HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 161: Poking the Dragon's nest

Chapter 161: Poking the Dragon's nest

Chris held both of Dora's hands as he drew her closer. This time, Dora had her down in embarrassment but she still came close. She knew what was coming.

Seeing Dora's inresistable cuteness,

Chris smirked, showing his canine which has turned a bit sharper. He put a finger under her chin and raised her to make her look into his eyes. Dora made a half annoyed half embarrassed face at him, asking him to hurry it up through unspoken words.

But Chris just smiled, "Don't be in a hurry, sweetie. We have the whole day and...." he paused as he came closer, "Tonight, you're not running away," he said in a low voice, considering her previous record.

Dora eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak but Chris kissed her, thus cutting off her words.

"Mmh~" a moan escaped her lips and her hands went to his chest, weakly trying to push him off. But soon, they slowly wrapped around him instead, one on his back and one going through his hair, unconsciously pulling him towards him towards herself.

After she got comfortable, Chris's tongue gently entered her mouth and touched her tongue. Startled, she withdrew her tongue but Chris tongue chased it without caring when she bit his tongue.

Slowly, his tongue coaxed hers through small touches, until she began to respond back. And soon their tongues intertwined and they forgot about time.

At some point, Chris's hand wandered down her ass, and Dora started freezing up. She was trying very hard to bring down her instictual repulsion but...

As soon as his palm covered her butt-cheek, and gave it a light squeeze, Dora clenched her fists tightly as she stiffened up completely. Memories of the time when she narrowed escaped came back and Chris stopped as he withdrew his hand.

"I'm sorry... I uh... I got a bit carried away," he said as he kiss her forehead and hugged her protectively.

But... Dora felt worse when he did that. She truly felt bad that she's unable to further with him, even though she very much wants to. And Chris never forced her beyond what she's comfortable with. From what she'd gathered from her other female friends, there are very few guys with such control.

He has so much talent, such good-looks, he is so caring, a millionaire, with a rich and powerful family background and the list goes on and on.

And what about her? What did she have? No family background, she must have a bad personality as well since she had very few true friends, even her looks and magical talent weren't so great before Chris came along.

The only thing she had special was her body, which she's unable to let him have access to.

And yet, here he is, not showing any disappointment and only trying to cheer her up. It really shows that he's after her for her body.

'I truly don't deserve him,' she thought yet again. Or to put it in a different way, 'He deserves better,' she thought, mentally scolding herself for still being affected by the past.


Fleur wandered around the ground to try and find Chris and Dora. It was time for the final dueling practice teacher Martin was waiting.

'Where in the hell did they go?' She thought in annoyance. They have to go international in a days, and the guy is still relaxed as while she's working her @ss out in tension, nervousness and anxiety.

But she suddenly stopped her steps when she finally found them and she bit her lip in annoyance. Dora was looking sad while Chris had his arms around as he patting her back soothingly.

'Relax!' Fleur Chided herself mentally. 'It's common to hug between friends, right?' She chided herself for feeling envious over that.

'After all, I can do that too, right?' She wondered. Now, Fleur really wanted to try.

But for now, she quickly called out to them to stop the scene in front of her with two imaginary horns on her head.

"Hey you two! It's time for the final practice!" She yelled from a distance. And when he broke apart, Fleur somehow felt quite accomplished.

But, to her annoyance, Chris still kept an arm around Dora as he walked towards her.

'That pedophile isn't even resisting!' Fumed Fleur, looking at Dora who was leaning into Chris.

Fleur huffed and walked away alone. 'If that's friends, then I should also try it,' she decided.


A day earlier

Camille and Durant were having a serious discussion.

"He's awfully independent," Camille was saying, "He's been sneaking out of the manor grounds at night many times," she said, recalling the times she found his scent just heading out of the manor grounds.

(Though she didn't know, but she was talking about the times when Chris would head out to steal precious materials for his projects from bad muggles.)

Durant frowned, "That can't do. We can't protect him if he's always wandering around on his own,"

Hearing that, Camille had an expression as if she was recalling something bizzare, "Though... we're not even sure if he needs our protection," she murmured, recalling the scene which she witnessed a month ago.

At that, Durant had to agree, "He's a lot stronger than he shows. A lot," that much, even he could tell. His observation skills are something Durant has always prided himself in. But he was curious to know what Camille what Camille knew, "What did you find out?" he asked.

Camille sighed. Due to her Advaned hearing, she was picking up an abnormal sounds at a particular time every night. So once she waited and see what he's upto.

And what she saw absolutely surprised her,

"He can fly without using any flying artifact or wand. And he was very fast," she told Durant.

That night, she witnessed Chris opening his window, stretching a bit and then just casually jumping out of the window... without any flying artifact or wand. And then he flies off at an incredible speed like it's the most common thing in the world while turning invisible and erasing his sound at the same time.


Durant was silent when he heard about the matter. Flying with the help of a wand? He could still understand. Being a genius, he might have found a way. But flying without a wand? There was either some trick to it like an ability gained through his Exalted status, or... somehow, he's just that good.

"We need to know his capabilities," he decided. Before protecting him, they first need to see just how good he is. It's really inconvenient, working with incomplete information. Thus, they need to find out his more.


"He's really secretive about them," Chris was trying to hide his capabilities, and Durant was feeling quite frustrated at that.

"Oh, he's secretive?! Camille glared at her husband. "And who's fault that is?! My son had just come home after so long, and you just had to be all suspicious about him! Why didn't you trust my insticts?!"


Durant was a bit speechless at this one. Though he really couldn't be blamed considering the all the cases, rumors, and situations he'd witnessed in his Auror carrier. Everything could have been faked.

She shook her head, "It's no wonder he's been trying to seem as normal as possible. What was he to do so if his father treats him like an intruder?!" She exclaimed.

"He didn't even reveal much about his past except for the fact that he was adopted by the Tonks, which I suspect is not completely true, considering the interaction between him and Dora," she sighed. Her son must have suffered.

Durant having his Auror background knew more about this, "He's never truly lied. But his words were spoken very cleverly. They could be interpreted as the truth, as well the things he wants us to interpret. He never said that Tonks adopted him," he paused and sighed. It was indeed his fault.

"I admit I might have overreacted. But... how do we know his capabilities now?" he asked Camille.

In the end, he could only depend on his wife to clean after his mess.

Camille contemplated about it for a while

"Hmm... there's definitely a way," she said with a slight smile, her look turning a bit sadistic as she looked at Durant, "But... you might have to poke the dragon's nest for it," she said ominously.

Durant seriously considered it, "What do I need to do?"

"Here it is then..."

Camille told him her idea and Durant nodded in affirmation, "I can do that,"

Camille raised her finger, "uh-uh, it won't be so easy. You're poking the dragon's nest, you should expect a backlash. Don't go too far with your words, because Chris's words are more vicious than yours," she grinned, just thinking what Chris would say in return, "He won't be too respectful when the time comes,"


Back to present, Fleur, Chris and Dora made their way towards the dueling area of the mansion where the rest of the Martins and Delacours were waiting,

Today, in the last training session, so everyone was present, except for Gabririell, Esme, the twins who were playing outside.

Durant was quite serious today, though they couldn't tell the difference by his face since he always looks serious.

He was going to duel each of them and make them struggle a lot.

Dora and Fleur had to struggle a lot to keep up, and the match with Dora was specially quite intense. It truly looked like an epic showdown which was difficult to follow for ordinary people.

It looked like Dora almost won several times, but Durant had always managed to pull through by experience. Though he still didn't use spell which were much powerful and properly held back, since there's no one to prevent it if injuries happen. On the other hand, Dora has gone all out, even crossing her limits in frustration.


"You weren't focused," Durant comments after the duel, "Your mind was elsewhere,"

Dora looked down in depression.

"But... " Durant shook his head as head showed his amazement, "Everything else was impeccable. You'll probably overtake me in a few years,"

Everyone who knew Durant were surprised. This was a compliment. And he rarely gives out any.

Though, Dora didn't know that, thus even though she smiled and nodded, she was still feeling a bit bad.

Next was Chris's turn. And he just stood in front of his father in a lax stance. He was prepared to give up after a few rounds of cool-looking stunts.

Durant frowned. Usually, he'd let Chris be Chris, but with the danger from the Nobles, Chris needs to start getting serious.

"Stop holding back now," he demanded.

Chris raised his eyebrows. He never showed any indication that he was holding back before.

"When did I hold back?" he asked.

Durant clicked his tongue. He was trying not to use his sadistic wife's method who just loves drama. Thus, he once again tried normally.

"Every Single Time. . Call it a hunch of a world champion, but I know that you're very very strong. I need you to stop holding back now."

But Chris just shook his head, "I can't be stronger than this. I'm only 13," he answered patiently.

He didn't want to be a monster.

He looked at his mom. Even though Dora knows the full extent of his abilities and doesn't fear him but she still feels inferior now. So, he isn't sure how his mom would see him as after she knows some, not even the full extent.

Durant frowned. Ordinary tactics aren't working.

"If that's the case, then you're quite weak compared to her," he pointed at Dora.

Chris frowned but didn't say anything. He didn't want to accept it. Dora knew he was strong, and even he knew he was strong. But his pride was still triggered.

Durant continued, "Let me tell you. There are people around the world who're stronger than what you've shown us until now, so don't think you're special with just this. You are nothing."

Chris still didn't say anything. Though he was a contemplating showing off a bit more.

"Can we start?"

Though Durant didn't stop talking, "If you're this weak, then did she only become good friends with you for your inherited wealth?"


He shouldn't have said that.

Chris sighed as he raised his hands into the air in surrender.

"Look dad, I know what you're trying to do, but you're words are really off the mark since you have incomplete information. And..." he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Um... all this shouldn't be coming from a man who gets beaten up by his wife,"

"pfft," Camille couldn't contain her laughter. She was expecting a backlash, but she never thought Chris would be this brutal.

Appoline put both of her hands on her mouth as it formed into an O.

"Damn," muttered Sebastian.

"But... you picked the right subject... I'll give you that. So... your purpose is achieved," said Chris as he cracked his neck.

The subject: Dora. He knew this would get him triggered even with empty words. He could control himself if the situation was important, but...

Chris looked around the room. Everyone here had decent occlumency and Gabrielle and Esme were out playing.

He was alright with it as long as his parents don't once again start suspecting him not being their son.

He looked at his mom, "Mom, how would you feel if I turn out to be abnormally strong?" He asked straightforwardly.

Camille smiled, "No one would be happier than me,"

Chris turned to Durnant, "What about you, dad? I remember you pointing your wand at me when we first met. Are you completely sure by that I'm your son? I don't want to be suspected later. And also, can you handle me being abnormally strong?"

For the first time, Durant grinned.

'Now we're talking,'

He can tell that Chris is serious now.

"You ARE my son. 100%," he said, "And even if you turn out to be stronger than me, no one would be prouder," he said truthfully.

Chris sighed in relief. Things got clear now. Turns out, he was worried for nothing.

He supposed that he can reveal a bit more, especially considering the fact that his mom's been worried for something, and it might reassure her if he showed some of his power.

For the first time against a human opponent, Chris drew his golden wand, thus removing his first limiter.

'Let's see how many limiters I'll remove in this fight,'

He was a bit excited to see just how much he'll use.


A.N.: Please give POWERSTONES as it motives me to write better and make extra time for writing. R-18 chapter decision is still hanging.

Pa /Snollygoster


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