HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 92: Her face got covered in a silvery white fluid...

Chapter 92: Her face got covered in a silvery white fluid...


I woke up and took a long yawn. I had slept-in today by half an hour.

I slept for a total of one and a half hour. The magic and body training and research can't be ignored.

Two months have gone by in a blur and today is my last day here. Tomorrow I'll have to go Hogwarts. And...

I don't wanna go.

Really. This place is sooo good that I really don't wanna leave.

Sigh... Playing around with Esme, my mother's hugs and kisses, learning dueling from Durant, then of course, daily going to the Delacours where Appoline would treat me like a VIP and learning enchanting from Sebastian. And when Gabrielle's and Esme's classes, we would me, Nyxie, Esme, Gabrielle, and Fleur would play all kinds of muggle games that I'll make magical after some editing.

But of course, all good things must come to end.

But I swear

""I'll break this rule one day...""

But not this time. Going to school is also important. After all, I still haven't done anything to the chamber of secrets...


Because... I really wasn't too keen on meeting a 70 feet long snake with poisoning so potent that it can kill it's victims almost instantly.

And this time, I wanna see whether Dumbledore has once again arranged a confrontation of the Basilisk with Harry or it was just a coincidence and the diary also took Dumbledore with surprise.

How far does the old man's mechanizations go? Is just an old fool just getting on in his years?

Or... it is some deeper conspiracy?

When I was pondering on all this, I heard a very soft knock on the door.

"... Big brother."


I smiled. And got up and put on my clothes as I simultaneously did a charm for brushong my teeth. Then I put pocketed everything that I had prepared yesterday night.

Getting ready in 5 seconds, I opened the door to see little Esme standing on the other side with Nyxie on her shoulder.

"Good morning Esme!"

I picked her up and spun her around.

Esme smiled as she hid her into my shoulder.

"Good morning... big browthuh"

The little girl has opened up to me in the past months. It took a lot of hard work and playing.

"Sowwy Esme, big brother got up late today. Big brother has to go to school tomorrow, so let's play all day today!"

Upon hearing about me leaving, Esme's mouth curved down into a downward (

"Don't be sad, Esme, I'll come back as soon as I can, alright?"

Esme still looked sad but nodded and buried her head in my shoulder.

We went downstairs to the dining hall. Where we met Camille.

"Morning, mom."

"Good morning, honey." Camille smiled as she kissed me and Esme on the cheeks, then she gave one to Nyxie as well, what a great woman. She understands that Nyxie is also a person.

After eating breakfast, we flooed to the Delacours; Mom followed soon behind since Durant had already left for workso had Sebastian. So, the women usually just sit by the lush grounds and watch over us playing.

As we arrived, "Hi Esme, hi Nyxie, hi Chris!" Gabrielle was still as energetic as ever.

"Hi auntie Camille!"

"Hi Gabrielle." I smiled as I put Esme down and nodded to Fleur who smiled back. We were now friends. And she wouldn't deny it.

"What are we playing today???" Asked Gabrielle eagerly.

I smiled. "Since today is the last day for me and Fleur, I've prepared something special. But, you girls are getting late for your classes. I already arrived late-"

"There's no need for that, Chris dear."

At the moment, Appoline came into the living room as she approached us.

"I have talked to the tutors and cancelled the tution for today."


Hearing that, Gabrielle started jumping up and down in celebration and Esme also raised both of her hands into the air as she smiled.

"This is the last day for Fleur and you. So... play all you want!" said Camille as Esme and Gabrielle cheered.

Damn; These two are such cheats. With one move, suddenly, now they're the favorites while the big brother who plays with them is thrown to third place. Poor Fleur would always be fourth though. The top three is always secured by me, Appoline and Camille. Actually, I think that the boss 1st ranker is actually Nyxie.

"Big bro Chris, now tell us! What are we playing?!" demanded Gabrielle.

"Alright... alright.... Let's go out for this one."

It took a whole 3 hours of my night yesterday to make the things which I have in my pocket right now. Actually, it would have taken a lot less if 1 hour wasn't spent on me trying to weaponize this thing for later usauge. I had made the things in 30 minutes, the rest 1 and a half hour was spent ensuring that the ones that we'll be used to play today would be 100% safe for kids.

Arriving on the grounds, the house elves set up chairs, table, and a big umbrella for Appoline and Camille to sit and watch.

"Today, we're not playing any complicated game like the ones before. Because, there won't be any need for it. The toy which I've made yesterday are going to be soooo much funthat you won't even need to a game to have fun with them."

"So! There's only one rule todayThe one who's the least bit coloured by the end of the daywould be the winner!"

Under the anticipatory gazes of everyone, took out Guns. Lots of guns.

There were all kind of them, with all kinds of colours read, blue, green, black... you name it, we have it.

"What are these?" asked Fleur as she picked up a silver one and examined it curiously and examined it curiously.

"Theseare my proud creations which I created after spending many days and nights of researching and testing. Their muggle versions are called squirt gun, spary guns, super soakers, etcetera. They'll make you wet."

"W-What are you talking about?!" asked Fleur as her cheeks turned red and she quickly dropped the gun.

Oh? She at least knows a little bit of innuendos to call me out on them.

But so what? I can just fall back on my age excuse and say I know nothing.

While Camille and Appoline smiled knowingly at Fleur, who hid her face in embarrassment, I acted clueless as I casually picked up the silver coloured one she had picked. Silver must be her favourite colour.

"What did I say wrong? You don't believe I can make you wet with this?" I asked innocently as I waved the gun up and down.

"You... con! How can you make me w-wet with that?!"

(con = french curse word for stupid, idiot, jerk, etc.)

"Why are you over reacting so much? It's not like you've never been wet before. As I recall it, you get wet atleast two times a daywoah! What's wrong with you?!"

She had fired a stinging hex at me. Damn, why are they always violent? Doesn't she bathe two times a day? What did I say wrong?

"Looks like you need a demonstration, huh?" I said as I easily dodged the spell.

I aimed my gun at her and fired the load I had stored last night. Andthere's one more thingthe colour of gun signifies the colour of water I stored in that gun.


A jet of silvery white liquid shot out of the silver gun and landed all over her face and hair, giving her a facial of sorts.

"There." I said as I shook the remaining drops out of the gun in my hand.

"Gabrielle, Esme, Nyxie, isn't Fleur all wet and soaked now?"

"Yes!" (Gabrielle)

"Hmm..." (Esme)

"Mwww." (Nyxie)

"See? I asked Fleur, who was just standing there, stunned as the silver droplets of water dripped form her face and hair.

"So, this is the game! Fire Waters of different colours on each other! The one who's the cleanest in the end wins!"

"Chris dear, how did you make that?" asked Camille as she also picked up a gun to examine it closely.

"Mom, I got the space extension charms as well as weight reduction charms enchanted on the small compartments on the back of the guns by Sebastian.

The body, I Transfiigured myself. then I stored a lot of water into the extended space in the back. After that I filled in air for making the pressure high. After that, I enchanted it the extended space with the shrinking enchantment that Sebastian showed me."

"..?.?.." (Camille, Appoline, Fleur, Esme, Gabrielle, Nyxie)

Nobody got it?

Fine, I'll spell it out to you.

"The shrinking enchantment that Sebastian showed me an application of shrinking charm through which, you can enchant a container to shrink on its own as the content in it decreases.

The enchantment has a wide variety of uses. One of them is to caste it on large containers which don't have space extension of charms on them. When the contents of the large container decreases, it shrinks along on it's own, making it easier to draw out whatever it is that you've stored in the container.

Why won't they simply caste a space extension charm on a small container then?

Because the space extension charms are no joke. Most don't even last long. You need a good enchanter to cast it. And it's expensive. That's why, it's easier to have a large container with weight reduction casted on it, and then you can enchant it with shrinking enchantment of Sebastian, so that It'll get smaller once the content decreases. It'll not only make it easier to take out whatever it is in it, but also make it easier to carry after being empty and you can just engorge it later.

But, my application of shrinking enchantment is completely different.

I already had space extension charm on the small container. After that, I stored a lot of water stored in the small storage container. Then I had put the pressure on it as well in the right amount by pumping air into it, so that the water would shoot out of it whenever the trigger is pulled and the small hole is open.

Then, why did I need the shrinking enchantment?

Because, once the amount of water in the container decreases, the pressure in it would also decrease, thus decreasing the flow rate if the water. Thus, I had to find a way to restore the pressure in the container. Of course, you can't do it manually with a pump, the container is large and it'll take time. And the girls can't refill it with magic like I did. Not to mention the pressure should be right, otherwise it can hurt a lot if the pressure if high.

Then I remembered that one of the enchantments Sebastian showed me was shrinking enchantment. It could be done by someone with second year skill. I casted it on the extended space itself. Now, as the water decreases, the space itself would shrink, thus keeping the pressure on the container constant."

"So, got it this time?"

Camille, Appoline, and Fleur nodded in a daze, while looking at me like I'm some kind of alien.

"So... are we playing now?" Asked Gabrielle cluelessly, her eyes fixed on the guns lying on the ground.

Everyone laughed and I smiled bitterly.

A.N.: The next chapter contains a water fight. I need POWER STONES!!!


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