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8 months ago
The world has plunged into an apocalypse, and humans have shrunk in size. Houses now resemble... Read more The world has plunged into an apocalypse, and humans have shrunk in size. Houses now resemble towering skyscrapers, tables and chairs seem like massive structures, c*ckroaches are like speedy sports cars, and mice appear as gigantic beasts.Industries have collapsed, and agriculture lies abandoned. The question arises: can civilization endure, and can humanity reclaim its position at the top of the food chain?Survival, exploration, hunting, construction, farming, and the quest for dominance ensue. Chen Mu wakes up in the classroom, picking up a half-broken staple from the ground, gazing at this vast new world… Collapse Apocalypse, Appearance Changes, Artifact Crafting, Average-looking Protagonist, Blacksmith, Cautious Protagonist, Clan Building, Clever Protagonist, Crafting, Cruel Characters, Engineer, Farming, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Management, Post-apocalyptic, Power Struggle, Psychic Powers, Skill Creation, Student Council There is a manhwa out there with similar plot, I don't remember it currently, if somebody knows, please share. I didn't read this, but probably it's name is "3CM Hunter ". Thanks. Istg I had read a manga that was similar to this… about humans being shrunk down and fighting bugs also beware entomophobic people Actually interesting setting. What makes sad people jump?Bridges. Setup wasn't done properly. On first read I didn't get that it was supposed to be 'jump for joy'. Sounds interesting but on hiatus, what a shame. 3cm hunter? They censored the cock in cockroaches. Bruh. That does NOT help. Also..... 270km/h cockroaches sound like a nightmarem After reading the synopsis my worst nightmare will come true through this... Cockroach are Speedy car flying speedy car SpoilerJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile