HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 110: The identity of the fake Heir

Chapter 110: The identity of the fake Heir

It was a fine Halloween morning, and me, Harry, Neville, Hermione, Susan and Hannah were having breakfast together.

"So, Harry got a detention from Filch?" I while as I made myself a sandwich.

"Er...yeah, Filch caught me dirtying the floor after I came from the Quidditch practice" said Harry while scratching his head.

"Bruh. You're making me ashamed. Have I not taught you how to escape punishment?" I asked exasperatedly. Harry is too passive sometimes, so he often comes out as timid. He gets swept up in other people's pace without minding what he actually wants.

Harry scratched his head. "But well, I was actually sort of, in the wrong this time, since I messed up the floor Filch had been cleaning. So..."

Put rubbed my temples. "You know, punching a teacher is also considered wrong. Do you see me getting punished for it?"

Harry blinked, "Um...didn't you have detention with Flitwick for that?"

"Oh, you mean the times I go over there to have butterbear and snacks while I study whatever I want? What punishment did YOU get?"

Harry scratched his head. "I have to clean the bathrooms."

Everyone sighed. "Professor Flitwick is a very nice person, isn't he?" Hannah chimed in.

Susan nodded. "What she wants to say is Filch is a nasty wanker." She translated. Hannah is just too kind to say bad about anyone.

No one disagreed. "Well, he's quite miserable himself actually." I said, surprising everyone. "I'm not defending him, just saying that he's actually a squib so he has to clean a castle as big as Hogwarts by muggle methods all by himself. Don't know why they only have one person to do this" I shrugged.

"He's a squib?" asked Harry in surprise.

"Yeah," I nodded. "You didn't know? And you never questioned why he wasn't just waving his wand to clean as he mopped around the castle?"

Harry had a look of enlightenment on his face while Hermione just had to complain, "But it's wrong! No one should have to clean this castle alone with without magic. They're overworking him! They should employ more people."

Everyone fell silent, so I changed the subject. "Well, it's not like we can do anything about it. Anyways what are these absurd rumors that I'm hearing about the feast tonight?" I asked.

Susan nodded. "Rumors has it that Dumbledore has booked a troupe of dancing skeletons for the entertainment tonight!" She said excitedly and Hannah and Neville got scared when they heard about skeletons.

Well, there were actually rumors about it in the canon as well, but since the Golden Trio of that time hadn't attended the feast that time, it was never confirmed.

Anyways, since Susan said this herself, I couldn't help myself. "Do you know why you're excited about dancing skeletons, Suz?"

Susan shrugged her, "Um... because dancing skeletons sounds wicked cool?"

"Nope." I laughed, "Because you're Bones."

Susan groaned while Hannah, Harry and Neville found it funny. Hermione does not have a sense of humor yet.

"Anyways, has anyone ever heard of a troupe like that?" I asked.


"I haven't."


All Susan, Neville and Hannah denied it and I nodded, "So, it might just be a rumor. By the way Harry," I glanced at Harry as I poured Nyxie some milk in her favorite bowl, "I hear you got an invitation to Nearly Headless Nick's death day party?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Harry nodded while swallowing his food. "I did, along with Neville and Hermione."

"Well, don't go. You'll regret it." I said matter-of-factly.

"Um... why?" asked Hermione looking slightly offended, "Isn't it a rare opportunity? I bet there aren't many living people who can say they've been to one of those it'll be so fascinating!"

I shook my head in a deadpan. "There'd be nothing fascinating. In fact, it'll be horrible. The sound of music is like scratching of nails and it grates on your ears. The food is rotten. Like, literally decayed, mouldy, rancid food. There will be all kinds of ghosts you don't like Peeves, Bloody Baron, and Moaning Myrtle"

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" interrupted Neville.

"Oh, it's a ghost that haunts the first floor bathroom. She's really" said Susan.

"Wait a moment, wait a moment!" Hermione cut in. "Forget Myrtle. How in the Merlin's name do YOU know all this?" asked Hermione sceptically.

I smiled, "Well, that would be telling, Miss Granger. Anyways if you guys don't believe me, just ask a random ghost. They'll tell you all about it. Just remember my words, only go to the party if you guys want to eat rotten food while we have the delicious Halloween feast."

There. I said it. Now they can go if they wanna get Petrified or framed. The Basilisk is likely to be released tonight. So, it'll be good that they stay in the Hall along with all my other friends. Hermione's a muggleborn, so she might be targeted.

But oh well, for all I know, nothing might happen even today. Though I'd be really scared if nothing happened. What if Tom Riddle just decided to lay low and resurrect first before taking any rash actions? The diary Horcrux would just take over whoever has been writing in it, and writer would be dead before the end of the year.


That evening, the Great Hall had been decorated with the usual live bats, Hagrid's vast pumpkins had been carved into lanterns large enough for three men to sit in. It was a typical Halloween feast at Hogwarts.

Uh... except for the live skeletons pop dancing in front of the teacher's table.

Turns out, the rumors were just rumors. So... yours truly made them true!

Yeah, they're animated by none other than yours truly.


I say... why not?! No one will know. And, a bunch of skeletons doing locking and popping and robotics in the front of so many wizards is quite a hilarious the sight to see.

And, everyone's cheering Dumbledore for actually calling these apocryphal skeletons! While the old man was scratching his beard while wondering why he was being thanked.

It wasn't until McGonagall asked him why did all this did the old man understand that everyone was thinking it was him who made the skeletons dance! Dumbledore just chuckled good naturedly with eyes twinkling and looked in Fred and George's direction.

See? No one thinks it was me. And thus, throughout the dinner, everyone watched the dancing skeletons' perform with awe and wonder. It actually looked quite good. And even the music playing was an old funky muggle one. It was coming from a record player which can work in magical surroundings. As I had explained, some musical instruments, like gramophone can be used by wizards without destroying them.

But too bad this isn't the room of requirements. That's like the modern bluetooth high quality speaker. Just connect your mind with the room and play the music you want. The room would I'd able to produce the exact same music that's contained in the memory you project out of your occlumency shields.

But now isn't the time for this. Right now, I need to find out just who is the person who's got the Diary.

While I was pondering all this, the Notification charm that I'd set up wet off!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

'Now, let's see who the culprit actually is.' I thought as I covertly opened the map under a notice me not.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." I mumbled and words started appearing throughout the map. I waited in anticipation as names and footstep formed over the parchment along the map of Hogwarts. Skipping to the first floor bathroom, I finally saw who was the unlucky person to own that diary.





"Michael Corner?" That's the name which showed footsteps walking into the first floor bathroom.

F*cking hell, why am I not surprised?

Maybe because of the signs he's been throughout this past month. I knew he was messed up, but I also should have known he wouldn't be stupid enough to actually show it to everyone. He's been behaving different ever since the first day. And I just thought that the kid's jealousy had finally reached to the point he couldn't hide it.

Damn, I should have just used Legilimency on that guy the first day. But as I've learnt through the hard way, it's not mentally healthy to read minds of too many messed up people. As it is, I had to obliviate myself from whatever I'd seen in that bastard Lockhart's mind. I now only remember that I have to make jokes about 'go fuck yourself' to him.

I kept watching, just to confirm that this guy was indeed the one. Actually, it's good that it's him, cause I wouldn't be too bothered if he somehow ends up dea just kidding, I'll still save him. It's just that I feel no rush. I'll just wait for the right time. If one of my friends had been possessed which would have been really cliche by the way then I'd have rushed there right now and Fiendfired the diary.

I watched in anticipation as suddenly a new name appeared on the map.

'That must be the Basilisk!' I thought.

"...Truci Messor?"


Lo and bohold! The name of the infamous Basilisk of Slytherin Truci Messor!

It's a cute Latin name for a pet, as long as you don't know that it literally translates into 'Grim Reaper.'


A.N.: So, Michael Corner was the imposter... I kinda made it obvious. What would happen next? Drop your POWERSTONES to find out

Read ahead on Ptreon /Snollygoster


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