How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 67 - Significance

Chapter 67 - Significance


That was more realistic than I wanted it to be.


[So we'll see.]

After all, we're having this discussion based on the assumption that Voloha is in love with me.

However, after observing her, I can safely say that the possibility of that happening is rather low.

??How can you be so sure that she has not fallen for you???

[Her eyes. The emotion behind them is closer to reverence than love.]

??Reverence? Hmm, does she perhaps know something about you???

[Well, who knows.]

Unless I open up her mind and read her memories, I have no way of knowing whether she knows something which she shouldn't, and if she does, what exactly it is.

I have no interest in doing that right now so I guess only time will tell.

But before that, let's finish our meal and be on our way, by which I mean sleep.

It's been some time since I had my recommended 16 hours of sleep.

??Who the fuck recommended you to sleep 16 hours in a 24-hour day? Tell me, please. I want such a recommendation too.??

[Actually, I have a better option for you.]

??Oh yeah???

[Yupp. How about.]

??How about???

[How about you sleep 24 hours a day?]



??Oh my god, why didn't I think of that? How I could miss such an obvious thing???

[Happens to the best of us. You can thank me later.]


Our discount steak was almost finished. Because it was a sizable portion, I was almost full.

I could, theoretically, eat some more, but let's keep it in moderation.

For now.

"Would you look at the time?" Voloha exclaimed as she looked outside the window. The sun was on its way to hide behind the horizon.

"It's really late." I nodded.

"Yes. As unfortunate as it is, I have to be on my way now."

"Alright. See you later."

"Yes, see you soon." She smiled.

Hmm, I don't think later and soon mean the same things.

Don't tell me she plan to visit tomorrow as well. That would be a bruh moment.

??I doubt that. She's a Princess, so she must have some Princess-like things to do.??

[That actually depends on how this country treats its Princesses.]

??Fair enough.??

"I'll walk you to the door."

"Thank you."

So together, we started our stroll towards the entrance of this Guild house.

"I had fun today." Voloha remarked without looking at me.

"I see."

Well, at least someone had fun today. It's another story that the 'fun' she had was at the expense of my emotions.

Pranks like todays can mentally scar someone and stop them from becoming a functioning adult of the society.

Voloha is a fucking asshole.

"Did you have fun?" She asked.


"Hahaha, I figured."

Wow, no remorse over her actions, huh.

Perhaps I should reconsider my answer to her earlier question of whether she can meet me again.

Soon enough, we reached the entrance of the guild. And to my pleasant surprise, we didn't find a motherfucking man claiming to be the father of one of our guild members.

What we did find, however, was a large white carriage waiting for Voloha. Drawn by 4 horses, the luxurious carriage was bigger than an average poor man's home.

Adorned with golden engravings, the symbol of this country was carved out on all 4 sides of the carriage, giving it a majesty reserved for the transportation methods of the royalty.

Armed with spears, a troop of cavalry surrounded the carriage, the very air around them declaring that anyone who'd want to so much as put a scratch on the carriage would have to walk over their corpses.

Which seems obvious, now that I think about it. She's the motherfucking Princess of this country.

"Until next time." Voloha said as made her way to the carriage.

I simply smiled in return.

An attendant was waiting for Voloha in front of the carriage. She opened the door, helped Voloha get on, entered and closed the door behind her.

For obvious reasons (aka security), there were no windows on the carriage, so I couldn't see what was happening inside.

The coachman whipped the horses. Surrounded by the cavalry, the grand procession made its way towards the castle standing tall in the centre of the city.

??They sure made a big deal about it.??


I mean, she could have embraced the teaching of a God who encouraged a frugal life and arrived here on foot.

Sure, she might have probably been assassinated on her way here, but I don't see that as a problem.

Anyway, since we're done for the day, let's go back to my room and do some productive things.

??Like sleep.??

[No, this time, we're going to do actual productive things, like cleaning up the mess we made while performing a heart transplant surgery.]

??Imagine someone entered the room by accident and saw the state of the room.??

[If that really happened, then I'd rather jump off a cliff then face the consequences.]

??You would literally jump off a cliff just because you were bored.??

[You got me there.]

Well, whatever. Let's go clean it up before someone (aka Noelle) barges into my room.

After all, that would be a yikes from me.

And so, while greeting the receptionist, I made my way back to my room.

However, as I tried to open the door, I noticed a slight problem.

??What is it???

[I remember locking the door when I left.]


[However, it's unlocked right now.]




[You knew about this, didn't you?]

??I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.??




Well, shit has already hit the fan, so I guess there's no saving me now.

Time to use my superior disaster management capabilities to control damage.

Mission Objective: Survive.

?? ?? ??

"P-Princess!" She cried out as she caught the staggering Princess. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm fine." Voloha took deep breaths as she steadied herself.

Thankfully, the carriage was fitted with noise isolation magical formations while there were no windows, so none of those present outside could have seen her pitiful state.

"Here." The attendant handed Voloha a glass of water after the latter took her seat.

"Thank you." Voloha took it with a weak nod.

The attendant bit her lips after seeing her liege's dishevelled state. It was the complete opposite of her poised bearing as she had arrived at the carriage with Samur.

She hurriedly took out a handkerchief and started wiping the sweat that had formed on Voloha's forehead.

"I can do that myself." Voloha tried to take the handkerchief from her attendant, but the latter was faster.

"No, this is my job."

"…Whatever suits you." Voloha sighed.

From the corner of her eyes, the attendant noticed the slight trembling of Voloha's hands. She could only wonder about what had happened for Voloha to act like this.

"Was it truly him?" She asked after Voloha had settled down.

"Yes, it WAS Him. He's the only one who can make me feel that way." Voloha smiled derisively.

"…What kind of feeling is it?" She asked, a bit fearful.

The attendant knew that the feeling Voloha was talking about was what she felt when she peeked into someone's fate.

However, being unable to see other's fate herself, she could only rely on her liege to know what it was like to perceive 'fate'.

What she did know, however, was that Samur was someone truly special.

The scene of carnage when Voloha learned that the Eckart Ducal family had kicked out Samur still sent shivers down her spine.

Had Azell and Noelle been even a single day late in making their report and confirming that Samur was still alive, Voloha would have personally skinned alive every single member of the Eckart family, driven a stake through their arses and burned them alive in the city plaza.

"What is it like, huh?"

Come to think of it, Voloha had never told anyone of what she saw when she had first peeked into Samur's fate.

But then again, there was no way of making someone understand the feeling of insignificance without making them experience it for themselves. Humans, after all, were proud to a default.

Little did they know that they were nothing more than insignificant blots in the grand scheme of things.

"Hmm, how should I put this…" Voloha rubbed her chin. "Okay, tell me, how do you feel when you see a stain tarnishing my dress?"

"I… feel absolutely disgusted." Though confused by the sudden change in topic, she answered truthfully.

"Right, you feel that the stain should not be there, and you are compelled to eliminate it post haste."

"Yes." The attendant nodded in admiration; the Princess had put her own feelings better than she could.

"Well, what about the monsters we capture from dungeons? How do you feel about them?"

"Aside from a small bit of fear, I feel nothing for them."

"Okay, and what about an ant? You see an ant crawling on the floor, gathering food for its family and working hard for her survival. Do you feel anything for that ant?"


Who would feel anything about an ant?

"That's what it's like to be in the presence of Samur." A wry smile appeared on Voloha's face as she leaned back in her seat.

"Is that how you see him?" The attendant tilted her head.

"Him? Haha, of course not!" Voloha giggled.


"That's how I feel about myself when I stand in front of Samur."


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