Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 211 211 On The Road Again

The insanity was every bit as amazing as they had all hoped for. Between the soldiers that didn’t use the luggage service, and the ones who had issues clearing security, everyone was in a panic. Half of them didn’t know where they were going, since they hadn’t arrived at the Comor Station on their way in, plus there was simply so much to see and do that they couldn’t possibly have time for it all.

Through everything, the quartet of Mecha enthusiasts simply sat in the coffee shop, which turned out to have a rather amazing soup and sandwich combo and just watched.

“It’s almost dinner time, should we find a restaurant or head aboard and get our gear set up before we hit the mess hall and begin the adjustment?” Max asked, but he didn’t need to read the ladies’ minds to realize that the question only had one possible answer.

“One more real meal before we go. We have been spoiled too long, I don’t want to start on the fleet meals the very first night.” Sister Lilith announced with a very serious look on her face.

“Done and done. Follow me, I have a table reserved for us.” Nico announced, startling everyone but Max, who was mostly used to her efficiency.

“How did you even manage that? The place is packed and everyone is looking for somewhere to eat.” Moonie asked, looking outside to the crowd who could barely walk past each other.

“I have my ways, you will understand when we arrive,” Nico smirked.

Her wrist device dinged a few seconds later, and they saw one of the luxury hover platforms from the Comor Royal Hotel waiting outside, piloted by a hotel butler in uniform.

“That’s our ride, everyone aboard,” Nico announced, taking Sister Lilith’s waist and jumping up on the platform with her.

Max grabbed Moonie and followed close behind, and the Butler left for the hotel with a silent nod to his passengers. Both of the researchers looked shocked at the luxury, not many facilities and even fewer individuals had the privilege of flight within the station, but it was saving them an incredible amount of time.

Once they reached the hotel restaurant, Nico tapped wrist devices with the Butler and gave him a wink, which the man returned with a bow and a smile, before escorting them into the building.

“Private room for Imperial Lady Tarith.” The butler announced when they reached the host, who seemed to recognize both Max and Nico the moment he saw them.

“Right this way, please. Your table has been prepared, did you have any special requests tonight?” The Host asked.

“Our companions have not yet had the pleasure of visiting the Comor Royal Hotel, but unfortunately we are deploying this very evening. Do you have an assorted platter? I’m certain we can manage a family-style meal to let everyone try a variety by the finest chefs in the System.” Nico suggested.

“We have just the thing. Your server will be in momentarily.”

The host wasn’t lying, the meal was fit for a buffet, but in smaller portions, with nearly two dozen dishes served if you counted desserts. They even packed up four small boxes at the end with an ‘evening snack’ as they put it.

Moonie and Lilith looked even more despondent than they had at the thought of a meal aboard the ship by the time they made it to the security lineup checking all the soldiers into Abraham Kepler though. The last meal at the station was one of the greatest experiences of their life, with a live classical band playing in the background, incredible food, and staff treating them like royalty.

The harsh green of the walls in the military docks only highlighted the difference and reminded them that this would be the color of their lives for the next few years unless something changed the schedule for the testing.

According to the plan, the Mecha were to be tested against nonsentient threats first, then against nonhuman sentient targets before being officially revealed to the public and rolled out with the next wave of recruitments.

The change would impact the entire deployment strategy and to an extent, the basic combat doctrine of the Kepler Empire. Using overwhelming force has always been their way, but it was the force of numbers before, once the entire army is updated they will hopefully be fielding a Super Heavy Mecha with almost every Company. One Super Heavy for every hundred instead of every ten thousand would totally change the strategy of the Kepler Military, as well as their casualty rate.

Since only a thousand soldiers were aboard the ship at the moment, they were all assigned to the reservist quarters where Max had spent so much time in the past, waiting with the retiring forces returning to their homeworld.

Even his room was the same. Third door down the hallway to the left of the Mess Hall, with Nico beside him. Moonie and Lilith were in the same block, but around the corner, and the main barracks were currently empty, with the research staff housed in the officers’ bunks regardless of rank.

According to the assignment data, most of them would be staying there, and the reservist area would become the research wing of the ship, slowly modified to serve whatever purpose they needed it to once the rest of the Pilots and the equipment were on board.

Max quickly set up his room before changing into the comfortable silk pajamas he had acquired on Comor and turning in for the night. Everyone had an early morning tomorrow once Abraham Kepler left the docks, so he planned to get as much sleep as he could.

It wasn’t as easy as he remembered though. Without the cool exterior of Nico, or the soft flesh of Moonie, his bed felt exceptionally small and empty. Max had heard from other soldiers that the first few days back from shore leave were the hardest ones to get to sleep, but he never fully understood what they meant until tonight.


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