How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Kaneff showed a face full of irritation. 

While Andras and Lia showed a nervous expression.

The first person to move was Kaneff.

He got up and strode out of the building.

Naturally, the rest of us followed him.

Outside the building were some armed knights, soldiers, and few people who looked like office workers.

A middle-aged demon in front of everyone was waiting for us.

The middle-aged demon who took one step forward gave the order again in an overbearing tone.

Praise the Demon Lord.

At those words, the soldier next to him swung the flagpole loudly.

A large drapery hanging from the end flapped and revealed itself.

Lia and Andras suddenly got down on the knees and bowed their head.

I also followed their posture carefully. 

However unlike us, Kaneff raised his head and looked at his opponent with a dissatisfied look.

Seeing his actions, the knights and soldiers became vicious. 

Eyes filled with fighting spirit as if they would draw their  sword and a spear at any moment.

Of course knowing Kaneffs character, he didnt back down either. 

But for me it looked weird.

A person with a character eyepatch on his forehead and a pink neck pillow around his neck..looked hilarious rather than being serious.

The middle-aged demon made the soldiers and knights retreat for a while, and then spoke to Kanef.

" Prince Kaneff, do you really have to do this?"

"what? You must have heard about my rumours, didn't you? Hurry up and finish your work.

To Kaneffs harsh response, the momentum of the soldiers behind the middle-aged demon became more terrifying.

Ha ha hahYou seem to be exactly like the rumours.

After smiling with a displeased face the middle-aged demon took some kind of paper that glowed, out of his chest.

And he began to read it with a solemn attitude.

This is a message from the Demon Lord, who is the owner of the eternal throne, who protects the strict law and rules Arkadan.

Except for Kaneff, Andras and Lia bowed their heads more deeply.

Demon Lord.? Why suddenly?

I was very confused on the inside, but I calmed my mind thinking that it has nothing to do with me

Human who came to this place from another world, step forward.


This time, I couldn't hide his confused face and made a blank expression.

When I looked around, Lia and Andras were sending silent pressure with their eyes, asking me to go forward

Reluctantly, I stepped forward. 

I bow my head to kneel again in front of the middle-aged demon.


Someone grabbed my neck tightly.

Because of that, I was forced to raise my face.

I turned and looked back at the person, who stopped me.


Prince Kaneff!! Whats the meaning of this?"

This guy isnt even a demon, so he doesnt need to be polite. you just read the rest from the paper and go back?

"Think of your relationship with him. Its already gone beyond repairs, but if you keep doing like this, we wouldnt stand it any longer."

"What are you guys going to do?"

In an instant, the atmosphere around me became colder.

The knights and soldiers took out their swords and spears and pointed it at Kaneff.

A fierce tension that seemed to burst at any moment filled the farm.


we weren't the only ones on this farm.

Boo woo woo woo!!!

Feeling the harbinger of battle, Bighorn approached with a terrifying force.

He was ready to break the fence of the barn.

Wh.whats That?!

"It's Yakum! It's Yakum!!

How did it come here

Everyone.Be ready. Get ready for battle! Prepare for the attack !

Ready for battle!

"Ready for battle!"

The knights shouted at the greatly agitated soldiers, and organised their ranks in a hurry.


Wait for a moment.


I screamed at them and ran quickly towards the fence.

Fortunately, Bighorn lowered his momentum and stopped in front of the fence.

Whats wrong Bighorn? Why are you agitated?"

Boo woo woo!! Boo!!

"No. No. They didn't mean to threaten you. They were fighting with each other. I promise.!

I explained the situation to Bighorn by gently stroking his hair.

I tried to make him understand that there is no danger to the herd.

Thanks to my efforts, his hostile spirit subsided.

"okay. Calm down, calm down Bighorn. No one will harm any of you here. Look around, they are just afraid of you

Boo woo.

Bighorn glanced at the demon group for a moment, and then slowly turned around.

Thank you big horn! I'll bring you something delicious later!"

Boo woo woo!

Whew. Thats a close call.

After a brief sigh of relief, I headed back to the place where the demons were.

The expressions of the members of the farm, didnt change much, but the face of the demons who visited the place were greatly distorted.

They opened their mouths as if their jaws were going to fall out and looked at me with bewilderment.



How is this possible.

Is he really a human.

Ahhhhhdid he speak to the Yakum

Yakumthat Yakum.. listened to him.. 

The knights didn't even think about controlling the screaming soldiers, they just stared blankly at me.

Ignoring their reaction, I went straight to Kaneff

"Oh. Boss! You too calm down a bit.!

WhatWhy me.?

What are you so grumpy about.? Theyre just doing their job. Dont make a fuss about useless things.

What.? Theyre the ones who were making a fuss about a useless thing.

Ah. Okay I get it. All civil servants are like that. Don't disturb them. Go in and eat some sweets."

The expression of the demons once again changed bizarre, looking at the way I treated Kaneff, as if I was dealing with a child.


Kaneff clicked his tongue briefly and took a step back.

It looked like he wasn't going to be meddling anymore.

Seeing his reaction, I heard the sound of swallowing the wind from around him.

I turned my head and spoke to the middle-aged demon who still had their mouths open.

" Are you okay?"

"Hmmmm. Yeah. Im fine.

Sorry. Boss has a bit of an eccentric personality.

"It's okay. His eccentricity is very famous among the demons."

When he regained his senses, he answered politely.

And his attitude towards me and his eyes were very soft.

Excuse me, Can you ask the people behind you to put their weapon in and lower the tension? The Yakums are very sensitive, so they must be feeling very uncomfortable.

Yes. I understand. 

Everyone.. Put your weapons down.

The knights and soldiers who listened to the order and quickly lowered their weapons. 

After things have been sorted out to some extent.

I got down on my knees again to show the courtesy, then, the middle-aged demon began to read from the paper he brought. 

It was difficult to understand because of the colourful rhetoric and unique words.

To summarise briefly though.

It was the content that the Demon Lord was very satisfied with what I had done on the farm and was looking forward to my future activities.

Even though you are a human being from another world, the efforts and achievements you have shown should be acknowledged by every Demon. Therefore, in the name of the Demon Lord, for Lim Sihyeon, a reasonable reward will be given.

As soon as the middle-aged demon finished speaking. 

A knight came forward and held out a colourful box toward me.

Oh, what the Demon Lord bestows upon me.

Raise your head and check the box for yourself.

I carefully opened the box according to his words.

It contained a small metal plaque engraved with intricate patterns and luxurious ornaments.

A soft blue light emanated from the hand-sized metal plate.

When I pulled out the rest of the trinket with my hands, a burst of exclamation came from behind.

"Oh my gosh! Sihyeon?!

"Oh oh oh! Congratulations. Sihyeon!"


As soon as they saw the trinket, Lia and Andras congratulated me with great joy.

"What. This is great. Congratulations."

Even Kaneff, who was in a bad mood until now congratulated me and patted on my shoulder.

Human from another No, Lim Sihyeon. Congratulations.

The middle-aged demon also greeted me with a more respectful attitude.

The knights and soldiers who were watching from behind also expressed their courtesy in a concise manner.

I asked, pointing to the jewellery I was holding, with a look that I did not understand the meaning of it.

"I'm sorry. What is this?

Dimensional Realm Management Headquarters. 

When dimensional cracks first appeared on Earth, this organisation was created temporarily to respond to the new disaster.

In the past, the occurrence of rifts, the appearance of dimensional cracks and demons were classified as national threats, so the scale of the Dimensional Management Headquarters was enormous.

But as time passed and society stabilised.

It got changed into a subsidiary organisation.

The work authority that was reorganised and transferred to various organisations. 

Now the organisation is maintained with a reduced number of personnel.

From the outside, people think of it as an organisation with only a shell left.

In reality, only the official work was reorganised.

All unofficial issues that could not be easily disclosed were still being resolved here.

Executive Director Lee SeokIts an Emergency.!

Lee Seok, who is in charge of the Dimensional Management Headquarters, looked at his subordinate who had rushed in.

If it was an ordinary place, the subordinate would be criticised for his rude behaviour.

But it was not a very unusual situation here, due to the nature of the work.

What? Why are you making a big fuss"

A big happening has occured.

What.?Did a demon started selling illegal artifacts?

"no. It's not that kind of big deal see this for yourself.

Director Lee Seok took the documents handed to him by his subordinate and read them quickly.

"What? It's from Ryan Valer."

Demon Ryan Valer from the Inferris Realm.

He was one of the few demons that Director Lee Seok met, and with whom he could really have a proper coversation.

He and his realm never caused problems. 

He always showed a cooperative attitude even when complex problems arose.

Because of Ryan Valer's good impression, Lee Seok read the documents without worrying about the excitement of his subordinate. 

Contrary to his belief, the contents were something, he never could have expected.

"What the hell is this

As of today, Lim Sihyeon has been recognised as Ester' by the Demon Lord. 

Ester was Demon Lords most trusted advisor or personal assistant in the past, but now it's a position close to a honorary post. Since Demon Lord has great expectations for Lim Sihyeon's performance in the future, the Lord has decided to appointed him as Ester.

The documents were filled with very unfamiliar contents even for him, who was greatly knowledgeable in the matters of demon realm.

Lim Sihyeon? ester?  Demon Lord?'

Director Lee Seok felt his head throb as he continued to read the documents.

The gist of the document was that a person named Lim Sihyeon is doing a very important job, and they don't want him to be disturbed in any way. 

I would like to ask for your absolute support and cooperation in relation to Lim Sihyeon from your Earth realm.

Who the hell is Lim Sihyeon?

I thought you would ask it. So I've pulled out some of the recent records related to that person."

Executive Director Lee Seok gave his subordinates a strange look and took over the data. 

The document recorded the simple identity of Lim Sihyeon and the permission for him to go to the demon realm.

Until some time ago, he was a Incomplete awakener, and very recently became a complete awakener. It's an odd case. Huh?" 

As he looked at the records, he began to count the date in his head.

One month, two months, three months. only three months?!'

The period during which Lim Sihyeon began to move into the Demon Realm was a little over two months.

It is said that after working for three months or so, he has obtained the status of Esther. Is this possible?'


He didn't know exactly how much prestige or the status Ester' had.

The Demon Lord has great expectations . . . . . .

This phrase alone means that something big is going on.

Considering the meaning of the Demon Lord to the demons, he could not be an ordinary person.

Bring me every data on Lim Sihyeon.'

"How much?"

All..! If we dont have enough personnel, ask the intelligence department for cooperation using my name. It's an urgent matter. Make it quick"

"All right.

After the subordinate left the room, Director Lee Seok, who was left alone, looked at a piece of paper.

There was a photo of Lim Sihyeon's ID recently printed there.

Lim Sihyeon.

Who the hell are you.


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