How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game

Chapter 20: First Mission (3)

Chapter 20: First Mission (3)

No, later. We talked about it earlier.

I immediately raised my head. We had decided to launch the attack at dawn before climbing the mountain.

The most vulnerable moment for both humans and animals was when they were sleeping.

That was why aiming for dawn was the best option.

Since they were also drinking, maybe we could move a little faster.

Because theyll fall asleep earlier anyway.

It was something we all learned and it was the standard, so no additional explanation was necessary.


Orhen agreed by giving Denif a teasing remark.

Denif nodded as if he acknowledge it. Although he looked a bit disappointed.

Considering how much he enjoyed fighting, I wondered if it was just his restless nature.

I sighed inwardly.

How did he become an Imperial terrorist?

He must have grown up and matured, but as someone who knew him from the game, it felt strange.

If it were the current Denif I saw, he would have charged into the palace without thinking.

How on earth did Marhan raise Denif?

I felt a deep sense of respect.

Setting that aside, judging from the situation, we would have to wait here for quite some time.

We needed rest after climbing the mountain as well.

Lets take a break. We cant plan until we see the situation later. If youre hungry, eat something.

Both Denif and Orhen nodded at the same time.

Hmm, it was not a big deal, but I felt a sense of responsibility.

Unless my condition was good, the kids were much better than me.

But even so, there seemed to be a difference in mental age, and I found myself playing the role of a leader without even deciding on it.

Suddenly, I wondered what would have happened if I hadnt been here.

Denif and Orhen would have come together. Would they have gone straight ahead as Denif suggested, or would Orhen have taken on my role?

Somehow, it seemed like the latter.

Denif would say something thoughtless and playful, but in the end, he would lose to Orhen.

As I quietly observed the situation, foolish thoughts kept creeping in, but I didnt intentionally block them.

Appropriate tension was necessary, but excessive tension was not good.

Of course, I shouldnt let my guard down too much.

I consciously calmed my mind.

What mattered most to me now was my mindset. I must never hesitate before the mission.

A moment of hesitation could cost me my life, especially since it was my first real battle.

I also needed to be cautious of getting too excited in combat, as Marhan advised.

The same goes for the kids.

I couldnt help but think they would do well. I wasnt worried about Denif. Id seen him alive in the future.

Id just keep an eye on Orhen, who seemed a bit tense. She was an introverted child anyway.

Of course, the circumstance did not call for concern for others. So I needed to first take care of myself before I could take care of Orhen.

But considering how surprised I was in the morning, I didnt feel any resistance even during the mission.

Was it because the situation hadnt really hit me yet?

Or maybe my personality had changed slightly since entering this body.

I didnt really know.

Perhaps all of this could be my imagination. It could be my original personality that I didnt realize because the situation hadnt arisen.

* * *

The cornerstone of espionage was preparation.

In times of peace, if one did not prepare in advance, one could not properly respond in times of war.

Those who neglected preparation in times of peace have all vanished into history.

This was one of the beliefs held by Harvan, the Chief of Intelligence of Haisen.

Thanks to this belief, he was able to quickly identify the seeds of division within the heart of the empire during the era of peace.

That was why the children were deployed for missions earlier than usual.

Their active participation was crucial for Haisen in the upcoming turmoil that would occur within a few years.

Among the children that Harvan had observed, they were some of the most talented ones he had ever seen.

It made him think that perhaps the gods had blessed Haisen with a golden era.

Because of this, the duke had no intention of sheltering the children like delicate flowers in a greenhouse.

While it was important to properly manage useful tools, they also needed to be honed sharp.

On one hand, there was a calculation that since there were plenty of useful tools, losing one in the process would be acceptable.

Of course, it was the worst-case scenario, and they hoped it wouldnt happen.

Marhan was well aware of this fact. He observed the children with great scrutiny.

Although he himself wasnt conscious of it, he had a deeply concerned expression on his face.

The first missions were typically given at the age of 15. Despite being talented, they were also quite risky.

He sincerely hoped that nothing would go wrong.

It was often said that plans were the first to disappear in real combat, but this time it was close to perfection.

Demits forces were stronger than the children, but considering the circumstances, they were almost equal.

A surprise attack rather than a direct confrontation, avoiding a head-on clash.

If the children followed what they had learned, the chances of the mission failing were low.

Marhans keen senses picked up on the muffled voices of the children.

He listened, both to check the stability of the plan and to evaluate it.

As expected.

In the midst of the seriousness, Marhan inwardly chuckled.

As a matter of fact, the fact that the first mission was given two years earlier was due to the consideration of the childrens abilities.

If it had only been Denif and Orhen, they wouldnt have been given the mission.

However, things changed when Carlyn joined.

Apart from the increase in numbers, Carlyns exceptional sharpness made it possible.

Although it was based on the standards for children, Carlyn had the qualities of a leader. It was evident even now.

By controlling Denif and leading Orhen, Carlyn naturally took on the role of a strategist.

Marhans expectations grew a bit larger.

Some battles were more valuable than several minor skirmishes.

A rookie who experienced hellish battlefields once was closer to being a seasoned soldier than a regular soldier who went through multiple small combats.

As midnight passed and the moon began to tilt, the children lined up in order.

And after a while, an unexpected movement gradually emerged from the mountaintop.

Could it be because of the rain earlier? Luck seems to be on their side. They should start preparing to move.

Just as Marhan had that thought, Carlyn stood up from his position.

Even though they needed to observe the lower area, it was a keen observation.

Even if problems arise during the mission, as long as Carlyn survives We can rely on his intelligence.

Marhan expressed a satisfied smile.

* * *

The sight of the descending clouds from the vicinity of the mountain peak was purely a matter of luck.

I had been staring down below for a while, feeling bored while waiting, so I glanced at the sky momentarily, and that was when I noticed it.

We were slightly above the middle of the mountain.

If we descend from here, it seemed like we could take advantage of those clouds.

From now on, I should be mindful of my surroundings.

Using environmental elements was something I had learned, but I hadnt even thought about the clouds. After all, they werent originally there. Practical experience taught me a lot.

Demit, who appeared to be the leader, and one of his subordinates entered the tent, but the rest of them didnt.

They were playing card games and drinking. I quietly woke the kids up.

Is it time to move?

Mhm. It seems like we need to change our plans.

I pointed at the clouds and explained my intention, and Orhen agreed that it was a good idea.

Denif felt the same way.

That sounds good to me!

We packed our belongings and erased any traces before cautiously descending along the gentle slope of the cliff.

Despite moving slowly, it didnt take us a long time since we were descending the cliff.

The clouds were still there.

The descent seemed slower than what we had observed earlier. We kept our distance and waited.

What if it doesnt come down?

Denif, who had been observing the situation for a while, yawned silently. Orhen also showed signs of fatigue.

Well, I felt the same way.

I slept before 11 oclock every day with a 13-year-old body.

It was a moment to make a judgment.

There was no need to waste our energy waiting for the clouds unnecessarily. I whispered.

Rest a little longer, Ill keep an eye out. If the clouds dont come, well go in as planned at half-past two.

You? You should rest instead. You look exhausted more than me.

Denifs words caught my attention immediately.

No, Im fine. This is better. Orhen is a magician, so its better for me to decide the timing of the attack rather than you.

It was a statement made implicitly by taking on the role of a leader.

In fact, there was also an element of trusting my judgment more than Denifs.

You dont trust me now?

Denif questioned with his round eyes.

Its not that. In the worst-case scenario, the strongest person should conserve their energy.


Denifs words trailed off due to the sudden compliment.

It wasnt an entirely incorrect statement in the first place. Denif nodded with a slightly puzzled look on his face.

Alright, then. I can get more action later, right?

Yes. Rest a little more. Ill wake you up when the time comes.

Orhen and Denif leaned against the tree, closing their eyes.

Spy should sleep when they had the chance and eat when they had the opportunity.

You never knew when you might be discovered and need to escape. You always had to be on high alert.

Although I would fall asleep immediately, I had also trained myself to sleep when necessary.

Seeing the kids fall asleep, I went back on guard duty.

And the opportunity presented itself not long after.

Its been about 30 minutes.

The descending clouds were faster and larger than before.

While briefly looking elsewhere, they had come quite close. I urgently woke the kids up.

The kids, awakened from their sleep, seemed to understand the situation as they saw the approaching clouds.

Soon, the clouds covered us, and even the silhouette of Demits group was no longer visible.

Eyyy. What the hell is this all of a sudden?

Damn it. Lets go back to sleep.

Damn it. Well play again tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Didnt you spend all the money today?

Shut up. Theres a little left.

I dont deal with loose change.

Still, I could hear their voices.

As someone who dealt with winds, I was sensitive to sound since it was transmitted through the air.

The sound of the tent flapping and the rustling of sleeping bags reached my ears. And then followed the sound of snoring.

While waiting, I had come up with a few alternative operational plans.

Lets go with Plan 3.

Orhen and I would enter one tent each, while Denif went into a different tent to take care of them.

In case there was any trouble in Denifs tent, we had planned for it to be 3 against 2.

The reason we didnt directly target Demit was that he was the strongest and had gone to sleep first, making him more dangerous. It also meant he had consumed less alcohol.

We waited for about 15 more minutes before moving cautiously.

Whether it was because we were coming down the cliff behind their hideout or not, there were no traps.

Nevertheless, every step we took was cautious.

The sound of breaking branches in the middle of the night was louder than imagined. Due to tension, my neck felt stiff.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Lets stay calm.

In front of the three tents, Orhen and I made eye contact with Denif and nodded.

It was the real beginning. We silently opened the tent doors and entered.

It seemed like they hadnt properly washed while living in the mountains; there was a faint odor mixed with the strong smell of alcohol.

I squinted my eyes and surveyed the sleeping figures.

Seeing them snoring, it didnt seem like they were aware. I looked at Orhen.

I was a bit concerned; her face seemed more tense than I expected.

I kept an eye on Orhen. Denif seemed capable of handling himself, but I worried about Orhen.

Taking someones life was not an easy task, no matter how much they were considered the enemy.

Im nervous too.

But still.

Seeing my younger sibling in that state made a sense of responsibility surge in the depths of my heart.

Silently, I drew my dagger. My arm felt heavy, and my movements felt awkward.

I raised my left hand and looked at Orhen. Her hand was trembling slightly.

I signaled with my fingers. One, two, three. I turned my gaze back to the sleeping figures.

My heavy arm moved awkwardly. The dagger swiftly slashed the throat of the sleeping figure. A sharp sense remained on my fingertips and palm.


The figure emitted only the sound of the air escaping from their throat. That was the end of it. It was a simple task.

My breath trembled as it escaped my mouth.

What about Orhen?

The thought suddenly crossed my mind, and I immediately turned my gaze.

Orhen remained frozen in the same position, holding the dagger. The glimmer of the blade flickered above another sleeping figures throat.

If it wasnt distressing, it would be a lie. How could it be easy for a 13-year-old girl to stab someone?

Especially for someone as introverted as her.

I struggled for a moment.

Should I take over and handle it myself for the sake of the missions speed, or should I give Orhen a little more time for her own sake in the future?

I dont know.

I felt a bit dizzy. Was this the excitement Marhan mentioned in real combat?

Or was it because I couldnt shake off the sensation I just experienced?

I noticed Orhens body rising suddenly. Orhen was thirteen years old. What was I like when I was thirteen?

I was playing soccer on the field.

Yeah, damn it. Only crazy bastards would order something like this.

Instinctively, I approached Orhen from behind. Then, I placed my hand on top of Orhens hand.

Close your eyes.

I considered taking over for her, but I couldnt do that for Orhens sake. It was best to assist her.

Getting through this was Orhens responsibility.

Although I couldnt see, I could sense that Orhen tightly closed her eyes. Her hand was trembling.

I applied pressure to her hand. The dagger moved. The sound of the air escaping followed, and blood spurted onto the back of my hand.

Suppressing my discomfort, I turned Orhens body. Orhen, with her eyes closed, looked pitiful.

I was in a similar position, though.

Its okay. Its over.

But at the same time, I felt that if we ended up fighting Demit, I would have to exclude Orhen.

I felt like I was being too cold-hearted, but

Did Denif finish already?

It took a little time. Perhaps Denif had already finished everything and was waiting outside.

Still, Orhen seemed to calm down a bit. It would be great if we could handle Demit like this.


Suddenly, a scream was heard from outside.


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