How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 41: Sexual Curiosity

Chapter 41: Sexual Curiosity

[Ive passed by your house every day, how is it that Im seeing you for the first time?]

It was the dialogue of a male actor from the TV, signifying the start of a romance film. But Miyuki wasnt able to fully hear that line.

No, more precisely, she didnt have the opportunity to.

With her legs placed on top of Matsudas thighs, she was deeply engaged in a kiss with him.

The sweet taste of green tea latte and the savory flavor of milk could be felt in her mouth.

Suddenly, something warm and moist entered her mouth. It tried to part the tightly closed upper and lower teeth by pressing hard, but soon turned its head and grazed against her teeth and gums.


Matsudas heated breath tickled her philtrum and lips. Whether it was due to his warmth or something else, her body heated up in an instant.

Where did it all begin?

She wasnt sure. It felt like at some point, their faces had naturally drawn close to each other.

Truthfully, she had anticipated this scenario unfolding.

From the moment she suggested going to the multi-purpose caf today. Perhaps deep down, she had been hoping for this to happen. That seemed evident, given how she accepted Matsudas tongue without any resistance.


His tongue caressed the soft inner part of her upper lip. The sensation of his tongue exploring inside of her mouth... was not bad.

Even the sensation of Matsudas pointy nose touching her cheek seemed to be a good one.

As time went by, it seemed her sexual curiosity was growing.

She felt like she was gradually opening her eyes to sexuality...

Is this normal?

Or is she just a pervert?


Miyuki let out the breath she had been holding back through her nose.

Suddenly becoming curious about the expression on Matsudas face, who had been leading the kiss, she took a discreet peek.


Matsudas face was serious, his eyebrows furrowed.

It looked like he was dissatisfied with something.

Why is he making that face? Does he hate that shes been passive?

Should she have kept her mouth more open? Or should she take a more active role?

Ah, but I dont know how to...

Just as anxiety began to smolder in Miyukis mind, she saw it.

The hand Matsuda had placed on her thigh clenched and unclenched.

He cant be feeling anxious... so, why is he acting this way?

Miyuki wished she could read Matsudas thoughts, and peer inside his head at this very moment.

Just as she had that thought, she noticed Matsudas hand hesitate as it started to move toward her waist. Only then did she understand why he was reacting the way he was.

He was struggling to resist the temptation to touch her body while they were kissing. Out of concern that she might feel uncomfortable or get startled.

Matsuda-kuns indeed pervert yet cute.

The fact that his rationality was prevailing over his instincts meant he valued her comfort. And that made her feel cherished.

She also felt a pang of jealousy.

Though unspoken, it was clear Matsuda had been with several women before. He must have touched them freely while kissing...

Such thoughts made her somewhat angry.


Instead of indulging in negative thoughts fueled by jealousy, she should think positivelyThat Matsuda is treating her differently, as if she is special compared to the other women.

Chastising herself, Miyuki closed her eyes again and relaxed her clenched teeth just a bit.

As if he had been waiting for the door to open, Matsudas tongue darted in, colliding with Miyukis.

Caught off guard by his eagerness, Miyukis body noticeably flinched. Startled by this unfamiliar sensation, she instinctively clenched her teeth shut again.


Unwittingly, she had closed her teeth while Matsudas tongue was still inside her mouth.


A pained grunt escaped Matsudas lips. At the same time, his tongue quickly withdrew, scraping against Miyukis teeth on its way out.


Confused by the sudden end of the kiss, Miyuki opened her eyes. She then noticed Matsuda, his hand at his mouth, his face contorted. Thats when she realized her mistake.


Her mind snapped to alertness as she quickly assessed Matsudas condition.

Im, Im sorry...! Are you okay?

Matsuda didnt respond. He simply shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

That was unmistakably a laugh of disbelief.

Im sorry Im really sorry

Miyukis face turned almost teary as she kept apologizing. Watching her, Matsuda broke into a grin and made a light joke.

Youre always calling people idiots, but arent you the real idiot here?

From the sound of his voice, it did not seem like he was upset. Perhaps his laughter wasnt out of disbelief but rather because he found her actions endearingly foolish.

She felt sorry, embarrassed, and pathetic. Some people had their tongues cut while kissing... It was such a relief that hadnt happened.

Lets just continue watching the movie; Im fine.

At the sound of his deep, soothing voice, Miyuki dropped her head and replied.


With slumped shoulders, Miyuki turned her gaze back to the TV.

She couldnt watch what the movie was trying to show.

She didnt even understand what the actors were saying.

It was not like she didnt want to focus. She simply couldnt.

The pleasant atmosphere had been completely shattered, leaving her in a gloomy mood.

Next time, I definitely need to stay still...

Miyuki made this resolution again and again as she sneaked glances at Matsuda.

His mouth was moving from side to side. It seemed like he was rolling his tongue around inside, still feeling the pain. She wished she could turn back time.

Ive ruined it...

Miyuki let out a long, internal sigh. She downed her strawberry smoothie in one go and nervously fidgeted with her toes, revealing her agitated state.


Miyuki clung to my hand all the way home, as if she were apologizing for biting my tongue.

Not just that, she pressed her fingernail into the back of my hand, leaving a cross-shaped mark.

There were already five such marks.

It seemed like her unique way of saying sorry or showing affection... but her behavior was so endearing that I found it hard to focus on driving, feeling like I might burst into laughter at any moment.

You always scold me for driving one-handed, and now you...

Lets just... get there first.

It meant she didnt want to leave my hand now.

I also stopped teasing her about it.

Is there cultural festival meeting tomorrow too?

Yeah After the student council meeting... Why? Going somewhere?

No, Ill wait for you.

Uh, I dont know when itll end... maybe just study in the library then?

She wont tell me to go ahead without her since shes sorry.

It seems like her desire to be with me outweighs everything else.

Is it that my passion surges every time I see Miyuki becoming more infatuated with me?

It feels like my whole body is brimming with enthusiasm.

Ill be buying some groceries at a nearby store, so call me when youre done.

Okay... but... do you still eat things like soy sauce fried rice when youre alone?


How many times have I told you thats not good for your health? Cant you get a bento from the convenience store or something?

I often eat karaage* bento too.

Im talking about a healthy bento.

Healthy ones dont taste good.

Miyuki snorted, seemingly annoyed. She was still tightly holding my hand as she spoke.

Still, eat it. What will you do if you ruin your health?

Whenever Miyuki nags me out of concern, she reverts to her old assertive self.

Thats exactly what she was doing now.

She was chastising me in an elevated tone of voice.

The human body isnt ruined that easily.

Keep thinking that way and youll suddenly find yourself very sick one day.

Are you cursing me or something?

Its not a curse, its concern, you idi Eek!

Miyukis body suddenly twitched as if shed had a minor convulsion.

It was because my hand had subtly moved to the inside of her thigh.

It wasnt intentional. While Miyuki was earnestly speaking, she adjusted her sitting position, and her legs happened to part slightly. To put it simply, it was sheer serendipity, like a lucky accident.

Her school uniform skirt was bunched up, revealing the contour of her legs.

They were long and sensuous.

Perhaps it was because they were mostly covered by the uniform? This view was more satisfying than seeing her bare legs at the beach. The fact that her inner thigh was pressing against my hand was a bonus.

Miyuki, who had inadvertently rewarded me, was simply blinking at my hand that had ventured into forbidden territory.

Judging by her indecisive reaction, she seemed pretty flustered.

Time to lend her a little help.

Release your grip.

...Huh? What?

Let go. I cant remove my hand because youre pressing down on it.

Oh...! Right... Ill do that...!

She hurriedly released her grip and stared blankly at me.

A look that seemed to ask, Why arent you pulling away?

With a mischievous smile, I gently caressed Miyukis thigh with my palm as I pulled my hand away.


At my unexpected action, Miyuki reacted so strongly that it seemed as though she might jump out of her seat. She shuddered as if an electric current ran through her body and then confronted me.

Matsuda-kun! You asked me to let go just to do that!?



Any remnants of her feisty demeanor vanished, and she sat with her mouth agape, seemingly at a loss for words.

Seeing her like that, I chuckled quietly and then, with both hands on the steering wheel, continued driving in silence.

When we finally arrived at Miyukis home, she, who had been silent until now, unbuckled her seatbelt and spoke up.

Tomorrow, after the club activities are over, Ill be at the library, reviewing what we learned today...

She seemed willing to overlook the earlier thigh incident. It was surprising. I had thought shed call me a pervert or tell me never to do that again. Did something change her mind at the caf earlier?

Ill wait for an hour.

You said you would wait earlier...

What will you do if I dont wait? Beat me again, like earlier?

When I finished speaking and stuck out my tongue, emphasizing the earlier incident where she bit me, her face flushed a series of different shades.

That, that wasnt beating...!

Then what was it?

...Why are you so frivolous, Matsuda-kun? Does it amuse you? Is it fun for you?

How can I resist making fun of you when youre so reactive?

You might get angry and frustrated, but youre too kind to pinch or hit me.

The only insult you know is idiot, which makes you look even more cuter.


Wearing a mischievous grin, I readily apologized. Miyuki hesitated for a moment and then let out a long sigh.

Ah... Youre really something else... I should go now... Thanks for the ride...

Be careful on your way in.

Its just a few steps to the house. What is there to be careful about?

See? You keep giving me opportunities to make fun of you.

I want to tell you not to drop your keys like last time, but Ill hold back.

Glancing at me once, Miyuki got out of the car, and then stared intently at me.


I just... wanted to tell you to be careful going home.

Isnt that what I said?

I just felt like saying it as well... Ill really go now...

Miyuki weakly bid her farewell and cautiously shut the passenger door.

Watching her - who looked lonely - walk away towards her house dispiritedly, I felt a sudden urge to comfort her.


Without a second thought, I opened the drivers door and stepped out, striding towards Miyuki. Hearing the unexpected noise, she turned around, her eyes widening in surprise.

Without warning, I reached for the top of her head, pulled her towards me, and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. I then ruffled her hair playfully and returned to my car, driving off toward my home.

Miyuki appeared in the center of my side mirror, staring blankly as my car grew more distant. Her tousled hair actually looked pretty good on her.

Maybe tomorrow Ill ask you to cook for me at my place.

If youre so concerned about my health, shouldnt you be willing to do that?

Right, Miyuki?

Im counting on you.


[Devil: Karaage (, , or , [kaa ae]) is a Japanese cooking technique in which various foodsmost often chicken, but also other meat and fishare deep fried in oil.

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Devil ]


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