HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 169: Damn... I'm this awesome?

Chapter 169: Damn... I'm this awesome?

Chris and Harry stood outside the compartment which had its doors and curtains completely shut.

Both were attracting attention due to their identity and Chris also due to his looks. Chris was now turning out to be more and more handsome and you could see that he ripped from the outline of his clothes and his posture.

And Harry looked younger since he was young. But since he had a good childhood, this Harry atleast wasn't short and malnourished, but healthy and fit due to his Quidditch practice.

His characteristic shabby and ancient glasses had been replaced by a much better new pair, which... were still round-framed on Chris's insistence. He couldn't imagine a Harry Potter without round glasses.


When Chris heard that Harry made a new friend who was a dog, Chris's eyes widened for a second before he schooled his features into that of mild interest as he rephrased his question,

"Oh, It's a dog? What does it look like?" He asked, thinking about a particular dog who was the hot topic these days. It could be called a Hotdog.

Harry thought about it, "Er... It's really big and black"

If anyone else would have heard this, they'd have asked, '... Are you really talking about a dog?'

But Chris understood Harry's words very clearly. There's only one dog who's big and black. And, he's a Black too. This matter is becoming Serious.

"When and how did you meet him?" Asked Chris. He was a bit confused. The house-elves should have instantly recognized the dog right as serious black since Sirius spent his teenage years at the Potter Manor. And it doesn't seem like Harry's aware of his identity yet.

Harry sight, "It's only been a few days. We only met after my Aunt and Uncle returned,"

Chris nodded, 'The house-elves probably never saw him, or they don't know,'

Whatever the case, Chris asked the next question,

"So, where is it living now, since you're already here?"

Chris once again had a bad feeling about this.

Harry glanced around suspiciously, and pointed behind himself, towards the closed compartment.


".... No... Just... no," Chris muttered as he stealthily opened the compartment and peeked through the curtains.

Inside, there were Neville, Hermione, Hermione's new cat, Susan, and Hannah. But... Chris ignored them because of something else grabbed his attention.

A man was sleeping by the window, covered in a shabby cloak. A great black dog was sitting on the seat next to him. And somehow, the dog seemed to be grinning ear to ear, as if imagining pranking the man just be walking him up and greeting him with a woof.

Chris closed the curtains again and look into the empty space blankly.

"Today, I've seen everything," he muttered in a bland tone.

The recklessness of this guy is something else. He'll get encountered if Lupin wakes up. Though, he doesn't know that Lupin doesn't believe in his innocence. He's just thinking that his bro would be happy to see him.

Harry scratched his head in a bit of embarrassment, "Hey, I know this is not a good idea. I wasn't going to bring him, but then I thought: 'What would Chris do?' So... I just brought him along under the invisibility cloak," he said, as if that was enough of a reason. Then he looked at Chris as he asked tentatively, "Bro, can you please handle the rest for me?"


Chris facepalmed.

You brought the most wanted man in the whole of Britain into a train which going to be checked by Dementors. And if that wasn't enough, you even HAD to choose the only compartment which has a werewolf sleeping inside who ALSO happens to be the only person who can recognize the said criminal.

And now he's asking, 'Can you handle it for me?'

"Bruh..." Chris muttered in exasperation, "And why did you choose a cabinet in which a stranger is already staying?" He asked in exasperation.

Harry was also a bit annoyed as this one, "I didn't choose it, Blacky did. And he just wouldn't listen to me no matter how hard I try to persuade take him to a choose different one,"

'Damn, those two shouldn't meet yet,' He muttered as he decided to stop that from happening.

He opened the compartment and entered with Nyxie peaking her head out of his backpack, and everyone turned their attention on them, even the dog.

"Meow!" Hermione's cat began to be rest when it saw them.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione held it as she tried to calm it down.

"Our international champion is here!" Chris was hugged by Susan who was excited about his dueling match which was in a few weeks.

Chris patted her head since she was much shorter than him as he sighed, "No need to butter me, Suzzy, I'll teach you dueling anyway. Now, state your true thoughts which you can't keep inside,"

Susan looked away, "You promise you won't take offense?"

"Yep," Said Chris as he cast a sleep spell on Lupin so that the man doesn't wake up and starts trying to catch Sirius. But it made Hermione raise her eyebrows in horror, as if he'd committed some capital offense. He ignored her and turned to Susan,

"Go on,"


Chris shook his head as he laughed. He always found Susan to be quite refreshing, since states her thoughts. Though he was also a bit sad.

She wasn't completely honest, but Chris understood her thoughts. She doesn't have parents and her aunt is a very busy person. So, she's basically alone when not with Hannah. Susan hasn't even been able to learn much since Amelia didn't have time.

Chris patted her head, "Be patient Suz. Your chance will come. And I'll teach you dueling," he promised. He's come to see her as a good friend and little sister. Thus, he agreed to teach her.

Hermione looked at the scene somewhat enviously. She also wanted to learn. But with her past history of bickering with Chris, she was too ashamed to admit defeat and ask. But, she still needed to do one thing.

She took out a thank you gift which she tried to present to Chris, "Um... Chris, I wanted to say that I'm really grateful for the Occlumency. It's turning out to be extremely helpful,"

Last year, when Chris was teaching occlumency to Harry, he had also taught Hermione.

Chris rejected Hermione's gift since it was something expensive and useless to him. It seemed more useful to Hermione, "It's not a big deal. We're friends, aren't we? Just help me out when I ask for it sometimes," he said casually.

He had always thought that it was a waste that canon Hermione never learned Occlumency, especially since she's the one who reads and tries to learn the most.

And there's no need to question her loyalty since she even erased her parents' memories of herself to search for Horcruxes.

And as for her use, in canon, she was able to think of using Protean Charm for communication, an idea with which he made the first Dora Diary. She was also able to make a satchel with an undetectable extension charm by the seventh year.

Thus, if she doesn't waste her time and on useless things like SPEW or ministry, she can make great strides in the field of magic especially now that she had occlumency.

The Magic Science in this world is really underdeveloped as compared to muggle Science. There's nothing to measure magic, very few things to detect magic, and very poor harnessing of magic.

If Magic Science was as developed as muggle Science, magic would be used like muggle use electricity. (Imagine a Magic Powerplant) Not to mention the totally unexplored subjects which Chris finds too bothersome to research, like quantum magic.

Thus, people like Hermione are always welcome, as long as their research only reaches him and only him and no one else benefits from it. (He'll, of course, properly compensate the researcher.)

At this moment, the train blew its horn, bringing Chris out of his reverie.

He'd already exchanged words with Harry, Susan and Hermione, so he greeted Neville and Hannah, who were both on the shy side, and finally focused on the elephant in the room.

"So, this is Blacky, huh?" he muttered looking at the dog as the dog looked back at him.

"Woof!" the dog nodded.

"Yes," nodded Harry as he petted the dog's head. "Do you think it'll be alright to bring him?" He asked anxiously.


'Man, you don't know what you're asking for...'

But Chris just nodded as he rubbed his head.

'The dementors might be a problem.' he thought wryly.

He hasn't encountered a dementor before so he was a bit nervous. Then there's the fact that they seem to have any unusual attraction to Harry in the canon, so he was a bit wary about that. If Remus didn't wake up this time, thing could go very wrong.That's the reason why he was decided to sit here instead of his Ravenclaw friends.

So, things were quite complicated as they were. But now, with the addition of Sirius, many more new problems have cropped up.

If he had the option, he would have made Black get off the train, but, there are special wards entry and exit to prevent students from falling off and to prevent high-jacking and he doesn't want to break those.

After giving it some thought, Chris sighed, "Just keep him under the invisibility cloak if anything happens," he concluded. If he applies his stealth under the invisibility cloak, the dementors shouldn't be able to detect him.

Since the time his mother asked him, Chris has been researching Stealth. And now he can confidently say, that this ability is top-tiered has some OP features which blew his mind when he discovered them recently. Thus, he's confident that it can hide Sirius.

'So, as long as Sirius isn't discovered, everything else should be easily handled,' he thought.

But to still not take chances, Chris decided to prepare a backup. He stood up and proceeded to leave,

"I'll wander around a bit," he said while opening the door, "Don't let anyone in and keep Blacky in check. Make sure he doesn't bark," he said as he closed the door behind him.


A few hours later

A heavy downpour had started at some point, and the train was quite close to Hogsmeade. Everyone was already in their uniforms and ready for deboarding.

The members of Chris's cabin were quite relaxed even as the train began to slow down, "Are we here?" asked Susan as she tried getting up.

Hermione looked at her watch, "We couldn't have reached yet," she said declared and at the same time, the train lurched to a sudden stop, such that even many luggages fell off the racks in other cabins.

Though they magically stayed at their place in there as Chris didn't want any more distraction.

Then, all of a sudden, the light all the lights went off a chill suddenly began spreading throughout the train amidst the heavy rain.


"What?!" (Susan)

"AAAH!" (Hannah)

"W-Why i-is this H-Happening??" (Neville)

"Ouch! Neville, stay where you are!" (Harry)

Everyone began to panic and Chris was surprised to find that even Nyxie seemed uneasy as she curled around his neck.

Chris's wand lit up in the next moment, illuminating the room and giving everyone warmth at the same time as he made sure that Sirius was inside the cloak with his Stealth activated.

"Relax, everyone!" he said urgently, observing the situation outside. Things were turning out to be quite different from what he was expecting and even Nyxie was aware of it.

Outside, he saw a few cloaked figures flying towards their cabinet from different directions.

'What the hell?! Wasn't there only supposed to be one? Did they detect Sirius? How?!'


Dementors are creatures with much mysteries. It's unclear exactly how they're made and or what's their purpose, but... it has been observed... that powerful wizards have always had attracted Dementors.

Some are able to take them under control, while others get their souls sucked of them, giving the Dementors a sumptuous meal.

There was a reason why Grindelwald was never placed inside Azkaban, the supposed most secure prison.

Here's the fact that few people know: Dementors meal isn't the soul they're sucking, but the magic inside it. That's why people are able to recover after some time.

They have an Unusual attraction toward the powerful wizards because their souls have the most magic.

And right now, they're seeing some incredible sources of magic staying inside just one compartment.

One is a boy whose forehead has an incredible source of food, and the two... it seems like their whole bodies are a source of food.

For Dementors, magic = food. That's they were attracted more toward Harry in the Canon. Cause the dude has Voldy's soul shard stuck in his head.

And with Chris and Nyxie who both kinda have magic stuffed throughout all parts of their bodies, they're such easy meals for Dementors since they wouldn't even have to suck the magic out of their souls. Just a few easy drags and their bodies' delicious magic would be sucked inside their mouths. Not to mention the quality of magic. It's so pure and dense.

With such mouthwatering treats inside just one compartment, the Dementors decided to bend the rules a little and have just at least a little taste. What's could the wizards do? Send them to Azkaban? That place is like a heaven for them.


This was the reason why, Chris was seeing atleast 20 Dementors outside their compartment, and their numbers were steadily increasing.

And with so many of them gathering outside, the Positive energy his wand was emitting wasn't enough to deter them as they began to stick their heads close to the Window with were tightly shut and also began trying to open the door which he had sealed shut.

The chill inside the room was once again increased to an incredible degree as everyone leaned towards Chris was for warmth while Sirius was considering blowing his cover and run away to lure the Dementors away from the kids.

He was also considering waking up Remus. But, he found his body unable to move!

'This kid,' he muttered in frustration. He realized that he had been put under some spell at some point by the kid, to prevent him from running away.

'Just wait, you bitches,' he thought in his head as his wand began to glow much brighter making the room warm once again. A shield of light began to form on the windows and door. But, he still didn't cast his Patronus yet. Because...

'It's here,' he thought and an echoing roar sounded in the next moment as 'something' shining in an incredible light, lit up the dark evening into white.

This was Chris's prior arrangement. Just in case if the dementors found out Sirius and hundreds of them decided to come at them at once.

*Thrum*... *Thrum* ... *Thrum*

Inside the bright light which no one could see through, a small dragon rapidly grew in size as waves of white magic spread out of it. By now, all the Dementors had turned their attention towards the big light source as many of them were already retreating.

The ones retreating were the smart ones... because, the dragon took in a deep breath as it took in the sight of all the Dementors, even those who were feeling. And in the next moment, a huge jet of white flames was released from its mouth, making it look like a sea of flames.

Chris's mouth fell open, 'Damn... I'm this awesome?'

He looked at Nyxie. She's also a dragon, then why is she always so cute instead of looking as ferocious as that?


A.N.: I'm back, and I need POWERSTONES!

Also, 9 chapters ahead on Pat reon.


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