Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 1133 1133 Great Migration

Chapter 1133 1133 Great Migration

Nico piloted one of the larger drones through the rubble of the city toward the cat shelter, expecting it to need to be excavated, given the general condition of the city. Not many buildings were undamaged, and even the more durable of them often had collapsed roofs and blown out windows.

It was on the first floor of a three-floor complex, and the top level had collapsed when the portal was destroyed over the city. There was a lot of rubble in the street, but the entrance wasn't blocked, and Nico could see through the feed that the power was still on inside.

The few enemies that they had come across on the way here had all fled at the sight of the killer drones, even if it meant running toward Golden Legion soldiers.

There were at least four of those watching the drones right now, wondering what they were up to, but none of the city's defenders were willing to make a move that might provoke the robotic crabs.

The larger drone swept the entryway clear of debris so that a group of four smaller drones could move inside to make the rescue.

The kitten cheered as the sensor feed showed the interior of the shop, with its racks of accessories toppled and a few bags of kibble torn open and leaking on the floor. 

It would take an hour or more to clean up, but the shop itself was intact, and the door was open into the back room, where the cages full of felines could be seen.

[There, now you see how cruel they are. Not a single bit of food in any of the cages.] The kitten pointed out as the drone entered the back room.

Nico resisted the urge to mention that it was because the automated feeding timer was still active, and the power was on, but decided to let their new friend have her outrage at the animal shelter's feeding schedule.

[Come to think of it, there is no food here either. Do your people not eat?] The kitten asked.

"There is a replicator console on the wall. It's touch screen, so you only need to press the button to get food whenever you want it." Nico replied, as she manoeuvred the drone to the middle of the room.

[Oh, that is an amazing system. Food on demand. Does that mean it's always fresh?] The kitten asked, tapping the table beside its tablet so that everyone would pay attention.

The team member nearest to the replicator laughed and pointed at the screen. "Yes, it's always fresh. What would you like to eat? After analyzing your biology, we would recommend chicken, but we don't know how you like it."

[How I like it?]

"Yes, raw and warm, chilled and raw, baked, fried, smoked, grilled, possibly with certain seasonings or a sauce." 

The look of adoration on the kittens face was enough to melt even the coldest of hearts, and then she returned her attention to the tablet screen.

[Do you know the process of boiling it in hot oil? It makes the bird crispy outside, and hot and tender inside.]

One fried chicken was ordered, and placed on the table.

"We call that fried. Sometimes we will cover it in a breading and spices so it can be fried into smaller pieces of crispy goodness, but I'm not sure your species can eat that."

The kitten nodded. [Putting things on the meat ruins it.]

While they argued the virtues of fried chicken, Nico addressed the gathered crowd inside the animal shelter.

[Hello, my furry friends. One of your kinfolk has made it to our vessel, which is parked outside the city, and recommended that we come to free you from your imprisonment. We know that you can understand our language, but we can't hear your thoughts. Once you are free, you will be able to type responses on the screens inside our home to converse with us.

If you would like to be released from your cage, please put a paw on the door, and we will be with you shortly.] She informed them.

Nico heard Max laughing in the other room, and stuck her head out to see what was so funny.

"The cats are panicking because most of them can't read." He explained.

"Oh, they're not as smart as this one?" Nico asked.

"That's not it. They're strays. They never learned how to read in the first place, they're illiterate." 

Nico facepalmed, and looked at the kitten, who seemed utterly unconcerned with the potential issues as she buried her face in a whole fried chicken.

"Well, we can figure that out later. Once they're here, they will have plenty of time to learn."

They could always use one of the others as a translator, and Max knew that Nico already had plans to build an obstacle course and playground for them that ran through a number of the spare rooms. They could set the replicators up in that area with Feline friendly restrictions, and picture menus. 

That way, even if they couldn't read, it wouldn't be an issue.

He did have some worries that an Energy Being might take offence to them stealing the cats, but it was only a small group from the shelter, they weren't taking them all.

All the cats requested to be freed, and they quickly followed Nico's orders to follow the pair of small crabs out of the city toward the ship. That procession of animals behind the drones caught the attention of the Golden Legion, who had no idea what was going on, but suspected that the cats had found a safe hiding spot to retreat to, while the city fought for survival against an enemy the cats had no chance of defeating.

If the felines thought that it was safe enough to stay at, then there was a chance that it would be a safe place for their civilians as well. Getting them out of danger was the first priority of the defence forces, but when the cats left the city, the Golden Legion never would have imagined just where they were headed.


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