HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 124: Turns out, the Force is strong in this one

Chapter 124: Turns out, the Force is strong in this one

When Chris had called Harry to throw the sword at him, he had already activated his super trigger.

He dived towards the sword with his one hand outstretched and the Basilisk dove for him. The sword was spinning around, and his hand would be done for if tried grabbing from the wrong end. But with his increased concentration, due to super trigger, his eyes tracked the movements and trajectory of the hilt minutely. As the spinning sword reached him, he suddenly stretched out his hand.

The spinning sword suddenly stopped in midair as its hilt got secured tightly in Chris's hand. This act might have been judged courageous enough by the sword because it didn't outright reject him. Contrary to that, something completely surprising happened!

His super trigger was still active. So, as soon as he held the sword, his magic power started getting channeled into the sword!

*Chirp* *Crackle**Chirp* *Crackle*

"What the"

Crackling sounds of electricity started emerging from the sword as the sword glowed blue with electric current running along with it, akin to a corona discharge. Its rubies had also lit up.

When Chris made the dive his speed and height had decreased quite a lot and thus, the basilisk had reached right behind him with its mouth opened wide open. It was because the teachers were so absolutely astounded by the scene of the glowing sword that they had almost forgotten casting spells for a second.

"HISSSSS." The Basilisk came from below, ready to kill Chris.

But too bad for it, Chris was in his Super Trigger Blue form. With the shinning sword in his hand, Chris quickly spun his broom around and swung the sword vertical downwards with all his strength.


The sword cut cleanly through the Basilisk, from its head to its jaw. And a blue sword beam emerged from the sword, which cut a little more of its body from where it passed through before it finally landed into the water and even cut through it while making a big splash.










Everyone has goosebumps, either due to the electric discharge, or the unrealness of the scene as the basilisk fell into the water. Spreading out green blood into the water.

'I'll be damned.' thought Chris, who himself was quite shocked.

'Have I awakened the force?' He thought while inwardly swearing to himself to try making swords now.

'W-What just happened?!' Riddle inwardly screamed as he saw the opposite of what he was expected to happen. He was expecting that sword to be broken in half like a toothpick. And then he was expecting that boy to be swallowed up by the basilisk. But... that boy split the basilisk in half instead!

How is that possible?! There's only one option left now.

As Chris was slowly flying back to the ground, along with Harry while he turned off his trigger, he suddenly saw Tom Riddle taking the diary and running away.

'What the f*ck?'

This guy really is like a snake. Slippery as hell.

Dumbledore glanced at Riddle and the boy stopped dead in his tracks.

"I believe we have much to talk about, Tom," he said as he calmly, though inwardly, even Dumbledore wasn't calm right now after the sight he'd just witnessed.

'Both Harry and Chris are turning out to be excellent,' was what he could conclude amazement.

When his friend was in need Harry was able to draw the sword of Godric Griffindor from the hat and was about to rush off to save his friend. Both the boys had developed enough trust and synergy between them that when Chris said just one word, Harry understood exactly what he meant. And that catch... was something even Dumbledore had to admire.

This was enough for Dumbledore's so-called test. So, he was now going to stop the basilisk with a wave of his wand and have young Chris healed by Fawkes in case he gets an injury.

Though what happened next was something out of Dumbledors imagination.

'That swordlight.'

In its considerable history, Dumbledor has only ever heard of Godric Griffindor being able to use the sword like that. That's exactly one of the reasons why he was recognized as one of the best duelists in history. The sword reacting like that to young Chris can only mean that the sword has completely submitted to him.

Harry has truly found a great friend. Chris Marin will be able to help Harry in all situations in the future.

After meeting with Durant Martin, Dumbledore was also assured that the Martins would be giving their full support against Voldemort and his death eaters. He was anxious as to how Chris was able to go to France and find them, but it all turned out good in the end.

"NO! It can't end like this!" Screamed the captured Tom and Dumbledore focused back on him.

Chris and Harry landed next to the Dumbledore and professors and Chris stumbled onto his one knee, due to the magical exhaustion that he wanted to show, even if that attack only took around 10% of his total magic power.


Harry quickly supported Chris and they found out that there was actually blood coming from his leg from where a fang was protruding.

"You're injured!"

"What the" Chris looked down at his feet in surprise. He really was not expecting this. Super Trigger Blue always kinda numbs his senses whenever he uses it so he didn't even notice this! Just now, he was only stumbling because he wanted to show that he was exhausted after that sword attack. But upon seeing the basilisk fang stuck in his leg, he couldn't help but want to curse his bad luck.

It seems that when the attack had land on the basilisk, the fang got knocked off and got stuck in his leg.

All the other teachers saw it also rushed to Chris.

"Merlin's beard." Whispered McGonagall, remembering that the Basilisk venom was one of the most poisonous venom in the world.

Professor Sprout, who knew some healing magic took out her wand. While Flitwick quickly turned to Dumbledore.

"Headmaster! Phoenix Tears! They have incredible healing powers!" he quickly requested.

Chris himself was also about to start panicking, but he noticed something peculiar. Chris pulled out the fang casually. He had a strange expression on his face as he looked his wound.

"Fawkes," Dumbledore urgently called out his Phoenix and the Phoenix landed next to Chris and cried a few tears on his wound.


*Chris POV:

I had almost pissed my pants when I had just seen the fang embedded in my leg. Though then I suddenly wondered that,

'Why am I not feeling anything wrong?'

Basilisk venom wasextremely powerful, and could kill a person within a little more than a minute at best, making the person drowsy and blurry-visioned before they died. I recalled the canon scene of when Harry was bitten:

'he felt a searing pain just above his elbow. One long, poisonous fang was sinking deeper and deeper into his arm and it splintered as the basilisk keeled over sideways and fell, twitching, to the floor. Harry slid down the wall. He gripped the fang that was spreading poison through his body and wrenched it out of his arm. But he knew it was too late. White-hot pain was spreading slowly and steadily from the wound. Even as he dropped the fang and watched his own blood soaking his robes, his vision went foggy. The Chamber was dissolving in a whirl of dull color.'


That's what happened in canon. Harry almost died in seconds. And I don't feel anything wrong at all. I can breath properly, no pain, no drowsiness. In fact, I feel like I could run a f*cking marathon right now.

'How is this possible?'

It couldn't have been healed by Super trigger blue. It's bad at healing since it's speed oriented. And I had switched it off as soon as I had made that sword slash.

While I was thinking this, Fawkes had landed next to my bleeding led and dripped a few drops of his tears on it.

Greed flashed in my mind.

I quickly took out a small glass vial from my pocket to store some tears in it as well. These tears are f*cking useful, in many situations. I wonder why Dumbledore didn't leave Harry with any.

To my pleasant surprise, Fawkes kindly cried some drops in vial as well. Very pleased, I offered the bird a few of the treats that I feed Nyxie with my clean hand (The other hand was current gripping the worlds most poisonous fang).

"Thank you." I said while offering him the treats.

Fawkes sniffed the treats in my hand curiously as it tapped it a few times with its beak.


Fawkes blinked. Then he let out trilled in surprise and quickly devoured them whole. It was so happy that it trilled in satisfaction and then gently rubbed it's head on my hand.

"Good bird." I patted the bird as I smiled kindly. Of course he'd like them. These are imbued with pure magic. My cute dragon has high pretty standards.

Looking at the Phoenix being chummy with me, I hid a smirk, 'Dark magic practitioners can't be liked by Phoenixes?' Yeah sure Dumbledore, I hope you're watching this.

Well, to be fair, it's not total bullshit, since dark magic does leave behind traces, similar to when you smoke a cigarette. But buzz off, that's nothing to be me who can sense magic.

I can caste a Fiendfire from my hand one moment and then pet Fawkes with the same hand in the next moment while saying 'Imma light magician, bruh'. That's how we roll.

"Fawkes seems to have taken a liking to you, Mr. Martin." said Dumbledore, as he looked at me. My leg was already healed now, so I stood up while still carrying Fawkes. All of us were ignoring Tom Riddle, who was still struggling to free himself from Dumbledore. He couldn't even speak.


"Professor, Micheal is getting fainter." I said, and everyone turned to the forgotten boy, who was still pitifully lying on the ground. The teachers finally realizes that what I was indeed true and Dumbledore enabled Tom to speak.

Tom began laughing.

"No one save him now. I've been sucking life out of him for the whole year. Soon, he will die and I, will be alive." said the loud mouth. He's truly a typical villian.

"Professor, I think we should destroy the diary." I said directly, making Riddle's eyes go wide. Dumbledore snatched the diary right out of Riddles hand.

"Just how many did you make, Tom?" he asked.

Tom looked at the diary in Dumbledore's hand, and the basilsk fang in my hand. He then laughed as if he'd given up on everything. "I planned to make as many as possible, Dumbledore! So, even if you get rid of me, just know that the real me WOULD come back one day!" While saying that I saw his eyes glinting in red again as he looked at Harry and Harry cried in pain.

'The guy can do wandless magic.'

I quickly snatched the diary from Dumbledore's hand and stabbed it both the sword and the fang with all my might.


There was a long, dreadful, piercing scream. Ink spurted out of the diary in torrents, streaming over my hands, flooding the floor. Riddle was writhing and twisting, screaming and flailing before he vanished into nothing.

The guy had figured that since he was going to die anyway, better die taking down Harry Potter, the cause of the future him's downfall. It's better to just kill him straight away then risk something else. Because a madman with nothing to lose is the most dangerous.


We all existed the Chamber after that, as Michael, Harry and even I needed healing attention. And I noticed that, while we were exiting the Chamber, Dumbledore put on some spells on the Chamber's closed entrance. It's just a notification charm.

I sighed. If I go in to take the body now, Dumbledore would definitely notice. It's good that I already dealt with that problem. We were all taken to the Hospital wing.

While everyone was in the Hospital wing, the minister of magic himself came in, along with Lucius Malfoy. But Dumbledore explained that the Heir had been dealt with along with the monster, showing the big and sharp Basilisk fang to Fudge.

But by now, I was already starting to feel my magic being suck out of me at a fast pace.

'Damn! The Basilisk sure was big!' I cursed as I put my hand into my pocket to absorb some magic from my magic storage wand. The same which in took out st home to teach Esmee that day.

Currently, my thieving plan is in full swing. My house elf is currently taking out the Basilisk from the lake and storing it into a storage bag. House elf magic is the most efficient in magic. And from what I've tested, Jilly, the most powerful houself in the world, can definitely pull it off.

How did she get in there? Well, she didn't even go in there. While I wearing Harry's invisibility cloak, I put the completely concealed Vanishing Cabinet near the lake. Now she's pulling the Basilisk out of the lake into the storage bag while standing inside the Vanishing cabinet. Before leaving the Chamber, I had lightly knocked on the Vanishing cabinet's door to signal Jilly, who was waiting on the other side of the door.

Now, I just need to go in to retrieve the cabinet someday. Currently, after Jilly gets the corpse, she'll just leave the invisibile and completely concealed cabinet in there for a while and cut the connection from the other side. So in case Dumbledore finds it, it'll still be alright, since the cabinet would be basically useless with the other side damaged. But he most likely won't.

So, this was plan D.

I chose this plan because this is one of the best. If I had gone in with Jarry without Dumbledore, Dumbledore would've seen the memory of it in Harry's head. I've been teaching him occlumency but Dumbledore can still pass through Harry's mind easily. After seeing the memory, in which I'd have had to kill the Basilisk without any sword of Griffindor.

Without the sword of Griffindor, even the heads of houses spells were useless on that skin.

With the plan I just used, I showed my good side, my power, the Basilisk is also dead, Harry didn't have to get injured, and I also had a Phoenix for back up.

Besides all that, I learned something else as well.

'I have poison immunity.'

That must be it. Nyxie was originally a poisonous Dragon spieces. (Noberta had bit Ron and it was poisonous). So, one of the abilities I got from her is also the poison immunity. One of my last ones.

I know that in canon, Dumbledore definitely took the skin and important organs of the Basilisk, since the skin would have been intact even after centuries but in canon, it was said the corpse had completely rotted. Most likely, Dumbledore had followed Harry in, and gotten access. Then came later to get the corpse.

The only other option was to get Harry to open the Chamber and then erase his memory so that Dumbledore doesn't see it. Then go in alone. But I won't do that to a friend and memory charm leaves traces and can even be undone.

Now, after Dumbledore when goes in to find the corpse no longer there, he'd either think that the Basilisk was still alive somehow and escaped, or think that some other creature ate it whole. That chamber and the waterboy is so huge. There might more monsters of Slytherin living in there. Maybe it was a mechanism Salazar built, so that the body is disposed after it's death. After that, I'll go with Harry to 'explore', and get back my Cabinet. I don't need it for a while anyway.

It's Christmas in a few days. And I'm going home.


Dear diary,

I killed a Basilisk today and stole a it's corpse which is considered to be priceless. It gives weird Bela ciao vibes!

Um...I think I might be awakening to something. What's next? Gringotts? All the other precious items in the world?

I also also managed to get some phoenix tears! And oh, I also learned that I had poison immunity this whole time! This day turned out to be quite something.


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Pat /Snollygoster


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