How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 37: Special Cut-scene

Chapter 37: Special Cut-scene

Chapter 37: Special Cut-scene

Tetsuya is seen coming out of his house. Hes biting into a piece of bread.

If crumbs fall in the car, Ill kick him out.

Noticing the car, Tetsuya quickly shoves the rest of the bread into his mouth.

As he goes to open the rear door, he pauses as if suddenly remembering something and instead opens the front passenger door.

StartledHis face flushes with confusion.

Uh... Miyuki? Isnt it my turn to sit in the front seat today?

He recalls that they had agreed to take turns.

Miyuki, wearing a bright smile, responds happily.

Matsuda-kun looked bored, so I just hopped in.

I see... Should we switch places?

No need, really. Just get in.

Ah, alright, Matsuda, thanks for the ride today too.

Perhaps sensing something off about Miyuki, Tetsuya hesitates before getting into the back seat.

I grinned, showing my teeth, at the guy who just thanked me, Of course.

Tetsuya, doesnt Miyuki seem a bit different today? But this is merely the calm before the storm.

Soon enough, Ill make you bawl your eyes out from the sorrow of losing your childhood friend.

Now, the only way you have left is the hypnosis app.

But even if you somehow obtain that nonexistent item, Ill just snatch it right away Thinking so, I chuckled internally.

Still, that guy is lucky.

No, rather than being lucky, its more like hes hit the jackpot with women.

Both Renka and Hiyori end up taking a liking to Tetsuya, who just seems to go about his business quietly.

Its so frustrating.

Here I am, working my ass off to take care of events, and this guy, who never does anything exceptional, has girls clinging to him.

I get it that Tetsuya fits the mold of a standard protagonist in a rom-com, but still, saving all the heroines from that guys clutches is both my will and my destinyThats the path to a happy ending.

With renewed determination, I arrive at school and head to the main entrance with the two of them.

After switching to indoor shoes, I open my locker in the freshman corridor to take out some books. Thats when Miyuki softly speaks up from behind me.

Could you tidy up your books? It looks really messy.

Indeed, my locker is a disorganized heap of books.

Because theyre not neatly arranged, it takes me a while to find the textbooks for each subject.

Holding the textbooks in my hand, I lazily swing my arm as if annoyed.

Isnt it enough that I even keep my books here? I deserve some praise, dont you think?

Well, yes, but... Wait... um...

It seems like she was about to say Waiting is annoying, but then hesitated, clearly embarrassed.

Handing her the locker key, I said, Why dont you tidy it up during the second-period break?

Why should I?

Were close, arent we? You can do this much for a friend... right?

As I emphasize the word friend, Miyuki flinches and takes a step back.

She looks like she wants to retort but cant find the words.

Chuckling, I lightly pat Miyukis back and walk into the classroom.

Hello, Matsuda-kun.

A classmate waves awkwardly in my direction.

Shes the girl who choked on bread at the front gate last time.

What was her name again? Masako?

Firstly, thanksyou greeted me first, even though were not close. But youre not on my conquest list. If you make the first move, I might take whats offered, though.

I half-heartedly wave back and greet her.

Hello, Bread Girl.

Br-Bread Girl...?

Choked on any bread today?

N-no, I was fine today.

Good to hear. Take care.

Ah, yes... You too, Matsuda-kun.

After sitting down, I share some meaningless banter with Tetsuya when I spot Miyuki entering the room.

Some time has passed since we split up in the corridor; did she really tidy up my locker?

Judging by the affectionate glare she threw my way for a moment, it seemed so.


[Matsuda-kun, can you stay back for a bit?]


[Just stay.]

After discreetly reading Miyukis message, I sprawled across my desk.

Thats when Tetsuya lightly touched my shoulder and said,

Matsuda, we have to go to the locker room for P.E.

Give me five more minutes to sleep; go ahead without me.

Really? Alright. Just dont be late.


I could hear the cacophony of my classmates heading out, and soon after, the classroom fell silent. As I was pretending to be asleep, something softly tapped the crown of my head.


It was Miyukis finger.

I swiftly sat up and looked around the classroomeveryone had apparently gone to the locker room.

Hand on her hip, Miyuki looked down at me.

I looked up and asked, Why did you want me to stay behind?

I have something to say.

What is it?

Dont try to exploit your classmates by sugarcoating it as friendship.

She seemed to be referring to what had happened in the corridor earlier.

I stood up from my seat, narrowing my eyes.

Exploiting? My classmates? You make it sound so derogatory.

We-well, its true...! Were in the same grade... and Im the class president...

Class president? Are you trying to differentiate our statuses? Drawing lines? Miyuki, youre really making me feel hurt.

Thats not what I meant...

Then what did you mean?

As I stared down at Miyuki with a stern face, she hesitated for a moment before suddenly touching my bangs.

Peeling off a loose strand from my hair, her voice softened.

Just... I dont know; I was just... irritated.

As she wound the strand around her finger, Miyuki hung her head low as she expressed her true feelings.

Of course, I know Matsuda-kun asked me to organize his locker because he trusts me, but

You wanted to get back at me?

More like... I wanted to rib you while playing a prank. I didnt expect you to take it so seriously... Im sorry.

In other words, she tried to tease me with a prank but ended up playing her role too convincingly. So, I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. And thank goodness it was just a prank. I thought she was genuinely upset.

I shook my head wryly and playfully tussled Miyukis hair a bit too roughly.

Dont do that...!

Miyuki scolded me with a playful tone, then proceeded to smooth down her hair. After adjusting her bangs meticulously, she began to straighten the desks of our classmates that were slightly out of alignment.

Why does she even bother with stuff like this?

Was it because she feels awkward but doesnt want to leave, so she finds something random, but kind thing, to do?

Thats so like Miyuki.

I walked to the window, where she was adjusting the angle of the desk.

Placing both hands on the desks, I blocked her from moving. Then I offered her a sly smile.

You seemed pretty sincere in your act...

Dont, dont get the wrong idea... There was nothing like that...

Fine then. Give me back my locker key.

You should say thank you first.

Dont want to.

Then I wont give it back either. Good luck getting through your afternoon classes without your textbooks.

I can just skip. Havent played hooky in a while.

Miyuki seemed stunned by my nonchalant reply.

After staring at me in silence for a few seconds, she finally spoke.

Are you serious...?

If youre curious, why not put it to the test?

Seemingly at a loss for words, a forced chuckle escaped Miyukis lips.

After a few moments, she flinched, startled when I flicked her sleeve,

Dont you feel hot, though?

What do you mean?

Why are you wearing long sleeves despite being warm-blooded? I mean Youre already someone whose body is hot.

H-How do you know that I, I a-am hot?

Ive touched you enough times to know.


Miyuki flushed and quickly looked around. Even in the empty classroom, she seemed worried someone might overhear.

Relieved to find no one around, she seemed to open her mouth as if to scold me. But then...


I leaned and brought my face close to Miyukis, causing her eyes to widen.



Isnt it a bit excessive for us to have kissed and now be arguing?

When I openly mentioned what had happened over the weekend, Miyuki seemed almost shocked into silence.

D-Did we...? Is that what happened...? I dont really remember...

Want me to jog your memory? Come here.


At my bold invitation, a blush began to form on Miyukis cheeks.

It quickly covered her entire face, even reaching her ears.

Twisting her body this way and that, as if not knowing what to do, she looked at me with cautious eyes.

R-Right now...? Are you serious...?

I was half-joking, but it seemed Miyuki took even this seriously.

Despite the hesitation, she seemed somewhat tempted; maybe she was curious about what the second kiss would feel like?

Now that the opportunity presented itself, I naturally decided not to let it go to waste.

Of course.

We need to... go to P.E. class.

Weve got plenty of time. My backs starting to hurt, you know? Its hard bending down to match your height, tiny one.

Slipping my hands into my pockets, I provoke Miyuki, who bristles and starts to say something. But upon meeting my utterly serious gaze, she snaps her mouth shut.


Tilting her head slightly, she seems to be looking into my eyes, gauging my moodIts as if shes intrigued.

After a brief pause, she...


Closes the window next to us. Its not even a tinted window; shes doing something rather amusing.

Still, her actions revealed her emotional state:

She wanted to feel secure, even if it was a symbolic gesture.

Finally, she locks eyes with me, her gaze filled with steely resolve. However, she still fidgets a little- moving her arms here and there- as if nervous about whats about to happen.

It was comical enough to make me burst into laughter, but I held back. If I ruined the moment, she might get annoyed and leave.

Cl-Close your eyes...

Her voice was barely above a whisper. I obliged, relinquishing control.

A moment later, the scent of Miyuki grew stronger, signaling that she was drawing closer.

Not long after, I heard her tense breathing tickle my ear when


Her soft, warm lips met mine.

We stayed like thatquiet, no tongue, no inappropriate touching, just still.

*Chirp-Chirp! Chirp-Chirp!*

As my senses sharpened, the sound of cicadas clinging to the trees pierced through the window and tunneled into my ears.

It was morning, the classroom was empty, and lunchtime was soon.

Neither of us had confessed, but this youthful, innocent kiss clearly conveyed that we both liked each other.

It was a scene straight out of a rom-com.

Perhaps even the special cut-scene

Yeah, a special cut-scene would probably look something like this

Thats what I felt, anyway.



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