How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 333: Book 25 (3)

Chapter 333: Book 25 (3)

Although I spent a day in vain due to the unexpected divine fever, it didn’t cause any significant disruption to my daily routine.

In fact, Luminous apologized sincerely and promised to be more careful in the future, granting me an abundance of divine power.

Thanks to that, I felt completely healthy and energetic, a stark contrast to the previous day when I felt like I was dying from the fever. I felt no fatigue, and others were even concerned about how energetic I was.

Anyway, after returning to my daily routine, the first thing I had to do was visit Elena’s research lab. I intended to continue attending the academy, but I didn’t want to continue in a way that inconvenienced those around me.

So if Elena found it difficult to continue working with me, I planned to resign from the assistant position, even if I felt regretful about it. It would be better to return to being a student and attend her lectures.

“Not at all? Why would I do that?”

But Elena’s reaction was one of complete incomprehension. Her light green eyes behind her glasses were filled with curiosity. Cindy, who was quietly reading a book beside her, had a similar reaction. Her eyes were still dark and weary, but they now held a question.

Seeing their reactions, I spoke in a hesitant voice.

“I might cause you trouble. And there’s also the threat from devil worshippers…”

“Let them come. I’d like to catch one and do some research.”

Elena answered confidently, and Cindy nodded in agreement. I looked at them, initially bewildered, but then I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Come to think of it, the headmaster mentioned that Elena and Cindy were once explorers who traveled the world. They likely possess enough strength to protect themselves, so it’s not something I need to worry about.

“Besides, I can’t miss this opportunity. Being the professor who taught Xenon—my reputation is going to soar.”

“Was that your original goal?”

“Half of it, maybe? The other half is that it’s hard to find someone as capable as you. While Leona is going to join as an assistant, the more, the merrier, right?”

“With you around, organizing papers and documents won’t be a problem…”

Elena and Cindy each stated what they wanted. Especially Cindy, who has been writing various papers with my help in composition.

I am helping them and living a life not much different from that of a graduate student. Sitill, regarding history, I have much to learn from them.

“I understand your thoughts. So, should I continue working as an assistant?”

“That’s up to you. If you decide to leave, we can’t stop you. Just make sure to tell us if any major event is going to happen in the future.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Or you could inform us about forgotten histories or significant events, like the newly interpreted myth of the elves.”

I gave a wry smile at the half-joking suggestion. Elena glanced at my face and then smiled faintly.

It seems she doesn’t want to miss out on the big catch. After all, opportunities to legally exploit Xenon’s knowledge are rare.

Anyway, it seems settled that I’ll continue as an assistant. Now, there’s one more thing left: introducing my bodyguards.

Since I plan to bring Adelia and Kate along to classes in the future, it’s best to familiarize them now.

“This is Adelia Cross, Isaac’s loyal servant. Please take care of her.”

Adelia introduced herself first. She was dressed in comfortable clothes suitable for activities, not her usual maid uniform.

Although the maid outfit suits her, with her figure, she can pull off anything. If the maid outfit combined sexiness and cuteness, right now she looked dignified.

“Adelia Cross… You used to be a teaching assistant in the liberal arts department, right? I’ve heard of you. You were considered one of the most promising talents along with a student named Nicole.”

Elena said, pushing up her glasses that had slightly slipped down. It seems that Adelia’s reputation is not limited to the liberal arts department alone.

This is also true for Nicole. Given that even a literature professor, who is far from martial arts, knows about her, it is likely that the entire academy was aware of them.

Adelia responded to her words modestly with her characteristic husky voice.

“You’re too kind. Nicole was a more outstanding student than I was.”

“Hmm… I understand. I look forward to working with you. And…”

Elena’s gaze shifted sideways. There stood Kate, dressed in a white nun’s habit, with a gentle smile.

“Is that Cardinal Kate?”

“Yes, I am Kate Louise Angelica, serving under Luminous and Isaac.”

“I have heard of your great name. Not only did you expel the fallen cardinal, but I’ve also heard rumors that you might be the next pope…”

“It wasn’t me who expelled that worm, but Lord Isaac. I merely acted according to his will.”

As expected, Kate is relentless towards those associated with devils. Her tone is exceedingly polite, but her words are chilling.

Elena, hearing Kate’s somewhat fierce words, looked slightly taken aback. Cindy blinked her eyes with her characteristic weary expression.

Regardless, Kate continued speaking with a saintly smile.

“And I have no intention of becoming the pope. My duty is to strike down the evil that pollutes the world and to protect Lord Isaac, who spreads the light.”

“Oh… I see. Understood. My name is Elena Heavensinger. I am a professor of history at Halo Academy.”

“I’m Cindy Skywalker… I look forward to working with you…”

Following Elena, Cindy introduced herself in an utterly exhausted tone. Her voice alone sounded extremely tired.

Perhaps it was Cindy’s voice and condition that caught Kate’s attention. She stared at Cindy for a moment and then slowly walked over to her.

Cindy, meanwhile, blinked her eyes and looked at Kate with a puzzled expression, not making any moves.

“Did you say your name was Cindy?”


“Could you please hold out your hand for a moment?”

“My hand?”


At Kate’s sudden request, Cindy looked at her with a curious gaze. Kate waited silently for her response.

Eventually, Cindy cautiously extended her hand, indicating her consent. Although her face looked somewhat worn due to severe lack of sleep, her hand was white and delicate.

As Cindy extended her hand, Kate gently placed her own hand on Cindy’s palm. As the two beautiful hands overlapped, a delicate atmosphere began to form.


From Kate’s hand, a golden halo of light began to emanate and soon transferred to Cindy’s hand. It then gradually flowed up her arm, eventually enveloping her entire body.

Having seen this phenomenon a few times before, I wasn’t surprised, but Cindy, witnessing it for the first time, looked astonished with wide eyes.

Elena, who was also watching, had the same reaction, her light green eyes widened in surprise.


The golden light that had been wrapping around Cindy’s body began to slowly fade. As it dimmed, it was only natural to check if there were any changes in her appearance.

And I quickly noticed the difference. First of all, the dark circles under Cindy’s eyes, which were practically her trademark, had completely disappeared.

The light returned to her face, which had been marred by fatigue, and her skin looked much more firm and resilient than before. Although it was unmistakably Cindy’s appearance, she seemed like a completely different person.

“Your condition was quite deteriorated due to lack of sleep. Have you been unable to sleep at night?”

Kate, who had quickly restored Cindy’s condition, asked with a gentle smile. Cindy looked at her in bewilderment.

“Well… yes. For some reason, I’m scared at night…”

Cindy replied in a shaky voice. Although her mind was clear, it seemed difficult to change the speech pattern she had developed over the years.

Indeed, if it’s hard to change ingrained habits, how much harder would it be to alter one’s manner of speaking? I thought it was somehow fortunate that her unique characteristic remained intact.

“You seem to be sensitive to even the slightest sounds.”


“Hmm… it seems to be a stress-related illness you acquired during your exploration with Professor Elena. While I can improve your condition, it would be better to consult Mora for this area.”

So, it wasn’t just that she was buried in papers and research every day; she simply couldn’t sleep. I had overlooked the fact that post-traumatic stress isn’t something only soldiers like my father can suffer from.

If I had paid even a little attention, I might have been able to help her earlier. I realized I had dismissed her as merely a colleague with a unique personality.

“…How do you feel now?”

“I feel like I could fly. I think I could stay up for several nights and still be fine.”

In response to Elena’s cautious question, Cindy smiled brightly and looked at her own hands. She seemed like a different person just by losing the dark circles under her eyes.

Although her comment about staying up for several nights didn’t sound entirely positive, it clearly indicated how good she felt.

Hearing her words, Elena made a subtle expression and spoke in an admiring tone.

“Even after visiting the temple, I never felt any better… I guess it’s different with a cardinal.”

“This is nothing. If you want more, you can ask Lord Isaac.”

“Isaac? Are you saying you’re a clergyman?”


Why is she pointing to me all of a sudden? I’m someone who only knows how to receive, not use these powers.

While both Elena and I were bewildered, Kate spoke with a warm smile.

“Lord Isaac is the one who spreads light in this world. Elena, you may not know, but there are already people who have received light from Lord Isaac. Not only his fiancée, Lady Marie, but also the princess of Helium, and lastly, the knight here, Lady Adelia.”

“… …”

Ah, right.

This woman, she may have been by my side all this time, but she has zero social skills.

Specifically, she has a peculiar focus and can’t distinguish between what should and shouldn’t be said.

“So if you both wish, he can plant the seed…”

“That’s enough.”

So, I hurriedly covered Kate’s mouth. I’ve worked hard to make a good impression; it would be meaningless if she ruined it.

But what I overlooked was that by doing this, I had covered her mouth with my own hand.

Looking at Kate, wondering if it could be true…

Sniff. Sniff. Ha…”

“… …”

“Lord Isaac’s hand scent… Ah. I shouldn’t be doing this…”

She sniffed on her own and her face quickly turned red. Her eyes, now looking intoxicated, were a bonus.

I sighed deeply at the thought of managing Kate, who was difficult in many ways, and then slowly removed my hand.

“Ah, Lord Isaac? I’m sorry but…”

“…I’ll wait here until you return, so please go quickly.”

“T-thank you.”

And so, with a somewhat urgent expression, Kate left the lab. She probably returned to her quarters to have some alone time.

Considering that just holding hands with her can make her as aroused as Cecily in heat, covering her mouth must have made it worse. That’s what I was thinking.

“She… is quite a unique person.”

Elena spoke, trying to break the awkward atmosphere with a positive spin. Cindy, on the other hand, was busy checking her own condition.

Adelia… just stood there calmly, as if she was used to it. However, she did clear her throat with a solemn expression, suggesting she was a bit embarrassed too.

Naturally, the embarrassment fell on me. Covering my face with one hand, I spoke sincerely.

“Thank you for putting it that way… Please forget everything Kate said earlier.”

“Don’t worry. I may not look like it, but I’m married.”


This was news to me. As I looked at her with a surprised expression, Elena tilted her head and questioned.

“Didn’t I tell you? The reason I sometimes go back to Alvenheim is to see my husband. I also do some research while I’m there.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Really? Well, now you know.”

“… …”

Fortunately, it seemed like my activities as a history assistant would continue smoothly.

Translators note:

Sorry for the delay, but I picked up a new series and will be uploading it soon!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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