Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 1250 1250 Staffing

Chapter 1250 1250 Staffing

"Should we contact the Cygnus and the Inner Rim Kepler advisors before we move forward on this topic? They control almost all the planets in the galaxy. In fact, we should likely get the Alliance in on this as well, since we've been taking so many of their people into our teams." One of the Commanders suggested, as Max knew someone would. They were all thinking the same thing, after all.

"Alright, we can call over the education ministers as well as some military brass and see what they think about using learning devices to train crews for the ships more quickly. If things weren't so desperate, my suggestion would be to send cadets to the warships and let them train on board until they were ready to take over, but I wouldn't want to risk children in combat." Max agreed.

That was the first thought of the Reavers as well. Learning under the older generation was the best way to do it, but when they were constantly in combat, with a high risk of being boarded and having to fight, they didn't want to risk children or noncombatants.

Many of the Reaver vessels had moved their noncombat population to more heavily armed stations lately, in case their merchant runs were intercepted. They would move them back as soon as they had the chance, but for now, it was just safer for the lightly armed cargo vessels to have a minimal crew.

Some, naturally, did not move anyone, as they were a family vessel, run by generations of the same group. Leaving their home was too big of a request, and they understood the risks that came with the job, especially in a war zone.

But the Reaver Command still did their best to send those ships to locations that were lower risk wherever possible.

"How long do you think that it will take to get someone here that will be able to make an actual decision about the change in policy?" One of the Commanders, an older man with a shiny bald head, asked.

"Usually, not more than a few days. They're pretty good about coming around when we need them. The Terminus Trading Company has fairly deep ties, so even if we weren't asking on behalf of the Reaver Council, and the Reaver Trade Group Alliance, they would still show up.

Especially Cygnus. They love a good party, and hosting Noble guests means there has to be a party." Nico replied with a shrug.

The Reaver Commanders were all eagerly awaiting that option. The Cygnus nobles were great party people, and when they sent their Nobles and Royals somewhere, they would spend more time on parties and social events than anything else, as they trusted their subordinates to take care of the little details after they sorted out the big ones.

One of the younger Commanders got a mischievous smile at the mention of calling in the Cygnus nobles and tapped the table to get everyone's attention.

"If we're going to host that level of event, we should likely move this all to Absolution. That's where the rest of the Reaver dignitaries usually gather, and it's more social event friendly, with proper cities and not just this dense block of military sorts." He suggested.

"That's right, everyone on Creeping Darkness is being trained to either operate the ship or to operate the drones, so we don't really have the sort of luxury facilities here that Absolution does. Sylvie has been adding more entertainment facilities, but the ship's basic purpose is more militaristic, so there won't be any huge lakes or sprawling unoccupied forests." Max agreed.

Sylvie's head popped up as her name was mentioned. "The hydroponic gardens aren't exactly a tourist attraction, and the water reserves are a hermetically sealed and sterilized tank, no beaches or marine life to be found there either. But if you give it a few more months while the crew gets properly trained, we will have a bustling nightlife, thanks to the dense urban architecture here aboard Creeping Darkness."

The Reavers looked around them in concern. The meeting areas of the ship still looked very military, and they had only been here for a few minutes, without time to see the rest of the ship and how it was laid out.

"Why don't we go see the attractions of Creeping Darkness while we're here? We can arrange for everyone to meet on Absolution, but you should at least get a taste of what this World Ship is like, since it will be accepting guests while we're idle." Max offered.

Sylvie clapped her hands and a holographic image of the ship's more densely occupied areas appeared.

"We can see the shopping district, stop in at one of the many exquisite restaurants, and perhaps even make time for everyone to get a massage before we go."

The female Reaver Commanders rolled their eyes, but Sylvie smirked.

"We have male humans, giants, Valkia and even a few of the Fox kin lads for those who prefer a different set of hands." She added.

That made the ladies laugh and shake their heads at the audacity of the seemingly young AI. Sylvie might not look like she was old enough to have such thoughts, but she was designed to be able to deal with a ship full of testosterone enhanced soldiers, and the avatar was just a personal preference to keep creepy people from groping her.

"Alright, when you put it that way, there's no reason not to go along with the plan. Lead the way, Miss Sylvie, and let's see this ship of yours."

That brought the meeting to an end, and Sylvie led everyone to the fast-moving elevator pods so they could get to the best entertainment district on the ship in a reasonable amount of time.

It might not be fully occupied, but Creeping Darkness was a World Ship, and even if they were taking a regular ground transport it would take hours to get across a level.

"First up, Shining Square, home to the most interesting shops on the ship, in my opinion. Everyone, please enjoy."


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