How to Raise a Villainess

Chapter 80: The Crown's Purge. (5)

Chapter 80: The Crown's Purge. (5)

Gabriel felt that slight rumbling again as he spoke to the emperor. The citizens were cheering beyond the walls, he felt that he would probably be able to hear them shout his name if he strained his ears. The common people loved a good show, that was the entire reason the emperor was taking his time with Gabriel, slowly going through everything he had so that he could show it off to the populace.

In that regard, the name Gabriel had chosen for himself was perfect for the emperor’s purpose. He was already trying to set Gabriel up as a hero to make the commoners rise up for the empire, having a name associated with something as mythical as a dragonslayer would only make that easier.

"It’s a good name, Gabriel Sakra Indra. It speaks of ambition and power, of the capability that can be found even in the most common man. You have chosen well, my child."

The emperor was not shy about doling out praise, speaking slowly and clearly so that everything was transmitted properly. The citizens had to hear and understand every word to ensure that their hearts were set alight.

"Normally, to prevent others from blaming me for favouritism, I would end the rewards here. But, Gabriel Sakra Indra, what you have achieved and done for the empire is no small feat and is worthy of all our admiration. I may have made you a Viscount of War, but as it stands, in this very moment, you will have no territory. Now, how could I possibly allow something like that?"

The emperor kept looking down at Gabriel with a warm smile, still leaning on his blade as if it was a cane. He drew out his words to draw the attention of everyone watching the broadcast, he had to make them hold their breath as they tried to decipher what other rewards they could possibly receive if they fought for the empire.

"Marquess Elias Rutherford."

The emperor did not keep them waiting for long, turning his gaze towards the nobles that were gathered beyond the podium. His voice was commanding, regal, three people swiftly stepping out from the crowd as they gave a respectful greeting.

"We heed your esteemed call, your exalted highness."

Elias Rutherford, a marquess who held territory in the western reaches of the empire, had stepped forward with his daughter and wife. The emperor flashed them a smile, using a hand to gesture for Gabriel to follow his gaze.

"This must be little Juliet. I hardly recognise you after all these years, but you have grown into a splendid woman."

Juliet Rutherford, eldest daughter of Marquess Rutherford. She was a girl who had just celebrated her 18th birthday and her coming of age ceremony, she was ripe for marriage.

Long brown hair that had been curled with great care, clean and smooth skin that was dotted by a handful of freckles around her nose, slightly narrow blue eyes, a small nose, and a full figure. She had indeed grown into a splendid woman, one who had received more than a few letters requesting her hand in marriage.

"I am unworthy of your praise, your exalted highness."

But none of that mattered. Her family had been loyal to the imperial family since the time of their progenitor, when he came with a request there was no way they would refuse him. Thus, her marriage and future had been settled. After all, who would dare refuse something set up by the ruler of the empire?

"Gabriel Sakra Indra. Little Juliet has not been able to sit still ever since news of your achievements reached the capital and has simply been dying to meet you. I may not be able to grant you any land at this moment, but I have spoken with Marquess Rutherford in hopes that we can prepare something for you."

The emperor smiled as he spoke, his gaze turning slightly so that he could look at Gabriel, who was currently looking at Juliet. The emperor could feel the faint tremors that ran through the ground. Good, the citizens were sufficiently riled up, they were burning with fervour for the empire.

"Little Juliet is the eldest daughter and the jewel of House Rutherford, in the future she will take over their estate and all their lands. In truth, she already has a hand in running it all, the marquess simply hasn’t publicised it."

The emperor was taking his time, dragging it out to string along everyone watching. It was a farce. Among those in the room currently, only the lowest of nobles didn’t know exactly what was going on here, what the emperor was trying to set up. But he cared not for any of it and kept going.

"We have spoken about it at length already and have come to the conclusion that I, Marquess Rutherford, and Juliet herself, would like to offer you her hand in marriage. You will learn how to rule a territory alongside her, and in time you will take over the Rutherford estate alongside her, merging it with the Viscounty that I do not doubt that you will build in the future."

The emperor brought out the final reward he had prepared, a suitable wife and land beyond compare. He would not only jump from a Viscount to a Marquess, but he would also acquire well-established land and a spouse desirable enough to make other men jealous. This was a move that would make not only the common populace cheer loudly, it would entice Gabriel enough to win him over no matter what.

The emperor made a gesture with his hand, allowing Juliet Rutherford to walk up to the podium. She extended her hand to Gabriel with a bright and warm smile, a liar’s smile. All he would have to do was take it and the deal would be sealed, the voice of the emperor reaching everyone in the capital.

"Gabriel Sakra Indra. Citizen of my empire. My child. Let me give you a home, let me give you a family."

A family and a home, the final weapons that the emperor had prepared to chain down the poor and sad orphan that had been raised alongside a neglected daughter.

Ah… What a beautiful picture he painted for the citizens, what a wonderful tapestry he had put together.

Ah, but what a shame it was that the paint he was trying to use was already ruined by a different painter.

Gabriel looked at the hand offered to him. It was clean, its skin smooth and unblemished, her nails neatly trimmed. Well, he could spot the faintest traces of ink underneath her light blue fingernails so it wasn’t really right to call it unblemished. But over-all, it was a clean and neat hand.

Comparatively, Alice’s hand was a fair bit rougher. Small scars from training or magic that went wrong, callouses that naturally arose after she held her weapon for too long, skin that had been roughened by wind and sun, crimson nails that were uneven because they occasionally cracked. The hands she showed when she didn’t bother using make-up to hide things…

He thought of the one scar she had in the palm of her hand, a thin line that went from just beneath her thumb and to the base of her ring finger. It almost blended in with the usual lines that spread across her palm. He thought about tracing it. Dragging his finger back and forth along the line.

He could see it with perfect clarity if he thought about it, but if he was asked how it felt to the touch then he wouldn’t be able to answer confidently. It felt like… a shame. Yes, a shame. He would have to ask her later if he could trace it, memorise it, understand the effort she put in that caused her to get such a scar.

When he looked at Juliet’s hand, the light blue nails grew darker. A dazzling and deep crimson painted over their actual colours, spreading up her hand almost like a cancer as it grew to cover everything. It spread beyond her body, latching onto the ground, the ceiling, the walls. Everything was just crimson. Gabriel was already blinded by the dazzling red that had swallowed his world.

"I’m sorry, your highness."

A breath escaped him. It too was crimson, drops of colour falling to the already dyed ground. He too had become crimson, the colour had become a part of him.

"I am eternally grateful for the opportunity you have presented me with, and the tireless work you have done to prepare this for me. I do not believe that we will ever find an emperor who thinks so much about his subjects, who works so hard for his citizens."

Gabriel spoke slowly and calmly, sprinkling in enough praises for the emperor to placate the other nobles. At the same time, he was helping the emperor with what he wanted to achieve, looking like a great ruler to the citizens, enough for them to rise up for him at a moments notice.

"But even so, I am afraid that I cannot take Lady Juliet Rutherford’s hand in marriage. I have grown up on stories of fated love and long-lasting romances so my heart cannot reconcile with marrying, or agreeing to marry someone whom I have just met. So please forgive me, Your Exalted Highness, Lady Juliet Rutherford, Marquess Rutherford, but at this time I cannot consent to this marriage."

He threw out his pretty excuses, reasonable explanations that they simply had to accept. After all, a political marriage was essentially a contract promising both parties something they wanted. If one party did not like what they received, a contract would not be signed. And with Gabriel being the first of his name, he was in a different position from Juliet, who had a father that could sign the contract in her place.

Sure, the emperor could force it, that was the kind of existence an emperor was. If he decreed it right here and now then no one would be able to halt Juliet and Gabriel’s wedding. But he wouldn’t do that. The emperor was trying to tie Gabriel to the imperial family, he was trying to ensure that Gabriel became loyal to him. Forcing him into something like this would only achieve the opposite. Thus, the emperor had no other option but to smile.

"There is nothing to forgive, my child. Marriage is a sacred thing, it cannot be forced if both parties don’t want it. In that regard, I agree with your belief of love, it needs time to sprout. So do not worry about it, my child. Just take your time, meet up with little Juliet a few times. She is a splendid woman, I am sure that you will see it before long."

The emperor’s hand landed on Gabriel’s head, ruffling his hair a few times as he maintained his smile. He gestured with his eyes, Juliet pulling back her hand before bowing politely and returning to her father’s side. Her expression didn’t change for even a moment throughout the entire exchange, she was certainly someone adept at being a noble. Naturally, the emperor was just as adept, moving on like nothing.


The emperor, Arthas, talked a bit more after Gabriel rejected the marriage proposal, showing him off more while praising him, really making sure that the citizens got their fill of him. But in the end, he had to allow Gabriel to return, there were still others that had to get rewarded.

But it would be a waste to start rewarding the knights that had taken part in the battle right now. The citizens were still fired up thanks to Gabriel, letting them cool down straight away wouldn’t be good, he had to drive it home further. Thus, the next person he had to call on was already set in stone.

"Alice De Vritara. My child, come here."

Yes, as expected, Arthas called on her. She would get promoted to Earl and be offered a few different hands in marriage, it would be good to show off that even a neglected child could reach this point. Of course, the fact that Arthas believed he would get her to marry either one of his sons or someone from the Sorin family helped a little, it would be an excellent show of magnanimity and authority.

After all, Gabriel could reject it because he had no one else who acted as his guardian, but there would surely be no way that the duke of Vritara wouldn’t sign off on Alice’s wedding, right?

"Alice De Vritara presents herself to the Bright Sun."

She curtsied respectfully as she stopped in front of the podium, a small smile on her lowered face. She could feel the gazes that lingered on her. The nobles here knew how she had been treated, they knew that she was just an illegitimate child, so they were curious as to how the Vritara household would react to this.

But well, those gazes didn’t matter to her. No, the only gaze that mattered to her was the one she felt above all others. Oh how familiar the sensation of those eyes looking at her was. Like drops of poison lingering on her skin, a magnificent violet that seeped to her very core. Look, my knight. Look, Gabriel. Look only at me.

"I have heard long tales of your valiant effort in the northern battle, tales of strength and magic I am sure many of us never dreamt feasible. But you manifested them all the same. An illegitimate child born from a servant, abandoned and neglected your entire life, you were never afforded the same care and nurturing that your siblings got. And yet here you stand. You have risen above through your own effort, you have paved your path with sheer determination even when you had nothing else. You are a shining star that our people can only aspire to emulate."

Arthas just went right out and said it, sharing the news with everyone. Sure, most of the nobles knew the truth of her birth, but the citizens certainly didn’t. But just having a born and raised noble do something extraordinary wasn’t good enough, it wouldn’t entice the citizens in the same way.

But an illegitimate child? One born from a lowly servant, someone who had the possibility to be just like everyone else? The people would love it.

Sure, Gabriel was already one hero, one shining torch that the citizens could learn from and rise. But having two heroes was always better, the fire would only burn brighter if it was given more firewood.

"Edward De Vritara. You said that you had something you wanted to share?"

Arthas naturally struck while the citizens and newer nobles took in the news he just spread, calling on the Duke of Vritara. He stood a bit separated from all the other nobles, even the people in his own entourage couldn’t get too close to Duke Edward.

"That is correct, your highness."

The mana in the air moved, Alice could feel it. The mages responsible for transmitting the events of the ceremony had moved their focus onto the duke. Arthas wanted the empire to see this, the duke probably wanted the same. Naturally, she was no different.

"What you have said is true, your highness. Alice De Vritara was born of a tryst between the deceased duchess and one of our servants, she is not of my blood. Now, naturally, I am sure that you are all aware that the deceased duchess was of the Vritara lineage, so despite the tryst, Alice De Vritara holds as much Vritara blood as her siblings. But I will not deny that my own distaste and anger has led to her being neglected, not receiving the proper training and nurturing that she should have gotten as a Vritara."

The duke spoke slowly and calmly, as if the truth of his wife cheating on him didn’t phase him. He shared it openly, admitting his wrongs without batting an eye.

"But naturally, with the situation being what it is, I would be committing a grave sin towards the empire if I allowed something like that to continue. As such, I wish to take this opportunity to officially declare, to nobles and commoners alike, that Alice De Vritara, though no daughter of mine, has just as much claim to the seat of duchess as her siblings. Henceforth, she will be considered an official possible heir to the duchy, and if she proves herself worthier than her siblings, the duchy will be passed to her."

Alice felt the corners of her lips tremble. She almost broke out into a wide grin, barely able to swallow it down. Arthas started speaking shortly after the duke, praising her highly while speaking of the northern battle.

But honestly, it just went in one ear and out the other. Right now, there was only one thing Alice could think of. The promise. Gabriel did a lot of things for her, but there were very few things he had ever properly promised and sworn on.

But the truth was one of them, a deal made as children. When she becomes officially acknowledged by the duchy, when she gets acknowledged by the imperial family, when she gets her first title, when she gets married, and when she takes over the duchy. Five milestones, five questions she could ask that he would answer with nothing but the truth.

Now, Gabriel never lied to her. He had said as much, and she whole-heartedly believed her. But when she as a child asked him how he knew about the fused elements that no one else seemed to know about, he had refused to answer. He didn’t lie, but he didn’t answer either.

So they made the deal. And with this… With this one ceremony she had accomplished three of those milestones, she would get an answer to three of the questions she had held close to her chest for years.

But before that… She had to push that lovable knight of hers a bit more.

Arthas kept talking while Alice was planning, responding with the phrases she had prepared in advance. It continued all the way until the moment she had been waiting for.

"Now then, my child. With all that said, I actually have one last reward in mind for you. I understand that it is hard to live while being neglected, I don’t even dare to imagine how many nights you had to spend alone in a cold room. As such, I wish to offer a little bit of light, a small gesture that I hope can help heal your heart."

Alice felt her face cramp. Ah, she wanted to smile, she wanted to grin so widely that her face would seem like it had split. She felt a gaze. She felt that poison tickle her skin.

"I would be eternally grateful, your highness."

She managed to smile properly as she raised her head and stood up. Now, now things would start to leave the plan she told Gabriel. Don’t propose until I give the signal. Oh what a simple order she had given him.

"No need, my child, it is simply my duty as the father of the empire."

Arthas smiled brightly, gesturing with his hand. The youngest son of the Sorin ducal family stepped forward, as did Arthas’ four sons. They stood there in front of her, lined up as they looked at her.

"The eldest son and middle son are already engaged, but Duke Carthalion Sorin still has his youngest son. Naturally, I also have my own unfilial sons, all of them struggling like headless chickens to find a proper wife. If you are not put off by the idea, we would be more than willing to let you get engaged to whomever you choose among them. Surely, healing a wounded heart is done better together than alone."

Arthas made his offer. The youngest son of the Sorin family wasn’t a strong contender for the inheritor seat, but with a bit of help he should be able to reach a decent level. And naturally, the four princes didn’t even need to be mentioned, getting engaged to them was the same as getting a free pass into the Imperial Family. A ducal family or the Imperial Family, calling it a dream scenario wouldn’t be wrong.

"I am honoured that you care so deeply about my well-being, your highness. We are truly fortunate to have you as the light of our empire. Would it be alright if I take my time in answering? I would like to spend the rest of the ceremony getting to know the young princes’ and Young Master Soring before I make my decision."

Alice smiled as she spoke. She didn’t reject the offer, she simply asked to get the rest of the day to decide. She set a hard deadline to her answer, a stark contrast to Gabriel’s more vague rejection. Naturally, Arthas was more than happy with this.

"Naturally, my child. Take your time, I am sure you can find one among them to help warm you."

Arthas smiled brightly, the nobles in the hall clapping to congratulate Alice. The five eligible bachelors greeted her one by one to introduce themselves. After today, one among them would become her husband and tie their families together.

Alice smiled, barely suppressing a grin as she reciprocated the introduction. She felt the gaze on her back, precious poison staining her skin until her heart started to pound.

Want me, Gabriel. Desire me, Gabriel. Need me, Gabriel. And then look only at me, claim only me, mark only me.

Don’t propose until I give the signal. Such an easy request, such an easy order. But can you go along with it, Gabriel? Can you handle it?

I hope you’ll crumble, Gabriel. Take me. Steal me. Chain me down for all to see.


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