How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game

Chapter 85: Triumph Ceremony (2)

Triumph Ceremony (2)

“Then, how about becoming my husband?”


Carlyn momentarily couldn’t manage his expression. Fortunately, it wasn’t an unusual situation, considering the circumstances.

It was a proposition Carlyn had never imagined as a knight and a spy. On the other hand, the Duchess’s expression remained calm, as if she had prepared for this moment.

“Ever since my father passed away when I was young and I became the Duke, many men in the Empire have wanted to become my husband.”

The sudden revelation was a story Carlyn was already familiar with. The Duchess received an overwhelming number of marriage proposals.

If they married the Duchess, they could control the prestigious Lyurik family within the Empire’s Duke households.

Opportunities like this rarely came by.

“Even the princes were the same. Didn’t I mention it before? They said they would make me an empress.”

Carlyn didn’t need to respond. The Duchess let out a bitter laugh.

“But not once did any man meet my criteria. Maybe that’s why. I even thought I wasn’t interested in men myself. Strange rumors circulated.”

Indeed, Duchess Lyurik was in her thirties, past the age of marriage in this world.

After numerous rejections of marriage proposals, many speculations arose.

In a world where homosexuality was considered a sin, the rumors of unusual desires were detrimental to the Duchess.

She was reluctant to marry to endure such gazes.

“But that wasn’t it. I simply hadn’t met a man I could acknowledge and accept.”

The Duchess’s gaze on Carlyn was profound. Naturally, Carlyn felt quite uncomfortable.

It was an unexpected proposal without any forewarning. Regardless of whether it was feasible or not, it was hard to comprehend.

‘The Duchess wants me? Why? Isn’t this progressing too quickly?’

It felt like his mind wasn’t processing well in response to such an unreasonable proposal. Finding a reason was difficult.

The disparity in status was undeniable. Even if he became the Princess’s bodyguard, he was still a lowly orphan.

Could it be that the Duchess’s intention in offering to find his family was something else? That was Carlyn’s thought.

“Thank you for your words, but how can I…”

“Your status doesn’t matter. With your achievements in this war, you’ll receive decorations from His Majesty.”

The decorations bestowed by the Emperor included titles. Although it wasn’t a tangible land reward, it was a significant honor.

It meant receiving the Emperor’s trust.

Nevertheless, the Duchess’s words weren’t entirely convincing.

“Moreover, if Her Highness truly ascends to the Emperor’s throne, you will become a top hero. Your background won’t matter then.”

It wasn’t an incorrect statement. For a moment, Carlyn could vaguely see the Duchess’s intention.

It wasn’t a hasty decision. The Duchess was offering the proposition not out of personal fondness but out of rational judgment.

If the Princess became the Emperor, both Carlyn and the Duchess would undoubtedly become the highest-ranking heroes.

Marriage to Carlyn would be an opportunity for Duke to gain immense power.

‘That being said, the Duchess is someone who prioritizes the Empire….’

Does the situation change people? Carlyn was a bit confused because the Duchess he knew wasn’t that kind of person.

Carlyn decided to ask directly.

“Could it be for political purposes?”

“I can’t say that there isn’t such an intention. However, I only consider this as a path for the Empire.”

The Duchess spoke as she observed Carlyn’s puzzled expression.

“Among the imperial nobility, there are barely five people who prioritize the Empire more than I do. I believe that my path to success is synonymous with the path for the Empire.”

Though it might sound arrogant, coming from Duchess Lyurik, Carlyn felt it was quite persuasive.

“Moreover, from what I’ve seen, you value loyalty and promises more than personal gain. That aligns with my beliefs.”

Carlyn could now understand the Duchess’s intention. Questions about parents or the future were tests.

It was probably a test to see if he was someone to discuss marriage proposals with.

Even if the Princess became the Emperor, the confusion arising from the succession dispute wouldn’t be resolved immediately.

The Duchess was looking ahead to the stability that would come after that.

Is it not a bit too forward to go this far alone? That was Carlyn’s thought. However, the Duchess was confident.

If Carlyn’s demonstrated abilities were anything to go by, he was more than capable of making the Princess into an Emperor, alongside him.

“I hope you don’t think too negatively. My personal curiosity about you is genuine.”

Seeing Carlyn’s serious expression, the Duchess chuckled.

“Didn’t I say earlier? I’ve never had an interest in men.”

Political motives seemed to be the primary reason, with a slight personal curiosity. Carlyn concluded that.

Objectively judging, the knight Carl Schurtafen the Duchess portrayed was quite charming. Even his appearance was.

However, it was an impossible feat. Carlyn was a spy for Haisen and had to prevent devil worshippers alongside the Princess.

Could becoming Duchess Lyurik’s husband help in that regard?

Calculations needed to be made, but it seemed more likely to backfire. Many aspects of his actions were already restricted.

Moreover, the possibility of leaving this position as a bodyguard needed to be considered. The warning from Death Avoidance was clear.

“Thank you for your words…”

“Let me finish.”

The Duchess, who had hardened her expression at Carlyn’s refusal, interrupted him.

“Firstly, becoming my husband doesn’t mean you have to leave the princess’s side.”

Especially if it was for political reasons, it was better to stay by the Emperor’s side.

“And regardless of the princess’s future, my intentions remain the same. It’s not a bad deal for you either.”

Even if the princess lost in the succession dispute, the proposal would still be valid. Carlyn was a bit surprised.

If one of the princes became the Emperor, political motives would be completely excluded, and Carlyn wouldn’t have a good end.

The Duchess was acknowledging Carlyn’s abilities with her words. The Duchess smiled and continued speaking.

“Even if one of the princes becomes the Emperor, they can’t erase the Lyurik lineage. I can be a shield for you, Carlyn.”

Carlyn realized that the Duchess saw him more favorably than he had thought.

It was a genuinely sudden proposal, but the Duchess seemed to have thought about it quite carefully from her end.

“So, take some time to think about it. I’m not asking for an immediate decision.”

“What conversation did you have with the Duchess?”

As they walked together, the sudden question from the princess hung in the air.

“She asked about how I conduct reconnaissance activities.”

After Carlyn’s response, the princess furrowed her brow and fell silent for a moment. It felt strangely uncomfortable.

“Is that all?”

The princess’s tone was commanding. Carlyn didn’t know if she should ask again, as she hadn’t lied.

“She asked what I would do after you ascend to the Emperor’s throne and proposed becoming her husband.”

Carlyn spoke the truth. There was no reason to hide it.

He hadn’t brought it up earlier because, from the princess’s perspective, Lyurik’s proposal might not seem favorable.

For example, predicting the future too hastily or seeking power through marriage with Carlyn.

However, contrary to his concerns, the princess widened her eyes and blinked.

Carlyn, equally shocked by the unexpected proposal, felt that the princess’s confusion was odd.

“The Duchess said that?”


“…That’s surprising.”

The princess, saying so, seemed uncomfortable. Carlyn felt a chill in her tone as well.

“I heard that the Duchess isn’t interested in men.”

“I was surprised as well.”

“Did she explain the reason?”

“She mentioned that it was the path for the Empire. If you were to become the Emperor…”

“I roughly understand what she means.”

With a brief response, the princess grasped the Duchess’s thoughts. She didn’t see it as unfavorably as Carlyn’s worries.

However, an uncomfortable feeling lingered. The princess also couldn’t understand the reason.

Could it be that she was trying to take away her personal guard? The princess thought it might be the case.

“What was your response?”

“I declined.”

A faint satisfaction appeared on the princess’s face. Carlyn continued speaking.

“But the Duchess suggested taking some time to think about it rather than making an immediate decision.”

The princess cleared her throat. To hide her uncomfortable expression, she glanced briefly into the distance.

“How do you feel about it? It seems like a not bad proposal for you.”

“It’s a task beyond my capacity. Besides, it’s still a distant matter.”


The princess, with a vague expression, suddenly questioned if such a thing would happen.

“Come to think of it, what will happen later? Aren’t you affiliated with Haisen?”

“How would you prefer me to act, Your Highness?”

“Well… you are the first worthwhile talent I’ve obtained, aside from Emmet.”

Turning the conversation, it was an invitation to stay by her side. Carlyn thought it wasn’t a bad idea.

The fact that the princess viewed him favorably was good. Even Carlyn recognized his accomplishments so far.

“If you really become the Emperor, Haisen won’t try to send me elsewhere, Your Highness.”


“Moreover, at that time, a single word from Your Highness would make things happen as you desire, wouldn’t it?”

The princess nodded with a determined expression.

“You speak the truth.”

As Carlyn lowered his head, Erendil subtly shifted her gaze.

“If possible, stay by my side.”

“Yes. I will do my best.”

Those were sincere words. He needed to be by the princess’s side to prevent devil worshippers.

There might be problems in the process, but anyway, Carlyn considered it a good conversation.

Since his words seemed sincere to the princess, she, of course, couldn’t read her mind.

Due to lowering his head, Carlyn didn’t see the princess’s face slightly reddening.

The white city of Chenarus.

It was a day when soldiers who achieved a great victory in the war against the West returned, making the capital of the Empire festive.

The progress of the war had been made public.

Initially, when they couldn’t avoid defeats, information was controlled. However, the situation was reversed due to the princess’s efforts.

The people of the Empire knew that the princess and her knight Carl Schurtafen had turned the tide of the war.

In addition to the princess’s support, Carlyn’s reputation had also risen tremendously.

Even though his actions on the Akiten Plain were impressive, his exploits and strategy on the Epyder Plain were remarkable.

Moreover, he even captured the Sword Master candidate from the West. Being highly renowned despite his skill added to his influence.

He was undoubtedly the top hero of this war. Reversals were more effective in challenging situations.

The citizens of the capital welcomed the returning soldiers with enthusiastic cheers.


Soldiers walked confidently through the showers of flowers thrown from all directions. Those under the princess’s command were especially notable.

With each pass of the princess and Carlyn, the cheers and praises grew louder.

“Hail the noble princess!”

“Sir Carl! Look over here!”

The success of those accompanying the princess and the cheers for them increased the soldiers’ respect even more.

The princess waved her hands with a benevolent smile, and Carlyn stood tall beside her, guarding her.

‘…What’s this?’

During the ongoing celebration, Carlyn suddenly felt his vision inverted to black and white. It was a warning from Death Avoidance, an experience he hadn’t had in a while.

While his Winds’ senses were sharp, there were still too many people. He had to make a quick judgment.

There was no one directly approaching. The person aiming with a memorization nearby was the same.

In this situation, the warning suggested…

One thing came to mind. A magic bomb. In an extreme concentration. Unusual signs were detected on the left side, in a large square covered with a tent.

There was only one person. And an enormous amount that was more like a magic bomb than a description could convey.

In an instant, something crossed Carlyn’s mind.

‘Devil worshippers in the Kiberun Mountains using Lyon ore…’

A red light began to flicker above the black-and-white vision. There was no time to think further.

Carlyn leaped straight from the horse.

“Your Highness!”

As Carlyn abruptly flew towards her, the princess looked at him with a bewildered gaze. Emmet was the same.

When Carlyn covered the princess’s body, kwaaaang-! A tremendous explosion occurred from the left side of the road.


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