HP: A Magical Journey

Chapter 335 Carnage

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The late evening, early night sky framed the background of a tense situation. The spell discharged left residue, leaving behind their remnants magically in the form of a tingle in the air and the physical destruction with the carved ground and splintered barks.

The Death Eaters thwarted the threatening but easily avoidable steel spears. The wands were raised again with magic coursing through them. They were many while their target was one. Losing one of their own while not optimal wasn’t something to be worried about. Getting the job done was the priority— the faster they got it done, the faster they would get the fallen to safety.

But then the sole opponent spoke, “I’m going to make it so you can’t use those Portkeys to get out of here. You tried to trap with this ward. . . so don’t think I’ll let you go without a good sleepover.”

The statement ruffled some feathers. The first thoughts were of surprise of the Portkey knowledge— while not a secret, it was still not common knowledge. But then came the offense— a ‘child’ who was still wet behind the ears trying to threaten them? Did he not know his position. They knew their target, Quinn West. Every one of the Death Eaters knew about him— what he represented, and thus why it was imperative to be successful.

But then a scream pierced through the tenseness, and a body came flying out from the trees, passing over their heads and dragging the rubble as the body came to a stop at Quinn’s feet.

While the eyes were staring set in the middle at the spectacle, one of them turned to where the body came from and saw a glint of what looked like a ginormous tree branch, colored grey with a few green figs, retreating into the darkness.

Quinn raised his foot and stamped it on the Death Eater’s head, pressing the face into the gravel; there was a painful groan that he ignored. He pointed his palm at the body and forced a spell into the Death Eater’s back while staring at the bunch in front of him.

There was a scream much more horrible, terrible than the one before. It sent shivers down the listeners’ bodies. They couldn’t even see the injury clearly yet; nonetheless, they could tell that it was severe, to say the least. The spine was at least cracked and mangled, with further damage to the back.

“You all are fortunate that I have to think about my reputation,” said Quinn pointing at the Death Eaters as he pressed the head further into the ground. “I can’t cast Dark Curses on all of you, and neither can I kill you guys, but I will ensure that the healers have a horrendous time healing each and every one of you— that will have to do for now.”

“Shut up, brat,” said one of the Death Eaters in a gruff voice.

Quinn glanced to the Death Eater, and an explosive spell leaned on the legal boundaries of a non-Dark spell manifested between them. The cast speed surprised the Death Eaters— the gruff one pulled up a shield while others went for the attack— the best moment to attack was the just moment after the opposition had just cast their magic.

The exact time the explosion spell was released, the ground jumped between Quinn and the Death Eaters, serving his commands. There was an exchange; the ground exploded into dust in the face of magic. Quinn cast another level of protection, this time magic shields, which stopped the spells that passed through. On the other hand, the explosion spell saw no stoppage from the defensive shield and rammed into the panicked Death Eater’s raised hands, it broke bones, and some magic slipped through the sides of the arms into the face obliterating the mask and shredding the facial muscles.

“Spells are slower than guns, they say,” Quinn’s voice suddenly echoed from everywhere around the Death Eaters, startling them as they looked around, “and it is true— guns are frighteningly quick, and the spells aren’t up to that speed yet, no one has tried to increase travel speed. . . yet— but it doesn’t mean that magic is slower. Let me show you a skill that top Hit Wizards take pride in.”

The dust cleared, and they found that Quinn had vanished from their encirclement, only leaving behind the unconscious Death Eater on the ground. They immediately went on alert towards their surrounding, but then the same place in the middle showed a ripple, and light ripped towards a Death Eater— it was a split moment between the appearance and impact— and then the Death Eater went flying, crashing into the tree, rattling it to its roots.

“I’m going to pick out every single one of you,” repeated Quinn’s voice.

The Death Eaters immediately launched their spells to the middle, but they passed through— there was no one there.

Suddenly Quinn materialized just in front of a Death Eater, who froze in shock at the sudden appearance. The Death Eater felt his entire body gripped by something— it felt like a Body-Bind, but worse as the magic ‘binds’ began strangling, breathing soon became difficult, with each breath becoming a gasp.

Quinn had his back to the other Death Eaters, and they took the chance. Spells were shot, and multiple lights covered their paths and made an impact with. . . . the Death Eater— Quinn had vanished from the front. The magic was too much, and the Death Eater collapsed into a heap on the group to reveal Quinn, who now stood behind the collapsed Death Eater.

He walked to the side, and with each step, a part of his body disappeared until he was no longer visible.

Something started to bubble up inside the Death Eaters. Three of theirs have been taken down(one because of friendly fire), and now they couldn’t even keep track of their target.

Another sudden spell suddenly appeared. It sunk into the ground beside a Death Eater’s feet, changing the solid ground into a quagmire. The Death Eater lost balance and fell on his back, slowly sinking into the sludge. It wasn’t over as the muddy appendages rose from the sinking ground and pulled the Death Eater inside. He struggled, fought against the sludge, shot stray spells but found that the sludge started to solidify against his body. Then a horror jolted through his body when he found that the ground began to press his body tighter and tighter until his lungs stopped working and darkness overtook him.

Only the masked face of the Death Eater remained over the ground, which was now back to normal.

There wasn’t a beat missed as the next attack against the Death Eater arrived. And it was the biggest and most devastating one yet.

Winds started to pick, making the Death Eaters look around vigilantly. Within moments, the area was filled with fierce gusts moving in unpredictable directions. The Death Eaters found it challenging to stand still, much less try to find Quinn.


Everyone turned just in time to see four people drop to the ground, and even in the dark, the carved backs of the four victims could be seen shredded with blood staining the skin, clothes, and everything it came into contact with.

One of the Death Eaters started to back up; his heart was trying to beat out of its natural rhythm. He raised his wand up, moving it constantly to cover any direction the attack could come, trying not to stumble because of the wind.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and felt a shiver creep up his body before he could turn. He looked down and saw a long silver blade slowly come out of his abdomen. The eyes started to shake as he continued to watch— the tip of the blade turned into liquid and climbed up the edge until there wasn’t a blade left and the silver was sticking close to his body.

Then he heard, “I have plugged up the wound from both sides, the blood will stay inside where it belongs. . . thank me for it later.” There were two shoulder taps before everything went black.

That was it.

One of the Death Eaters pulled up his sleeve, exposing the Dark Mark. He was going to Portkey out of there. He touched the mark with his wand, and it started to turn red— the Portkey was activated.

Nothing happened.


“I told you’re not going anywhere today.”

The Death Eater felt something hit him on the head with something blunt and heavy. The pain was momentary before he went to the ground and knew nothing more.

. . . . .

Quinn looked around. There weren’t many left Death Eaters left.

He glanced up to where he had stealthily set up an anti-Potkey ward hidden in the shadow of the Death Eater’s wards. He cast an assortment of illusion spells on himself and disappeared to prey on the remaining Death Eaters. He was going to keep picking them apart.

There were magic he couldn’t use in his ‘Quinn West’ persona. Everything that he used as his ‘Invisible Vigilantee’ persona was out of use for ‘Quinn West’— if revealed, there were plenty of ways they could reach others, and then someone was bound to connect the points. Then there was Dark Magic which he couldn’t be seen using for the sake of his reputation. He won’t be charged for using such spells in the current situation, but people would keep in mind that he used Dark Magic.

He called up more magic and sent a massive gash of fire towards a Death Eater, blasting him in the face with flames as if coming out from a high-fueled flamethrower. After causing some burns, Quinn vanished the bones from a leg and left the Death Eater on the ground, unable to move.

He turned to the opposite side and saw a Death Eater trying to run. He stamped his foot on the dirt, and a long linked chain came snatching up the ground. A huge clamp on the other end grabbed the Death Eater’s foot, tripping the runner. Quinn pulled the chain with magic and dragged the Death Eater near him, where he buried him inside the ground and suffocated to end another one.

He threw a super-powered Reducto into another Death Eater’s face and crushed just enough bones that would keep the man alive.

That continued until only one was left.

Quinn faced the last Death Eater, who had his trembling wand pointed at him.

“Y-You monster.”

“This is all your fault,” said Quinn. “If you just hadn’t done this, none of it would’ve happened.” He stepped forward.

“S-Stay away!”

Quinn ignored the futile and useless words and closed the distance.

The Death Eater raised his wand and cursed, “Avada Kedavra!”

Quinn halted, and a rough chunk of ground rose up— something material was the only way to block an Avada Kedavra. The green zap exploded the ground, leaving behind a plume of dust.

Quinn grinned, “Thank you. You just gave me some great justification.”


“I can now rough you up a little.”

He raised his hand and sent eery bolts of lightning towards the Death Eater, which he wasn’t able to dodge, rendering him prone to the ground. Quinn walked to the limp body and straddled it.

“I did this once before to someone,” said Quinn as he raised his fists and charged them with body magic, “and I suppose he didn’t like it all, so I’m assuming you won’t be liking it as well. And this time, my hands aren’t going to get all mangled.”

Quinn raised his fist and then dropped them on the Death Eater’s face and then started the pummeling.

‘Nothing could beat the physical exertion of pounding someone down to a pulp with his bare hands,’ thought Quinn as he continued to beat the man bloody— the thoughts of the spell that had hit him earlier in the fight occupied his mind, fueling him with anger.

He didn’t notice that the man had gone unconscious.

But fortunately. . .


. . . someone was there to stop him.

Quinn’s hands froze mid-punch. He turned his head, a glare still in his eyes, to look upon a crowd of people looking at him.

Among them, at the head of the crowd, was Ivy, who was looking at him in worry.

Looking at him surrounded with carnage and battered bodies.




Quinn West – MC – Releasing frustration at its finest.

Death Eater – F*ck-ed – Status: All done.

FictionOnlyReader – Author – Goodnight.




If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.

The link is in the BIO!


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