HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 132: The people who are going to be thrashed deserve it

Chapter 132: The people who are going to be thrashed deserve it

Fleur had been annoyed, to say the least after her first duel. The duel with that pretentious ponce had left her frustrated. Fleur had seen many of his types. They'll pretend that they're willing to sacrifice anything for you, but in fact, they gain more than they lose.

The guy hadn't lost anything. He showed off that useless roses spell which is covered in the seventh-year course, thus showing off his capabilities. Then he made it look like he was 'giving' her the victory while in actuality, they both knew that if they dueled fairly, he'll 100% lose. Then, he even got selected for the next round. What exactly did he do for her? He instead gave her more trouble.

Fleur was definitely annoyed, but for some reason, she was also feeling a bit dizzy. Fleur shook her head, which was throbbing a bit.

'Maybe it's because of the drinks the day before yesterday?' She wondered.

And this moment, the matchups of the next round were announced. Fleur checked out her opponent, and it seemed to be a sixth-year girl talented girl. Fleur supposed she could make do with this one. From beside her, she heard Chris laughing wickedly.

Upon checking the matchups, she realized to her surprise that Chris was actually matched up against Jacques!

'Oh, this is going to be fun.'

She gave Chris her best smile, "Please don't go easy on him?"

Chris gave her look as if she was asking the absurd, "Why would I go easy on him? I only go easy on you."

"...." That did some damage to Fleur. He did go easy on her a lot of times in their duels.

'Why did I even bother asking?'


Jacques Auclair was once again thanking his lucky stars. He was matched up against Chris Martin, a 12-13-year-old boy. But that wasn't even the luckiest part!

What's even more amazing is, if he defeats this guy now, wouldn't he become very famous? He could already picture it Jacques Auclair, the guy who defeated the son of Durant Martin in a duel.

This is like a pie that fell from the sky into his lap. Feeling giddy inside, Jacques once again gracefully walked up to the stage amidst the cheers of his admirers.

'I won't be surrendering this time.'

He could already picture it. Jacques Auclair and Fleur Delacour getting selected for the world championship, then touring the world together!

Sadly, he didn't know that one person was going to photoshop this picture to insert himself and cut out Jacques.


The second round was quite different from the first one. In this round, unlike the first round, there was one person commentating live on the matches.

In the second round, only eight contestants were left, and everyone else was either disqualified or defeated by these eight. The first match was of the karen Louise Fontaine against someone mob. Louise smiled confidently as she walked towards the dueling circuit as if she'd already won the whole thing. Before ascending, she looked the in VIP area's direction.

Chris saw her waving at the minister. And after that, she glanced at Fleur and smirked secretly.

'That's screaming sus.' Thought Chris as he looked at her hiding her smirk behind her hand.

As a despicable, shady, and unscrupulous bastard himself, Chris could clearly understand that look.

He looked back at Fleur, scrutinizing her in minute detail. Fleur caught him looking at her and jump back in surprise.

"W-What are you looking at?!" She asked in surprise, feeling self-conscious.

Chris still had a very serious expression on his face, "Your face is flushed. Are you feeling alright?" He asked touching her forehead. It was burning hot. She was even swaying a bit, as if she was nauseous.

Fleur slapped his hand away.

"I-I'm fine!" She yelled out she covered her flushed face.

Chris wasn't at all convinced. 'This stubborn girl should just accept it. She'll lose her match at this rate,' he thought exasperatedly.

Come to think of it, he should have definitely at least read about it in canon if she really had once represented France in the world dueling tournament. But since there wasn't, it can only mean that she must have lost this selection tournament.

"Fleur, why are you so warm?" Asked Gabrielle from Fleur's lap. It seems even the little girl has noticed the change.

'What do I do?' Wondered Chris.


"AND a very powerful spell fired by Fontaine. Francois is forced into defensive by Fontaine's relentless assault..."

Chris looked back to see that Louise was actually winning against her opponent. He could tell that her opponent won't last long.

Chris could only think of two options now. Both have their own downsides, but they seem to be the best shots he has.

Chris took out a potion vial from his pocket and gave it to Fleur.

"Here. Drink it."

Fleur looked at the vial of potion in his hand with slight vigilance.

"What is it?"

Chris shrugged. "It's just some pepper-up. This much is legal before duels, isn't it?" He asked.

It wasn't a Pepper-up Potion. This was Chris's very own invention and he's very proud of it.

Fleur was still skeptical. "The color seems off though," she muttered as she swirled the potion vial around in her hand.

"It's a different flavor," Chris said dismissively. Fleur reluctantly took a sip of the drink.



Her eyes instantly widened and before they rolled back in pure bliss.

"Ummnnhh," a moan inexplicably escaped her mouth almost instantly.

She felt a comfortable feeling wash all over her body, starting from her stomach. The drink itself was seemed to be blueberry flavor and tasted great.

Like an addict, Fleur quickly drank the rest of it as well.


She even went as far as sticking out her tongue and licking the tip of the vial.

Chris averted his gaze. No one could tell what was going on inside his mind, but he only had only one thing to say Fleur can earn millions just from advertising muggle drinks and juice brands if she did this on camera.




Watching Fleur like that, Esmee, Gabrielle, and Nyxie now also wanted a taste. Four pairs of eyes gathered on Chris, and he already knew what they were going to say.

He raised his hands in surrender before they could begin.

"I don't have more," he declared helplessly.


Everyone got disappointed, but what else Chris could do? It was basically concentrated pure magic mixed in a flavored drink. It's like a health potion from RPG that he'd made just as a joke.

The guy thinks it's funny to drink HP potion in HP world.

(Health Power or Health potion (HP) and Harry Potter (HP))

Anyways, the taste is delicious, and it can also serve all the purposes of pure magic. So, it's a good thing.

But, it was quite difficult to make. Much more difficult than he would have thought, there were many factors he had to pay attention to, like stopping the dissipation of the magic.

"What WAS it though?" Asked Fleur in wonderment. "It definitely wasn't a pepper up potion. And can you get more?"

Fleur really needed more of this stuff. It's not just because of the feeling of comfort or the taste. There's another important effect that she's found out just now It can stop her allure!

Allure has always been a huge problem of hers when she's in public.

Her family and Martin family are immune to it, even her teacher and Chris. Otherwise, Fleur has always had to control it through occlumency in public, and she has to consciously hold it in, so that the people around her don't become a drooling mess.

But right now, the allure, which is always flaring seems to have calmed down!

This was exactly how her mother described how it will be when she masters her control over it!

Chris spread his hands helplessly. "I don't know what it is. And I only had one." He knows the potential of pure magic. He can't let anyone know about it.

Fleur knew that was total Abraxan-shit. Chris was definitely lying. She raised her eyebrows. "Oh? Then how pray tell, did you get this one? Did it fall from the sky?"

"...." Chris was actually considering using that excuse, but whatever. He still has many. But before he could explain, Fleur's name was called out. Apparently, it was her turn.

Chris once again check her fever, and he found that her temperature was back to normal.

"Are you feeling alright now?" He asked quickly, once again serious. If this didn't work, he'll have to fork out one of the very few Phoenix tears he has. Afterall, who knows if that Fontaine girl had actually given Fleur something fatal in this timeline due to the butterfly effect?

He covertly casted a few diagnostic charms on her to confirm that everything was now fine.

"Go for now. We'll get you checked up once again after the duel," he said solemnly.


Fleur didn't have time to properly process everything, so she could only go to the stage since it was her turn.

Chris relaxed back in his seat. It should be fine now.

"Troublesome," he muttered, knowing she would once again ask him about the potion.

He could have informed his parents and Fleur's parents instead of using the potion, but there wasn't much time left. If they couldn't do anything to cure her, Fleur would have had to either quit or go fighting like this. And he wouldn't even have been able to use Potion at that time. Otherwise, they'll know just how miraculous it truly was.

Fortunately, it seems that the Potion worked it's magic, since Fleur was doing quite well in her duel. The crowd was quite rowdy with her every spells. And the commentator, who was also a male, was also taking her side.

The sad thing is, her opponent is also a girl. She was quite formidable. Fleur would've definitely lost if he hadn't given her the potion. But now, even though the sixth year girl was doing very well, she wasn't getting much attention... or support.

The testosterone level was going very high in the stadium. The males were all cheering for Fleur.




'Well, no wonder b*tches like Louise try to make life difficult for Fleur,' thought Chris as he shook his head helplessly. This also must be the reason why she always has this haughty and aloof persona in public. Cause these fools would bother her even more if she didn't.

"AAAANNND Fleur Delacour sends out a stunning stunner right to the opponent's chest! What a magnificent duel! VICTORY to Fleur Delacour!!!"

"Yaaayyy! She finally won once!" Exclaimed Gabrielle in joy from her seat she clapped her small hands. The little girl had only ever seen her sister duel against Durant and Chris, and Fleur always lost to them... disgracefully so. So Gabrielle thought that her sister was a bit weak. It's good that Fleur doesn't know this. Otherwise, she'll be heartbroken.

Soon, Fleur came back amidst the crowd's cheers. She still looked quite energetic. And both the families congratulated her.

Fleur then faced Chris. "Um... thanks for the Potion. I won't ask how you got it, just... give me some if you get more...p-please? I'll pay whatever price you ask, okay?"

Chris could only nod his head wondering if he'd mixed something addicting to it or not.

'Why does the way she's asking for it reminds me of 177013?'

(You're a lucky soul if you didn't get that reference. Just don't search 177013 on internet to read 'that thing' or you soul might be corrupted.)

Chris got up from his seat cracked his neck and knuckles menacingly. He was up next.

He got a good luck kiss from Nyxie, Esme and Gabrielle and his family and Delacours wished him luck.

The commentator made the announced.

"The next up is the between the son of world champion Durant, CHRIS MARTIN!!! and the one of finest and most talented student of Beauxbatons, JACQUES AUCLAIR!!!! Personally, I'm very excited about the outcome of this match!

"One is in his SECOND YEAR, and one is in his SIXTH YEAR. But, one is the son of a two times world Champion! Would he be able to bridge MASSIVE the year gap?"

The commentator was hyping the atmosphere as both the duelists stepped into the dueling circuit.

They both came to stand right in front of each other to perform the bow. Jacques was taller than Chris as he looked down at him even while bowing.

"Are you friends with Fleur Delacour? I hope you can put in a good word for me if I go easy on you today and not defeat you too disgracefully," said Jacques, thinking that it would indeed be much better if he went easy on the kid and impressed that sexy veela by his kindness.

Jacques couldn't understand why that hot blondy tries to portray herself as such a holy and aloof person when she's behaves like a b*tch in heat in the bed. Jacques hadn't ever personally witnessed it, but if there are so many rumors and so many people have bragged about it, some would definitely be true, wouldn't they?

Afterall, there's no smoke without a fire. And of course, even the goddess Louise couldn't deny that the rumours were true. And she and Fleur had once been close friends.

So, the rumors were definitely true and after hearing so many people brag about their 'conquests' of the veela, Jacques also wanted to tap that veela @ss atleast once.

But Jacques dirty thoughts were interrupted when

*Creek* *Crack* *Crr*



Just when Jacques was thinking all this, he suddenly hear the crisp cracking sounds, and he felt a sudden cold sensation all over his body. And even Felice the Headteacher/referee also felt chills go down her back and an instictive fear overcame these two who were in close proximity with Chris.

Jacques broke eye contact with Chris, and for a moment, he thought that he saw read fire blazing in Chris's eyes.

The cracking sound was from Chris clenching his fist to suppress his anger. After Peeves incident, Chris had been finding ways to control his anger, since it could be his downfall one day. One of the simplest and most feasible solution he found was breaking his fingers to suppress it.

The pain helps him regain his clarity so fortunately he was able to control it successfully this time. The red magic disappeared as soon as it had appeared. Otherwise, the public would have been in an uproar seeing him go super Trigger Ros.

'Damn, that's why I always refrain from reading people's minds,' he thought as he used occlumency to suppress his anger. He'd just be taking a look at the guy's surface thoughts, just to get an idea of what kind of person he was. And turns out, he was such a scum.

Chris wasn't mad at him because Jacques was a scumbag with dirty thoughts. He was mad at him because he was having dirty thoughts for Fleur. Fleur was like a family member to Chris. Anyone would be angry if someone see's someone having such thoughts for his mother, sister, girlfriend, or someone close.

Even though doing Legilimency just now did more harm than good to Chris, there was one more thing he learned from this incident...

'Things are actually quite worse than what I'd imagined,' he thought.

The Louise girl, whom he'd just dismissed as a mob, is turning out to be more and more tricky. First he realized that she'd somehow either cursed or poisoned Fleur without either of them noticing, and now he realized that she'd spread the rumors with such thoroughness, that almost everyone believes them.

"Duelers! Take distance." said the Headteacher. The unknown feeling had disappeared as soon as it'd appeared, so Felice dismissed it as a hallucination and went back to refereeing.

Chris calmly took distance and held up his wand. On the surface, he seemed relaxed, but his left fist was still clenched tightly, and the two rings on his fingers were heating up, their insignia showing clearly engraved on the precious stones.


Chris took a step forward, his breathing even, and his eyes trained ahead and he started walking straight towards Jacques.

The commentator did his commentary, "The duel has begun, and it seems that Chris Martin is walking straight towards his opponent. What am I seeing?"

Somehow gaining back his smile, Jacques fired his first spell, thinking that Chris had given up.

"Jacques fires a disarmer! AND

A red light flew straight into Chris but he didn't stop walking. Raising his wand, he caught the spell on the wand right before it approached his chest and flicked the spell aside!



A.N.: Is everyone in agreement that Jacques and Louise deserve a thorough beating?

If yes, then remember this chapter and don't feel sorry for them later. Because some soft-hearted people might think that the mc went too far in the coming chapters

P /Snollygoster for Reading always ahead.


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