Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 127 Chapter127 Hope

After the first day of training inside the simulators, the Cadets were actually looking a lot better than they had when Max first saw them. Even the instructors of the academy had taken the time to log in and learn some of the tips and tricks that Max’s advanced training program had to offer since it was all knowledge that they didn’t possess.

Some of them were eager to begin day two of the training drills, some were most definitely not, since they tried to hide in their rooms under the thin military-issue blankets, but it didn’t take long before the instructors had everyone logged in again and back at work.

The second day of the training brought weapons fire into the mix. Still, the point firing technique that they were all familiar with, but included the proper ways to use the heads-up targeting system to calculate the lead distance on their targets and increase their accuracy.

An energy weapon like the Pulse Laser that these units were equipped with doesn’t have a travel time, the pulse reaches the target at the speed of light, but there is a slight delay between wanting to shoot and the mecha actually pulling the trigger which has to be accounted for..

It’s a mere fraction of a second, but at longer distances, that fraction can lead to a target being over a meter away from where they were when you started the process, especially for these pilots with slower reflexes and command entering skills.

Since most cadets are naturally competitive, there was an option to turn on the Kepler Standard passing rate simulation as a companion to the pilot. It was just a digital image of the minimum standard to pass the Line Mecha qualification test, but it was much better than these so-called Pilots were.

Better, but not so far that it looked unattainable to them. So, most of them had turned it on to compete against, wanting to prove to these elite forces that they weren’t the losers that the army had labeled them as. In fact, if they could meet the standard, Max would agree that the army was wrong, they could meet the standard, it would just take more work to get them there than it took most pilots with higher system compatibility.

Among the infantry ranks, it was well known that competence and System Compatibility were two very different things. While some soldiers might be faster or stronger, the ones that lived were the ones that were the best at their job. The same goes for the Line Mecha, who could be easily crushed by the Narsians if they made a serious mistake in their piloting.

While everyone else trained, Max got to work on editing a special edition of the program for the cadets. This one included the Narsians as a target, getting the freshly trained troops used to the enemy and their standard tactics.

That would be more important than anything else, once they knew how to walk smoothly and target their rifles.

Outside the base, things were fairly calm. One wing of Max’s mecha accompanied the infantry on guard duty at all times, taking four-hour shifts twice a day, but there wasn’t much to be seen. The valley they were in was fairly isolated, and the terrain naturally guided forces around it and not through it. The only reason the first group came here in such high numbers was that they saw the Landers coming in.

Soon, a whole five days had passed, and the Cadets of the Academy got an official combat order, to go clear out a known Narsian position between them and the swamp. It should be an easy one since the enemy numbers were low, but they were dug in, so there would be resistance.

[Ari, take Alpha Squad and go scout out the location. Captain Catan, your infantry gets to fill in on guard duty for them. Bring extra heavy weapons with you.] Max ordered as the Colonel rolled a collection of balls around in a small tumbler.

“What might that be, Colonel?” He asked, seeing the colored ball that fell out onto the table.

“Random selection. Each ball has a unit number. We will be sending Unit C and Unit F out to retake the position today.” The Colonel confirmed, and Max gave him a strange look.

“Double the numbers is for Heavy Mecha fighting the Narsians. Send everyone who is ready if you want most of your cadets to come back.” Max corrected his assumption.

“I had thought that since you sent a third, that was all that was needed.” The Colonel shrugged, having spent his entire life in academics, growing through the ranks due to his skills with school management and keeping unruly cadets on track.

“It’s enough to scout the position, but most likely not enough to take it. Central Command has ordered my men to return before your Unit arrives for the battle, so it’s clearly a test for the Pilots you’ve raised up here. I’ll keep my men as close as I can, but they will need some time to reach you in an emergency.”

That explanation makes sense to the administrator, even if it doesn’t make him happy. But orders are orders, and Central Command is going to be watching closely. For all the Colonel knows they’re waiting for his cadets to fail spectacularly so the academy can be reallocated and he can be relieved of command for incompetence. The planetary authority that promoted him is long gone, and the Fleet is not nearly as kind and gentle, nor are their standards as flexible.

[All qualified students, suit up and double-check your mecha for full fuel and munitions. We have an official mission beginning in one hour once Stalwart Special Tactics Unit has scouted the enemy position for us.] Colonel Sanders announced over the school’s intercom, bringing the pilots out of their training simulations and rushing towards the hangers, eager to show the world that they had learned the lessons well and were real pilots.

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