Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

205 Chapter 205

Max’s party outfit for the day, as chosen by Lilith, was a black on black shirt and pants, with a gray vest and tie. Max rolled the shirt up to his elbows, as was customary for off-duty officers, to remind themselves that they weren’t in uniform. After straightening his tie, Max strolled out into the main room to a wolf whistle by Nico and an appreciative look from Moonie.

“Now that the birthday boy is ready, we can head out. The reservation won’t wait, and we used a lot of pull to get this spot.” The big brunette told him with a wink, making Max wonder what exactly they had planned for his birthday.

Outside, one of the electric carts that served as group transport, but were normally only available to those whose duties required patrolling the city, was waiting for them, along with a uniformed driver in his parade best.

He was one of the men who usually worked the gate to the Testing Department, so Max had seen him almost every morning. The man gave him a knowing wink, then helped the ladies into the cart with a very gentlemanly gesture that made him look like an actual chauffeur.

“It will be ten minutes to get you to your destination, so please, relax and enjoy the ride.” He called over his shoulder as the cart slowly rolled away.

“You know the hoverboard is twenty times faster than this thing, right?” Max laughed, making Nico smirk and gesture at the others.

“Do you really think we should take proper ladies in such elegant gowns on a hoverboard ride through the city? Imagine the scandal.” Nico’s laugh was contagious, and the image of high winds flipping skirts as they raced through the city made Max realize the error in his suggestion. He wouldn’t mind seeing it, but he certainly wouldn’t want to share the view with the whole city.

The cart stopped at the nearest elevator, where the driver punched a button for one of the top floors, reserved for senior officers and those willing to blow large amounts of their salary to enjoy the finest that the city had to offer.

Their destination was a place called Chateau Chen Ming, an upscale hotel and event hall, where the Management staff hosted important visitors that held a sufficiently high-security clearance to enter the Lab City.

That meant that it was mostly empty, with the visitors usually being researchers celebrating special events more significant than a birthday party. But they also just finished up the X137 project, so there was a decent excuse if they had needed one to get reservations at the last minute.

“It’s still a bit early for dinner isn’t it?” Max asked quietly as Moonie and Nico led him by the hands to the hotel’s restaurant and Sister Lilith greeted the host with a big hug that smothered his face in her chest.

“Please, follow me.” The man stammered while his face turned bright red in embarrassment. Lilith had a pleased look on her face and Max recalled the first time they had met. Younger, easily embarrassed men were exactly her type.

Despite the early hour, the restaurant was already starting to fill up, but the host led them to a private booth that had sound-deadening curtains all around it.

“Your orders have been placed and prepared in advance, please do enjoy.” Were his last words before he left their side.

A group of waitresses arrived seconds later with an assortment of appetizers and Comor’s local champagne, made from a local fruit that gave it a distinct taste Max enjoyed much more than the original. He wasn’t sure who knew he liked this version, since only a few people had been around him when he was drinking, but he suspected Nico and raised a questioning eyebrow at her when the staff left the bottle of premium wine behind.

“Don’t give me that look. It’s the house specialty. The Chen family’s vineyard makes it, so they bring a bottle for all the special events.” Nico responded, sticking her tongue out at him.

“I’m not sure I’m old enough to drink.” Moonie hesitated, looking at the drink.

“The Kepler drinking age is your day of enrollment into the academy. After that, you are under military regulation until you retire. I’m quite certain that you are in fact old enough.” Lilith corrected her and Moonie took a sip, looking surprised at either the bubbles or the taste.

“It’s like soda. I could begin to enjoy this.” Moonie told her team leader, pouring her glass full.

Unlike a normal wine, Comor Champagne was a fortified spirit, at sixty proof, so drinking it like soda with her meal would lead to a very drunk Moonie. Especially since she had zero alcohol tolerance.

Lilith promptly moved the bottle out of her reach and held up her glass.

“To victory, growth, and new beginnings.” She toasted.

“Hear Hear. A fine toast.” Nico congratulated her, sipping the bubbly wine happily, knowing that she wouldn’t suffer any side effects.

They chatted about their time since enlistment over appetizers, all of them deliberately ignoring the topic of early childhood for various reasons clearing the first round of plates just before the main dish came out.

Sister Lilith had ordered them all Prime Rib dinners, in some sort of mushroom sauce. The meat fell apart under gentle pressure from a fork, releasing an irresistible aroma into the room.

“It’s from the the Tapani Wildebeest. I don’t think they exist in Kepler, but they are incredibly good.” Sister Lilith explained.

Max noticed that while three of the dishes were identical, Nico’s was brought out split in half, on two plates.

“I don’t actually need food, and you’re a big guy, towering over us little ladies. I’m sure you need your nutrition.” The raven-haired Cyborg teased him, the metallic sticks that she used to style her hair into a bun waggling in time with her hand as she waved off his concern.

The wait staff brought multiple bottles of wine to go with the meal, and the group drank and laughed for hours until an alarm on Lilith’s Wrist Device went off.

“Alright, it’s ready, let’s get this party properly started.” She laughed, wiping the last bit of gravy off her plate and totally ruining the ladylike image she had been going for all night.


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