HP: The Arcane Thief

Chapter 13: She is Faint of Heart

Chapter 13: She is Faint of Heart

(This fic is also being posted on Scribble hub or FanFiction.net, those who can't read here anymore due to the recent update can follow this fic there.)

Bellatrix Black was lying in an empty room in a miserable state. Her usually beautiful and picture perfect face looked pale and haggard. Her clothes were disheveled, which was never before seen in always prim, proper and beautiful Minister of Magic.

She numbly looked at the report that had been sent to her Magi-Mirror. It was just the names and houses of all the students sorted this year.

Axel Hunt: Slytherin

He's in Slytherin, with no family background, with a crippled body, and unable to do magic.

If even she was this harsh to him for no reason at all. Understandably, he'll be suffering a lot during his stay there.


The device fell from her hand, causing its screen to crack, but she didn't pay it any mind.

Hunt. Axel Hunt. Tristan Hunt. Could she deny the truth any longer? The pendant, the uncanny resemblance, and now the same surname.

3 life debts.

That, plus being able to escape her fate of being a trophy wife of a death eater, and learning so many things that today that she's able to be the most powerful woman in Britain and probably the most powerful woman in the world. That's exactly how much she owed him.

That was all 15 years ago. After helping her through her situation, he had to leave since there were people chasing after him.

Left alone and not wanting to go to Britain where her parents had sold her to death eaters, Bellatrix toured the whole world for years after that. With her changed perspective thanks to that man, everything felt different to her. She was able to see the world without prejudice.

When she finally returned to Britain after years, she found out that everything had changed.

Andi, who was banished from the family after running away from home and marrying a muggle-born, was having a tough time raising her daughter and paying for her deranged husband's treatment.

Meanwhile, Siri was in jail, accused of being a mass murderer and a supporter of Voldemort. And every other Black was dead. Except for Cissy who'd not bother to care for anyone. She disappointed her the most.

Bellatrix, who had changed by then due to the man who used to say 'family comes first,' decided to fight for her remaining family. She became Lady Black, reinstated Andromeda as a Black Family member, and invited her to live with her once again.

After that, she became the Minister of Magic and got Sirius a trial. With her life settled, she got to the reason behind her running for the Minister of magic.

To find Tristan Hunt and also help him out. The people who were after him were quite the mysterious bunch.

Tristan used to be a part of them at one point until one day, he realized their true goals and ran away with something.

After searching for him with all the resources, imagine her surprise when she found out that Tristan was already dead! That had felt like the end of the world for her.

At that time, she spent a lot of time in bereavement. And at this time, her family supported her a lot. She grieved until one day, she realized that even if he was dead, there were things she could do for him.

His idealistic views, his wishes, and his brilliance could still be retained in this world through her. And most importantly, she could still take revenge on the people who were after him.

After that day, almost a decade has passed and she settled her actions during this time according to a priority list.

Tristan >>>>>>>>Family > Making the country powerful enough to find out about Tristan's mysterious enemies and destroy them > Making the world a better place since Tristan wanted it so.

If anyone messes with this priority, she'll not hesitate to destroy that person.

Now, Axel had something that her family wanted. That's second on her list. Thus, she dealt with the situation without caring about hurting the feelings of an insignificant nobody.

That was until she saw the pendant! It looked exactly the same as Tristan! From that point on, until now, she had been in denial. She kept thinking that he must be someone else.

Cause if he wasn't, the meaning of her actions was too horrible to think about.

The words she had said to him kept ringing in her mind. Such horrible words… They shouldn't be said to another human being, let alone to the son of the person to whom she owed her everything, and more.

But she can't deny it anymore. She has to accept that he is indeed the son of Tristan Hunt.

That Tristan, who used to say family comes first and tell her that she should love hers.

His son has had to live on the streets, unloved and struggling for food.

That Tristan, who was an honest and honorable man. Someone who even managed to change the evil her into someone a little better.

His son has had to learn stealing from people.

That Tristan, who couldn't even watch a stranger suffering.

His son has had multiple injuries growing up, got tortured by the unforgivable Cruciatus curse, and is now crippled for life.

That Tristan, who helped her so much for her without asking for anything in return. Who always made sure not to be too harsh even while scolding her.

She said such harsh words to his child that they shouldn't even be said to enemies.

While the poor boy had always struggled hard for wealth, she had called him poor. While he had tried to be someone powerful, she had called him an insignificant nobody. While the boy trusted someone for the first time, she had broken that trust in pieces. While the boy had happiness and hope in his life for the first time, she had thoroughly crushed them without mercy.

She picked up her wand.

With all the things accepted, there was only one thing in her mind right now. And that is:

A bitch like her deserves to be punished.



At the breakfast table, Axel folded his timetable and pocketed it. He had Transfiguration the first thing today. While he was eating, the Owl posts had arrived, dropping a few newspapers and a few letters. Most only had parcels.

After Magi-Mirror technology was introduced into Britain, most people who can afford it would read the news and communicate with people through it.

Though, there was no parcel system developed in Britain yet. So people were still dependent on owls for that one. Or rather, the Ministery didn't allow that technology into Britain yet, or the hundreds of thousands of owls hatched and trained through a lot of resources would suddenly be useless. Some developed magical countries had better alternatives.

At this moment, a huge pitch-black owl carrying a parcel swooped into the Great Hall, attracting a lot of attention. Most of the people recognized the owl in an instant.

This breed of owls was only used by the Black family. And since it was from the Black family, they assumed it was for Rose, who has been adopted by the Blacks. But to everyone's surprise, the owl landed in front of Axel.

Axel looked at the owl in front of him with a frown. After coming out of the Leaky Cauldron, he had canceled the custom order of his clothes from Madam Malkin's. So he shouldn't be getting any parcels right now.

He checked the details written on it and found that it was indeed addressed to his name. Is there any other Axel hunt here?

'The sender… Andromeda Tonk?'

Axel's good mood instantly soured. Why can't this woman just leave him alone?

Opening it, he found a letter and an expensive-looking wallet inside.

"Dear Axel,

I did the rest of the shopping for you. I would have sent it earlier with Rose but your custom clothes weren't ready at that time. Did you cancel it? They had later called me to confirm and I denied it.

Also, congratulations on your sorting to Slytherin! Though I am not really sure about your family background. You never told me. And why was Hogwarts staff coming to help you with your shopping? Is there really no one to take care of you?

Anyways, I saw the memory. I never knew Cyrus Greengrass was such a sick and deranged person! You have the strongest will I have ever seen in my ten years as a mind healer. I am glad the man is dead.

I was so furious when I found out that my sister has got your memories! I don't know exactly how my sister got them, but I'd like to ask for your forgiveness for whatever she did. Bella has never been a polite person, nor a patient one.

She did say you gave it voluntarily, but then I don't know why you left. Can you tell me exactly what happened? Bella hasn't come home ever since. A lot of problems are cropping up after her sudden and unexplained disappearance. She isn't replying to any of the calls. The Aurors are going to start investigating very soon.

Anxiously waiting for your reply!



Axel crumpled the piece of parchment in anger. These people just wouldn't let him off! If that bitch Minister wasn't found soon, the Aurors would start investigating! And as the last person who was alone with her, he'd likely be the first person to be suspected.

Even if they consider the fact he was just a crippled child, they'd at least question him, and probably take his memories as well.

He doesn't know how it works in the Magical world, but does know that police do know how to make people talk. And those methods are not pleasant. He's had first-hand treatment. Those people were merciless even to a child.

Axel opened the Black leather wallet to realize that it was a lot bigger from the inside. Bigger than the space in his backpack.

It had all the equipment, books, and other things on the shopping list and more. Axel didn't even give them a second glance before closing the wallet and putting it in his backpack.

The way he saw it, these things were just a hoax. The main reason was that she was just worried about her dear sister. As Bellatrix had said, this much was just chump change to their coffers.

When he looked up, he was surprised to see most of the students looking at him for some reason. Even some professors.

'Well, I'm fucked, aren't I?' He realized. The last thing he wanted was attention. Attention would lead to curiosity and curiosity would lead to people investigating his background and history.

If this was still not enough attention, the girl who lived herself came to stand behind him along with Neville. She could recognize that owl from a mile away. Its name was Ater.

"What was it?" She asked Axel as the owl flew over to settle on her shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Axel asked her instead.

She showed her timetable.

"We have Transfiguration together. I was wondering if you'd like to come along."

He was about to deny it but when he looked at the curious students, he sighed. They had heard her invitation already. He couldn't deny it. This wasn't a question since he wasn't given a choice.

"Lead the way," he said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"So…" began Rose as they exited the Great Hall. "You still haven't answered what Ater came to deliver."

Axel shrugged, "Just some shopping items. Your Aunt Andromeda was asking if I knew where your Aunt Bella was."

"So? Do you know anything?" Asked Rose, almost too quickly.

Axel sighed inwardly. He already knew that she already knew. She's not too good at acting.

Axel looked at her like she was an idiot.

"I don't know,"

Rose looked at him dubiously.

"Really? Are you sure? She didn't look fine after she came back."

Axel stopped walking for a second. He could see a noticeable change in her attitude from yesterday. Until Sorting, her tone was friendly and gentle. But right after he was sorted into Slytherin, she has been looking at him differently. And her tone has also changed noticeably.

He never expected anything more from her, to begin with. He returned the favor in kind.

"Miss Potter, let me assure you, I don't know anything. I have never met your aunt before and I'm just a cripple who can't even do magic. Is there any way for me to know?" He asked coldly before leaving the two behind.

Neville snorted,

"See? He's already showing his Slytherin colors, isn't he? I told you yesterday. Most Slytherins are evil. Gran and Dad and Uncle Sirius also say the same thing."

Rose shook her head with a guilty look,

"But he did have a point. Why did I even bother asking?" She was just worried for her aunt. The private forces were already moving, trying to locate her.

After all the previous attacks on the Minister in the past decade, they were also not wrong for worrying.

Axel didn't go to the classroom first. Instead, he asked a student for directions to the owlery.

There was a problem he needed to fix before doing anything else. Otherwise, he'll have Aurors coming to Hogwarts for questioning very soon.

He had thought he'd settle it after classes, but after Rose had confronted him, he realized that it is better to do it as soon as possible.

He went into an empty broom closet and took out his wand.

When he touched the wand, It gave a hum of vibration along with a spark.

"Well, someone looks eager," he muttered. He was also eager to learn magic, but he had to do this first.

Closing his eyes, and touching the tip to his head, he brought a silvery thread out of his head and stored it in a plastic water bottle.

The method to do this was included in the beginner Occlumency package and he was able to do it since it did not need magical skills but mind skills.

"Damn, that actually worked," he muttered in slight disbelief. He was used to failing at magic by now.

[Host, you are quite talented, actually. Have some patience. You'll excel eventually.]

'Like I don't know that,' he thought while getting out. He was just worried that with his luck, he'll be dead long before that happens.

The shining silvery thread was the memory of his entire meeting with Bellatrix. Though it excluded the part of what exactly she saw in his memories. He excluded it since this could now be shown to the authorities in case Bellatrix really went missing and they wouldn't know that he had an encounter with Cyrus Greengrass, a man who had been recently murdered.

And, this memory would most likely also stop Andromeda from continuing her fake act of caring after knowing that her sister had already exposed her.

He would have liked to add a note as well, but as expected, he can't write anything comprehensible with his fingers so unsteady. He could only tear a slip containing Andromeda's signature and stick it to the bottle.

When he finally stepped into the Owlery while panting due to exertion, he stopped dead in his tracks.


There was a girl standing in front of the open space of the Owlery, looking at the scenery while gently stroking the plumage of an owl that was resting on her shoulder.

He wouldn't have bothered if it was any other girl, but it was the same girl who was following him last night.

Martina didn't feel like attending the class right now, so she just skipped it. She had long realized that she can do a lot of things that others won't be allowed to do. That included skipping classes as well.

Though some teachers do tend to have her learn something challenging while they teach the other students. Sadly, potions wasn't one of them.

So she came to meet Rowlet, her dear owl. She had named her after the cute Pokemon Rowlet since the two looked quite similar.

At this moment, Rowlet suddenly turned her head 180° to look behind them. Turning around as well, she saw that it was a boy who was looking at her with surprise.

Just as she was about to ignore him, she saw that his eyes looked familiar. As the boy turned around to find an owl, his figure overlapped with the person who had tripped her last night. Any other person wouldn't have made the connection but she was a genius with monstrous intellect.

'So, it was this little guy here who did that, huh?' She thought with a frown as she recalled how disgraceful it was when she fell flat on the floor while running. Even her skirt had ridden up, showing the forbidden scenery! It was fortunate she was invisible at that moment, or she'd have straight up used her powers then and there.

"Hey, you!" She called out to him, making him stop.

Axel cursed under his breath when she called out to him.

'System, should I make a run for it?'

[Calm down, Axel. There's a 0.02% chance of you being able to run. System would recommend talking things out peacefully. The magical fluctuations coming from her are insanely high.]

'Damn. Talk about being unlucky,' thought Axel as he slowly turned around to face her.

He didn't know what he was expecting, but he certainly didn't expect her to just keep staring at him.

[Host, she's currently reading your mind.]

Axel jumped in surprise.

'What?! But I didn't even keep the eye-contact for more than a second! And how come I didn't feel a thing.'

[She's at a surprisingly high level of Legilimency. She doesn't need eye contact and you can't detect it at your level.]

Axel panicked,

'So what do I do now?!'

[Don't worry. It seems like she wouldn't last long.]

And sure enough, Axel saw her suddenly jerk back with a gasp.

'System, What happened? Did you block her?'

[No, blocking her would have led to more trouble as you are not supposed to be able to block her. System simply concealed all the information about itself along with other sensitive information and threw out some of your bad memories to test her out. She didn't last long. It seems that she is faint of heart.]


Martina gasped as she retracted her Legilimancy probe. She just couldn't watch it anymore!

Like most reincarnators she had no qualms about casually entering people's minds. She had just wanted to check what kind of person he was and how he knew someone was following him yesterday... and if he had gotten lucky and caught a glimpse by chance, but who would have thought that things will backfire on her again and she'll be traumatized just by watching an eleven year old's memories!

How can someone live properly after experiencing all that?! Scratch that, how can someone be alive after suffering through all those beatings?!

At this moment, she heard him call her, bringing her out of her state of shock. "Excuse me, did you have any business with me?"


He didn't wait for her reply and just went along on to find an owl to put the small transparent bottle in his hand into the owl's pouch.

As soon as he was done, Axel made a beeline for the exit before the stunned girl could do anything.


A.N.: One of my biggest chapters. Give me POWERSTONES!

oh... about being weak, look at the title of Chapter 15 on Pat reon.

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To the 90* supporters, Thanks for Support! It has motivated me to put in more effort!

Part /Snollygostsr


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