Hundreds Years After I Was Called Just Corpse, I’ve Become Strongest Undead When I Woke Up

Chapter 52: Finally, I Resigned

Chapter 52: Finally, I Resigned

===A Certain Undead With Communication Disorder===

The place where the siblings led me to was the slum district.

Here was their safe haven along with the other children, the place that protected them from the frightening monsters outside.

White Onii-chan, thank you very much for saving us before!

Don't mind it.

I was really surprised back then Can you forgive me for being afraid of you at that time?

Not, big deal.

Thanks goodness! I thought you'd hate us due to that incident!

I will not.

The little sister was having such a conversation with me.

Although she seemed to take a liking to me, my shy nature was truly unforgiving.

But then, I found out that even if the other party was female, as long as they were a kid below a certain age, I could have a proper conversation with them.

Objection wasn't an option.

Big bro, can you tell me where you came from?


That direction, are you referring to Tana Kingdom?

I replied to the youth with a nod.

WOOOW. Does that mean the other kingdom has a lot of strong guys like you?


Yahoo, our communication was going very well.

The place they guided me to was a tattered house.

Nevertheless, it was still one of the better houses in a slum district, and the sibling said it was their home.

The inside of the house was quite small and filled with furniture which looked like they were picked up from somewhere.

White Onii-chan, you're the one who kept defeating the monsters in the city after that, right? Thanks to that it has become much easier for us to look for food.

It seemed they realized what I was doing in secret.

My eyes were swimming due to embarrassment.

The siblings then told me more about what was happening in this city.

The citizens of this city had already taken refuge from this city more than half a month ago due to this strange monster outbreak.

At that time, the only ones who got left behind were the extremely young children in the slum district and the siblings couldn't bear to leave them behind.

But it has become harder and harder to find food. If this incident isn't resolved soon, we'll eventually run out of food

As expected, it seemed I really had to find the reason behind this monster outbreak and resolve it.

D-Don't wo

As I was about to say "-rry, I'll do something about it"

A rather familiar woman entered the house.

What the? So you can talk after all.


It was that female holy knight.

Don't tell me she chased me all the way to this place?

I couldn't help but shudder in front of her terrifying tenacity.


I was about to escape, but then, I realized that this house had no windows and there was no way out from this house except the entrance.

And that very same entrance was occupied by the female holy knight.

Now you can't escape from me anymore.

The female holy knight said this with a triumphant look on her face.

Crap w-what should I do now?!

In the first place, why are you always running away? No, it might be strange for me to ask this since we've always been the ones who attacked you But you also know that we can't actually purify you, right?

The reason I escaped was that I was weak against women.

Like hell I could say such an embarrassing secret.

Onee-chan, I don't know what happened between you two, but you shouldn't vent your anger toward White Onii-chan, you know!

Yeah. Calm yourself first.

Thus, the siblings mediated between us.

Eh, n-no, I'm not actually angry at him

Anyway, please calm down first! You can't have a proper conversation unless you calm yourself first after all! I mean, White Onii-chan is a super-duper terrifyingly shy person after all!


I staggered back due to extreme mental damage.

I never expected to hear that from a child.

I-I see my bad.

The female holy knight was taken aback for a moment and then apologized to me.


Please stop apologizing already. You'll make me even more embarrassed!

And as if thinking about something, the female knight sat right there, preventing me from escaping.

Then, let's take our time to have a proper talk.

She looked at me right in the eyes with her own resolute eyes as if to say "And don't even think about leaving until you tell me everything".

Seeing that my retreat path had been cut off I had no choice but to give up.

I see, in short, you're a former adventurer who should've already died in a certain dungeon and yet by the time you regained your ego, you'd already turned into an undead.

Y-yeah As for how much the time has passed since my death honestly, even I have no idea

I told her everything without hiding anything.

Although it took a lot of time and pauses in between my words at first, it gradually became easier for me to speak to her.

In addition, it might also be thanks to the fact that the female holy knight had remained sitting without moving since I began my story, thus allowing me to have an easier time since I knew that she wouldn't suddenly pounce at me like a hungry tigress.

By the way, the siblings were keeping watch outside until we were done with our talk.

Things might get complicated again if they knew that I was undead.

In short, you're not a bad undead?

O-Of course.

Everyone has been talking about how you're the most atrocious undead who will turn this world into a kingdom of the undead.

W-Wait a minute, what was this woman talking about?!

Kingdom of the undead? Why would I make something like that?

For a moment, I thought that she must be lying, but the face of the female holy knight was dead(est) serious.

In short, she was telling me the truth.

But then, I hadn't done a single bad thing until now?

And yet, what the hell with those rumors

The one who said those words was the necromancer that you defeated. And due to the situation at that time, his words spread like wildfire.



I-I had no intention to create something like that.

Then, what about those dragons?

The answer to that question was rather unbelievable.

I didn't know whether she'd choose to trust me or not after hearing that, but still, this was my best shot to explain the situation.

Yes, this was my only chance.

They just became my familiar on their own accord but I've no intention to turn them into my familiars

I see. Then, why did you move from one city to another, and one with residents on top of that? Do you know that your actions have caused an unprecedented international panic?

I-I'd no intention to scare them I just I just want a way to die

A way to die?

Yes I've no lingering attachment to this world Rather, I want to enter eternal sleep as soon as possible and yet, I don't know how to do that Until this point, I've confirmed that my body is too tough, and purification doesn't work either

The female holy knight in front of me should have already known about this since she also tried to use purification on me with her holy lance.

And yet, I came out unscathed.

Just, what should I do

Then how about you come to my country?


I couldn't speak anything for a moment upon hearing that unexpected proposal.

Melt Ram Holy Country, the sacred place and the capital of the Saint Melt religion. My country might have a way to purify you.


O-Of course, I'm just talking about possibilities. But it's still better than wandering around without any lead It creates a lot of trouble and mass panic when you come to one place after another after all.

The female holy knight replied with a meek tone and continued on.

For us, the undead are abominable existences who violate the teaching of our god. That's why it's our job to purify them. On the other hand, you also want to be purified too. In a certain meaning, this can work for both of us.

Sure enough.

To be honest, taking an undead to our country is akin to a blemish to our faith, but there's really no choice in this case That's only if you're telling me the truth.

W-Why should I lie to you?! Really just want to pass on

Even though I was being honest with her, it might have seemed like a lie due to my stuttering words.

Well, nothing I could do about this abysmal communication power of mine.

Fine, I'll place my trust in you for the time being.

The female holy knight nodded upon hearing my reply.

A Are you sure?

After following you for so long, I at least know that you're not a bad undead. In addition, there's no need for you to lie when you have that much power.

T-Thank god.

With this, I might be able to take a giant leap closer to my goal.

But there's still something I have to do before that.


I want to know the cause of this monster parade and crush it. Will you help me?


TN: F-I-N-A-L-L-Y-!-!-!


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