How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 161: Sumaru 3

Chapter 161: Sumaru 3


Cinders lifted into the air, tiny embers dancing as the last sparks of the burned wood flickered among the remaining coals.

The campfire's warm glow contrasted with the cold air of the mountain peak, creating an almost serene atmosphere.

I gently stirred the stew, lifting a portion with the ladle to inspect it.

'It's cooked...'

The taste wasn't anything to write home about-bland, but bearable enough for a proper meal.

A few hours had passed since we reached the summit of the mountains, and now Kagami and I were taking a much-needed break, each settled on small boulders around our modest fire. Kagami, seated across from me, was deeply immersed in some sort of meditation technique. His mana fluctuated rhythmically, expanding and contracting like a heartbeat. It was a familiar sight-something he often did in the game to center himself. Knowing this, I didn't pay it much mind, instead continuing to stir the stew.

The simple, repetitive motion was oddly calming after the day's exertions.

As the wind whispered through the trees, I found myself watching Kagami's focused expression, his brow furrowed in concentration.

He was always like this-dedicated, methodical, almost machine-like in his pursuit of strength.

It was one of the things that made him such a formidable ally in the game, and one of the most notable side characters out there, he's even labeled as a true wingman in some routes....

The sun was starting to set, casting long shadows across the rugged terrain.

In just a few minutes, the dungeon would reveal itself, a fleeting gateway that would last only for a minute before vanishing into the void once more.

The anticipation hung heavy in the air, and I could tell Kagami was excited, his eyes focused on the spot where the dungeon would soon appear.

But before we jumped into action, there was something more important to address. "Kagami, let's eat first," I said, breaking the tension.

He blinked, as if just realizing how long he'd been holding his breath, then nodded slowly. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he walked over to where I sat and accepted the bowl I handed him. "Thanks," he murmured, settling down on a boulder beside me.

I watched him as he took his first bite, his expression shifting from cautious to surprised. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing... it's just better than I thought," he replied, his tone neutral, though I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or genuinely impressed.

"Is that so?" I said, not entirely convinced but not really caring either way.

The food was simple, meant to be functional rather than gourmet, but if it kept him fueled for what was to come, that was all that mattered.

Kagami didn't waste any time, eating as quickly as he could.

His exhaustion was evident, likely a result of his intense mana training.

I could only imagine how draining it must be, pushing your magical reserves to their limits.

Though I usually focused on physical training, I could sympathize with his hunger-the kind that gnaws at you after a day of hard work, when every muscle in your body screams for rest and sustenance.

As he finished his meal, a calm silence settled between us.

The world around us began to change, the last rays of sunlight dipping below the horizon.

Noticing his tension, I tried to calm his nerves once more.

I tossed the ladle at him, and he reflexively caught it without even looking at me.

"There's plenty more stew-take some more," I said, my tone light and casual.

He smiled slightly, understanding my intention. "What about you?"

"I'm not that hungry..."

"If you say so..." he replied, though there was a hint of reluctance in his voice as he eyed the pot.

Eventually, hunger won over his hesitation, and he began to devour the rest of the stew with surprising ease.

Satisfied that he was at least eating, I let my gaze drift away from him and back to the view below us. We were high up in the mountains now-higher than I'd ever been before.

The sheer size of these peaks was almost overwhelming, not nearly as tall as the Misty

Mountains, but certainly capable of giving them a run for their money.

The landscape below stretched out endlessly, a vast expanse of rolling hills and dense forests shrouded in the golden glow of the setting sun.

'Anyway, Sumaru...'

That lightning god really didn't show himself, huh? In the game, he would've already been at the top of this place, either expecting sudden visitors or warding off trespassers depending on his mood.

Normally, he would guard the entrance to the Star Rippling Dungeon before it even appeared, selecting the one worthy to enter it.

That was the usual procedure.

But aside from that initial thunderstorm-a clear sign that he noticed our presence-there's been nothing, no hint of his overwhelming power or attention.

Did the scenario change because we arrived earlier than in the original timeline, or is he simply ignoring us on a whim?

It does benefit us if he stays out of the way until the very end, but it's still nerve-wracking knowing he could show up at any moment.

Frankly, Kagami and I have no way of defending ourselves against Sumaru.

We could probably put up a decent fight since the tiger body he uses is just a copy or an incarnation of his true godlike form, but a god is still a god.

There's a reason why he was an invulnerable target in the game-he's just that powerful.

The thought of facing him is daunting, but we'll have to make our move soon, whether he appears or not.

Sumaru probably won't kill us right away, but given his volatile nature, the likelihood of a confrontation isn't negligible.

The odds of a fight breaking out are far from zero, especially considering his fiery

temperament and our current predicament.

It would have been reassuring to have Seo with us.

Her presence would offer some degree of comfort and security if things took a turn for the


Seo's kind-hearted nature and her ability to connect with others, even those as formidable as Sumaru, might have provided a buffer against potential hostility.

Unfortunately, due to the recent incident with the other girls, Seo is under probation,

confined to her room for an entire week.

The situation, though not entirely her fault, escalated beyond her control, and this probation

is the academy's way of enforcing discipline.

I feel a pang of guilt for her, knowing that her absence is due to circumstances she couldn't

fully influence.

The academy's decision, though lenient compared to harsher measures, isn't exactly the ideal


It's certainly different from what President Dorothy might have anticipated, but it's clear that

the academy's approach to Seo's situation, while softer than expected, still leaves much to be


Since the other girls were in a similar situation to Seo's, I actually decided to bring Lucas

along as a last resort.

The Star Rippling Dungeon was known to support equipment upgrades, and while it predominantly offered Common to Rare items, the potential for enhancing Lucas's gear

wasn't insignificant.

More importantly, the dungeon could strengthen his bond with Kagami, and indirectly, his perception and attitude towards me.

However, Janica seemed unusually intent on keeping Lucas and me apart. She avoided my

gaze and refused to let me speak with him or her.

'Did I do something to upset her?'

I couldn't recall any specific action that would warrant Janica's apparent disdain, especially considering I had rescued her from the maniac who had posed a threat.

Her behavior, was likely due to her tsundere tendencies, and probably stemmed from a mix of

shyness and confusion rather than genuine animosity.

'Though I can't say I wasn't annoyed in the slightest...'

"Riley... It's here" Kagami's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

He pointed towards the shimmering lights that had appeared near us.

The atmosphere around us shifted dramatically; the biting cold of the mountain peaks was

replaced by an unexpected warmth.

Star-like flecks of mana lingered in the air, and for a few moments, the world seemed to hold

its breath.

A grand, circular door materialized before us-no, it was a portal.

It opened with the majestic sweep of colors reminiscent of a galaxy in full bloom.

The spectacle was breathtaking.

"The Star Rippling Dungeon..." Kagami muttered, his voice tinged with awe and disbelief as

his eyes widened at the sight.

I shared his amazement.

I had only ever seen this dungeon in the game, as a mere digital representation.

To witness it in reality was something else entirely.

What would have been a simple CG background in the game was now an immersive, tangible


The grandeur of magic was truly mesmerizing no matter how many times I've seen it....

'It would've been a bit nicer if most of the magic I encountered wasn't for offensive

purposes though...'

"You should hurry and equip your gauntlets," I urged Kagami, snapping him out of his reverie. "That dungeon entrance only lasts for about a minute."

Kagami nodded and, with a swift motion, summoned his gauntlets from his dimensional

pouch. It was an impressive display of efficiency.

'So, he keeps his weapons in his dimensional pouch, but not all the other gear?'

It was a really eccentric choice.

"Are you not coming with me?" he asked, noticing that I was still standing there, seemingly detached from the situation.

I shook my head, my gaze lingering on the portal. "Nah... I won't be joining you. Or rather, I

can't." I sighed. "You've noticed, haven't you? I don't have the right mana quality to enter that dungeon. Stepping inside would be like walking into a toxic wasteland for me." Kagami's expression shifted to one of disappointment, but then, unexpectedly, he bowed his head in front of me.

"Riley... I know we haven't been friends for long, but I need you to know how much this means to me. Thanks to you, I finally have the opportunity to elevate my family's name and technique among the top martial clans in my country. For that, I can only express my deepest

gratitude.... Riley Hell you'll have my honor fixed in your name..." He bowed again, this time with an added grace and solemnity.

It was as if I was speaking to a revered martial artist or a high-ranking military officer, his

respect was practically palpitating in the air...

I waved my hand dismissively, trying to keep the mood light. "It's fine. It's not like I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. You know our deal, right?"

Kagami chuckled softly at my words, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. His hand clenched into a fist, and sparks of mana crackled around his metallic gauntlets. "Honestly, I still find your intentions towards me a bit suspicious," he admitted, a hint of a

smile tugging at his lips. "But I can tell you're not a bad person. I promise you, once I've cleared this dungeon, I'll find a way to make it up to you. I owe you a great deal, Riley."

I raised an eyebrow, a touch of skepticism in my voice. "You're talking like clearing this dungeon is a done deal. You could still die in there, you know?" Even in the game, playing as Lucas was a nightmare in this dungeon.

The enemies inside were a perfect counter to a swordsman like Lucas. Though this was Kagami's main scenario and he was well-prepared, I couldn't shake the

feeling of unease.

It was better for him to be cautious, considering I couldn't go inside to offer any protection

against unforeseen dangers.

"Just fulfill your end of the deal quietly," I said, a note of finality in my voice. "Then you can

consider your debt paid."

"Haha, that won't do," Kagami replied with a hearty laugh. "It's our family's motto to repay

kindness, respect, and debts tenfold. So, a single request is hardly enough to settle what I Owe!"

His stubbornness was evident. I couldn't help but sigh, though a small smile crept onto my face. "Alright, if you insist..."

"Will you just wait here?" Kagami asked, his tone carrying a mix of expectation and resolve.

"For now, yes," I replied. "At least until the next sunrise. That should give you plenty of time

to finish the dungeon, if you're as confident as you say that is. If you don't come out by noon tomorrow, I'll assume the worst and head out. Honestly, I'm not a fan of cold places anyway. So, you should go now."

Kagami's laughter echoed warmly in the crisp mountain air, a scene I hadn't expected to witness.

He nodded his head in understanding, and with a sudden burst of energy, he shot off like a


His entire form seemed to ignite with star-like mana, propelling him towards the dungeon


As Kagami entered the dungeon, a dazzling display of magic erupted around him.

The air sparkled and shimmered more intensely, lifting him upwards before he disappeared

into the portal.

For a moment, he became a radiant beam of light, shooting up into the night sky.

The beam streaked across the heavens, a brilliant, laser-like trail that illuminated the darkness.

The dungeon exit should appear after Kagami clears the dungeon so I should expect it sometime tomorrow....

As the scattering light of the dungeon became lost, night soon enshrouded the peak of the

mountains once more and I was the only one left here with the cumbersome sparkles of out

small campfire.

I knew I should have cleaned everything up before going to sleep, but for now, getting warm

was far more pressing.

'I should grab some more firewood...' Although I could heat myself using mana, it was highly inefficient. Unlike the people of this world, I didn't have a proper aura core nor mana heart to store it.

My mana reserves were limited, and using it for warmth didn't increase my mana output or


My only real way to boost my mana capacity was through increasing my power stats by defeating enemies, making it essentially useless for maintaining warmth.

I stretched my arms and leaped from my spot with enhanced strength, heading towards the

nearby trees around our camp.

I noticed a few tree branches and twigs suitable to burn by the fire.



As I was about to pick up a broken twig from the snowy ground, a sudden flash of blue light

blinded me for a few moments.


Before I could react, the thunderous roar of lightning crashed down, nearly bursting my eardrums.


A deep, menacing growl resonated through the air.

I turned to see a gigantic tiger, roughly the size of a small house, glaring at me with a mixture

of disdain and fury in its eyes.

Its presence was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the tranquility of the snowy landscape.


"So, you finally decide to show yourself, huh?"

I muttered under my breath, bracing myself for the confrontation.

The tiger's ominous growl suggested it wasn't here for a friendly chat.



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