HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 74:

Chapter 74:

After some time, I pretty much had the timings of the obstacles down.

I divided my path to the lever into 3 checkpoints.

These were the small spaces where I can keep standing indefinitely.

That is, they are safe.

While I was doing this, Harry, Neville, and Hermione had been trying to use all their spells to somehow pull the lever. But, as I thought, nothing worked. The spell didn't even reach the lever as they were always intercepted by the obstacles. And I didn't think that me using the fourth year Summoning charm would be a good thing because Dumbledore would know of me being able to use fourth year spells at my first which might even trump his or Voldemort's talent.

Ever since he has read mine and Harry's mind, the guy has been giving me 'coincidental' clues about the stone in hopes of bringing me here along with Harry. From the memories that I have shown Dumbledore and from the ones he read from Harry, he can easily assume that I would be here and thus had an obstacle prepared for me as well. So, it's good that I came here on my own free will, otherwise, Dumbledore would have tried to bring me here anyway using the Compulsion charm. Though I would have easily "sensed" the magic if it were ever casted on me and my occlumency would have tried to resist, making me look sus(how can a first year resist?)

"I'm ready." I called out as I activated just a bit of Super Trigger Blue for this one. I t was so little It didn't even make me fast. It was just enough to boost my nerve reactions.

*crack* *crack*

After shrugging my robes off, I cracked my neck from side to side.

*Foosh* *Foosh*

I breathed audibly, as light jump up and down while rolling my shoulders back and forth.

Music began to play in my head

Led Zeppelin - Immigrant song - Thor Ragnarok.



Ti-ding ting ti-ding,

Ti-ding ting ti-ding,

With this ringing in my head, I slowly began walking right into the passage. My speed increasing with each step I took. Soon, I was sprinting, my each step calculated.

Up ahead, blade were popping from both sides of the wall one side at a time.

My speed didn't decrease, but only increased.

"AAAAAAH!". That must be Hermione or maybe Led Zeppelin in my head.

I sprinted right through the blades that were seemly Popping at random times without blinking an eye. I timed it such that I passed without having to stop.

But there was no time to be happy. This time, uphead, the blades were popping form floor and ceiling.

My steps slowed down a bit as I closely observed the movements of the blades. In the next instance, I accelerated again, as I synced my movements with the tempo of the moving blades.

Time seemed to slow down when I was half a meter away from the obstacle. Many blades were coming out of ceiling and many from the ground. But,

'There's going to be space in the middle.'

I eyes fixed themselves at the gap which was going to be created in the middle of the multitude of blades.

Right then, I put pressure into the balls of my feet and jumped, performing a Butterfly flip, as I felt a blade rustling by my hair.->

I landed on my feet and didn't slow down my speed as I continued running. My speed wasn't that fast in the first place. Though I was timing movements well.

Next, few big logs covered in spikes were swinging around the passage. But I didn't slow down even now, instead, I entered into a full sprint!

As the logs covered in metal spikes drew nearer, at the last moment, I whipped out my wand and pointed at myself as I jumped forward with all the speed.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

My clothes levitated into the air, taking me along the ride with my forward momentum as the logs passed by from from below me.

The levitation charm charm can only make me move up, but my forward velocity doesn't decrease much even after I go into the air, as the only force acting against it is air resistance. The result, I can do some Hulk jumps. Just smaller and slower.

As I landed, I looked ahead at the last obstacle, it's a similar obstacle to the previous one, but this time, instead of logs, there were long and thin metal sheets, shaped like ax-blades.

My speed had decreased quite a bit and I didn't have enough momentum for making another jump like this.

But I didn't need to worry.

I stopped running a fair distance away from the those lethal things and took a rest. This was the last checkpoint. I didn't bother stopping at the other two.

When did I ever say I was going to complete it in one go?

Sitting leisurely, I aimed my wand at the ropes that held the metal sheets.






The Softening Charm (2nd year) most useful for making things rubbery and bouncy, especially certain hard surfaces.


The blades fell to the ground as the ropes that held them were stretched to the limit after becoming soft. I could have tried severing, but these ropes are strong, they won't be cut easily.

Whistling a happy tune, I got up leisurely walked over to the circle by stepping over the fallen blades.

Right before entering the circle, I stopped and activated my dragon senses, checking on something.

'You better protect him well, or one day, I'll kill you after giving you the worst torture of your life which would including a lot of your sister.'

I thought to myself as I entered the circle and pulled the lever.

Harry, Neville and Hermione cheered as the traps stopped working. But at the same time, the circle opened up, dropping me down, before closing up tightly.



"Aaaaah!" Do girls only know how to scream in situations like this?

I immediately casted Levitation charm on myself as I gently landed on the group.

"Chris, are you ok!? How deep is it?" Harry arrived first, his voice coming muffled.

"I'm fine. There are no injuries!" I shouted back.

The three of them tried all kinds of spells, but of course, they didn't work.

"Harry, you have to go on. Or he'll take the stone." I said while panting a little from my non-existent exhaustion.

I had to limit my speed to a very athletic 13-14 year old's. Not my usual Olympic level. So o

I wasn't tired.

Harry began to refute, but I cut him off.

"There's no way for me to come up. Just leave me here for now. The stone shouldn't come into Voldemort's possession or it's game over for all of us! You go and stop him! And remember what I taught you!"

"..... Alright." He called out at last. "I will stop him."

"I leave the rest to you." My words were meant for two different persons as I sat down to wait.

In the first place, my purpose of coming here was never to confront Voldemort. That wraith form is quite tricky. I don't think I can catch him in that form.

I just came here to make sure Dumbledore was here and not actually on a broomstick, flying somewhere while the guy owns a chimney for flooing and the elder wand and a flaming turkey for apparating. That's why I've been checking his presence with my dragon senses.

How? Not by sight, not by sound. He has blocked those two Disillusionment and Silencing Charm.

But, he didn't bother making himself odour less. Why would ever he bother? Four first year kid's senses aren't sharp enough to find a person through smell, much less Voldemort, who doesn't even have a nose. Anyway, he hasn't even come into his full stealth mode yet, since Voldemort is still two obstacles away.

So, the thing is, I can easily detect his presence through dragon's sense of smell, and that's all I needed to ensure.

He can easily protect Harry from Quirellmort, considering that he was even able to protect Harry from the fully recovered Voldemort in canon 5th book while he dueled Voldemort.

Man, I still remember that fight. The chapter's name was: 'The Only One He Ever Feared.'

The still have goosebumps remembering that fight. Though they ruined it in the movies. The movies Dumbledore was shown very weak in that fight.


I waited for about 20 minutes, before the trapdoor was opened and I was like, that's all it took from here to the end of the book!?

Anyway, after that, I was levitated out of the hell hole by the great Ablus Dumbledore himself. I could tell by the quality of magic. This magic was hot shit. Much powerful and denser than mine and Harry's. Well, magic gets powerful as a person matures, so it's understandable. Both mine and Harry's magic will grow as the time passes.

Before, I even came out, I yelled out, "Who is it?!"

"It's me, Professor Dumbledore, Christopher. You can calm down n-"

"Sir, did you already stop Professor Snape?! We need to go now if you haven't!" I yelled out.


Even I was speechless by my brilliant acting. Though there was a bit of redness on my cheeks from sham- *cough* from my exertion.


A.N.: Any complains on this chapter? if yes, then come find me! I'll defeat you. If not, well powerstones would be a nice way to show your appreciation...


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