How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The next morning, mother returned to her usual self.

Maybe it's because she poured out all of her accumulated emotions, she seemed more relieved than usual.

I also let go of my heavy heart and prepared to go to work as usual.

Ill get going. mom."

Take care of yourself and say thank you to the person who gave the gift.

Okay Ah..Mom, by the way, now that we've paid off our debts, shall we move to a better house?"


This building is old, so the heating and water supply are not good, and it is in a very remote place. 

To cure mother's illness, we left our hometown and came to city where we knew no one.

This was the house we were able to find in our difficult circumstances.

Im grateful to this place for allowing us to stay for several years, but it was also the place that contains most of our sad memories. 

I wanted to let go of this place for the new beginning that awaits us. 

Looking at my mother's eyes, I understood that she didn't hate the idea of moving.

Even after paying off all our debts, we still have some money left. So, don't worry too much about money and think about it. If its not enough, we can get a loan.

"Okay. I'll think about it.

After finishing the brief talk, I left the house. 

As I walked down the alley with light steps, I continued my pleasant imagination about the house to which we will be moving. 

When I got off the subway and almost reached the Inferris office, my phone rang. 

The phone number that I had not seen in a very long time appeared on the screen, I quickly answered the call with pleasure.


"Hello. It's been a while. Uncle!"

Is this Sihyeon?

"You're right. Its the Sihyeon, who used to eat apples from uncles tree every day."

A person who lived next door in our hometown and the person who had a good relationship with my father.

He was a neighbour who always brought me apples grown in his orchard. 

Hearing the hoarse voice of the uncle, whom I haven't heard in a long time, made me feel nostalgic. 

Gosh! I was worried that you might have changed your number.

How are you uncle? 

I'm fine.If you send that much money like that, dont you think I'll contact you.I was surprised when I checked it out this morning. 

"I'm sorry uncle. I should have called you yesterday, but I was distracted by various things."

It seems that uncle contacted me because of the money I sent yesterday while clearing out the debts. 

-You only needed to send the principal, but why did you pay with interest.?

I sent it with a little bit of bank interest as a gratitude for the benevolence you showed us. 

HahaLooks like the Little Sihyeon has grown up. By the way, If you still have debts to pay, pay them first, you dont have to worry about mine.

Its fine uncle. I paid off all our debts. You dont have to worry. 

Hearing the story of paying off all the debt, uncle burst out laughing as if he was really happy.

-Uh-huh! Thats great. Im really happy for you guys. You Dad will also be happy in the heaven.

So when are you coming to your hometown.!

Right now I'm busy with the job. So maybe on father's anniversary later this month.

-Okay. And dont forget to show your face when you come here.

The man spoke softly before ending the call.


Yes uncle?"

You've been through a lot. Youve endure a lot. But you have overcome all that. Your father will be proud of you boy.

For some reason, I felt a choking sensation in my throat. 

I never thought that I was suffering, I just did everything I could do, and hearing Uncles words, it felt like my efforts were recognised for the first time. 

-I'll call you later. Take care Sihyeon. If you ever need any help, contact me at any time.

"Yes Thank you so much uncle."

The call ended, and I couldn't move my legs from the place I was standing for a while.

I felt a sense of accomplishment that I had never experienced for the first time.

Me and my mother went to a large bank in the city for loan advice.

Thousands of people were busy passing by even though it was a weekday.

We waited for our turn to be called.

Soon, we were called.

The male bank clerk wearing the team leader's nameplate blurred his expression as he checked the computer monitor.

Is your son taking a break from work?

I'm still working 

I checked the records. It seems you are getting an income, but there is not clear indication of what job it is. So I can't figure out exactly from where you're getting this income.

I work at the Demon Farm.

I couldn't explain it to the bank worker, so it was very frustrating. 

You said that you need a loan, but when I checked it, it seems it will be a bit difficult."

Is it because I dont have a proper job?

It is, and it also seems that both of you, mother and son have a slightly poor credit ratings. With such a credit rating it may be difficult to get a loan approval.

Mother, who had been listening quietly, carefully brought out her words.

There is a farm in my name in our hometown. Can we use it as a collateral.

I appreciate that, but I don't think a farm can be considered as an asset in this day and age. It is not sufficient for a loan review.

Then, if I find a job, will we get a loan?

"Mom. What are you talking.?!

I interrupted mother's words in surprise.

"Why? I'm fine now. I can go to work.

"no! sorry sir. Please pretend you didn't hear it."

The clerk nodded his head with an ambiguous smile.

A few more questions followed.

In the end, it was all in vain.

The bank clerk just repeated the words with a sad expression on his face.

I don't know if this person really regrets it, but what is certain is that they wont lend us any money.

We exited the bank and sat down on a bench installed next to the building. 

Today, I took a day off from the farm to look for a place to move with mother, but things didn't go as expected. 

House prices are much higher than when we came here a few years ago. 

With the money I have now, it is practically difficult to find a better house. 

So, when we went to the bank to get a loan, we felt like we had only confirmed the frustrating reality, and my heart felt heavy.

Son, shall we just go back to our hometown?

I dont think major treatment is needed now, and I think we can come here during the occasional checkups. 

It wasn't that I didn't think of what mother was thinking.

I also wanted to go back. 

But when I think about the time when mother fell ill, I couldnt bring myself to move back to hometown.

When mother fell ill, we couldn't get any help from the small local hospital in our hometown for mothers treatment. 

So without much choice left we came here.

Even now mother is not completely healed, so we need to be here in case of any emergency.

While I was sighing while thinking about the past, my phone rang.

It is a call from Ryan.

Mom, wait a minute. I got a call from work.

"Ya. okay. Go take it.

I connected the call a little off the bench.

-Hello. Sihyeon.

Hi.Ryan. What's going on?"

Didnt you say that you were going to look for a new house today. So how is it going.?

Wellwe havent decided yet. Finding a new house is not as easy as I thought.

-Did you have any problems? 

Normally, I wouldn't have spoken, but today, perhaps because of the frustration, I briefly told my situation.

That's what happened. Where are you right now?

Yes.? Here.. In front of Happi Bank

Please wait there for a moment. 

After asking where I was, Ryan abruptly ended the call. 

I was a little confused, but I didn't really care and headed back to my mother's bench. 

Did anything urgent happen?

"no. I don't think it's a big deal. Mom, would you like to rest here, a little longer?"

For now, as requested by Ryan, I decided to wait for a while. 

Drinking drinks from a nearby vending machine, I watched the busy people walking in the street. 

Lately, I've only spent time on farm, where it's hard to see people, so it wasn't bad to just look at people blankly.

While I was spending time on the bench with my mother.

You are here!

Someone rushed out of the bank entrance.

It was the bank employee who helped us with counselling earlier. 

He came running, so he gasped for a while as he stood in front of us.

"Heh Uk. The two of you Heh Wait a minute."

What.? Why?

The branch manager is looking for you because of the loan you discussed earlier. Can you come in with me?" 

The relaxed expression on his face was gone, and I felt a very nervous feeling all over his body.

At the earnest request of the staff, me and mother headed back to the bank building.

Following the guidance of the bank employee, we arrived in a room, where a high-ranking person greeted us.

Welcome. My name is Kim Hyungsoo, the in charge of this branch here.

"Ah yes"


The person who introduced himself as the head of this place welcomed us very warmly, and mother and I  greeted him with a surprise. 

As soon as we were seated comfortably under his guidance, the bank clerk handed the paperwork to Kim Hyungsoo. 

At first glance, it seemed to be a document about me and mother.

Kim Hyungsoo glanced through the documents and put them aside to one side of the table in front of him.

And he opened his mouth with a commercial smile.

"haha. Did you visit the bank for a housing loan? Thank you. This time, there is a scheme with a really good interest rate, and I will explain it to you.

The situation was 180 degrees different from before, and mother and I were puzzled. 

thething is. branch manager. These people do not meet the requirements for. 

Uh-huh! Clerk Kang. Be quiet. If you have time to say something useless, go out and get some coffee for the guests.

No wait. It would be much better to go to a cafe and bring them a premium coffee. 

The branch manager took the card out of his wallet and handed it to the clerk.

The clerk looked at us with a puzzled look on his face and asked me and mother. 

Customers. What would you like to order?

Then Ill have a green tea latte cool

mom.Why.? It's better to just say thank you' in this case.

What its impolite to turn down their offer.

"haha. Like your mother said its fine. You can do it as much as you want, too.

I ended up in a very embarrassing situation.

After that, the conversation with the branch manager Kim Hyungsoo went smoothly. 

Unlike what the clerk said, he reassured me and my mother that he would lend us unconditionally. 

He said it too easily, that it felt like hes a scammer rather than a branch manager.

Once again we came out of the bank office, but this time not with a dull face.

"Son. What happened? Did you ask anyone you know? The branch manager was very kind to us, wasnt it?

Ugh. that."

When I was confused exactly like my mother about what happened, my phone rang.

Its from Ryan. 

This time too, I got away from mother and connected the phone.

-Ah! Did your banking work go well?

It worked out fine. What the hell did you do?"

I didn't do anything special. I asked some of the people I met naturally while staying in this realm. 

In a short time of less than a few minutes, he made the branch manager of a large Bank shake. Who is he.?

Im sorry because of me you had to

Not at all! Didnt I tell you last time, the appreciation for what you did cant be fully paid with that small amount of money.

Yeah.But isnt it just you being polite.?

Absolutely not. In fact, I didn't want to lend the money, I wanted to give it to you, but this place seems to have its own rules

When Ryan said it like that, it seemed to ease a little bit of the burden.

If there is any difficulty, please tell me.

Why did I ever thought of quitting the farm and going back to hometown.

I forgot about the family I got at farm.

I felt a little prick in my heart, so I deliberately exaggerated the answer to Ryan.

Is it possible.? I decided to have a lifelong employment at the Demon Farm.

-Hahaha.very good.

Ryan laughed out loud as if he liked my answer.

And If you haven't found a house you like yet. I'll send you a text message, try calling the number there.

"Thank you for caring about me. Ryan 

-It was nothing.

Then I'll see you next time I go to work.

After talking to Ryan. I checked the text and called the written contact number.

"Ah. Yes. I contacted you to find a house to move to"

" This is the house. Come on in.

I followed the real estate agent who was introduced to me and entered the house.

" Its much cleaner than I thought.

"right? It's been about 3 years since the building was built. So it's almost like new house. This house is also very clean as it has only been used for a little over a year and a half. 

The overall view from the living room was not bad.

Living room, kitchen and bathroom. 2 large rooms and 1 small room.

It felt just right, neither too small nor too big for two people to live in.

The location of the house there was also very good.

Above all, transportation is convenient. Both mother's hospital and Inferris office were not far away.

Mother, who looked carefully at the house, seemed to like it quite a bit.

What is the deposit for this house? 

It will probably be a lot cheaper than you think. This is like long-term rental housing provided by the state.

The price the broker showed was definitely affordable.

With less than 200 million won, it is impossible to find a house with this kind of location.

Upon hearing the amount, mother seemed to have completely hardened.

I am not talking because I am a broker, it is better to sign a contract here. Its really hard to find a property like this.

Then when can we move?

The house is already vacant, so you can move in immediately after depositing the down payment. 

Mother and I decided to sign a contract right away.

Like the time with bank manager earlier, the conditions were too good.

There were times when I suspected that it might be a scam, but the broker's kind and detailed explanation quickly cleared my suspicion.

I signed a contract for a much better house than I expected.

It had been a long time since I could see my mother smile like this.

"Mom. Do you like it?"

Of course. It really feels like a dream.

"Wait a minute. Next time we'll move to a much better house." 

"Ugh! This is enough for mom, so dont spend money on weird things, try saving it well. For you and your future wife. 

Mother smiled excitedly imagining the furniture she would bring into the new home.

My steps became lighter with pride.

When things went smoothly, I thought of Ryan, who was really helpful.

I'll have to get some presents for him later.


While buying a gift for Ryan, shall I also buy presents for my family in the farm.


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