How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Kaneff and Andras got ready to cook the food.

It was a completely different look from what I was worried about.

The two took out the well-made charcoal from the pre-made firewood and made charcoal for cooking with it. 

While Andras was organizing the charcoal fire, Kaneff looked at the ingredients I had brought. 

"Andras, are you ready with the fire?" 

Yes, Mr. Kaneff.

Well, let's get started. 

Kaneff placed the thick pork meat on the grill above charcoal fire without hesitation. 


With the sound of the meat being cooked, the mouth-watering smell spread everywhere.

Without stopping, mushrooms and vegetables were placed together.

At first, I was worried that he might burn the meat, but after a while, I realized that I was worried for nothing.

As Andras said, Kaneff cooked meat and ingredients so skillfully.

The fire was freely controlled, and there was no hesitation in the touch of sprinkling spices.

As soon as the rest of the farm members sat down in front of the table, Kaneff placed the well-done meat and vegetables on a large plate and put them on the table. 

Kaneff shook his hand slightly and cut the thick pork meat properly. 

Greasy gravy flowed through the flesh.

"I'll keep grilling, so eat first."

Kaneff showed a touch of magic, then casually said a word and went back to the charcoal fire.

His cooking skills were amazing, and hes so considerate of us!

Not only me but also others looked surprised at Kaneff's unusual appearance. 

But it lasted only for a moment. 

Soon everyone's eyes turned towards the fragrant pork meat.

"Shall we try it?" 


Following my words, everyone moved a chunk of thick meat onto their plate.

I cut Speranzas meat to make it easier for her to eat, and later I took a piece of meat to my mouth.

As soon as I put it in my mouth, I felt a deep and strong smell of charcoal.

And every time I chewed on the soft-textured meat, savory juices spewed out. 

Perfect outside and inside!

Plus, the scent of an unknown herb in the charcoal-grilled scent took the taste to another level. 

" Boss. What's this herb?" 

Its a commonly found grass. It reduces the smell of the meat with a bitter taste, so I often sprinkle it on the meat." 

"Wow it's really good."

When I burst into admiration, others nodded and agreed. 

Speranza kept eating meat, chewing with her small mouth.

Kaneff didnt leave the charcoal fire till the end.

Assorted skewers, shrimp, and various mushrooms were grilled in an instant and placed on the table.

Personally, it was such a perfect skill that I was curious about how the ingredients could be baked so quickly and appropriately.

After making enough food for everyone, Kanef joined the table.

You're a great cook, Boss!

Im not. I can grill on fire and can cook a few simple dishes." 

"Have you ever cooked before Boss?"

I used to cook a lot when I was wandering around with my team." 

I asked about his story with a curious look.

"Werent you the leader or something, Boss. Then aren't you the one with the highest rank? Why did you cook?" 

The answer came from Andras. 

"Mr. Kaneff wasnt the leader from the beginning. I heard he had been a trainee for quite a while." 

Wow the always ordering Kaneff being a trainee. 

I couldn't imagine it easily. 

"I heard the story, too. At first, he was so bad at cooking that he was often scolded by the vice-captai Oops!"

Lia stopped talking in a hurry with an expression that she had made a mistake.

And the surrounding atmosphere quickly became heavy.

Like Lia, who brought it up, Andras also showed signs of being tense. 

Vice captain ?

Who on earth was the Vice captain?

Without knowing what was happening, me and Alfred had no choice but to look around. 

Only Speranza was concentrating on eating regardless of the surrounding atmosphere. 

In the heavy atmosphere, Kaneff burst into laughter. 

"HahahahThat's right. I was scolded a lot then."

Fortunately, the heavy atmosphere was relieved, but an unknown bitter feeling still lingered around.

It wasn't the picnic atmosphere I expected. 

Special measures were needed to change the mood.

I opened the large ice box at the back of the table.

I took out a lot of the contents inside and put it on the table.

"The boss is here, and delicious food is ready. How about a drink?" 

A little interest began to sprout from the stiff faces of the people. 

Moderate alcohol acts as a lubricant in human relationships.

It relieves the awkward atmosphere and makes it easier to bring up stories that are usually difficult to tell.

As soon as Kaneff got a cool can of beer, he took a big gulp. 

"Wow! This beer is really nice. They're made easy to drink." 

"I'm glad you liked it Boss." 

Enjoying canned beer with food as a snack seemed to be a great pleasure. 

Boss especially seemed to enjoy the drink very much.

"Does all beer in your world taste like this?" 

"No, it doesn't. There are a lot of different kinds. It's different from country to country, and there's traditional drinks."

"Hmm That's an interesting story."

When I explained that there were many varieties of beer, Kaneffs eyes began to sparkle.

Thanks to alcohol, the gloomy atmosphere from earlier disappeared, giving it a more comfortable feeling than usual.

Rather, it was Andras' side that became a little annoying. 

"Looking at the container of beer, I can feel the delicate technology. From the way we can open the container comfortably to the solidity of preserving the flavor of beer! It's a lot to learn at a glance." 


"It reminds me of the time when I was learning artifact technology in my family. I was taught quite harshly by my father. Unlike my brother, I was slow to learn"

Andras, a little drunk, constantly poured out his stories.

Normally, Kaneff would have stepped in, but today he didn't seem to care at all as he was immersed in the taste of beer. 

Thanks to that, I had to face Andras, who turned into a talkative person.

Still, Andras and Kaneff had a lot of experience drinking, so they controlled themselves well. 

On the other hand, there was an apparently beginner Demon 

"Hey, are you okay?" 


"You look drunk, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." 

Alfred replied with his little twisted tongue. 

He sipped a beer by himself, and he was a little drunk. 

"Drink moderately. Don't drink too much." 

Yes.Thank you, Senior. 

Alfred was drunk and had a completely different atmosphere.

Usually, he seemed to be a proud noble, but now he seemed like a cute little brother.

He was cute in his own way.

Since I had no hobby of watching the grown-up man's cutesy, I poured water into his cup instead of alcohol so that he would stay sober. 

While I was taking care of Alfred, Speranza, who was next to me, slowly reached out to my beer can.

As soon as I found the figure of the little fox girl, I raised my voice and restrained her actions.

"Stop! Speranza, you can't drink that!" 

"I want to drink the same thing as Papa." 

"No. Speranza is too young to drink this." 


When she was stopped from drinking beer, she complained slightly with an angry expression. 

Looking at that, I remembered when I was scolded for secretly drinking my father's alcohol when I was young. 

It felt very strange to think that I was in my father's shoes now.

"Come on, Speranza. Here, drink this more delicious fruit juice." 

Instead of beer, I gave Speranza a fruit juice with a pretty character on it. 

Maybe the fruit juice was delicious, so she no longer complained about drinking beer. 

Like Speranza, there was one more person who drank fruit juice instead of beer. 

Lia, Don't you drink beer? 

What? Oh I'm fine.


Lia said she was fine, but she couldn't take her eyes off the beer. 

The desire to drink leaked out from her eyes.

Lia is famous for her gluttony. 

I think there's a reason why she's holding it in. 

I thought there would be a reason why she couldn't tell me, so I didn't pester her to drink anymore.

When the heavy atmosphere from earlier completely disappeared and the atmosphere was moderately ripe, I sneaked up the topic I had thought about in advance. 

"Everyone! I have a suggestion. Would you like to hear it?" 

Everyone's eyes met me. 

"It's our first time to get together and talk like this. Why don't we talk about the complaints we have on the farm or what we'd like to improve on our farm life?" 

Talking about the truth in a relaxed atmosphere.

It was something I had thought about in advance while planning to go on a picnic.

It was Kaneff who was in charge of the farm, but I was actually the one who made the most decisions.  

And so far everything on the farm has been done in the way I wanted.

Since I have a large farm family now, I wanted to hear other people's opinions about whether I was missing anything.

Everyone's expressions changed at my suggestion, which was a little serious. 

Papa, what do you mean by improve? 

Yes, it's something that seems to be lacking, or it's something that should be corrected to make it good. What is the thing that our little Speranza want to change?" 


Speranza began to worry with a serious expression that was not like a child.

I waited for an answer, nervous about the more serious appearance than I thought.

After a while, Speranza opened her mouth with her eyes sparkling. 



"I want Papa to play with Speranza more."

Unlike how serious I was to the point of nervousness, a child-like answer came out. 

No From Speranza's point of view, it might be very important

Smiling softly, I brushed Speranza's hair. 

"All right. I got your opinion! I'll try to improve it." 


Speranza liked it so much that she wagged her tail hard and fell into my arms.

Seeing her like it so much, I felt sorry that I couldn't take care of Speranza because I was busy recently. 

I should try to pay more attention to Speranza for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Speranza presented her first opinion. 

The next person to give an opinion was 

"Me! I want to say something." 

Half-drunk Alfred raised his hand.

His eyes were shining as Speranza did earlier. 

"Uh yeah. Speak up Alfred.

I said let's have an honest talk, but now Alfred's appearance is a little disturbing. 

What would he say? 

It's like a boss of a company looking at a new recruit who's half drunk at the first company dinner.

I waited calmly for Alfred's comments. 

He looked around at everyone at the table and opened his mouth. 

"I'm unhappy with everyone here." 

Discontent with everyone? 

A question popped up in everyone's face, including me. 

Hmm I don't remember

I couldn't remember doing anything wrong to Alfred.

Others looked similar to me.

Alfred expressed his dissatisfaction with a really unfair expression when he saw us who had no clue. 

"Why are you why are you guys ostracizing me?" 





(To be Continued)

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