How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Unless Sir Galfredik returns, there is no knight more suitable to be the subjugations captain over you, Sir Eugene. No, rather, even if he were to return, he would not compete for the spot. He would pass it on to you, sir. Anyways, I will try to schedule something, so that we can all meet each other. Now that were on the topic, what do you think about having dinner together tonight?

Lets just meet in a little while. I will return after I've found a place to stay in the lower village.

He had no desire to have dinner with the Tywin brothers and a knight he had never seen before.

Thats too bad. I wanted to hear about how you managed to obtain your armor and warhorse. If that's the case, then I hope Sir Eugene comes back in a couple of hours.

I will.

Thinking he had been right to pass on the dinner, Eugene left the manor house.


After finding an accommodation in the village of Martella located downhill from the Rose Castle, Eugene handed down instructions to Partec and Breen before returning to the castle. He entered the castle while receiving the clumsy salute of a few guards, then headed to the castles cabinet under the guidance of a servant.


As usual, Camara welcomed him with joy, but Bertel only gave a curt nod. A large knight with a fierce appearance strode forward.

Are you Sir Eugene? I am Rowen Maverick.

Although they were indoors, Maverick was adorned in chainmail, which was engraved with the symbol of a crow, from head to toe. He reached out his hand.

Jan Eugene.

It was natural to respond in kind, so Eugene spoke informally and took Mavericks hand. However, Mavericks expression distorted upon hearing Eugenes words. He seemed surprised by Eugenes response.

Then, he tightened his grip.

Come on.

Eugene mercilessly tightened his grip as well. He recalled Galfrediks advice that it didnt matter whether the opponent was a knight or a mercenary. If they provoked or challenged him first, he must crush them with force.


Mavericks face turned red, and he was eventually forced to shake off Eugenes hand.

Hahaha! You shouldnt act like this. Remember, both of you are comrades who will go into the dungeon together. Now, now, everyone, take a seat.

Camara spoke with a satisfied expression. He was clearly pleased that Eugene had taken a silent victory. Of course, he did not forget to send a meaningful smile towards Bertel, who had a horrible scowl.


After glancing at Eugene, Maverick sat down while massaging his hand.

First of all, there are 12 mercenaries under Sir Eugene, and nine brought by Sir Maverick. Including both of you sirs, there are 23 warriors in total. The number of porters will be the same as before, but the minimum conditions for a successful subjugation have been raised slightly.

Camara continued while looking around at the two knights.

One hundred low-rank monsters and three intermediate-ranks. The number of troops is slightly smaller than before, but we managed to procure quite a bit of information about the structure of the dungeon and the monsters within, so there shouldnt be too many problems. Am I right, Sirs?

Eugene nodded silently, but Maverick gave a verbal response.

What about the share of the soldiers who will die in the dungeon?

Simple. If they have a family, then it will be sent to their families. If they do not, the others will split it. Isnt that customary?

So, will it be the same even if a knight dies?

What? Camaras expression stiffened. Are you speaking of Sir Eugenes death, Sir Maverick?

Not necessarily, Lord Tywin. I am also a man who always wrestles with death! I thought it would be absurd for a true knight to enter a dungeon without such resolve and determination. Would you not agree, Sir Eugene?

Mavericks arrogant eyes turned towards Eugene.

After silently gazing at the knight for a moment, Eugene slowly opened his lips. It is hard for me to believe that such words are coming from the mouth of a knight who has never experienced an opening of a dungeon, but it is a relief for me that you, sir, are always ready for death.


Mavericks eyebrows wriggled with aggravation.

Eugene stood up while removing his gaze from Maverick.

I do not think that we have anything else to discuss. Since we have already greeted each other, I will be off. I will see you all in three days then.

Eugene headed for the door while listening to Mirians furious shouts. Lets kill him! Lets slit the throat of that muddy catfish-looking bastard tonight! Kill! Kieeeek!

Sir Eugene, take care.

Camaras lips constantly twitched with elation, and the vehement eyes of Bertel and Maverick stayed glued to Eugenes back.


That haughty bastard dares to look down on me!?

Maverick shouted while slamming his fist on a table. Bertel responded with a malicious gleam in his eyes. As you saw, sir, we cannot leave that man be. Someday, my brother will be controlling him to his wishes No, he might even try to take a piece of the territory for himself. That is why you have to take care of him.

Hmph! A little pale bastard like him? I dont know where he came from, but someone like him is not my match.

You better not underestimate him too much. Even if it had been a mock duel, he still managed to beat Sir Galfredik. Im sure you know what kind of a knight Galfredik is.

Haha! If I participated in last years tournament, I would have made it to the finals instead of him. Unfortunately, I couldnt participate because of my fathers death. Anyways, whether it is Galfredik or Lugates, I am not afraid. Maverick shouted confidently.

However, Bertel had directly witnessed the showdown between Galfredik and Lugates.

Mavericks words felt absurd.

Can I trust this person? But I have no choice...

It was extremely difficult to find a knight who was skillful and could be controlled at the same time. In that respect, Maverick was greedy, but he was not dumb enough to be played around on top of ones palm.

Besides, its inside a dungeon. The chances are pretty good.

No matter how skillful a knight was, he would definitely find it hard to react to an ambush from his allies. In addition, they would be inside a dark dungeon. At the least, Maverick and his subordinate mercenaries could easily inflict a major injury on Eugene.

It would be best if a monster finished the job, but even if he came back alive Then I will finish him off.

While Bertel was having such thoughts, Maverick spoke with a grin. Hehehe! Anyways, if I take care of that pale bastard, then I can take his armor and horse as my own, right?

Only if you succeed.

Im telling you not to worry. So this is a done deal then. Im looking forward to this subjugation.

Maverick stuck out his tongue and slowly caressed his lips. His face was filled with greed. He looked so repulsive that Bertel was forced to turn his gaze somewhere else.


A glimmer appeared in Bertels eyes.

Whats wrong?

Without answering, Bertel stood up from his seat and walked to the closed doors. Then he bent down.

Why is there water in this place?

Bertel mumbled while sweeping the floor with his palm. The bottom of the door was wet as if water had leaked from the outside.

Its so wet. Did a water fairy come to visit? Hmm? Hahahahaha!

What a stupid joke.

Bertel glared at Maverick, then stood up. This knight was truly simple-minded that he could find amusement in such nonsense.


is what he said! Kieeeeek! How dare a muddy catfish and ice-face aim for our esteemed Sir Eugene!? Mirian shrieked while running amok like a moth in front of a flame.

Eugenes expression turned cold.

I knew they were a little suspicious.

Eugene felt skeptical after hearing Maverick speak such words after their first meeting. As such, he left behind Mirian as he crossed the drawbridge. The Rose Castle was quite small. It was only about 100 meters from the manor house to the drawbridge. Mirian had been able to eavesdrop on Bertel and Maverick and delivered the conversation to Eugene without any difficulties.

No, that muddy catfish really said that! Hes looking forward to the subjugation! Ha! I barely held myself back from spitting on his face!

Yes. Great job. You helped me this time.

Right? Hehehe! Mirian broke into a huge grin, then sat down on Eugenes shoulder. So what are you going to do?

What else? Since he wants to die, I will fulfill his wish.

Kieeeeek! As expected of the Count of Blood! How blazing hot!

Eugene soothed Mirians frenzy, then glanced back at the Rose Castle in the distance.

You are looking forward to the subjugation? Im looking forward to it as well.

In the last lights of the setting sun, the vampires eyes shone with a mysterious gleam.


The day of the Tywin territorys second dungeon subjugation arrived.

After spending three days in the village located a short distance from the castle, Eugene entered the Rose Castle along with the mercenaries.

Thud! Thud!

Members of the Black Sheep Mercenaries followed behind Partec and Breen. They walked in an orderly fashion just like a regular army. Although their loyalty and obedience towards Eugene could not match Partec, who had been by Eugenes side the longest, Breens mercenaries were quite deferential towards Eugene as well.

Breen and his men were greatly shocked to see Eugene return from Maren with a completely new appearance. He was on Silions back and adorned a plate armor with the citys symbol. But after hearing the details from Partec, they decided to fully submit themselves to Eugene until they parted ways.

The mayor of Maren had personally gifted a set of plate armor and the Palin Association, a large merchant group, had supported him with the highest quality warhorse. It wouldnt be strange if Eugene was recruited by a great noble even at this moment.

Although they wouldnt continue following Eugene like Partecs group, there was nothing to lose by acting their best behavior in front of a knight like Eugene.

Eugene and the 12 mercenaries lined up in the middle of the Rose Castle. Maverick and his mercenaries took their place beside the group. They had been staying in the castle until now.

Maverick glared at Eugene, who pretended not to see him, and his lips twitched in annoyance.

However, Maverick held back his anger. He recalled Bertels advice to somehow lower his opponents guard before they entered the dungeon.

As such! May God bless the two knights and the brave warriors who follow them!


Camara gave a speech and prayed for the subjugation forces extraordinary performance and their safe return. The people of the Rose Castle erupted into a cheer afterward. It was still a wonderful sight to see knights and mercenaries entering a dungeon to fight monsters while risking their lives.

Then, Sir Eugene, is there anything you want to say as the captain of the subjugation squad?

Camara asked with anticipation, and Eugene turned towards the mercenaries.

As soon as we enter the dungeon, all of you will unconditionally follow my orders. If you dont like that, you can leave now.


The mercenaries flinched in particular, those who followed Maverick. Most of them had already received the down payment, so it would be impossible and ridiculous for them to bail out now.

Those who do not comply with my orders shall be cut down regardless of the reason. If you have any objections or want a fair trial, leave now.

As Sir Eugene said. Do not forget that I, Camara of Tywin, delegated all authority over the subjugation to Sir Eugene.

Camara reinforced Eugenes position with his authority as lord. The mercenaries could only steal glances at each other. No one dared to step forward.

Then let us depart.

I wish you luck once again.

Unlike the opening of the dungeon, Camara did not follow the group to the entrance of the dungeon.

A little while later

The castle gates opened, and the group set out on the second subjugation led by Eugene. Guides were stationed at the forefront of the group.

Bertel stood silently in place, and Maverick climbed onto his saddle. They exchanged a brief gaze, which Eugene didnt miss.

Do you think that Ill be easier to deal with in the dungeon?

Eugene smiled coldly after lowering his visor.

Everyone now saw him as a regular, human knight.

However, Eugene was a vampire.

A dungeon without light was his domain.


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