HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 99: The Master Liar finally fails!

Chapter 99: The Master Liar finally fails!

The bastard also had blond hair and blue eyes, but the shades were quite different. And our appearance was also completely different. In short, we looked nothing alike. For which, I was glad, since this guy had that face which just made you want punch it. And the history speaks for itself, the few people who've had it and tried to annoy me haven't ended well.

When we'd all settled into our seats, I looked over at the Griffindor table to see Har, Nev, and Her looking in surprise at Nyxie, whose head was looking around left and right, basking in the attention after having to stay invisible for so long. It's like the dragon pride, ingrained into her and as a superior species, like she doesn't fear anything.

I gave the three of them a smirk. "Now you believe me." I muttered, and the three of them understood what I was saying just through my smirking expression.

Then I turned to Nyxie and stroked her head. She shouldn't be so fearless and carefree from now on. 'Be vigilant of everyone, Nyxie. You're still young and weak, so you need to be cautious.' I said through our bond. Upto now, I've only been teaching her the ways of the world. Not magic and combat. It's so that she can enjoy her childhood. But I think I'll have to start training her on these things now. I won't always be able to be by her side to protect her. She needs to learn to protect herself.

At that moment, Nyxie suddenly growled, making me frown, but I knew why she did it because in the next moment, both my cheeks were pulled by someone from behind.

"Andweeah, dwon't pwull mvy cheezs." I said exasperatedly as I stopped Nyxie from attacking.

(Andrea, don't pull my cheeks.)

"Why, pray tell, did you run away when you saw me coming towards you at the platform?! And I couldn't even find you on the train! You weren't with your friends." asked Andrea as pulled as she pushed and pulled at my cheeks thoroughly before letting go.

"Ah... well, I'd have love to stop by and chat, but you see, I was too busy trying to smuggle a dragon into the train with permission." I said, while through my bond, I calmed down Nyxie, as I explained to her that if she showed any aggressive behavior, we won't get the permission for her to stay in school.

Before, Andrea could say more, we were interrupted by a familiar squeaky voice, "Mr. Maxwell, or should I say, Mr. Martin," I turned around to see professor Flitwick coming over with a piece of parchment in his hand.

"Hello, professor. I think I'll be using Martin from now on, but you can call me by either. ...I assume this is about the permission for keep an A.A.T. (Advanced Animated Transfiguration) with me that my father talked with professor Dumbledore about?"

"Ah, yes Mr. Martin, that would be it." He said, handing me the parchment. "And I must say, it's quite beautifully and delicately Transfigured, from what I can see. It seems that France is still more advanced in this field than Britain." He said cheerfully, looking at Nyxie.

"Ah, and do keep in mind that if it injures someone, you and your family are to be held responsible and the creature would have to go back to your home. So please, do be careful." This, he said seriously, and I understood as well. I'd totally hate Draco Malfoy being allowed to keep an aggressive pet at Hogwarts, so the same should apply to me.

But I can tell that this line wasn't said by Dumbledore, it's something that Flitwick added himself, as a responsible teacher. When has Dumbledore ever given two shits about his own side getting injured or dead? Not after Ariana. The guy can let a 60 feet deadly snake roam free in the school no problem. Though I won't go into that one yet, but have strong reasons to believe that he did it knowingly. But that's what we're gonna confirm this year.

In response to Flitwick's warning, I smiled and nodded, "Sir, let me assure you, you don't need to worry about that. Nyxie is very intelligent and well behaved. She won't cause any problems." Then I turned to Nyxie, "Nyxie, this is professor Flitwick. Say hello to him~"

Nyxie bobbed her head and then regarded at Flitwick with her big ember eyes, " She spread her wings as she curtseyed. "Meeww~"





"Aawwwwwww" x20

"Soooo cute!"

"Sweet Morgana! she cuuutee!"

The girls all around cooed and swooned at Nyxie's cuteness.

Flitwick, who was in the direct line of fire of this lethal attack, understandably couldn't withstand it as well.

"Ohh! I see, I see, well Mr. Martin, then I'm assured. Such a beautiful creature! ....Do bring her to my classes as well, Mr Maxwell. No need to leave her alone..." Flitwick gave one last look at Nyxie and left, since the door of the great Hall had opened and tiny firsties had started coming in.

In the group, I could immediately recognize a few of them. The boy with a camera should be Collin Creevy. The girl with red hair and freckles is Ginny, I've already seen her at platform. And the girl with dirty blond hair and pale silvery eyes with a dreamy expression can be none other than Luna Lovegood.

Luna was curiously looking around the whole great Hall, and soon her eyes fell on Nyxie.

"!!!!" Her eyes widened a bit, if this was an anime, you'd see hearts forming in her eyes.

'Now I remember. This girl was a total aficionado for magical creatures.' I thought.

The sorting started, and as it was Luna's turn, the hat seemed to be trying to talk her, while Luna was shaking her arms and legs impatiently.


As soon as the hat announced that, the girl made a beeline for me and Nyxie.

Upon arriving, she looked alternated her gaze between me and Nyxie and I wondered what she was thinking.

"You two are... different." She observed.

I smiled, "That we are. But how?" I asked curiously.

"Well your light is much brighter than others." She nodded as if noting something for herself.

Well, Luna rarely made sense did she? But her words are always much deeper than they appear.

In canon, once she was seen walking around barefooted in the cold. The the bullies had taken her shoes to bully her because she was quite eccentric. When asked why she wasn't wearing shoes, she said "All my shoes somehow magically disappeared...But I'm not concerned. They'll show up sometime - even when you least expect it." What makes this quote so heartwarmingno judgment if it moves you to tearsis because it's not really about shoes.... It's about people!

"So, your name is Luna Lovegood, right? Would you like to sit with me?" I asked, and Luna, who was still standing while examining Nyxie, nodded excitedly.

I turned my head to my side. "Oi, Corner, scoot over. Make room for her." I said to Michael Corner. The attention seeking bastard had taken the seat beside me since I was the centre of attention today. The girls tried to make him move since they wanted to sit beside Nyxie, but the guy didn't budge.

Upon hearing my Oh-so-polite request, his face turned sour but he still obediently moved aside.

Luna happily climbed into the seat beside me as she looked at Nyxie and me.

By now, the sorting was over and Dumbledore stood up, "Welcome! To a new year at Hogwarts! He said merrily, "Before you all dig into to your delicious meals, I'd like to say a few words, which are Narthex! Marmorian! Ophidian! Broderie!

"Thank you!"


The hell? Why does he do that? He did it last year as well! Does he get some sort of sick pleasure out of teasing people about secrets that only he knows?

Oh man, I hit the nail on the head, didn't I?

"I've never heard of any creature like her. Is she even rarer than a Crumpled Horned Snorkack?" asked Luna as I poured myself some pumpkin juice.

"...." How did she know it's a she?

"Um... she's not a real creature. Just an Advanced Animated Transfiguration."

Luna nodded her head, "Ok, I'll believe that lie." She said, making me choke on my pumpkin juice.

"Cough! Cough!... What's a... Crumpled Horned Snorkack?" I asked, changing the topic. "Is it like Nargles and Wrackspurts?" I asked adding what I had read in canon.

Luna's eyes brightened a bit on that, "Oh, do you read the Quibbler as well?" She asked excitedly.

I nodded affirmatively, "I've read a few."

Luna became disappointed, "Oh, you didn't? Well that's too bad." She Bagan telling me about the Crumpled Horned Snorkack.

'What the hell, man?! How did she catch me lying two times in a row?!' I was quite unnerved.

I'm a master liar; I've trained so much in the art of lying that lying has become a second nature to me. How can she catching me lying when I even fooled Dumbledore with my lies?! At this rate, even my Trump cards Grandma lies won't work on her!

'Is this the end of the world?' I murmured. If she's can catch all my lies then she'd know that there are actually are very few sentences in which I don't lie!

I need to confirm this.

"Hey Luna. I can't cast 4th year spell yet." I sacrificed this one. Even if she catches this, there won't be much damage, unlike if I say 'I'm from this world.'

Luna's eyes widened. "Oh, you can already do fourth year spells?!"


Alright, it's official....You can't lie in front of dark lady Luna. She'll know! She always knows...

I looked at Luna. This also seems to be one of the reasons why is didn't have any friends until her fourth year. She was always lonely and bullied, for her eccentricity and her blunt honesty. During the end of DA meetings, she had said"I Enjoyed The Meetings, Too. It Was Like Having Friends."

She only had one friend before that, Ginny Weasley, who left her when the other students started bullying her. And even started calling her Loony behind her back along with others. Now that I thought about it, Luna is quite pitiful. Her fate might not be as bad as the Ford Angela I saved, but it's still quite bad. So, I can change her fate too! Oh! The beauty of reincarnation. But Ford Angela is my best save till now.

As I ate my food, my eyes would inadvertently be drawn towards the Hufflepuff table at Dora's usual sitting place.

'Sigh... old habbits die hard.'

Everytime during our dinner, she show me funny faces with her Metamorphagus ability when I was I drinking something, making me choke and spit/spurt it out, sometimes through my nose...

'Ah man, I even miss those days now.' I thought in exasperation as I finished my meal.

After the feast Dumbledore stood up again, "I have a few more announcements to make before you all go to your dorms, Professor Quirell won't be available for teaching here, so, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a famous Adventure and an Author of many best sellers, will be taking his place."

The hall burst into cheers as many girls cheered for Lockhart. He stood up and smiled his narcissistic, egoistic, vainglorious, self-obsessed smile as he waved everywhere. That bastard, I'll see who smiles at the end.

Dumbledore ended the feast after making some more announcements which I couldn't be bothered to listen. As we went to our back to our dorms, and I decided to go to the room of requirements where I'd be alone this year I noted with a pang in chest. But I was stopped from doing so.

"Now, where are going? We've got a lot of catching up to do~ And then we have to discuss our Quidditch practice this year as well~" said Andrea before dragging me to the rest of the team.

'Well, I'll go after an hour or two.' I thought as I placed my hand on the Diary in my pocket. I can't wait to talk to her.


A.N.: Next chapter has Dora! wait for it!

Exams are going on. POWER STONES for regular release.

read ahead on Ptreon /Snollygoster


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