HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 77:

Chapter 77:

I stayed that whole day at the Tonks'. The lunch and dinner of Andromeda's cooking was too good to miss, even though I had planned to go to the Airport right away.

Though it's all good, since I got the chance to discuss international travel with Ted.

International travel, well, it's complicated, but in simple terms, there are very few magical ways to travel internationally. Apparition was a no go (distance limit). Floo travel was also only possible within the country, not internationally.

Only Portkeys can travel internationally, and Ted had strongly recommended me not try creating an illegal one. Considering the fact that he usually supports me in breaking magical Britain's rules, I decided to follow his advice.

The funny thing was, I could reach France faster by muggle travel, than by Portkey travel.

How? Only because it'll take longer for me to even secure one from this hopeless ministry, and it would be expensive.

Anyway, though both of them were happy for me when I told them that I possibly had a family in France, but the only problem for them was about me going alone at my age.

No matter how hard they tried to believe, they simply couldn't comprehend the concept of me travelling internationally at my age. So, most of my day was spent reminding them of the past days when I them completely fooled about my age. Though I still had to reject Ted several times when he adamantly offered to accompany me for my safety.

As we parted, I gave Ted and Andromeda two matching lockets charged with pure magic. For their occlumency, since they know a lot of my secrets now. Though both had quite good shields already, they weren't enough for Dumbledore and Voldy at the moment. It's a plus that It'll also make their bodies better.

After drinking an aging potion, I took out my Nimbus and flew to London Airport after activating super trigger blue, with Nyxie in my coat. I still haven't tried side-along apparition with Nyxie yet.

Why? I still don't want her sensing the magic and then trying to disapparate on her own. She might splinch herself.

Reaching the Airport, I booked a ticket for the next flight to Paris available. I only had one luggage for the journey. A briefcase which I had been working on for the past few weeks. My magical pockets would probably glitch the the machine when I pass through the detector. Thus, the briefcase which doesn't expel magical or more precisely, blocks the expelling of magical energy would be the best. It has more storage capacity that my magical pockets. My enchanted clothes with magical pockets are in there.

But that's not it's main function. hint: Newt Scamander.

Nyxie simply by passed the detection system by flying from above it.

So, when I finally boarded my flight and sat in my business class seat, I put my hand into my pocket and took out a letter. It was Dora's letter which she'd left in my room before leaving.

I hadn't read it yet, in case I changed my mind about letting her leave after reading it.

[Dear Chris,



(*#$%# this letter is only for Chris, peeping creeps, keep away *#$%#)

















The letter was enchanted so that only I could read it. After reading it, I knew that I had made the right decision of not reading it. I would have definitely stopped her from leaving. I felt a familiar ache in my chest. I'm missing her already. And it hasn't even been three days of our separation.


Nyxie, sensing my mood from the bond, gently wrapped her wings around my neck.

I read the last line of the letter again.

[P.S.: Me and Nyxie have been preparing a surprise for you. Hope it will shock the hell out of you!



"What have you been up to behind my back, huh?" I asked Nyxie, gently scratching her between her horns.

*Meww* *Mew*

Nyxie didn't tell me. She hid her face in my neck.

'Barely a few months old and already keeping secrets from me.'

I sighed wearily. Kids these days sure grow up fast.



I exited the airport and took a taxi ride to Rue Giradon street in the Montmartre district.

My destination was Place Cache, thewizardingsection of Paris. It's like, Paris' counterpart to the Diagon Alley.

Like Diagon Alley, it's entrance is also hidden. At Montmartre District, I stepped in front of abronzestatue depicting a woman sitting on a pedestal.

Yeah, this thing served as the entrance to the Place Cache.

To muggles, the statue would appear as any ordinary statue, but when amagicalindividual was near, the statue would become animated, providing entrance to the Place Cache.

As I approached it, the statue moved it's dress away and stepped back from the pedestal it was set on, opening a passage.

Cool. I looked around to see that the muggles were ignoring this unreal scene like they couldn't even see it. But a middle-aged man in robes passed by me into the passage like it was an everyday thing for him.

I also followed the middle-aged man into the passage casually. After living for a magical few years, you get used to this kind of stuff.

"Woah..." Looking at the bustling alley in front of me, I whistled in appreciation.

The Place Cache had everything Diagon Alley had, and more. Wand Shop, Caf, Confectionary, Apothecary, Quidditchshop, Astronomyshop, Clothes shop, Cauldronshop etc., you name it.

These shops looked more elegant and organized though. The overall cleanliness of the place was also higher than the Diagon Alley. The majority of the crowd was dressed well too.

I was wearing a fitting coat and jeans which would blend in in both muggle and wizarding world. I was in my aging potion form. So, my first visit to Place Cache seems quite ideal compared to my first visit to Diagon Alley. I was freshly transmigrated in those day. The reality of the situation hadn't quite sunk into my brain at that time. I had gone to Diagon Alley in muggle clothing and my physical appearance was also quite young. I couldn't directly buy an Aging potion, books, wand etc. So I had to bring Harry for money, which opened up a whole lot of other complications.

In short, it was a mess.

This l time, I walked around the Alley with confidence, that no one can mess with me, nor find any reason to mess with me. Except, maybe my overly handsome appearance...

'Narcissistic much?' That is what Dora would have said to me if she were here. Damn, I miss her.

I walked straight to a familiar looking imposing snow-white multistoried marble building. It was quite similar to the one they had in Britain. Gringotts, the French Franchise.

Walking straight to straight to the Teller, I wondered if I should should greet him with a simple Bonjour, or should I try one of those lines famous in canon, like, "May your blades be ever sharp and your vaults filled with gold." or something like, "May your enemies sh*t their pants in fear and lose all the change in their pockets upon seeing you..."

Just kidding. All that is just nonsense of fanfics. I used to think it was true and once asked Ted if this was a thing.

He had had a good laugh at my expense. So, f*ck those fanfics who wrote it in a way that it all felt like canon.


"I'd like to go through the inheritance ritual." I said in French.

"That'll take a Hundred Bezant. Garnik, take him for the inheritance test."

"Follow me."

See? It's that simple. No long and fancy greetings. Those guys who wrote such things in their fanfics need a Khaby Lame video. Needlessly complicating the matters.

Anyway, someday, I'll prank Harry into saying a greeting like that to the goblins, just to see the Goblins reactions.

Before following the Garnik the goblin, I took out the magical contract preventing misuse of my blood that Ted had written for me and had the goblin put the gringotts seal on it.

As I walked into the pathways of Gringotts, I wondered in anticipation about what who my family might be and what I would do after finding out.


A.N: Powerstones to find out more.


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