HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 101:

Chapter 101:

Hearing a creepy laughter coming from behind, I swivelled my around while I ducked down in case I was attacked.

"The f*ck."

So, it WAS Peeves. Damn it! I forgot to disillusion the broomstick.

Actually, I didn't forget it. It's just that there was little chance of anyone being at this time of night. And even if anyone comes, Nyxie would have detected that person. So, there were very few things that could approach us undetected. That's why I didn't think much of it. But as they say, you'll recall it only happens when you're the least bit prepared because when you're prepared, you avoid it and forget it.

"Hehe, someone's stealing the Vanishing Cabinet~" He said in a sing-song voice.

Well shite, this wasn't a bullet which I could dodge easily like Harry did in the Canon first year.

At that time, Peeves didn't know if Harry under the invisibility cloak was a student or a ghost. So Harry had pretended to be the Bloody Baron to pass him. But in this situation, Peeves already knows I'm not a ghost since ghosts can make the brooms fly. The most they can do is to cause disturbance in elements like water, air and fire.

Peeves filled up his lungs, looking like he's about to start shouting, but


Peeves' tongue got stuck to the roof of his mouth and he couldn't say anything else anymore.

Damn this poltergeist! What are the odds of him suddenly appearing here of all places in such a huge castle! Damn, I'm unlucky.

Now I'm stuck at a crossroad. What to do? Peeves definitely knows that I'm right underneath the hiding place of the Vanishing Cabinet. He was the one who dropped it in the Canon.

So now, what if he told others that someone was here? It's definitely quite suspicious of someone to go invisible and try to steal the Vanishing Cabinet.

What if Dumbledore gets to know that someone was trying to steal it? He might assume the worst and think it's Voldemort's ploy.

No, I can't let that happen. Is there a memory spell for Poltergeists? I really don't know. I never thought I'd ever be stuck in this kind of scenario. Damn it! Which reincarnater or transmigrator in the fanfics ever had the bad luck of being in a situation where they had to kill a poltergeist?

Sigh... there's no choice. I have learnt my lesson. I'll never repeat this mistake again. But now, I have to make sure that I don't screw up my Vanishing Cabinet card. It's too important to lose over such a silly mistake and unfortunate luck.

The first thing I have to do is to stop him from running off. If he ran away, when the Langlock wears down, he'll tell everyone that someone was trying to the Vanishing Cabinet.

I activated trigger and made my broom invisible as well. The spell I used before, 'Langlock' one of the few rare spells that can work on Poltergeists. I knew several more, like 'Wadiwasi,' but not a single one which can be used to memory wipe or kill this thing. So, let's try restraining him first and then figure what to do next. If I started firing lethal spells and they didn't work, might run off.

I made the room sound proof, locked the doors, and casted a few wards all around the room which would stop any magical or physical disturbance to be detected outside.

Then, lights of various colors started to flash around my hands as I started sending various types of Petrification and Stunning spells towards Peeves, even overpowering them a lot.




Bolts of various colors flew towards the Poltergeist, but

They all passed through him! Nothing worked.

Poltergeists are Amortal creatures.

Amortalityis the condition of never having died and being unable to die, as an amortal entity was never "alive" to begin with.

Some other Amortal creatures along with are Dementors and Boggart. They can't be killed because they aren't even alive.

*Silent Laughter*

Peeves started laughing upon seeing that my spells were ineffective against him. He didn't seem to have any plans of running.

In 1876, a caretakernamed Rancorous Carpedevised an "elaborate trap" to remove Peeves from theCastle. The trap comprised a bait of assortment of weapons and a vast enchanted bell jar, reinforced by variousContainment Charms, which he intended to drop over the poltergeist once he was in place. This did not go as planned, as Peeves easily broke through the bell jar and was left armed with several cutlasses, crossbows, ablunderbuss, and a miniature cannon. The Castle had to be evacuated for three days as Peeves amused himself by firing randomly and threatening the students with death.

This creature is something that doesn't care about anything. He only likes destruction and chaos. Many students and teachers wish his death daily, but no one can actually do anything.

Peeves couldn't speak because of the Langlock curse, but the Poltergeist had a lot of pieces of chalk which he uses to write curses on blackboards. He started writing curses and swear words all over the floor.

I remember laughing when he just comes to McGonagall's class, curses her, and then write things on her blackboard that 11 y/o kids shouldn't read.

It's not so funny now that he's writing curses dedicated to my entire family. And trust me, as a poltergeist whose been haunting Hogwarts for centuries, he has a lot of ammunition.

Damn it! I had been teaching Nyxie how to read!

'Close your eyes, Nyxie!' I said urgently through the bond.

'And fly to the corner. Daddy is going to get serious now.' I added grimly.

Nyxie obediently flew to the side this time. She's a smart girl. And knows that shit's getting real now.

I had never been humiliated like this before. Because bullies had always been respectful towards me from the very beginning in my previous life. Even here, when I was a muggleborn, I had never let a single Slytherin say anything disrespectful to my face and get away with it.

I had never worried much about Peeves. Because Langlock and Wadiwasi were enough to make him run away if he ever tired anything. But I can't let him run away in this situation.

My anger meter was gradually rising now. The only reason I hadn't bothered to research ways of erasing this Poltergeist's existence ever before was because, in my eyes, he was nothing but a freakin' clown. Not worth my attention. But now I'm having trouble dealing with the same clown as the weapons in arsenal are proving ineffective against him.

Rainbow energy began emitting out of my hands. I put my hand in front and blinding light flashed. This time, I fired a bolt of Pure magic on it and the room light up in Rainbow colour.


When the light cleared, Peeves was still floating inid air, but

There was a multi coloured Halo around him, which was gradually getting absorbed into him. He was looking... more corporeal now.

"Oh?! What did you do?! What did you do?! Do it again! I feel... more alive now."

'What the hell?! It made him stronger?! Even the Langlock spell got dispelled.'

It was official this guy is the single most irritating existence in the world.

He began looking around, searching for me. I was currently hovering right above him on my broom.

"Give me more... you f*cking bast*rd and I might get alive to enough as actually follow through the promises I wrote and give your mother and sister a good, nice, fuc"

Alright. That was it. Something snapped inside me and I intentionally dropped my occlumency shields which were controlling my anger.


I saw red and the whole room flashed red as red energy started to burn around me.


A.N.: Well, things don't always go as planned and I always found Peeves to be quite dangerous. Poltergeist's have no known ways to be destroyed.

But he ultimately messed wrong person! See what happens in the next chapter!

give me POWERSTONES!!!

Read ahead on Ptreon. /Snollygoster

On Ptreon, this chapter was quite longer. It also contained MC's comeback.


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