HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 105: what a magnificent start

Chapter 105: what a magnificent start

This morning was turning out to be quite chaotic as students from all around were asking about what had happened, how had happened etc. etc., So, I wasn't surprised when Hermione walked up to our group with a look of disapproval all over her face.

Harry and Neville had also come, but both their body language said that they had tried to stop her and whatever she does next has nothing to do with them. Harry and I would have fist bumped on the stunt I pulled yesterday, while Neville had always been a bit intimidated by me from the beginning.

"Did you really hit Professor Lockhart?" She asked with her hands folded, sort of emulating McGonagall.

If I cared one bit, I would have spent about fifteen minutes arguing with her, trying to explain one thing after another, but... I couldn't be bothered.

"It was in self defense. I've got detention for it. It your choice to believe it or not." Both the things I claimed were lies. It's her choice to believe them or not.

Hermione shook her head disbelievingly, "But... why would he attack you?... He's Gilderoy Lockhart!"

"What did I say? It's your choice to believe it or not?" I said exasperatedly. I just have to wait for a while. Soon, everyone would know he's a fraud anyway. Besides, most of the male populace's towards me is like, "That bloke's a legend! Socked that annoying Lockhart right in the face!"

It's only the fangirls who are uselessly getting their panties in a bunch. And I don't know why, but I'm enjoying the hate I'm getting. It's quite nice to see their furious and incensed expressions and smirk right to their faces saying, 'Yeah I did it. So what?'

Actually, this crazy fangirling thing isn't anything unreal. It's not something that's like, 'it's possible only because it's a fantasy world,' no. It happened a lot in my previous life as well. Anyone who doesn't know just go to a K-pop post and post just one negative comment on a male idol. Even if your comment is 100% valid and legit, hundreds of crazy fangirls would still emerge like zombies start defending him and cursing you, even if the guy you had commented about had committed a crime.

. . .As I walked out of the hall with my friends, a bunch of Griffindor girls blocked our way in the corridor. They looked to be in their fifth or sixth year. I didn't know a single one of them, thus, I concluded that they had been mobs in the Canon.

"Oi Maxwell! Did you really hit Professor Lockhart?" Asked the girl in the middle. She had short hight, and the word b*tch was written all over her face.

See her? That's what you call a crazy fangirl. I'll once again repeat it, the things I'm about to do are very risky and dangerous. It could even be life threatening, if you're good enough with your words. So don't try this at home, school, or anywhere. Whenever you spot a crazy fangirl, the first thing you do is RUN, not insult her idol.

I smirked at them, "Oh you're talking about that squib Lockhart? As a matter of fact, I did punch him. He did have a very punchable face." I said, Terry and Anthony sniggered from beside me. Aren't I the perfect young master right now?

A crowd had started gathering here, some were enjoying the show while all the crazy fangirls girls got furious and b*tch girl in the middle took out her wand. "Oh, is this a joke to you?! Very funny is it? He's Gilderoy Lockhart! He's just too kind to retaliate against brats like you, so, let me teach you a lesson in his stead!"

Woah, see that? That's what happens when you mess around with crazy fangirls. So, only professionals like me, under the supervision of experts like me should do this. I'd like bring to everyone's attention that this is just outside the great Hall. There are still a few teachers having lunch in there. But the girls in front of me currently don't seem to be rational enough to care.

Every one who was watching the show thought that the girl was just threatening with empty words, but to everyone's surprise, the girl actually used magic!

She fired an orange coloured spell from her wand and the spell were aimed directly at my face.


"What the-"

"Is she mad?!"

While everyone got surprised, I didn't even take out my wand. I put my hand into my bag and took something else out. The spell hit the thing in my hand squarely in the middle.

I grinned as I turned my hand to the side. "See guys? Even the most useless garbage can be useful for something." I said as I showed everyone the thing in my hand, it was one of Lockhart's books, 'Wandering with Werewolves.'



Laughter came form all around as they say what it was. The spell had hit precisely at Lockhart's face which was printed on the book, making the area blackened. And the werewolf was also charred black . . .

"Oh, doesn't he look more handsome now?" I asked and we all started chuckling and the surrounding students had also started laughing.

By now, all fan girls had drawn their wands. Now mad beyond reason and thoroughly infuriated they all fired their spells without thinking of the consequences!


"Someone stop them!"


"These crazy-"


While my friends got scared, I stood there without blinking as a lot of spell rained down upon us.

Right then, a big shield formed around us, shielding us from all the spells.

"BAAM" the spells got cancelled after hitting the shield.

"WHAT... in the Merlin's name is happening here?!" Asked McGonagall, looking very, very, pissed.

I turned around and put on an aggrieved expression, "Professor! These girls stopped us on our way and started are trying to hex us! We didn't even draw out our wands! You can ask any guy here; There were many witnesses!" I said innocently, while everyone present got surprised at my acting since a few seconds ago, my expression a few seconds earlier could have been comparable to an experienced bully and hooligan.

McGonagall looked around for confirmation.

"It's true professor. They were just going on their way. But the girls here stopped them and only they used magic," I looked around to see who'd spoken. It was Cedric Diggory, the Hogwarts champion in the Tri-wizard tournament.

The guy had almost reached us as well, his wand drawn. It seems like he was the one who had screamed 'Stop!'

...I decided that I'll do him one favour in the future as well. Not that I needed his support right now, there are so many witnesses and I have hundred other ways to escape punishment. But since he's the first one to step forward, well congrats to the dude. Though the case would have been quite different if I was the bully and he was being a busybody stopping me and speaking against me. Being a good person doesn't always get you benefits.

After Diggory had spoken, the students all around also start to speak up for us and I narrated the whole turn of events quite truly, just leaving out some 'details' and putting it all in a good way.

McGonagall's face had turned icy by now as she glared at each and every girl who had used magic just now. "All of you girls! Come to my office right now! All the points will be taken from Griffindor! The rest of you, dismissed." She announced as she began leaving.

The surrounding Griffindors glared at the girls for loosing them all the points that they had scrapped up on their first day.

And I didn't forget to give a victorious smile to the girls who were forced to follow after McGonagall.

'Well, what a magnificent way to start the year!' I thought waving at the crazy girls as me and my friends all went to our classes.


A.N.: Examns are finally over!!! I'll see if I add bonus chapter now if the powerstones are enough.

So, gimme POWERSTONES!!! /Snollygoster


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