Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

45 Chapter 45

If the system itself is going to assimilate whatever Nico has given him, it should be reasonably safe. At least that’s what Max tells himself before he agrees to let the System assimilate the pill.

[System Talent: Unit Optimization Active]

[Optimizing Effects]

The pill triggers his System Talents? It must be more than a simple drug, perhaps a local form of Nanotechnology? If it is, no wonder it’s gray market, the Empire wouldn’t just allow competing technology to float around or risk altering the system.

[Optimization Complete]

[Rate of Return Scaling Nullified]

[Base Modifier Increased]

Max isn’t completely sure what all changed, but he feels incredible. A half second later, all memories relating to the upgrade fade from his mind, but the memories of Nico forgetting about it remain, giving Max enough insight into what happened to check his System Status..

[Compatibility Determined] Rank A

[Primary Attribute] STR 2.5x modifier

[Secondary Bonuses] DEX 2x, SPD 2x

[STR] 3+80%

[DEX] 3+44%

[SPD] 3+44%

[Innate Talent] Mind Reading

[Additional Function Unit Optimization]

Even as he looks at the system status, the memories gleaned from Nico’s mind fade, leaving no trace, mental or physical of tampering, but giving him a greatly improved system.

The change has also pushed him past 150 total bonus points, and Max can feel a new ability beginning to form, but it seems to be waiting on something to fully activate.

The increase in his base stats was an enormous change though, and the increased strength is almost pushing Max off balance with every step he takes.

“Alright Nico, where are we off to next.” Max sighs at his enthusiastic friend.

“It’s only a minor stopover for me, but I think you’ll appreciate this one even more than a good cup of coffee.”

She leads him through the winding hallways of the base as if she grew up here, never needing to slow or check directions, until eventually she stops in front of a plain looking kiosk with a grand gesture.

“This, my good friend, is the Imperial Registrar. From right here, with just your signature and a witness that you have conveniently brought along, you can officially change your name.”

Today is the gift that just keeps on giving. Max has thought a long time about this change, and has a name in mind. He’s gotten used to using Max as his family name and usual form of address, so he will make the title that served as his Family name in his previous life his given name in this one.

“Got yourself a lousy name did you? Sign the sheet and we’ll get you all set up.” The worker tells him, having heard their conversation. It’s not uncommon for new soldiers to leave behind their old name, and it’s the primary reason this particular station near the docks exists.

“I did. Where do I sign to change it?” Max asks, and the worker laughs quietly at seeing his official name come up on the data tablet.

Max signs the consent form with his new name and the system sends him a message.

[Name Setting Updated: Welcome Keres Max]

“Not a bad choice. Ker is a common name on my world, so you’ll fit in with the common soldiers when you’re outside your Mecha. What about you, Cadet Nico? Did you get a good one?”

“I’m Nico Tarith. The family reverses it on the official forms. All of our given names are officially Tarith.” Nico explains and the man nods in understanding.

“Wouldn’t want to go through the service with the weight of that history chasing you. Best to leave things as they are.” He agrees.

Max mentally celebrates all the way to the arcade, Nico’s next stop of importance inside the Space Station. Max sees that they’ve got snooker tables unoccupied, so he pulls Nico over for a game, noticing that there are two different versions, standard and 3D, which is played in cube shaped gravity field.

That looks way more fun than the regular version, which neither of them is likely to miss a shot at, given their current status and System Compatibility.

“What’s your System Rank, Cadets. Deltas play at setting zero, Gamma at 2 and Betas at Setting Four, unless they’re really good.” A nearby soldier explains the options.

“What do the settings do?” Nico asks, examining the cube.

“Altered Gravity pockets. The higher settings are both more intense, and the gravity wells begin to move about the table. Only balls in motion will be effected though.”

“We’ll, I’m new at the game, so how about we start out at setting two and we can increase it if it’s too easy for Max here.”

The machine picks Nico to break, and she puts on the game gloves, grabs a cue and floats in to the zero gravity cube. The gloves let you maneuver and stop, so you don’t run into any of the balls.

She gets an intense look on her face and Max gets the distinct feeling that he’s been played. After a final look around the game area, she drives the cue ball into the cluster of red balls and the strangest thing happens. One goes flying out at high velocity, bouncing between the colored balls, its trajectory curving as the ball passes the gravity wells, sending them all flying towards the scoring pockets before sinking into the top center hole.

The game is scored the same as traditional snooker, one point for red and increasing points for every color with the black ball being worth the most. But in this game, every shot must always hit a red ball first, and the colored balls are reset to their starting positions after every shot. The game ends when all red balls are sunk.

Over and over, Nico rotates through the red balls, using the same trick to sink everything, so Max looks through her memories, finding that she really hasn’t seen the game before, it’s just that her calculation abilities are so high that it’s not a challenge.

She finishes the match with a perfect score and the soldiers in the arcade cheer for her as she waves to them.

“I hope you didn’t wager on this. I’ve never seen anything like that before.” The woman nearest to Max laughs.

“Neither have I, but then she’s always doing strange things, so I should have expected this to happen.”


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