getting himself smashed up by a titan sword, huh!



Just when I was pondering what was the matter, I saw the No Life King seize Canibalin's blade and crush it.

And my ravenous eater sword vanished just like that.

Well, it wasn't a big deal since I could resummon it with my mana.

This meant that there was no meaning in trying to deal physical damage.

Come, Demon Sword Transcendence Ice!!

The one I materialized next was a demon sword with a transparent blade.

It sent waves of devastating cold that bit into my skin just by materializing.

Cocytus (Eternal Ice Prison)!

I unleashed the strongest move of this sword as soon as it materiazed.

It was a skill which literally put my opponent into eternal ice that would never melt.

In the next moment, the No Life King's entire body had already frozen.

Moreover, I encased the No Life King's body in a giant five-meter wide lump of ice.

The figure of the No Life King could barely be seen in the transparent lump of ice.

This would be enough to seal his nonsensical regeneration power.

He would be trapped in that suspended world forever



The lump of ice suddenly exploded.

Following that, the figure of the No Life King appeared from amongst the rain of ice chunks as if nothing had happened to him.

Was this no good too?!

Even though such a spectacle almost brought me to despair, I wasted no time and materialized a new demon sword.

Demon Sword Dantalian!

It was a sword with a blood vessel-like pattern on its sword's blade which gathered to the lidless eye.

That eye wasn't a mere ornament.

It was an ego sword like Canibalin. It had the ability to control the other party who saw its eye.

Since I'd proven some time ago that this sword could be used to control even calamity-class monsters, I'd never used this sword again since then, but I was gonna open that seal right now,

Control that guy!

I ordered Dantalian.

Thereupon, the blood vessels on its blade started to pound as if it came alive. The eye then glared at the No Life King.

Although I'd proven that it worked against calamity-class monsters, I wondered what would happen if I used it on disaster-class monster


The next moment, jet-black liquid spurted out from the blade.


Moreover, Dantalian rampaged and then left my hand.

This was the first time I experienced such an abnormal situation.

Could it be that its mind control was ineffective? Or else did its ego break after it failed to control the No Life King?

Although it might rampage and take over someone else's mind if I left it to its own devices, fortunately, we were away from the city.

Moreover, I had no time to deal with every single problem right now. I mean, it would vanish on its own in a while.

Thus, I created another demon sword while pondering about the current situation.

Demon Sword Caim!

I sprung toward the sky as soon as the demon sword materialized in my hand.

It was also the sword that I used to come here a while ago, a flying sword.

I then quickly got on the sword to escape from this place as fast as possible.

In short, I was running with my tail between my legs.

Like hell I can beat that monstrosity!

I didnt think I could beat that monster no matter what kind of demon sword I used on him.

Although I did want an achievement of defeating a disaster-class monster, my life was far more important than that.

But why wasnt he pursuing me at all?

When I looked on the ground below, the figure of the No Life King had already become as small as a speck.

He didnt seem to move at all.

By the way, the figures of those silver-rank adventurers (temporarily) had already gone before I realized.

They might've escaped when I fought the No Life King.

No, to begin with, the No Life King never even went on the offense Could it be that he actually doesn't have anything special aside from his extremely powerful regeneration and abnormal condition resistance?

But I canceled such a wild idea immediately.

There's no way that can be true. He already created a crater with a single punch before I threw the titan sword at him after all He also broke Canibalin with his bare hands so yeah, he could easily killed me if he really wanted

In short, did he simply just spare my life?

Could it be that he wasn't actually a bad undead?

I mean, he even spared those three adventurers. Come to think of it, I'd never heard of him creating any large-scale destruction or mountains of victims in all places in which they confirmed the appearance of the No Life King.

Well, I guess he has nothing to do with me anymore. Let's just go looking for another disaster-class monster.


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