How to Survive at the Academy

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Enduring Winter (1)

If the life of a human is akin to the four seasons, then surely the life of a spirit is an extended winter.

Watching over all that withers away, the great wolf of the wind guarded the forest so.


Youre too perfect, and thats the problem, Yenika.

Laplace Bakery, situated at the entrance of the living quarters, is a historic dessert shop with a legacy intertwined with that of the Sylvania Academy.

Its prominent location on the way to the faculty buildings, the quality of the pastries managed by the former royal patissier, the terrace filled with the scent of flowers.

Its appearance, as if embodying the romance of young ladies, was the key to maintaining its territory steadfastly amidst the encroaching domain of Elte Trading.

Being a girl of that very age, Yenika had no choice but to eagerly follow when Claire said shed treat everyone at Laplace Bakery.

The dessert tray stacked three levels high was filled with cakes of dazzling colors. It was at that moment, amid the sparkling eyes, that she received her tea.

Its good to strive, but being too perfect can be tough. You know what I mean, right, Yenika?

Uh, yeah?

You should know when to show a little weakness if need be.

Claire and Anis, Yenikas close friends, seemed as usual, but today they appeared more solemn than normal.

The atmosphere was the polar opposite of the increasingly relaxed academic mood as winter break approached.

Whats the matter Claire? You look so serious.

Well, Claire is going back to her family home over the break. Shes just worried about whatll happen while shes gone.

Anis spoke nonchalantly, sipping her tea.

Really? I get it, I helped out back home every break last year too its unnerving to be away from the academy. I understand the feeling.

Its not about my academic schedule that Im talking about, Yenika! What Im worried about is your love life!

Claires tone was direct and without hesitation.

At this Yenika gasped, unable to hide her shock, while Claire relentlessly continued.

To put it bluntly, youve fallen head over heels for Ed Rothtaylor.

Claire. Your words are too blunt.

I came determined today, Anis. Dont you see why I splurged on Laplace Bakerys finest desserts? To hammer the point home to Yenika, whos been so busy lately.

Bait? Its like I just took the bait

Technically, took the bait was the most accurate description, but Anis refrained from being too blunt.

And my love life? Whats that all about

Lets not beat around the bush, Yenika. I think youre skating on thin ice.

Yenika might have thought she concealed her romantic feelings well, but to her close friends Claire and Anis, her inner thoughts were clear as day.

Danger zone?

Yes, Yenika. To be frank, youre a good friend.

As Claire spoke directly, arms folded, Anis just hummed and sipped her tea from the side.

Even though its a compliment its embarrassing.

Its a kind word but not a compliment, Yenika.

Claire looked stern as she delivered her point.

When you first fell for someone like Ed, I felt like I lost a nation but as time went by and I re-evaluated him, it became somewhat acceptable. Now here we are, right?


Now blushing and nodding wont change a thing, Yenika. I think its time to be reckless. Ive held back long enough.

Only then did Yenika realize she had walked right into a trap set by Claire and Anis.

Even reserving the most expensive private terrace at Laplace Bakery was a ploy to secure a private space free of eavesdroppers.

Yenika, youre following the golden pattern of a loser in love settling as a good friend.

A thunderous echo seemed to resound in her head.

What do you mean by that, Claire?

Have you felt your heart race or face flush being unable to make eye contact with him lately?

Why are you asking all of a sudden?!

Answer me!

Claire was taking an aggressive approach with Yenika, who seemed too vulnerable at the moment.

Anis felt concerned but decided not to intervene just yet.

Well, thats!

Yenika choked on her words.

Certainly, ever since her initial encounter with Ed Rothtaylor, the time spent together meant she now felt a comforting warmth sitting beside him rather than nervousness a feeling of being healed.

It was an undeniable transition from her initial turmoil, yet she didnt view it as particularly risky, rather as development.

Do you know what such a comfortable and reliable relationship is called? Its akin to family or a close friend. Its just a relationship where youre helpful to each other!

So Im doing it wrong?

Oh, youre so clueless! Emotional exchange needs to be two-way. Make him yearn for you too! If you just follow him around praising, is that a romantic relationship? No, its adoration!

Claires piercing words hit Yenika like a dagger.

There was a sudden burst of distant applause and cheers, unheard by Claire but faintly audible to Anis who retained some sensitivity to spirits.

It seems the low-ranking spirits bound by contract to Yenika were expressing relief with the direct intervention.

Yenika, youve been approaching it all wrong. Your cheerful, kind attributes are appealing, but to become sly or worse off isnt fitting for you. Surely I think Belles opinion was more valid on this.

What sort of opinions were being shared behind my back?

Forget it, Yenika. Winter break is nearly here. Dont lose out because you were slow on the uptake. Especially with a good-looking guy like that, time is of the essence. But just my luck, I have to go back home now. How can I not worry? Huh?

Claire vented her frustrations, and Yenika could only sit cross-legged and listen.

She didnt understand why she felt chastised, but the mood seemed to confirm it, so she remained quiet.

Above all, Yenika trusted Claire.

Claire is educated and skilled in human relationships She must be right

Yes, Yenika! Listen to me!

Approaching the end of her tether, Claires concerns were mounting.

Lately, its clear, Yenika, youre utterly lacking in the art of allure. This calls for a change in tactics.


Unable to refute, Yenika fell silent.

Having the skill to tantalize and keep someone on the edge with ones affections is more the purview of a girl like Lortelle. Yenika knew too well that mimicking such behavior would yield less than fruitful results.

It means, Yenika, you need to learn to play the helpless card, Claire said.

What do you mean by that?

Listen closely, Yenika. You need to seem a bit pitiable.

Yenika might seem bubbly and lighthearted on the outside, naive and whimsical. She has her flaws like being terribly directionally challenged or peculiarly timid at times.

But on significant matters, shes unexpectedly solid and immaculate.

She manages herself well, works hard, is altruistic, surprisingly tolerant. Add her popular appearance, academic excellence, and strong abilities to the mix.

As proud as one can be to have such a perfect friend, at this point, thats not always an advantage!

Listen and emulate, Yenika, Claire said severely, looking directly into Yenikas eyes, emphasizing each word.

Protective instinct.

Pro protect?

Protective instinct, Claire repeated.

Swallowing hard, Yenika echoed the words tentatively.

Guys are all the same. You think being dependable, supportive, and always agreeing is enough? No. Show vulnerability, constant reassurance is necessary. Oh, I am helping this woman. She relies on me. She seeks emotional support from me. Constantly reaffirm this to boost his ego, to trigger his protective instinct.

Anis was impressively quiet.

Claire might have zero romantic experience, but her insights were to the point!

Reading all those sordid romance stories was a form of learning in love!

For Yenika, this is more fitting than awkward attempts at playing hard to get.

That seems iffy

Yenika voiced her dissonance, unusually for her. When Claire pressed for meaning, Yenika hesitantly shared her thoughts.

Well truthfully Ive been relying on him quite a bit emotionally?

Ed was her source of solace in her otherwise precarious academy life. Whenever she escaped to camp, Ed would always be there by the fire, greeting her in the same warm manner.

Even when Ed decided not to come to the academy, a part of her felt relieved she had been somewhat fine with it.

But does Ed Rothtaylor even know that?

Well, maintaining life at camp and academy seems overwhelming for him

That was a fundamental problem.

His marathon life left little room for romance. Belle Mayars observations were spot-on.

To break through this, Yenika had to truly shake up Eds world.

Its just a lack of stimulation. Reveal all and seek comfort! Dont you have any spectacular concern, Yenika? Something like, wow, this is too much for me alone to handle!

I cant just conjure up worries overnight Ive solved most of them!

Then create them! Where there is no worry, generate one!

I cant just lie to stir up concern; thatd be too guilt-inducing!

Yenika reluctantly lowered her head when Ed sincerely apologized after she had been exaggerating her complaints. Yenikas conscience wouldnt allow her to lie, even if it was trivial. And as for having genuine concerns, she often resolves most of them on her own due to her competence.

If I had to say I have a concern

And that concern is?

After pondering for a moment, Yenika confessed,

Lately, Ed has been planning to contract with a high-ranking spirit using some loophole

I spent days in agony after contracting with Tarkan, and I worry that Ed, whose empathic ability is still lacking, might harm himself by using a loophole to contract. But Ed is ambitious about his growth and it might work out for him Sometimes, being bold and pushing forward is the right move I wonder if expressing such concerns is just being obstructive. Anyway, Im worried about that

Despite her serious tone, Claire leaned back and hit her forehead with her hands in exasperation. Anis sighed deeply and sipped her tea. Despite how the conversation flowed, this girl remained the same. With her inherent nature, what can one do? Seeing the girls innocent gaze, Claire and Anis remembered why they became close friends with Yenika in the first place; despite everything, they didnt really mind it.

Soon, I think.

After sending off Yenika, who had enjoyed a variety of fancy snacks at Laplace Bakery, Claire and Anis walked side by side back to the dorm. Aniss comment didnt seem out of place to Claire, who had a sense of what was coming.

However, it felt quite unnatural that Anis hadnt said a word during their conversation with Yenika. They usually chatted nonstop whenever they gathered, but today, Anis was unusually quiet, only focusing on her tea. Unlike Claire, Anis, who had some insight into romantic relationships, was the last to realize Yenikas feelings for Ed due to her busy schedule and borderline academic performance.

Claire, with her freckles and messy hair, appeared full of vitality, coming from a surprisingly well-off family. On the other hand, Anis, with her elegant and refined appearance, came from a more financially struggling background, which is why she couldnt neglect her TA responsibilities.

You know as well as I do

Yeah. Yenika seems to be under a lot of emotional stress.

Was it their life at Dex Hall causing the issue, or was there another trigger? Sometimes, it felt like Yenika was pushing herself too hard. If the Glascan incident was an outburst from being unable to hold back anymore, its possible that Yenikas worries hadnt been fully resolved. Despite the subtle differences that most people wouldnt notice, Claire and Anis could feel them. The feeling that Yenika might reach her emotional limit again if a trigger occurs a sense of unresolved fundamental concerns

Yet, there seemed to be periodic healing or alleviation of her emotional burden. That person must undoubtedly be Ed Rothtaylor. Its frustrating that she wouldnt confide in her closest friends and rely on them emotionally, even when they subtly probed her concerns.

Aniss view, however, differed slightly from Claires.

Claire might have noticed Yenikas affection first and changed her opinion about that man after talking to Belle and the faculty members but my opinion is different.

Claire seemed to understand Aniss thoughts for the first time.

The reason Anis had been quiet, sipping her tea during their argument.

Im still not sure if that man can be completely trusted.

Really? Just because his reputation has improved doesnt mean its less worrying.

But more importantly, the decisive reason is

Anis formed a square with her thumbs and index fingers, framing peoples faces as they passed by.

Facial features.

He has the face of a playboy. Relying emotionally on a man known for being frivolous with women will only end up hurting Yenika.

Considering whether to object to judging someone based on their facial features, Claire found it hard to argue when recalling Ed Rothtaylors appearance. The fact remains a fact.

Still, its a bit much to judge based on facial features alone

As if reading Claires mind, Anis immediately responded.

Maybe we need some verification. At least to confirm hes not the promiscuous type.


What else can we do?

Anis undid the ribbon tying her hair back, letting her chestnut-colored hair fall to her shoulders. She blinked her moderately long lashes and gave a naturally coquettish laugh. Wow, really? Arent you overdoing it? Youre not usually so thick-skinned.

What grand technique would it take? If he really is frivolous, a little flirting should be enough to bring him over, right?

And if he does fall for it, and youre convinced hes frivolous, then what?

With her characteristic aristocratic laugh, Anis said matter-of-factly, Then, Ill have to take responsibility and tear him away from Yenika. Scary.

Claire and Anis didnt always agree, but she didnt expect them to take such a strong stance. Their love for Yenika was always consistent, but the methods were different.

Anis, you hardly interact with that man. I heard hes elusive, not even living in the dormitory

Well, just because we dont meet often doesnt mean I cant charm him Its easier to flirt when you spend a lot of time together, true. But dont worry, Claire. I have a plan.

Aniss confidence was most unsettling. She shouldnt be mistaken for a demure and elegant person just based on her appearance.

You know my advisor, right?

Assistant Professor Claire?

Yeah. Shes getting a lot of support from academic scholarship students due to being overwhelmed with work. Its been busy for a while due to a shortage of staff in her lab.

Anis was Claires lead TA, having worked with her since her first semester of freshman year. Assistant Professor Claire trusted Anis considerably.

I heard that guy applied for an academic scholarship too. If I recommend him to the professor, I could pull him into our lab. Especially since were getting a generous allocation of staff these days.

And its perfect timing. We need help with conference paperwork and the practical tasks for the incoming freshman placement exam during the vacation Killing two birds with one stone.

Saying this, Anis nodded with determination.

Claire looked at Anis uneasily. Was it really a good idea to go home this vacation? Would she return to find a whirlwind of changes in their relationships? Was it right to bring Ed Rothtaylor into Claires lab for such trivial reasons? She couldnt shake off the thought.

[A New Creation]

After making grooves in the wooden plywood and fitting them together, then securing with rope for additional support, the wall was erected upright. It served to block wild animals from approaching the camp and somewhat insulated against drafts.

Crafting Difficulty: [Your crafting proficiency has increased.]

Winter had arrived. The once cozy snowflakes now seemed a disaster as they accumulated. Starting from the morning, clearing the snow along the camp paths and raising the walls to block the wind, it was already midday. It had been a while since deciding not to overexert due to the workload. Planning to rest in the cabin after heating it up a bit, I lay down for the late afternoon. As it would get too cold at night, I decided to wake up around dusk to finish gathering fuel and food. The cold weather, at least, was good news for food preservation.

Tomorrow, Id have to attend to my duties as an academic scholarship student. The workload wasnt physically demanding and didnt take too much time. Paperwork could be done after returning to the dormitory Well, as long as survival at the camp could be managed alongside, it was fine.

There was a lot to do.

I had to check on the magic engineering supplies at the Elte guild branch near the dormitory and also check my end-of-semester grades.

The camp was fine for now, but regularly clearing snow was a heavy task. Not just the cabin roof, but the makeshift shelters and outdoor facilities risked collapsing under the snows weight. Regular checks were necessary.

Still, having received a partial tuition waiver through the academic scholarship, and negotiating the rest by forfeiting dormitory residence rights, had settled my tuition fees for the next semester. It was a huge relief mentally, making me feel much lighter these days.

I even spent a bit to replenish supplies, making camp life more manageable. It wasnt like the early days when I had to live frantically day by day.

I stopped dividing my day into hourly segments, instead loosely planning it into five parts: morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. Though still busy, compared to before, it felt heavenly.

Waking up in the late afternoon, Lucy was sprawled on the blanket. She lay across from me in a cross shape, deeply asleep. The gentle sound of her breathing suggested she had no intention of waking up.

I considered picking up Lucy and tossing her back into her designated wooden shelter, but it seemed too harsh for such a cold winter. Although all sorts of protective magic wrapped around Lucy meant the cold was hardly an issue, it still felt wrong.

Leaving Lucy on the cabin bed, I stepped outside, refreshed by the cold air.

Taking a deep breath, my breath misted in front of me. The crisp winter forest air instantly woke my senses.

Time to get moving.

Theres always a risk to bear.

Hesitation only leads to missed opportunities.

There wouldnt be a better timing than now.

With that thought, I pulled out a ring engraved with a golden phoenix from my pocket.

Clenching it in my fist, I held it close to my chest.

Are you listening?

I wasnt sure if anyone was there, but I boldly called out the name.


The wind blew.

Despite the chilly winter breeze, there was a strangely comforting feeling.


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