How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 73.2: 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 (𝟒)

Chapter 73.2: 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 (𝟒)

M-My lord, Ive committed no crime! I received permission from the priest to go on a pilgrimage. . .

Calm down. Im not blaming you.

Marco soothed the traveler. On a journey, not only rogues and monsters were formidable enemies, but knights were also not to be underestimated.

Even a regular knight, not a rogue one, was a frightening adversary for travelers. Being mistaken for a runaway serf or slave could lead to a lot of trouble.

Why are so many people gathered on the road?

Ah, well. . . some crazy mercenaries have occupied the bridge. Thats what everyones been discussing, about what to do.

To cross the river ahead, they needed to cross the bridge, which was currently occupied by mercenaries who wouldnt let anyone pass.

The weather was cold, and the water too chilled, and the river was not shallow enough to swim across.

With so many of you here, why dont you pool your money and pay them a toll?

The mercenaries refuse! Theyre completely mad!

Voices of agreement erupted from all around.

Although tolls were usually paid to the local lord, there was a rule even among rogues to let people pass for a certain fee.

But these rogues, perhaps having eaten something wrong, were refusing money and stubbornly occupying the bridge, causing much frustration for travelers.

We outnumber them; lets attack at nightfall! There are mercenaries guarding those merchants over there!

Dont talk nonsense. Did you see how many mercenaries were on that bridge? We wouldnt stand a chance.

Now that Sir Knight is here, maybe he can resolve this? Why dont you talk to him?

Are you crazy? This guy is looking for trouble. . .

The murmuring crowd parted as Johan made way.

Dozens of well-armed men with flags approached, and the crowd split, creating a path. They held their breath and bowed their heads as Johan and his party passed.

What are these madmen doing on the bridge. . . Lets just sweep them away!

Johan fell into thought at Stephens words.

Attacking without knowing who the opponent was wasnt Johans style, even if it was something a knight would do.

Shouldnt they know who theyre fighting against first?

Sir, if you permit, Ill go and fight first.

No. Lets find out who were dealing with first.

To Johan, it wasnt the situation but the opponent that mattered. Even in a humiliating situation, one shouldnt fight against a stronger opponent.

Suetlg nodded as if he had thought well. In this regard, Johan was really agreeable.

Listen! We are an embassy from the Jarpen and Abner families. What kind of people are you to dare block the bridge and obstruct the path of good people?

Marco shouted valiantly. At his cry, the mercenaries on the wide stone bridge reacted abruptly.

The names of the Jarpen and Abner families were well-known enough for the experienced mercenaries.

Even the mercenaries who had rudely told the travelers to get lost were cautious around nobility, hurrying over to respond.

We are the County Mercenary Group!

Watch your mouth, scoundrel! Remember who stands before you and choose your words wisely.

At Marcos words, the three mercenaries who had run over twitched their faces.

Being noble didnt mean they couldnt get angry. But they quickly assessed the situation and bowed their heads.

S-Sorry, sir knight. We deal with rough stuff. . . This head of mine doesnt always listen well. Please forgive us generously!

Please forgive us!

Johan, who was listening from behind, asked.

Do you know the County Mercenary Group?

Theyre quite famous.

A mercenary group that numbers in the hundreds and survives several years inevitably becomes famous. There werent many that made it that far.

An experienced mercenary Khan cautiously asked.

May I say something?

Of course. And feel free to speak your mind anytime.

Thank you. The leader of the County Mercenary Group is a bit peculiar. Hes nicknamed the Prophet. . .


Suetlg also showed curiosity. A mere mercenary having the nickname of a prophet.

Prophecy was among the most difficult and complex fields of magic, not something just anyone could do.

Ah, thats not to say he can prophesize like wizard-nim!

Khan, embarrassed, stuttered.

Its just that Mahreet himself is so uncanny in his work, he got the nickname of a prophet.

Avoiding dangerous assignments, participating in profitable battles, and evading formidable enemies. . .

After doing such things a few times, a mercenary leader naturally earns a nickname. This also builds trust among mercenaries.

Although the life of mercenaries was marked by sword and blood, they tended to be superstitious. In this regard, the leader of the County Mercenary Group more than qualified as a leader.

Are we going to fight?

If they dont clear the way, we might have to.

For Johan, waiting or turning back was easy, but now he was carrying several flags and names. Yielding to mere mercenaries would be too great a loss.

If we catch the leader, give me a chance to ask him some questions.

Dont worry. I was planning to ask as well.

Captain! Captain!!

Whats the commotion?

A man adorned with ornaments on his arms and neck frowned as he stepped out of the tent.

He was Mahreet, the leader of the County Mercenary Group.

I told you to block the bridge, why are you crossing? Do you miss the taste of the whip?

Its not that! The nobles have come!


Mahreet was taken aback, so much that his stern voice faltered.

It was a problem on a different level than mere travelers.

What should we do? Shall we give way?


Mahreet struck the cheek of the mercenary who spoke.

Dont talk nonsense! Go and block them by any means. Persuade, coax, or threaten. . .

How can we threaten them?!

If they try to pass, tell them even if they are nobles, we will fight! Just make some excuse, you fools! Say were following the orders of a noble whose name we cannot reveal. Just make them back off.

Mahreet fiddled nervously with a ring on his finger.

He had a bad feeling about the dream he had last night!

. . , !

Mahreet believed in the prophecy, which had never been wrong before.

Wait. Isnt that Caenerna?

You must be joking. . . Oh.

Suetlg was also surprised. Among the mercenaries on the bridge, there was a red-haired wizard.

Looks like they hired her. Shes quite skilled.

With such abilities, it wouldnt be difficult.

. . .But why is she tied up?

. . . . . .

Johan and Suetlg were agape.

Caenerna was captured as a prisoner!

Is that woman really the wizard Caenerna?

Even wizards are human! Wait, why am I defending Caenerna?

They checked again in disbelief. No matter how many times they looked, Caenerna was indeed captured. The mercenaries were circling around, shouting things like ! !.


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