HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 159: The Exalted

Chapter 159: The Exalted

Chris stood in front of the library.

'Alright, mom. Let's see what you've been up to,' he thought as he entered the library. He was currently in Stealth. It's the ability he got from the Horned Serpent.

He calls it 'Stealth' instead of just invisibility since it can hide everything including smell and sound.

He would have just used a disillusion until a few days ago since he didn't have this ability, but this is much easier.

Inside, he found his mom quite busy with lots of books stacked around her.

Seeing her like this, he found her quite pitiful. It doesn't seem like she enjoys reading.

'Whoever is the reason for this... I'll kick that MF's @ss,' he decided.

He started checking out the titles of the books and got quite surprised!

Up to now, he'd at least seen the titles of most of the books in the library, but he was sure that he'd not seen any of these books in the library before.

'And more importantly, the titles of these books are a bit...'

How to say it... all of them are quite peculiar.

'Blood Magics: Enchantment'

'Hiding and Protective enchantments'

'Exalted Noble: An Anomaly,'

'Exalted Nobles throughout the History'

Despite reading so many books from different types of libraries, Chris still couldn't understand what the f*ck any of this meant except blood magic. It's as if he's back to being a total noob.

Curious, he picked up a book that was quite out of Camille's line of sight to read it.


But that's when he knew, he fucked up.


Camille was quite fired up today after meeting with her son. No matter what, she needs to protect that adorable son of hers. He's 13, and is already trying to share her burdens.

She really hates herself though. Such a great son, and first she loses him for 11 years, and then when he finally comes back to his family and starts to have a happy life, he now has to hide his whole form life from the Nobles because of her.

Though technically, it wasn't Camille's fault since who would have thought that her son would turn out to be an Exalted, and a very powerful one at that.

A Noble Vampire only has a 1 in 10000 chance of turning out to be an Exalted.

They have very uncommon abilities and usually have the potential to become quite powerful.

And that's not even their most cheating ability. Their most cheating ability is that they are free from many of the pact's restrictions to some degree. They can actually use their abilities on Human! That's why, many of the exalted, like Dracula, are quite famous in both muggle and Wizarding legends and myths.

Merlin's pact has made it such that the Noble Vampires can only use limited Vampiric abilities against other intelligent species. If they tried to expose themselves, they'll turn into mindless undead Vampires, which the wizardkind thinks are the real Vampires.

Of course, Nobles aren't at much a disadvantage since even if they can't use their Vampiric abilities, they can still use magic as much as they want. Thus, they're able to blend in quite well.

But it's still much shabby compared to the Exalted, who are free from most restrictions.

But for most nobles, being an Exalted is more of a curse than a blessing.

Because first of all, they stand out like a beacon among the Nobles. Their blood has a special scent which is quite enticing to other vampires. This scent can't be completely masked even if they cast spells that erase odor.

And most importantly, other vampires can gain some of the Exalted's abilities after drinking their blood.

This makes them very tempting hunting targets.

There are some Nobles clans who've been obsessively hunting down Exalts and consuming them in order to make their bloodlines stronger since not only the exalted can pass down some of their abilities, but those who acquired their abilities through blood consumption also have a chance of passing it down to their descendants.


Camille sighed as she closed another book that didn't have anything of use.

Every Noble Vampire experiences rapid growth in their Vampiric traits after 16. Chris seems to have already entered his.

Chris's blood has always been special, Camille has known that, but he didn't give off the scent of Exalted a year ago. That's why he was able to surprise her just by erasing his scent and sound.

It only started around two months before Christmas, so Camille and Durant gave the rings which should have been able to hide his scent... but it can't.

His Exalted scent is combining with the other special properties of his blood, and just a few days ago, his blood somehow changed even more.

Camille is at her wit's end with this complicated, unheard, and unseen matter.

Just as she was about to pull out another one from the mountain,


She got startled since one of the enchantments set up on one of the books was triggered!

The books of Vampires are all usually put under some special enchantments which Merlin himself casually made for them during the Pact. No non-noble vampire can even read these books.

The enchantment which got triggered just now was a ward which would inform her if anyone other than herself touched them.

Startled, Camille stood up and looked around as she took out her wand. Instead of panicking, she used her head instead.

Logically, there can only be one person who it could be, since the enemies who might have the ability to cross the wards undetected won't make such a noob mistake.

"It's wrong to touch other people's property without permission... Dora,"

It can only be her. Durant won't do this, Esme can't, and Chris, the most likely suspect would be detected even if he put on the scent erasing spell since his Exalted scent would still be here.


On the other hand, Chris nearly vomited blood when Camille decided that Dora was the intruder.

Now he can't simply leave since his Dora would get suspected wrongly due to his mistake. He was simply far too relaxed and careless since it's his own home and it's his own mum.

'Damn it...'

Just when Camille was about to cast out a Homenum Revelio to detect Dora's location, the intruder just gave up and decided to reveal himself.


Camille was most surprised when instead of Dora, she found her son, who stood casually with his hands inside his pockets and a very exasperated expression on his face.

'H-How?! How is this possible?! The scent...' she wondered.

Camille and Chris looked at each other for one long moment. Camille, because she was far too much surprised, and Chris because he was far too much annoyed.

Eventually, Chris sighed,

"Sigh... well, just here to inform you that it's me and not Dora," he said and almost looked like he was pouting as he turned to leave.

He was so close to finding it out! Now he'll have to try out another method.

Camille blinked her eyes stupidly. Here she is, combing through a mountain of books, trying to find ways to hide his scent, and there he is, somehow able to hide without much difficulty.

"Stay right there! You troublemaking hellion!"

'What the' Chris got startled when his mom got so much triggered. Usually, due to his spoiled young master privileges, he's able to get away with almost anything except for a thing forbidden topics (like her age). But she seems really frustrated right now.

Maybe he just forgot the magic word?

Thus, Chris slowly turned around and tried for a smile,

"Uh... I'm sorry?"

Looking at her cute son, Camille calmed down a bit. It wasn't his fault. She shouldn't take her frustration out on him. She's just too surprised right now. And him acting all casual just now, as he didn't just do something impossible made her infuriated.

"How did you do it?" She asked.

Chris already had his answer prepared, but he pretended to look surprised, "Oh the disillusionment charm? I had Dora cast it on me. Though she didn't know what I'd be using it for," he explained.


Camille almost lost it again. Son, who are you trying to fool?

Usually, Camille would have let it slide but she didn't have that option right now. She shook her head,

"I'm not talking about the invisibility. How did you hide your scent? It wasn't through any normal means," she asked without beating around the bush.

Chris's eyes widened for a moment,

"... And how exactly can you tell the difference, mom. And why the hell does it matter at all?" Chris is feeling so out of the loop tonight.

"...." now it was Camille who couldn't answer. Her question was of utmost importance, but Chris wouldn't bother telling her the truth since it does look quite pointless to someone who doesn't know the context.

Camille looked at Chris for while. She hasn't had enough of her son's love yet. Does she really have no choice but to tell him about this and risk losing it?

'I need more time.'

Camille just sighed, "Honey, can you keep casting that on yourself?"

Chris thought about it. The magic which hid his scent is included in the Stealth. It's kinda like a built-in package. He'll have to try doing it.

"Uh... I think I might be able to do it," he answered honestly. Sense Magic gives him a lot of perks, he might be able to do it.

Camille sighed in relief. If he can do it, then she can rest assured. She hugged him as she ruffled his hair.

"Mom will tell you everything soon. But till then, please master the spell as soon as you can. It will be really dangerous without it,"

Chris smiled wryly,

"Alright mom,"

He didn't push her for the answers she wasn't giving him. As a professional liar, he knew that she was really conflicted. And no one can empathize better than him in this situation.

But one thing absolutely needs to be cleared.

"So... let me get this straight," he said, gaining Camille's attention, "Is THIS the reason why you've been spending all of your time in the library?" he asked finally.

Camille couldn't meet his eyes, "Um... yes," she said embarrassedly. All her work seems pointless now, doesn't it?

"....." But Chirs had other thoughts in his head.

His main purpose was to find out what was causing his parents to feel worried. And kick the ass of the MF who was responsible.

So, he was glad the matter wasn't like he thought it was and no one was threatening his family and no one had any sort of chronic illness or curse and no one was dying. So that was a relief.

But... the Mofo who was the reason for trouble...

'Didn't that turn out to be me?'


A.N.: So, MC turned out to be an Exalted and ain't bound by no pacts. And, he's already met a Vampire other than his mother. Guess who.

Could you give me powerstones?


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