Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

79 Chapter 79

Max decided that sending scout teams out on motorcycles was going to be a necessary upgrade. After the flood washed away so much in the area the area they needed to watch was much larger, owing to the lack of hiding spots. That meant more mobility was needed in order to maintain security.

They are a standard part of most nation’s infantry kit, though the 111th was all out of them by the time they arrived on this planet.

Fortunately for them, their kind and generous Cygnus Drop Master benefactors had bequeathed them a massive supply of infantry equipment, which included a number of the electric powered scout bikes. They could be solar charged slowly, or quick charged from a Mecha, and were assembled from their transport crate in minutes.

Max sent the scouts in pairs, every pair that they could get mobile, including a few pairs in ramshackle civilian transports that were somehow still functional after all the combat in the area. This silence felt like bad news to everyone, like the enemy was just taking time to regroup and stroke back harder.

So currently, the scouts are arrayed between them and the cities, with a pair of fast moving Sentinel pattern Mecha sent forward to watch for advances from the most likely direction, where Wrath of Carb was driven out from.

Not even a Corvette Class Mecha can catch a Sentinel at full running speed, so it is much safer than sending scout bikes to the most dangerous point in their forward positions.

“Colonel, reporting mass enemy movement. Two Super Heavy Mecha and a hundred plus Reaver Class, with light mecha support units.” The Sentinels report in the next morning, and Max can hear the exertion in the Pilots voice as they run back for the main force..

Oh, how he hates being right.

“All patrols, report back to base, all units to defense positions, get the missile buggies dug in with sightlines to the river if we have any munitions left. Every pilot and heavy weapon team to the ready.”

“Deploy around the full perimeter.” Wrath of Carb adds. “I’ve fought this Commander before, they will send forces to flank and encircle, looking for a weak point to breach and enter the base in order to gain the advantage of close combat.”

“You all heard the General. Full circle defence, heavy on the riverside where the main force will approach from.”

Wrath of Carb was precisely correct with his predictions. Fifty Reaver Class Mecha plus both Super Heavy units and a plethora of light Mecha are in front of them across the river, just out of easy weapons range. At the same time, fifty additional Reaver Class Mecha and more light mecha have been spotted circling the fort at a distance, looking for a way in.

The way they’re holding back looks as if they don’t like what they see. Nico rushes to hack the custom secure channel they are using for this mission, not wanting to miss any orders or updates.

It takes a few minutes, since they aren’t using the standard encryption algorithm, but she does manage to get a workable signal before they attack.

“It’s the worst-case scenario, Sir.” She hears. “I count nine visible Crusaders plus a full company of light mecha, another dozen possible hidden units and the Wrath of Carb.”

“How does the Carb look? Did they get it repaired?” This voice sounds hopeful.

“Negative, sir, it looks to be disabled, with an assault shield blocking the front of the cockpit and partially repaired armour.” The plan worked then. The shield is the one that saved its life during the last big fight, and the armour is patched in the essential areas but in need of paint to make everything match.

“We can do this. Even fortified, those Crusaders can’t stand against two Super Heavies. The attack begins in two minutes.” The voice of the Cygnus Commander announces.

“I got an intercept on the Cygnus command channel. They suspect our true strength but believe Carb is disabled. The attack begins in 90 seconds.” Nico announces to Stalwart Battalion.

“Then we attack in 15 seconds. Ten seconds, pick your targets. 4, 3, 2, GO.” Max counts down the attack.

Missiles fly from the upgraded personnel carriers, and a barrage of Ion Fire flies out, crashing into the Cygnus Mecha while they’re preparing. A flurry of projectiles follows, the hidden Mecha revealing themselves to get in on the fight. The only one that hasn’t moved is the Wrath of Carb.

The incoming Cygnus Mecha reach the ravine in a wave two dozen strong, closing as fast as they can to take advantage of their strength in close combat when Wrath of Carb comes alive, its flamer melting armour plating. At the same time, the Ion Bombardment Array turns on the Super Heavies.

They’ve been pelted with missiles and have been doing more evading than shooting, but when the first of them is hit by the big guns of the Wrath of Carb, priorities change. They stop evading and turn their weapons on their wounded peer.

That’s the signal for Stalwart and the missile buggies to go all out on the Super Heavies. A wave of 60 missiles, the last of their supply, focuses on only the two targets along with the battle cannon and the Pulse Lasers of Stalwart.

One Reaver has gotten close enough to attempt to jump the river near him and Max hits it with both Plasma shotguns at once, turning the heavy central armour to molten slag.

He will have to thank Nico later, these new guns are amazing for close quarters defense.

“For the record, I dislike this plan.” Wrath of Carb says as hundreds of fist sized rounds slam into the shield hung in front of its torso from the rapid fire Cannons on the Cygnus Super Heavy units.

One Cygnus Super Heavy explodes outright when the barrage of return fire from the Kepler forces hits it, the explosion knocking the other over.

Wrath of Carb recovers from the barrage, the shield it was wearing is now shredded and the armour behind it showing moderate damage after his barrier shield collapsed under the onslaught. A second burst of the mighty Ion Bombard Array disables the toppled Cygnus Super Heavy, and a cheer goes up from the defenders.

Max hears the air raid siren on Tarith’s Rage make a noise he’s sure is laughter, and the aggressive red Mecha charges at a sword-wielding opponent that just crossed the river, its blade at the ready.

The other sides are doing a little better than the portion at the river, still holding their opponents outside the trenches. The Kepler side of the gunfire is mostly energy based now, infantry projectile rifles do nearly nothing to Mecha, and they are about out of ammunition for them anyhow.

The Cygnus energy rifles might not be as familiar, but they have a lot of them available, and a supply of charged spare power cells.

Max turns his battle cannon towards the southern road, where a heavy Mecha of a design he doesn’t recognize has crashed through the defences. Two quick battle cannon rounds slam into the stout Mecha’s back and it explodes in a tremendous fireball.

He sees one of the defenders go down, and he unloads on the victorious Cygnus Mecha, knocking it backwards, where it receives a sword through its power core courtesy of Tarith’s Rage, before collapsing in an oddly human way. Nico kicks the Mecha off her sword and dashes back into the fray.

Crashing a hundred tons of metal into brutal hand-to-hand combat might not be the most efficient combat method ever. Still, it’s got a substantial psychological effect every time she kills an enemy Mecha.

The survivors of the attack are retreating, along with what Max assumes was supposed to be the second wave of forces, had the battle been more evenly matched, and the defenders start taking inventory of their losses.

“Stalwart, we have movement on the field, sensors suggest it is a pilot. Moving to intercept.” Tarith’s Rage announces over the speaker. She must have damaged her radio, Max decides.

“Kindly bring me your Ranking Noble, good pilot of Tarith’s Rage. I am Lord General Kirkland, and I would like to surrender.” The bloodied man near the downed Super Heavy announces with a sigh of resignation when Nico approaches.


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