HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 134: When I make a move, I scare even myself

Chapter 134: When I make a move, I scare even myself

"Now, I only have to deal with the aftermath,' thought Chris as he put his wand back in its holster.

He didn't need to worry much. No one, except the referee, heard him casting the Silencing charm. What they all saw was, a boy simply casting a summoning charm, and then realizing that the whole debris had started coming forward, he panicked and tried to warn Louise. But Louise was too busy teasing him while smirking to notice it.

He intentionally let the ref. know so that she doesn't suspect why the debris was moving so silently.

He kept on his panicked expression as he quickly approached Louise to check out her condition. He knew the drill now since this was his second time doing this.


Chris drew in a sharp breath upon seeing her condition. His anus contracted involuntarily in fear and cringe as hoped something like to never happen to him or his people.

'Seriously man, no one should make enemies with me. Because when I make a move, I scare even myself.'

First of all, nothing was permanent. She'll be right as rain in a few days. And even the injuries weren't serious. He hadn't used much force, to begin with. They might have pierced at most...a couple inches, maybe. He'd made sure to avoid the spinal cord as well, so it's not like he was aiming for physical injury. Nope.

He's talking about the SHEER amount disgrace, dishonor, degradation, shame, humiliation, and embarrassment that she's suffering from right now!

With her clothes were torn in some places, she's lying doggie style, with her naked butt sticking out for the world to see, with a lot of shrapnel stuck in it.

And then there's the screaming and crying. She's screaming like a b*tch right now.

Louise Fontaine...also known as the goddess, Miss perfect, the kind-hearted and noble and graceful beauty.

She's now lying in such a position in front of the whole french wizarding world. It has to be mentioned that Journalists from various newspapers and magazines are here right now. And they're not gonna miss this perfect shot. It's already been captured in their cameras, ready to be immortalized forever.

After coming back from the hospital, today the first thing Chris did was to talk to the photographers, so make a deal with them. He's going to buy one of the originals of this one. A close-up shot. It's going to be very useful.

When he went back to the VIP section, he looked deeply depressed and regretful. His mother didn't talk to him this time.

'Oh man, it seems I've been seen through.'

Chris shook his head in real regret this time. All the other people would be fooled by his acting, but since his mother and father knew full well that he could have controlled the spell very well and stopped it before it hit her, and have also witnessed his dueling prowess. They wouldn't be fooled easily by this. They even know a little about his skills in lying, pretending, and manipulating.





*tug* *tug*

While Chris was trying to reconcile with his mom, Fleur was feeling very happy for some reason after witnessing Louise getting trashed like that in front of the whole school. Louise, who was once Fleur's friend had betrayed her very badly and all of Fleur's other friends also distanced themselves from her after that. Each and every new friend she made, Louise would talk to them, and then they'll become Louise's friend instead of Fleur's.

So, just now when she saw Louise on stage smiling at Chris as he was descending the stairs, she thought of Louise doing the same with Chris, and Chris also becoming friends with Louise and distancing himself from her made her so sick that she almost lost control of her veela magic.

But, in the next moment, something completely opposite happened. She saw Chris going to the stage with a completely indifferent face and Louise once again stiffening up just like earlier, and then... Chris then what did to her....Oh, those screams sounded like music to Fleur's ears and she also realized just how easy Chris had been going on her in their duels.


After that, it was Fleur's turn next, and somehow, her opponent also ended up in the hospital wing. No one knew what happened, except the fact that the guy said something to Fleur before duel after which, Fleur completely butchered him. And of course, it looked like it was an accident. Injuries are quite common in duels. Camille wasn't worried for Chris for nothing when he said he going to participate.

There were two more duels that were supposed to happen after that, between Chris and Fleur's opponent, and between Fleur and Louise. But since their opponents were currently unable to participate, Fleur and Chris were officially declared the Winners and the representatives of France for the upcoming dueling Championship. They'll now be trained for the whole summer before the tournament begins.

Right after the event was concluded, a banquet was held in the Beauxbatons great Hall to celebrate and honour the two champions. And Chris and Fleur were congratulated and flattered by many mobs.

The great Hall of Beauxbatons was just as massive as the one at Hogwarts. Space was never much of a problem in the Wizarding world anyways due to extension charms. There was a wide variety of French dishes, each and every one of them looking quite appetizing and mouth-watering. The rich aroma wafting from them would cause one's stomach to start rumbling.

The Great Hall was still decorated in the Christmas theme. There was a massive Christmas tree in the center which was decorated extensively. Beautiful and well-sculpted ice statues were standing everywhere. The numerous candles in beautiful gold and silver candlesticks, Garlands Ropings, swags, ribbons, poinsettias, Christmas tree ornaments, wreaths were all adding to the ambiance.

"So, how's it?" Asked Fleur smugly.

Looking around, Chris nodded in satisfaction. If there's a chance, he'll consider joining Beauxbatons someday. It'll be a nice change of pace.

"It's great. I somehow still prefer Hogwarts though...even though it's inferior in term of looks," said Chris honestly.

Fleur pouted, "It seems that I'll have to see Hogwarts for myself," she muttered and Chris shook his head. 'She'll not like it...this luxurious princess.' he thought, remember the canon where Fleur looked at the Hogwarts in disdain when she first came there.

"Are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?"He asked in a French accent.

"No, you can have it... why are you laughing?" Fleur had agreed, but she frowned and asked why Chris was chuckling.

Chris waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, you won't get it. It's an inside joke." If someone in Chris's previous world hadn't understood the joke, Chris would have given the standard answer: read the books.

(It's Fleur's first dialogue in canon.)

While Chris was having fun, he didn't notice that he'd caught the attention of a very old person.


The Christmas holidays went by far too fast, but he wasn't too regretful. Life in this world is never boring for him since he has his passion, magic to study and practice all the time. So unlike his previous life where he used to dislike studies and sometimes the school in general, there was nothing like in this life. He enjoyed life in Hogwarts.

Even before Chris returned to Hogwarts, the news of his participation in the world dueling tournament to represent France had spread around in the school.

The two people who were going to represent Britain were also already chosen by now.

Some people might be thinking: How?! When?!

Well, the two participants chosen are in their sixth year and are from old pureblood families. Is there a need to be more clear?


Then here it is: The old pureblood families offered the minister Fudge help in the 'funding' of some of his projects and also promised him some favors, and the highest two bidders got the spots for their children.

This is sadly how things work in the Magical Britain. And this is why Chris hates politics and politicians. As long as it's not him doing the bad and corrupted deeds, it's very detestable. Only someone like himself should be allowed to do things as he pleases. Chris is a proud and honorable hypocrite.

Anyways, the corruption and Nepotism was the main reason why the Goblet of Fire was invented. Those people in his previous life, after reading the fourth canon book, and learning about the troubles which the Goblet had caused had often questioned the need of it's existence, saying that it was rather unnecessary since the selection of champions could have been done through other methods.

Now they should get their answer. The Goblet is necessary if you really want to ensure that the most talented student gets to be the champion. Though it's a different matter altogether that even it can be tempered with as well since Crouch was able to confound it. So, even though their reasons and need for making it were real, but they couldn't quite make something infallible in the end.

When Chris returned to Hogwarts fully recharged, the first thing he did was catching up with friends and thanking them for gifts. The first thing they did this time as well was congratulating him, just like last time.

"Seriously," said Harry while shaking his head. "You always do ridiculous things in holidays. Last time you went to France and found your family. And this time you suddenly become the representative of France in an international tournament. You remind of Tony Stark, genius but crazy."

Chris nodded absentmindedly, but suddenly had a thought! What if he tried making some of Iron Man's stuff using magic?! He could definitely create a Jarvis using magic, he'll just have to code the Transfigurations for a long time. And he can also make a suit! The basters would be

"Chris? Chris? Earth to Chris?" Harry was waving his hand in front of Chris.

Chris snapped out of it and shook his head. "Sorry, you know what happened," he said and Harry nodded as he also remembered. Chris would oftentimes go into a trance whenever he thinks of some innovative ideas. The only problem is, it happens to often.

Chris sighed, 'Such is the fate of geniuses. No shortage of ideas, only shortage is time,'

While Chris and Harry were having their back and forth, their friends were once again left out of the conversation. Harry and Chris have known each other for atleast five to six years. So of course their talks and references always leave the other confused as to what they're talking about.

Susan was the one who was most excited today, "You're actually going to participate in an international duel already!" She muttered, mostly to herself. The girl was a dueling fanatic since her childhood, and her dream to be a great professional duelist...which she thought that Chris already was.

Chris shook his head in denial. "It's not a big deal. It's only under 17. Before you reach the magical maturity, you're considered quite weak. So, the people participating are neither too strong, nor too skilled. On the other hand, if the people participating in the real World dueling tournament, the over-17 one, there's no age limit. You know, even someone who's been training in dueling for decades could be your opponent in that."

Chris really only participated since he wanted to have some fun and wizards upto 16 years of age are manageable without having to show much of the abilities which aren't already known.

"No, but you're still very good for your age," she said sulking, "We all saw what you did you Lockhart last time."

Everyone had a smile when they remembered what happened to Lockhart. Speaking of whom, the man had ran away after the series of unfortunate events that had happened to. And Chris didn't bother to even stop him. The other curses he'd left on Lockhart would deal with him. Now even the best healers can help him from looking like an old wrinkled baldy.

After catching up with all his friends, Chris took Harry to go down and visit the chamber once again. After all, he had to get his Cabinet first.

They reached the second-floor bathroom and removed the invisibility cloak.

"Why are we going there again?" He asked, still not understanding why they would need to go to the chamber of secrets.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Dude, let me spell it out to you. If you ever made a secret Chamber for yourself, and even leave a giant snake guard it, and only your descendants can enter it, would you leave it empty or put some valuable stuff in it?"

Harry's eyes widened, "I'll definitely leave something."

"Exactly! And you know what, even some small stuff of that time will have a lot of historical value in the current era. And even if we don't find anything, we're not losing anything."

Harry nodded vigorously, now very excited to explore the chamber.

Even Chris was also a bit hopeful. Along with retrieving the cabinet, maybe he'll also be able to retrieve something else?

When they reached the sink, Chris saw that the very thin strand of silk that he'd left tied there was broken. That can only mean that Dumbledore or someone else had already opened the chamber at least once in his absence.

That old man should have gotten quite the surprise when he didn't find the corpse there. Chris entered the passage, full of hope.


A.N.: What do you want him to find inside? Could be anything books, time turner, or even a basilisk egg. Though I wanted to keep it as reasonable and real as possible.

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Well, what he'll find inside has already been written, so read ahead on Pat.reon and help in the decision making while the chapters are in creation

Pa /Snollygoster


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