Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 214 214 First Battalion

[Brace for Contact. Docking in 3, 2, 1] Abraham Kepler settled into the docking bay on a small mining base, built into an asteroid with a gentle thump, and immediately began the procedures to bring aboard their new crew.

They had been waiting outside in ranks, ready to meet the lab staff and the last few officers that had come from Comor to meet them. The Regiment was named the Comor First Heavy Mecha, but only a small handful of the members were actually from Comor. In reality, it was a Special Testing unit, more akin to an elite strike force than a regular Mecha Regiment.

The moment the doors touched down, carts started ferrying luggage to the ship’s staff, while the Regiment marched aboard, lining up to meet their remaining members.

Max was the only Battalion Commander that wasn’t already present, but the First Battalion had heard a lot about him already. Not only from the official reports they were sent, but they had also been exposed to the Government’s portrayal of him as a War Hero, as well as an Elite gamer. An officer the average rank and file could look up to and relate with, as well as a symbol of hope for talented youth.

Being isolated in the Lab, Max hadn’t seen himself on video much, but that wasn’t the case for the rest of the Kepler Empire. He and Nico had been all over the Data Net since the tournament, and even now a fresh wave of propaganda was being prepared, just waiting on their test footage to be compiled and edited, so the Empire could announce their new generation Mecha to the galaxy.

“First Batallion, Fall In on me,” Max called, letting his men know where he was. That brought nearly two hundred Pilots and technicians running, but it also brought the attention of General Yaakov, a slender and aristocratic-looking middle-aged man with a curved nose, owing to a break in the past that had not been set correctly.

There was a hint of a sneer in their direction, but Max could sense that it was for Nico standing at his side and not for him. Max wasn’t sure if it was her or General Tennant that had gone above the Regiment Commander’s head to override Central Command’s recommendation, which was obviously made by someone who had never met them, but it appeared to have left a bad taste in the man’s mouth.

“So glad you could join us. I went over my expectations with the other Commanders and Pilots already, I will send it to your communicator, so do get yourself up to speed before we reach our next stop.” The General sneered, then walked away to oversee the other Soldiers.

“Code Red?” Nico asked, using the military slang for a forcible attitude adjustment, and Max shook his head.

“Some Nobles are just like that. Nothing will change his mind that far up the ladder, even the Theater Commander’s opinion wasn’t enough to change his mind, it was only enough to get him to send a thinly veiled threat posing as compliance.” Max corrected her.

The inability to see her thoughts was annoying, and Max would have to talk to her about that later. He didn’t often look in, but being able to when he needed to was an essential part of his planning method.

The instructions that the General had sent were utter garbage, things you would only have to tell new academy graduates about how things actually worked, so Max skimmed them for anything particular. All he could find was that the General wasn’t to be disturbed during set meal times and that you weren’t to address him directly unless you held a Noble Title. Anyone else should address all comments to his adjutant who would pass back the response.

“I’m surprised he spoke to you directly. You all fancy with a noble family?” One of the Pilots in Max’s Battalion asked quietly after falling in at the head of the line for Able Company.

“No noble family. I got a Knight’s title for Capturing a Cygnus General.” Max replied under his breath as he inspected his troops.

“Nico, no scratch that, Major Miller, please get these soldiers in shape. They have forgotten how to wear their uniforms.” Max spoke in a loud voice to carry across the ranks of his troops, who quickly began adjusting their uniforms and straightening their ties.

Each column was ten soldiers wide, with four columns in total, three for the Mecha Companies, and one group for the Battalion Logistics team. They all seemed very professional and well-trained, and Max was surprised that none of them seemed to look down on him for his apparent age as their Commander.

“Good Morning Soldiers. I am Lieutenant Colonel Keres Max. To my left is my personal Technician, Major Tarith Nico, and on my right is my Executive Officer, Major Mack Miller. If you need anything at all, come to Major Miller or Major Nico, and they will get you sorted.” Max introduced the only three members of the unit that were joining them from the ship.

In front of each column of Pilots were two soldiers, The Company Commander, and the Technician who would serve as their executive officer, and the second seat in the Super Heavy Mecha they would be assigned.

Able Company was led by Major Ivanov, Baker Company got Major Pippin, both of whom were tall blonde men who would have looked a lot like Max if not for the distinctive shape of their faces that made them look almost like brothers. It was clear that they weren’t from the same planet that Max was, but other than that, the three of them physically had a lot in common, including Alpha Ranked Systems.

Charlie Company was the outlier, Major Petrova was a tall and burly woman with curly brown hair cut into the short pixie cut that Nico previously favored. She was not much smaller than Max, at 180 cm tall, and certainly no smaller in the arms, which strained the standard cut of her uniform jacket, but her face had the look of a kind and gentle motherly sort that Max was absolutely certain had nothing in common with her personality after listening to her thoughts for even a few seconds.

“All here and accounted for, Sir. Logistics reports that all luggage for First Battalion is already in the assigned dorms.” Major Miller declared after finishing his inspection of the troops.

“Very good. You have four hours to get settled and fed. Meet in training room 1A at 1200 for assessment.” Max informed his troops, then let them fall out to go get settled in. The faster he could get away from their new Regiment Commander, the better.


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