HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 128: Dora: Where are you?

Chapter 128: Dora: Where are you?

After Chris reluctantly took Fleur away on Camille's promoting, Appoline smiled as she looked at the two of leave.

"They look cute together, don't they?" She asked, and the adults understood her meaning.

Camille shook her head, also smiling. The Delacours and Martins were almost like one big family. Naturally, she had no objections in them legally becoming a family. But...there was one problem in Camille's mind.

'Chris seems to fancy this Dora girl a lot.'

This was the problem. Whenever talking about Hogwarts, Chris would always inadvertently mention or add Dora a lot. Camille being his mother can naturally see the love and affection he has for this girl. That's the reason why she didn't directly agree with Appoline and start the talk about betrothal just now.

'Though, it could just be a childhood crush, right?'

Most likely, it'll just pass over. That girl is about 6 years older than Chris, isn't she? There's no way Chris would succeed, would he? Camille wasn't too sure. According to what she'd seen, her son might even be able to charm a woman her age with his beguiling and bewitching ways so long as he wills it.

So, Camille just smiled and said, "They're still too young and immature," to everyone present.

"Chris is only 12 now." She added.

Appoline scoffed. "Come on, your son might act immature sometimes, but he's atleast more mature than a certain someone," she Appoline, glancing sideways at her husband.

"...." Camille recalled her earlier thoughts. 'Her son might even be able to charm an woman her age.' She decided that she can not blame that Dora girl if she really got charmed by her son.

What Camille didn't know was that, Chris hadn't even tried to do charm anyone here seriously. This was just him making a 'good impression' on everyone. He hadn't even pushed Dora beyond her comfort zone and let things go naturally once he realized that he actually didn't enjoy pushing her too much.


Chris half lifted half draged Fleur towards the the nearest guest bedroom.

Fleur wasn't making it any easy. "Noooo! I don't wanna go! Chrrrriz take me back! I wanna drink moooorre."

"Just shut up, little girl. Don't talk about drinking in front of me," said Chris, still not quite attuned to the fact that he can't actually drink from now on. It's the same feeling like he's already read all the good novels in the world and there's no other good novel left to read.

But then suddenly, Fleur started crying,

*Sob* *Sniff* *Sob*

"What happened?!" Now asked Chris in aggravation.

Fleur cried as she tried to punch Chris's shoulder weakly.

*Sob* "Y-You! You always bully me! No matter how hard I try, I can't beat beat you! Why do you have to be soooo sooooooo irritating?!"


'So that's how she actually feels, huh?' Chris could tell that she wouldn't admit this to herself, let alone saying to him if she wasn't drunk right now.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Because, you were such a Karen when I first met you, you Daddy's princess! I had to remind you repeatedly that the world actually doesn't revolve around you, and you'll not always win in life. And I think it worked just fine. You're much more tolerable now. Just know that it's better you learn all this now rather than getting a reality slap in the future."

Fleur's eyes widened and her lips opened and closed without making a sound. She actually shut up this time. It seems and she actually woke up her drunken haze just. After walking walking a few more steps, she just fainted.

"Che" Chris clicked his tongue and picked her up.

"Hopefully, she won't remember it." he muttered as he took her to the bedroom and tucked her in. Looking at her now, she seemed quite innocent.

But at this moment, a certain Diary in pocket rang up, making him jump.

"Damn!" He Chris put a hand on chest to calm down his nervous heartbeat as he exited the room quickly and closed the door behind him. "It's just a coincidence, right? There's no way she'll know, right? She's thousands of miles away! Besides, I'm completely innocent!"


Dora: Where are you?

Me: I'm at home, celebrating Christmas...

Dora: (-` _ -) Are you? Well that's good. You should celebrate now, I'll call you later. Bye~


"Sigh...Does she have a seers ability or something?"

I wiped the cold sweat off my forehead. Yep, that wasn't scary at all. Sighing, I went to my room.

"Jilly." I called out softly.


Jilly popped up, looking exhausted. "Yes Master."

"Did you get it?" I asked.

She bobbed her head up and down excitedly, "Yes master!" She held out a bag similar to the Newt-case with both of her hands.

I smiled, "Well done. You deserve a reward." saying so, I summoned pure magic into my hands, I put it on her head.

"Yummm. Thank you master!" Jilly cried out in joy.

Now, let's check out my loot, shall we? I opened the case and stepped into it, sinking right in.

Seeing the giant Basilisk corpse in front of me, I spread my hands wide and grinned. A song naturally started playing in my head as I slowly walked towards the corpse.

"Una mattina mi sono alzato

O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao

Una mattina mi sono azalto

E ho trovato l'invasor."


The next day, Fleur woke up to feeling quite refreshed. She didn't know that Camille had come in later and had her drink some potions so that she doesn't get a hangover.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Hm?" But when opened her eyes and looked around, she realized that she wasn't in her room. She quickly pulled the blankets off, only to realize that she wasn't in her pyjamas, but in the dress that she was wearing last night.

"What happened?..."

It was then that the memories came rushing back. They all did a toast to welcome Chris and his touched expression and then subtly trying to wipe his tears Then giving him their gifts and celebrating Christmas Then she saw him drink a lot of the strong drinks that were she was only allowed to try after she was off age Then trying out the drinks...

"Then... what?" She couldn't remember much after that. Fleur quickly sat up and started using occlumency to recall the memories like her mother had taught her. Occlumency was a must for her, to restrain the allure.

She hasn't been able to be raise her proficiency enough to completely restrain it. Occlumency is something that most wizards are only able to start learning after 16. It is that difficult. So it is already amazing that she can learn it enough to be able to recall memories.

'Chris is a natural occlumen.' She remembered aunt Camille humble brag about it. Yet another thing at which she's inferior to him at. Sighing, she focused more on recalling yesterday's memories.

"Huh?! ....What?" But her eyebrows went up and her fists clenched as soon as she started recalling the events.

Acting silly, climbing onto the table, and then falling! Then

"No! No! No!" She covered her beautiful face which had turned completely red, silently swearing that she's never going to drink again.

What did she say to Chris?

You smell goooood.

Fleur cringed. "Arrgh...No wonder he looked uncomfortable."

But! She found out to her horror that, this wasn't the end of it! After that, she straight up exposed her inferiority complex to Chris!


Fleur rolled around on the bed in embarrassment her dress hiking up the process, revealing her beautiful legs. It's good that no one come in at this time.

Fleur kept recalling. The memories after this were very clear. She has suddenly got very sober when Chris snapped back at her. The words were something that she'll never forget.

"""You were such a Karen when I first met you, you Daddy's princess! I had to remind you repeatedly that the world actually doesn't revolve around you, and you'll not always win in life. And I think it worked just fine. You're much more tolerable now. Just know that it's better you learn all this now rather than getting a reality slap in the future."""

Fleur felt angry at first, but then she just slumped her shoulders.

"Sigh..." She had to admit that she was really a bit snobbish towards Chris when they had first met, since she really thought she was much superior.

'You're more tolerable now' The words rang in her head.

"Yes... I am," she realized. That really was the case wasn't it? Looking back now, her behavior really has changed. This year, She wasn't rude to the inferior students in the school this time. Because...now she knows How it feels to be the inferior one.

"Was this his plan all along?" She muttered, enlightened. From day one, Chris had been bringing her down and bullying her by various means. And when she became more humble and less arrogant, he also slowly stopped bullying her and they became friends. So, Fleur wondered if he'd bullied her for her own good.

"No way," she instantly rejected the idea. The bastard had enjoyed it too much for it be a selfless act. But whatever, it did help her mature and realized her faults.

"But." Fleur narrowed her eyes. "We're not even yet." That humiliation and bullying has to be returned back somehow. You can't get away scot free after taking advantage of Fleur Delacour.


While Chris was celebrating his Christmas holidays, inside Hogwarts, Dumbledore walked into the bathroom of moaning Myrtle. Walking straight to the sink, Dumbledore checked his spells again to make sure no one has bypassed them during this time.

Fortunately, it seems like no one has been here. Since all the spells were intact.

'Looks like Slytherin's spell is still working.' He mumbled. The chamber was built in such a way that except the Heir, the other people would not simply not ignore ignore it's existence and only remember it if absolutely necessary.

'A variation of Fidelius,' Dumbledore presumed.

Dumbledore has two main reasons to enter the Chamber right now. First is, of course, the Basilisk corpse.

The second reason is to have a look around in the Chamber. To see if Salazar left anything inside. Tom couldn't have learned all he did just from Hogwarts Library. There must be something that Slytherin left inside the chamber for his Heir that helped Tom in his numerous rituals.

Dumbledore has been waiting to come into the Chamber for a long time. But he couldn't before enter before. You need to have a willing permission of a parselmouth to enter. Before this year, due to the Salazar's spell, even Dumbledore had been neglecting the Chamber. And this year, when he learned about the Heir, he decided to have Harry open it for him since he already knew about Harry's Parseltongue ability.

Afterall, this ability further confirms Harry's scar having a shard of Voldemort's soul. So Dumbledore had checked for it through occlumency to confirm.

This is also the reason why Chris didn't simply rush into the Chamber. If he'd have just killed the Heir and then ventured along with Harry into the Chamber for the Basilisk, then he'd have had to kill the Basilisk without any great weapon. And Dumbledore would have seen it through Legilimency on Harry.

And, Chirs also found it really troublesome and risky to try and kill it with magic since the skin is said to be magic resistant.

Thus, he had Dumbledore destroy it's eyes and also bring him the sword to kill it and still get the Basilisk corpse in the end. This way, Dumbledore still got to know about the Horcrux Diary, along with the other teachers. And Chris still got the corpse.

Like Ron in the open, Dumbledore Open the Chamber, taking a few house elves with him, expecting a great harvest.

And only got the previously shed Basilisk skin.

That's his punishment for having children risk their lives.

Just suck it up, old man.

Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao~


A.N.: I made a mistake. Actually, the next chapter title is 'You were quite wild Last night.' It really is! You can even check the title on Pa treon if you don't believe me!

Don't forget to drop the POWERSTONES.

believe me, your vote matters.


Read ahead on Pat /Snollygoster

About eight chapters are there.


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