How to Live as a Wandering Knight

Chapter 108.1: 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 (8)

Chapter 108.1: 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩 (8)

However, people did not hear the bishops desperate muttering.

What did you say?

Well. . .

Someone exclaimed with a sparkling gaze.

He said he prays for our sinful souls!

Bishop! Bishop!

People surrounded the bishop with tears, looking like he was about to die, covered in blood. They steeled themselves to let the bishop go to heaven.

Move aside.

Sir Knight, the bishop is about to leave. . .

He doesnt seem fatally wounded, does he?

Johan was puzzled by peoples reactions. The bishop had been roughed up, but it wasnt fatal.

Please let us pray for the bishop!

Sir Knight, please pray for the bishop! So that his soul may depart peacefully!

Uh. . . Ah. . .

The bishop, with his last strength, waved his hand. The crowd around him felt like a flock of crows. Johan was the only one he could trust.

Hes still alive. Move aside. We need to take him for treatment.

It seems like hes dead. . .

He died as a saint.

People secretly hoped that the bishop had died. Not out of malice towards him, but because they were fascinated by the sight of him defeating the devil and collapsing from exhaustion.

They wished for the bishop to die a holy and noble death, making this square the origin of that miracle, and that they were present in that sacred moment.

Already some were tearing off pieces of the bishops robe, holding them in their hands, thinking they would become new relics.

Take the bishop. Hey, lead us to a good doctor.

. . .Ah, yes!

The guards who arrived late nodded under the influence of Johan and the mercenaries.

Considering their usual arrogance, they would have stopped everything and taken control. But now, no one dared to speak up.

They were subdued.

They obeyed Johan like tame sheep, to the point where one might mistake them for Johans subordinates.

Citizens in the square made the sign of the cross and stepped aside, sending sincere thanks to the knight who had slain the devil with a silver sword and saved the people.

Upon hearing the news, the magistrate sent his personal physician. Not only that, he personally visited to express his gratitude to the bishop and Johan.

It wasnt just a greeting, it was praise.

According to the magistrate, the bishop had shown a miracle by binding a demon, and Johan was a knight who swung his sword with the voice of God and beheaded the demon. Johan realized how rumors spread like this.

. . .

With excessive praise, Johan suspected the magistrate had some guilt. However, Gareld denied it.

Not at all, Sir. You are from the Empire, so the republic is still unfamiliar to you.

Feudal lords of the Empire held power in their fiefdoms that even the Emperor could not easily challenge. Even such lords would pay attention to the dissatisfaction and public sentiment of the serfs.

Moreover, in the cities, the citizens right to speak was even stronger.

The magistrate could be considered the lord of the city, but the magistrates election was determined by a vote in the council, and the election of council members was also through voting. . .

Now, the bishop had been lying down for over a week. A week was enough time for a disgraced person to transform into a saint.

Given the situation outside, if the magistrate did not respect the bishop, a riot could occur.

Outside, rumors are already rampant that the bishop is a saint.

At Garelds words, Johan chuckled. Gareld also burst into laughter, finding the situation absurd.

They both knew how greedy the bishop was. That such a bishop was being treated as a saint. The ways of the world were unpredictable.

Moreover, its the same for you, Sir. Perhaps even more extreme. You personally beheaded the demon. . . What would those who saw think?

It wasnt a demon, but a gargoyle.

To the people, it would have seemed the same. Seeing a monster is not a common occurrence.

As Gareld spoke, he glanced at Johan and then spoke.

I always thought you were destined for greatness, Sir. I have been on your side since the beginning. Please remember my contribution.

Of course, I am aware. If it werent for Sir Gareld, whom could I trust in this city?

Really? Haha. Its reassuring to hear you say that. Although I havent mentioned it, Ive been actively spreading stories about you.

. . .I appreciate that.

Although the rumors were somewhat exaggerated, exaggeration was essential in those times. The rumor of Johan catching a troll was exceptionally understated, whereas usual rumors were more inflated.

No one criticized the exaggeration of rumors. It was also a form of honor.

Horamric-gong will be arriving soon, and I look forward to your exploits.

Is. . . Is that so? I will serve loyally! Just give me the chance!

Gareld left happily as if in a dream. Seeing his demeanor, it was clear he would actively advocate for Johan in the council. The caution of a political backlash seemed to have already vanished.

Johan opened the letter sent by Suetlg. It was a letter sent by Suetlg after hearing the news and waiting outside.

, . . .

. . .(). . .

, . . , : , , . . .


The reason for an inspector or judge from the order to come could only be one: the bishop.

Ordinarily, this would have been a situation to resign from the position, but now the story changed.

From the orders perspective, it was necessary to verify if the bishop truly performed a miracle.

A faithful one who showed a miracle could not be wrongly accused and expelled.


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